

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Have you ever heard the saying that you never know how what you say affects someone. Well tonight I turned on my computer and went to MFP where I had three messages from MFP friends saying they were thinking of me. It made my heart glad. I've been really lost the last few weeks and couldn't find the strength to get back on program. Thanks to my buddies, I've got a new resolve to make my health a priority.
    My December goals: 1. log my food. 2. Drink 8 glasses of WATER everyday and 3. walk at least 5,000 steps a day.
    Sue in Cold, icy TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, the online yard sales are on facebook. My daughter told me about them. I like them because they are yard sale prices, not consignment store prices. I haven't seen anything about anyone shipping but these are all local in this city. And frankly if I am going to get something at a yard sale I want to see it for myself. You are getting something for a really cheap price and you may be getting real cheap stuff. I see a lot of coach purses, etc on there and I would really wonder if those are the real deal. But there re a lot of clothes, appliances, car parts. Something for everyone. If you want something to be shipped there is always Craigslist.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Have you ever heard the saying that you never know how what you say affects someone. Well tonight I turned on my computer and went to MFP where I had three messages from MFP friends saying they were thinking of me. It made my heart glad. I've been really lost the last few weeks and couldn't find the strength to get back on program. Thanks to my buddies, I've got a new resolve to make my health a priority.
    My December goals: 1. log my food. 2. Drink 8 glasses of WATER everyday and 3. walk at least 5,000 steps a day.
    Sue in Cold, icy TX

    Welcome back! You've been missed.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry I didnt check in;last night, I worked until 6 yesterday we got about 4-5 inches of snow,,so I am the one that does the shoveling of the ramp and walk at work so I did that, last night I had my mammogram, I think things have come to a head with the hubby, wont call him darling because he is not, now I understand he came home and snowblowed the 2 driveways ,and had to feed the dogs, I called around 5;30 , we do not have caller id, so it rang about6 times he picked up the phone and screamed hello and slammed the phone back down.. needless to say I was stunned..when I came home he totally ignored me,i just washed my face and went to bed.he usually in the morning comes in to say goodbye to the dogs he didnt even do that.,
    Really? I dont need this stress, he didnt even eat the dinner I made for him yesterday..
    In my opinion I dont want to be stuck in a car for 2 days with this man. I can escape when I am down in florida, but will be stuck in the car for 2 days..
    sorry to vent, woke up with a headache.. gee I wonder why..not much in the mood for exercise or even food for that matter:frown:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    grandmallie- Sending you lots of hugs!! I have been in the same position in the past and it is no fun. Be safe and remember you do not deserve that kind of treatment. Hope he comes to his senses before you begin the long trip.

    Deb A in CNY
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Grandmallie,I have no advice to offer,but thinking of you & Hope you can make it to Fl without boppin him one:grumble:

    Just a thought,maybe you can use ear phones & ignore what you don't need to hear! You are the one losing weight,walking miles,making separate meals,working every day,What is his problem.Does he need a check up or is this his " normal" way of treating ppl? Keep yourself safe & vent all you want. Pat C in Ohio. Where it was 8' at 5am:sad:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I have my potato baking in the oven for lunch. Don't have it often, but DH is off for his walk. It is a glorious sunny day here.

    Mamanee - I agree with the others. It sounds like early dementia to me or has she always been like this. I'm not quite sure why the hospital is allowing this sort of behaviour - get one of the doctors on your side. Good luck!:flowerforyou: I have every sympathy with you. Several of my friends have aged parents and it is the most stressing thing. There is lots of help and advice available from charities. In this country we have Age Concern. I'm sure there is something similar. They have a wealth of experience with this sort of thing. You don't have to suffer alone.

    AnneCaroline - so glad you are recuperating.:flowerforyou: it feels wonderful when you first are able to do things and get outside, doesn't it. A kind of miracle.:happy:

    Juanita- good news from your family. You have had a lot on your mind recently. I hope they continue to strengthen.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie - I can only add to everyone's expression of support for you.:love: I know you will find a way forward. :heart: Listen to your instincts and your heart and you will figure something out. There are many options open to you, why not try writing some of them down to clarify your thoughts. Again, I always suggest a third party who is unbiased to talk to. When I was unhappy I went alone to Marriage Guidance, or there are other women's charities you can talk to for advice. I know you are a wise woman and very resilient and creative. Big hugs. :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Bye for now, Heather in bright and sunny Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    thanks friends~
    yes I am sort of between a rock and a hard place, even the dogs arent eating this morning...it is frigid cold here today..
    yes I should probably talk with someone..
    I have tried to talk to him,(not today) but at other times about his anger issues and he starts swearing at me and tells me to go ( well you know the rest)
    really?I might not work 40 hrs,but I cook, and do cleaning, laundry,make food for him for dinner and lunch.. run errands ,pay bills,
    I know he works hard at his job,I never have said he doesnt,I dont complain when he goes to florida,if he wants to do something with the guys at work.. go have a ball. but he constantly nit picks at me..
    we went to counseling a long time ago and he wont go anymore,but I swear the man has a screw loose somewhere:huh:
    I will get through it like I always do.. he doesn't do anything physically,but the mental abuse is getting old..
    I have been through one divorce and and I dont need another under my belt, we would both lose alot financially ..
    Oh well I will pray about it and see maybe once we get to Florida I can talk to him about some of his behavior in a different atmosphere:indifferent:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: Nice to see your post!!! The book sounds interesting, please pass on some tips:bigsmile: !

    Sue in TX:smile: I was thinking about you yesterday:flowerforyou: ! So glad to see you back!

    Grandmallie:smile: I really don`t know what to tell you:frown: , so I`ll just send you a big hug:heart: and hope things with hubby calm down soon:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    Meg:smile: Are you sure it`s just water:huh: :wink: :laugh: ! Congrats on getting rid of .6 this week!

    Running late this morning as usual :grumble: ! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in finally sunny:glasses: but chilly NC
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning from chilly NC,

    At least the Carolina Blue is back. I was so thankful to see it yesterday afternoon.

    Had a blast with all my girlfriends last night. Eric camped out back in the bedroom and of course I took him some dinner. We would have let him join us but he "declined". The food was awesome and I did eat more than I should have. But back on track today with exercise and logging my food.

    Exercise yesterday was tough. It felt like I was slogging through a swamp! I guess it is time for a change up in the routine. Maybe I will do a Leslie Sansone DVD today instead of the elliptical.

    grandmallie: I'm praying for you.:smile:

    Trying to decide if I am going to go out and do some shopping today. Not really looking forward to it because I just don't have any idea what to buy for people this year. So far I only have one thing for each of the children. I guess I am waiting for inspiration to hit me! That and I need to talk things over with Eric.

    Better get going.

    I hope you all have a blessed day,

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grandmallie, it breaks my heart that you are going through this with such a hurtful man. Please remember that mental abuse IS abuse! I have been through physical abuse and mental abuse and I can assure you that the mental wounds take much MUCH longer to heal. It took me about 20 years to feel like I deserved to be treated well. If he refuses to admit that he has a problem then there isn't much you can do by yourself except to take care of your own needs. Please call a safe house and see if they can give you advice. How long have you been married to him? Has he always been this way, or is it something new? Could it be something medical on his part? Is he mean to other people or animals? Do you have family or female friends nearby that you can talk to? When one of my friends got divorced for the second or third time, a bunch of us got together for lunch and celebrated. She was like you, she didn't want another divorce under her belt, but she's is so much happier now!

    Good luck and please let us know how you are doing. A lot of us have been where you are, and we are worried about you.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: You are in my prayers. Is there someone you can talk to, like a doctor, relative, or pastor? Hugs.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bumping again to mark my place....

    Grandmallie, I'll add my prayers to MamaCindy's and send you a hug, too! It is hard to figure out where those behaviors originate.

    When I am struggling with an issue or situation I sometimes type a document to write down all that I am feeling. Then I obsess with refining it to the nth degree to say precisely what I want. I may, or may not, ever use it, but find it helps me to crystallize all the facets for me. If I go forward I can present it, or it helps me to stay on point in a verbal discussion (heated or otherwise) -- instead of being sidetracked by my emotions. (So easy for me to be sidetracked....)

    RE: Aging parents - we've been there, too, and it is not a fun place. Prayers for all of you as well.

    Remember me mentioning the 66 yo choir director from a former church marrying a younger gal and her just having a baby in September? Unfortunately he had a quadruple bypass surgery just before Thanksgiving, which seemed to go well, but he has been readmitted to the hospital. If you're a praying kind, please lift them all up. Thanks....

    Well, off to work again... Boss is away on business for a couple of days so it will be wild OR wonderfully quiet. I never know which...

    Meg - I saw the Omaha temp on the news, YIKES! We had a low in the low 20's and there is frost outside -- plenty enough winter for me.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Grandmallie just a thought is your hubby maybe feeling threatened by your weight loss?
    My hubby is very much the same as yours very vocal and a real drama queen at times, very hard to ignore
    But now I just walk away.years ago I lost a lot of weight and he got really wierd too even for him, then through some talking he
    Thought I would leave him now I was slimmer, yah like I needed another man, lol but thier minds are so different and sometimes they can't express thier feelings, at least my dh is like that . Certainly know how you feel and yes it gets old,
    Hugs and hang in there:heart:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    Sylvia~ no he hasn't always been like this, and no he is sweet as pie to the dogs,He is a worry wart about alot of things and bottles it up and then he explodes.
    He has never hit me,and this has has just started getting worse over the past few months..
    I just keep saying the serenity prayer over and over..I know it will blow over, and I will pray about it, please keep me in yours
    Thanks for sending the love~ it truly means alot :heart:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Cold here, but sunny, and that sun sure is welcome as we have just passed thru another stretch of dreary, cloudy and rainy days.

    Katla, and others with snow........would love to have some, we get it rarely.......growing up in Pa. and living in Mi. for 7 yrs. you would think I'd seen enough.

    Heather...........Whole orange cake sounds marvelous; I've been eating those little clementines. Glad you are able to get together with your brother and have that all worked out! The other night when I was watching the French film with sub-titles, I thought of you doing this too.

    My Intentional Act of Kindness yesterday was to phone and have lengthy conversations with two elderly cousins.

    The car is fixed and back at college (finally!!!!!)..........final kicker there was finding out that DD had parked the car at the Walmart garage and TOOK the keys with her .......I asked her if she expected them to carry it into the service bay????? Chalk it up to live and learn; but really?????? Final bill came to just under $200.00
    just what I needed.

    Sylvia........hope Bruno is back to his normal, he sounds to be such a darling when he isn't in trouble.

    mamma_nee.........I'd say enlist a dr. and have a geriatric psych eval done, sounds very much like dementia and your father cannot be allowed to continue in an abusive situation; it;s difficult, I know and my heart goes out to you.

    meg.........like everyone else here, I just start over, there's no limit on the times we can do this.......sounds like the latch key child is becoming part of your family.....

    Michele.........good for you for giving a class to only one!!!! I like your thinking!!!

    Juanita...........best wishes for your brothers continued recovery

    granmallie..........It's all been said, my 2 cents are document, document, document.........sooner or later someone: a lawyer, a dr., a judge.........someone, is going to want to hear the history of this abuse...........and you can go to therapy or such on your own.
    Hugs to you, but please have a safe place to go (at any hour), and collect witnesses and documentation (kept outside of your home). It might also be a good idea to have a stash of cash with a friend available for you if an immediate need arises.

    The Dallas Buyers Club was pretty good; amovie about the treatment of Aids/HIV in it's earliest days and based on true events. Certainly not an upper but I didn't fall asleep
    my yardstick these days.

    The Christmas lunch planning for the exercise group has fallen into my lap---after I said I was too busy the first time around; we were supposed to go this past Monday but cancelled due to so many ill so now plans must be started again.........not pleased to be put in this position.........will make a few phone calls starting today, not feeling the spirit at all on this one.

    Got to run, take care all,
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning from the Land Of Ten Thousand Frozen Lakes,

    Mamma-nee Prayers to you. Sometimes you need to come first.:flowerforyou:

    Heather I am glad you heard from your brother.

    Jfenner and DeeDee thanks for water reminder. I went and got some lime water.

    Meg nice plan B when no instructor for water exercise.

    Grandmallie sounds like a change in personality. What does his doctor say? Hugs to you. You deserve to be treated with respect.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy sounds like a great night out.

    Michele hope your stomach trouble are behind you.:flowerforyou:

    Annacarolone healing thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    jb I read Eating MIndfully too. It helped me recognize some of my trigger points.

    Juanita continued prayers for brother and sister-in-law.:flowerforyou:

    Sue warm thoughts to you. Glad you are finding your way back to health. I know hope it sometimes feels like one step forward, two steps back.

    My intentional act of kindness is not to substitute today. I need to take care of somethings for myself today.
    I decided if I cannot take out time to be kind to myself I do not have the energy to be kind to others. Saying No is sometimes an act of kindness in itself.

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    So glad to be back :bigsmile: But so many pages to go through:noway:
    Well we had a super time, met so many of our old friends and was happy to maintain my good eating habits.
    NSV was squeezing in walk cum jog every day.....:blushing:
    NSV was have not gained weight after a holiday :love:
    NSV was when old friends said I looked fitter than they ever remembered, but honestly most of the women seemed fitter than their husbands. Yay for all women:drinker:
    Today feeling like shamming my exercise, will go for a short run tomorrow morning, as I train for the Pinkathon 10k run this sunday:bigsmile:
    Grandmallie keeping u in my prayers.
    All the rest of u my friends waiting to read up whats going on in your lives.
    Wishing u all a joyous and healthy time ahead:heart:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    It's nice to meet with women of my age.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning from cold Nebraska. We got our first snow on Saturday and sure makes it feel like Christmas. I am trying to catch on reading. I get so behind. Welcome to all the new ladies. You have come to the right place for support.
    Well I got my Christmas cards done and mailed. I thought I was cutting back, but alot of people we only hear from once a year. So I ended up sending close to 140. But recieving cards is one of my favortie things about Christmas. I have most my shopping done so think I am doing ok. I just keep telling myself to just take it one day at a time. I agree this must be the time of year for grazing. I find myself looking for something to snack. Last couple days been over my calories. I did lose .2 this last week.

    Juanita--Prayers and hugs to you and your family.

    Sylvia---I love the story about the keys. Sounds like something I would do. Those dogs are lucky to have you as neighbors. I agree we treat our puppies like part of the family. They are never left outside and with the cold they are out and back in in record time. We have a fenced in yard and I like that. At night they sleep in the bed with us. One on top the blanket and the little one under by our feet.

    Viv--I agree I enjoy the Christmas movies. I won't watch them until after Thanksgiving and then I watch almost everyday.

    Heather-- Isn't it funny what the DGC get us to do. We have our DGD Paytn atleast once a week. She is 5 and just started school this year. Acouple weeks ago she wanted to play school, so DH and I are the students. Anyway she did not think DH was listening and so she kicked him out of class. It was so funny. But the memories are great. You lead such an interesting life I just love reading all you have done and are planning. Someday I would like to do some traveling. Take a tour of US on our Trike.

    Rita--Hope you get the deal with SS worked out. It is so hard to correct something once they mess it up. We took this class from church by David Rasmy acouple years ago and he said you should get a copy of your credit report from the three major credit places once a year. When we were car hunting I though it would be a good time to get ours. Anyway they sent us a letter saying DH had no credit history. He is 59 years old and they have no history. We paid off all our credit cards acouple years ago and only payment we have is the house. They wanted me to send proof of who I am as their records don't agree with the info I gave them. What a mess.

    Michele--good luck with the insurance reimbursment. I am still trying to get the check cashed from my insurance company to pay the guys that did the work on our house. I sent the check to BOA office in CA and the tracking showed they got it last Friday. I am still waiting for the papers we are to sign before they will send me a check back. What a mess.

    Joyce--sometimes families can be so judgemental. Sounds like you and your brother are very caring and the adopted brother is lucky to have you in his life. It is easier to help someone who looks (NORMAL) but the ones that need our help are the not the pretty ones. We have to have Christmas with my son on Christmas eve and my step son on Christmas day. When the kids were growing up we trled treating them all as one family. Now that they are older and have familes of their own that does not work. So do the best we can.

    Renny--glad your mom was not hurt in her fall. I agree being long distance from our parents is not easy. My mom and dad live about a 4 hour drive. Since dad had his heart attack I make sure I call atleast once a week. But worry about them. Last week mom had the flu and couldn't get up off the sofa for 3 days. Of course she didn't tell anyone of us kids. Thank God she has a good friend who came over and made sure dad got his meds and that they had something to eat. I do wish they lived closer.

    Well I will finsh catching up with reading. Just wanted to check in. Hope you all are keeping warm and safe.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE