

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Rita, so sorry he is sabotaging you..
    keep going to Curves, and if you have to keep a stash of food that you like, even if it is in your car..
    all I can tell you is to be firm in your convictions. Dont let him bully you(like I should talk) you got a friend in me girlfriend you know that..
    I haven't been doing great over the last few days,but once we get on the road and get to florida will be right back on track with alot of exercise and eating right...:wink:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. I won't be able to be here much at all today and tomorrow, but please know I'll be sending good thoughts your way. Take care meg
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Rita, sorry for that situation. Is he always home when you are? I've been known to say thanks / delish, and then dump something down the disposal when I have no witnesses, just to keep the peace. Or take it to work (or wherever) and dump it elsewhere.

    DeeDee - I just read farther back and saw your question. Yesterday and today have been wild, but at least not WOOLY! He'll be back tomorrow.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!What a day,spent 6 hours waiting for the van to get repaired again.
    Did get our real tree,which is a tradition of ours.
    To tired to think,will cacth up in the am
    ps we had a temp of -7 this am and wc of -10 to -25,burrr
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello everyone. I just joined and wanted to introduce myself. I am 52 years old and I am about 20-25 pounds overweight. I have actually lost about 20 pounds already but I am just plain stuck. Stuck in motivation, struggling to stop eating things I KNOW I shouldn't, struggling with my health a bit. About a year ago I found out that I have high blood pressure and my cholesterol was a bit too high. This is partially inherited as all my immediate family members except my mom has the same problem. My dad has had a few heart attacks and is not in good health now. I don't want to become limited like he is.

    I try hard to eat better foods. Very few processed foods, eat a lot of fruits and a decent amount of veggies. No pork, only beef in small quantities, chicken and turkey. My biggest downfall is sweets. Even after a good meal I crave sweets.

    Like I said, I lost 20 pounds but I am having a hard time now sticking to a plan. I lost using Weight Watchers and I know that tracking my food works for me. But, due to boredom or something I just keep grabbing things like toast with homemade jam, or the most evil of all... Mountain Dew. '

    Hoping to get to know all of you and finally kick this weight loss into gear.

    Lisa in Mid Missouri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have been thinking all day about what it must have been like to live in cold temperatures before electricity other kinds of furnaces……yesterday morning I talked to a friend who had been deer and elk hunting in temperatures way below freezing and had stayed in a tent with a wood stove to keep them warm. I am so grateful for my furnace and heat pump.

    :flowerforyou: So many of you have much colder and snowier and icier weather than we have here……I am grateful every morning that I can take the dogs out and that I have the right clothing to keep me warm. When it gets below freezing I wear Jake’s rain pants over my jeans and long johns. I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer in the bathroom so when I get dressed first thing in the morning to take the dogs out, I can see the outdoor temperature and decide what extra layers I need to add to my outfit.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jb, I love your new song…..I think I saved the lyrics from the ones from last year….I’ll have to go look for them.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today
    two and half minute plank
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Heather---Oh my! I want Christmas Pudding!!!!! I could eat a whole one all by myself. Made them last year and gave a couple away to friends. Christmas Pudding is on my last meal list. The royal iced and fondet Christmas cake sounds wonderful. I can visualize the decorations and how thrilled children would be to see a cake like that on Christmas day! I would be giddy! EEK! Wonderful memories for your family!

    Patohce- I think you have to do what Barbie does and that is throw out any food in the house that is processed, sugary or sabotages your healthy eating. Barbie said when she got serious with her eating habits, she threw out her muffin pans, baking rounds and anything that would facilitate the ability to bake sweets. I had to clear out the processed stuff and not buy any flour or sugar. My Dad likes to eat junk and I try my best to cook fresh for him, then he says, pick up some Pringles for me when you go to Walgreens. Arghhhh.

    Kevrit- Have you had any blood work done where you can show your DH the results? If you have high cholesterol or triglycerides, pre-diabetic... the results on paper may influence his cooking healthy for you. Maybe show him how you want to bring those numbers in to normal range and diet is critical. Just a thought.

    Going to read the message board and see what wackiness in going on tonight.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr of Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do deep water class. Today I need to stop at the soup kitchen, give them my last donation for this year along with a printout of my donations for the year then go to the post office to mail Christmas cards. Tomorrow before the water class I'll stop at CVS (or maybe after the class, not sure, depends on the time) to get Cheerios. They're on sale and I have a $5 coupon. So even tho Cheerios are usually quite high in price, with the coupon they won't be that bad.

    Susan Richter - I like to list the titles of my DVD's if I can because it's just so easy to say "did a Jari Love DVD", well, which one? I'm constantly on the lookout for ideas for new DVD and books (I put the one "Mindful Eating" (is that the title?) on my wish list at Amazone so maybe I'll get it for Christmas. How wonderful that you are advocating for your father! I have another question for anyone: how did people in Florida (especially the southern part) survive temps in July and August before air conditioning????

    patcoh - when I get a food gift that I really don't care for, I just donate it to the soup kitchen. Actually, I donate a lot to them, better on their hips than mine is how I feel....lol I know that's terrible...but it's also true.

    DeeDee - good for you freezing the Snickers! Guess I'm partial to any Mars product siinse helps (very very little) to pay Vince's pension....lol

    Cindy - congrats on holding your plank for a minute! You'll build yourself up, that's for sure. I've been at holding mine for 2 min 30 seconds now for quite a while. Maybe after the holidays I'll be able to do more. Congrats on throwing that pie away. I know how hard it can be, but in the end it's worth it.

    Went to the soup kitchen today, then the post office, then had some time so I went to CVS. They had Cheerios on sale 3/$9 so I got 2 boxes (large boxes). I used my $5 coupon plus I had another $1 off coupon, so in the end I only paid for the tax. Then went to WalMart. Boy, are they particular about coupons! Well, I had bought some spaghetti on sale and used my coupon so it wound up being free, so I returned it there and got some other food items that I needed. Then home and made this rosemary shortbread for tomorrow. Because it has rosemary in it, I am thinking that it is something that should be with the dinner. But shortbread? I always thought of that as a cookie. Now I have some cornbread muffins in the oven for Christmas Eve.

    Tomorrow I'll stop at BiLo and get what I need, I need the meat for tomorrow night so I'll get it then, less for my refrigerator.

    Oh, I remember having to use the outhouse when we went to see my cousin's grandmother in PA.

    jb - what wonderful lyrics! Made me smile. Thanks so much for that, I needed it around now.

    grandmalle - safe travels

    Heather - last year this worked out well so I did it again this year. I sent the kids a link to my Amazon wish list. They then send an email to Vince and everyone else in the family of what they got so no one else gets that item. Too funny you sent the same list!

    yanniejannie - thanks for the link for the song. Beautiful!

    Rita - I feel so behind, too. I think part of it is the fact that Thanksgiving was so late this year. My heart goes out to you not having support from your hubby. As a chef, can you give him the challenge that he can't make a dish that tastes good AND be healthy? Can he resist a challenge???? Bet that he can't do it, and see what happens!

    I just prelogged my food, am just a bit over on calories. I honestly didn't feel like I had a lot but those darn calories add up. I will be SOOO glad when these holidays are over.

    janemartin - we always used to get a real tree. We'd go to the tree farm in October, tag the tree that we wanted, then went back in December and had it cut down. The kids always thought the greatest part of getting that tree was riding in the tractor!

    Welcome Lisa!

    Michele in NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here's another one :laugh: a remake of the popular Christmas song, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"

    ♫ I saw Mommy eat a Snickers bar, underneath the mistletoe last night,
    She didn't mean to cheat, she thought she'd be discreet,
    The package rattled, thus she tattled, waking me from sleep;
    Then I saw Mommy grab some cookies, too; a piece of fudge and then a slice of pie!
    Oh, what a cry she's gonna wail, when she gets on the scale!
    Mommy's bound for pounds this Chrisssstmas time! ♫

    :smile: jb
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Here's another one :laugh: a remake of the popular Christmas song, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"

    ♫ I saw Mommy eat a Snickers bar, underneath the mistletoe last night,
    She didn't mean to cheat, she thought she'd be discreet,
    The package rattled, thus she tattled, waking me from sleep;
    Then I saw Mommy grab some cookies, too; a piece of fudge and then a slice of pie!
    Oh, what a cry she's gonna wail, when she gets on the scale!
    Mommy's bound for pounds this Chrisssstmas time! ♫

    :smile: jb

    This is fabulous, jb.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    My husband is the same. We are both independent so we each fend for ourselves! Thank God I have home nurses coming in daily. The second day home from the hospital I was told to make my own dinner! I have to tell him firmly and often that I cannot do some of the things I used to and I won't compromise my health for him. That is where I draw the line in the sand! It gets lonely sometimes carrying the load by yourself- you have to remind yourself of your successes to give continued motivation! I think many husbands feel threatened when their wives change their lifestyles and start losing- especially if they have no motivation to do so themselves!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Just read the "Let it Go" song. Hilarious! I'm going to forward that to all my girlfriends!

    I saw this on our local station this week: Granny Loves to Hunt. I hope I'm in that good of shape when I'm 98


    I took a good long walk out in our sunny but chilly neighborhood. Then came home and filled our kindling box. Still lots to do before I meet my DD this afternoon.


    I looked this one up and loved it. Thanks for sharing. Granny is an amazing woman.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I guess I am glad in a way that we do eat out every night. Yes, we eat out, I am a diabetic and eat out. We both fix our own breakfast and lunch and then go out and he orders what he wants for supper and I order what I want. I have hoped through watching me that he would learn something but he isn't. Now we do buy much more healthy at the grocery store so what he eats at home is usually a lot healthier. He eats my 35 calorie bread, uses my I can't believe it's not butter, eats my weight watchers duge bars and 100 calorie popcorn. So he is eating healthier.

    He called his insurance today and they did find his cardiologist on the insurance so he is covered on that. Also when he called the DR office they said that the insurance did accept one doctor in his group as a provider so that any patient wouldn't have to leave the practice, just change physicians.

    I can just kick myself for being such a procrastinator. After jsut 4 does of my antibiotic my sinuses are so much better. I have only taken one cough drop today. My sister says that on the phone my voice still sounds like I have congestion but I really don't feel it and I'm not blowing out all that stuff, Sorry, to much info. Looking forward to getting my bike this weekend. It will really help on those days I don't feel like going out or the weather doesn't like me. It is supposed to snow and rain this weekend though and I hope it doesn't make this woman change her mind about meeting us at her storage facility.

    Found me a good Christmas station on Pandora tonight. I like the old stuff,

    Joyce, indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Vit F friends - :flowerforyou: I have lost that pesky 0.5 lb! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Phew! That took 4 days of upping the cardio a bit and eating 1450 cals. See, the science does work! :laugh:

    Now only one lb to my 4 stone. You will hear. my shriek of delight as far as Alaska! :laugh:
    Part of me wants to get it done by Christmas, but I am telling myself, this is for Life, not just for Christmas, so I shall just keep on as best I am able and not stress. :smile:

    Still got to do the weight training this morning, but I am resting after my cardio.
    Michele - I love the titles of your videos. You are a wonder. When I saw your photo I had real arm envy, they certainly do look "Ripped" !! ! ! ! ! ! :love: :flowerforyou:

    Kevrit - strength to you. :flowerforyou: :love: I agree with the person who said as a chef he should take on a challenge. How about a bet? He is so afraid you are going to get slim and leave him. But most men can't resist a challenge. I have found with my DH that it is best to plant a little seed of an idea, just casually, and then walk away from it as if it's no big deal. It lets the little seed grow, rather than having a long discussion about something they are stubborn about. If it affects his ego he might think about it and the seed will start to push at him. Next time you bring it up his vanity as a chef will have been working at him.
    I think we all have to find ways to manage our men and the older they get the more set in their ways they are. And of course every one is different. I did learn after my first marriage ended that praising them for things they do well does go a long way. I didn't do that before and learnt the hard way how much they need to feel appreciated. Now I am much better at it and, having made a conscious effort to change, it is now a good habit.
    Of course some men are just lost causes or downright evil and then it is the time to leave. Most are just a bit lost and inadequate and some are paragons, but I haven't met many of those!! ! ! ! !:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    Good luck and love to all who are struggling.

    A bit of present wrapping today I think.

    Love Heather in dreary Hampshire UK

    Forgot to say I'm loving the lyrics.. My mum used to sing the mistletoe one to me.:flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: You are so talented:bigsmile:! You and Janie both crack me up:laugh: ! It`s always good to start the day off with a laugh!

    I really have no more time this morning:sad: ! Thinking of you all:heart: and wishing you a wonderful day filled with happiness, peace and joy, oh yes and weight loss!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly NC

    New profile pic is of Noel in her Mrs. Claus dress:love::heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~ was up early, had my lemon water and iced the heel and off to the gym...came home had some breakfast and got dressed,getting ready for work now, trying to use up what I have in the house and have everything ready to go..
    we are supposed to get slammed here in Connecticut with a doozy of a storm starting tomorrow am, so we will be leaving early and instead of going out 84 and down 81 we will be going down 95 south all the way,.. will have the boys all tucked in there crate that is strapped in the back seat, they usually settle down after about 15 minutes or so and sleep alot, then we will stop just to stretch our legs, I made sandwiches and have some fruit packed for the ride. will have dinner tomorrow night. will do a quick check in tonight, then to bed early..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    From the land of ten thousand frozen lakes,

    I am subbing again today. I was able to do a quick read through the posts. My thoughts are with you as many of us try to stay warm, handle the stresses of the season, stresses of relationships, food temptations, and finding humor too.

    My intentional act of kindness today will to go out of my way to be kind to the school secretary today I know how difficult their job is. I also want to send prayers to the town of Sandy Hook and to all the school children who struggle with bullying. I would like to think of tomorrow as another world's children's day. As a day to celebrate all children.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just marking my spot. I've got lots to do today. "Philomena" was one of those movies I just can't quite make up my mind about. I'm not going to say anymore because I don't want to be a "spoiler". Judy Dench was excellent in the role. I did enjoy the characters. It is just that being based on a true story its a little sad. For those of you who don't know its about a birth mother trying to find her little boy that she was forced to give up.

    I'm a little stressed out today. I have prayed and asked that I not find my solace in food but look to the true source of peace.

    So off to exercise and then do house work and food prep.

    I've got to meet my son at "Lowes" @ 2:00 He is going to let me use his discount and I'm going to see about getting DD a fireplace screen and tools so she can actually have a fire if she wants one. She still has some wood left at her house by the previous owners. Although it is hard to buy stuff for her because she is so picky. I guess I'll just get it and keep the receipts so she can change it if she wants.

    I hope everyone has a good day.

    And Lord help all of us with a sweet tooth to step away from temptation!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Going to meet my knitting buddies to get the gifts we made for the school kids ready to hand out next week.
    Boys get hats in their school color and girls get roses in the school color on headbands.
    Still tired from yesterday`s long day.
    Have a good one
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: You’ve made a lot of positive changes in your food at home. I’ve always found that the grocery store was my best line of defense. If I don’t bring home junk food, it doesn’t tempt me. Congratulations on improving your health and also your DH’s health because he’s also eating your healthy foods. It is frustrating that his choices aren’t as healthy as you‘d like when you eat out. The bottom line is that we can’t choose good health for someone else. I learned this the hard way from my cigarette-addicted parents.:cry:

    Heather: Congratulations on the lost half pound!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: Good luck for a safe road trip.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: Good luck buying for DD. I bet she’ll love your fire screen. Keeping receipts is ALWAYS a good idea. :flowerforyou:

    JB and Janie: Thanks for the great songs.:love::flowerforyou:

    It has warmed up and gotten wetter. Hoorah for the absence of black-ice and snow. :bigsmile: I hope to get out and get some shopping done soon. Our little town hasn’t got a lot of shopping opportunities. Our new freezer and refrigerator will both be delivered this afternoon. The old freezer will be going to a family member in a few months. I wasn’t able to find anyone to take the old refrigerator, so they’ll be hauling it away. It makes me a little sad to “waste” it’s potential but did what I could. It is old enough to vote and I guess it is old enough to retire. :ohwell: I am foolishly attached to things sometimes.:embarassed:

    Katla in blessedly wet and not frozen NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day