

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good morning Everyone,

    Heather magnesium has helped me get better sleep the last few nights, Still working on a set bedtime. I also have heard tart cherry juice can help with sleep.

    Joyce prayers to the accident victim and have fun riding your bike.

    Rebel good advice I hope she takes it. Sometimes rest is the best medicine.

    Michele hope you are feeling better.

    Cindy I know how hard it is to keep the sweet tooth at bay. Drinking water sometimes helps me.

    Yanniejannie loved your act of kindness.

    Grandmillie safe trip to FL.

    Rita healing thoughts for back.

    Katla I sometimes have trouble letting go of things too.

    Pat good logging.

    Sandy warm thoughts to you. We often feel the same cold you do. We are up to double digits today 16 degrees.

    My intentional act of kindness today is to give the children I encounter today extra attention with a smile and wave. Also I will donate to toys for tots. As part of my Christmas tradition I tie the white ribbon I got when Jacob Wetterling went missing over twenty years ago. When I tie it on our tree I pray for all the missing children and their families.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all. I am grateful today that my brother and sister in law made their trip safely and we got to go out with them last night. Today is our last day with them as they leave early tomorrow morning. Have a good day: I am thinking of you all. xo meg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    No time to catch up on posts this morning. We’re headed off to Auburn to spend a couple of days with DDIL. I hope everyone is safe and happy.

    You can have treats, just count the calories and log them. Earn ‘em with a burn.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pateoh. my take on that is this. I think it is according to what makes your food good. I really cut my sodium out,mainly by cutting out the sodium high meats and frozen meals. So salty things just don't taste good to me anymore. But my deserts, donuts, candy, I still have cravings for them. I was just telling my husband how disapointed I am in myself that I have lost only 48 pounds on over a year when others have lost much more. But yet I haven't totally cut out my processed foods so I am partly to blame on that. The one thing I am proud of myself is that there have been wonderful substitutes for my high calorie meals and snacks that I have found and found so delicious. I also have more self control unless something is right under my nose. Like I can go to a buffet and mainly leave the desert bar alone. I will eat one piece of cake but I will cut only a sliver and not go for several items in that area. Just one very small one. I have discovered pinapple, yogurt and other good foods. I am more than satified with an individual veggie pizza instead of my usual sausage with extra sauce. So even though my meals are blander in some ways to others, they aren't to me.

    Have a safe trip Grandmallie, hope everything goes well for you. I have just refused to travel with my husband unless my oldest daughter and kids is in the car. She will not allow cursing in their presence and I'm sure if he went into one of his tantrums she would find another way to get home. So he has the ability to reframe. It's not simple cussing, it's worse than a sailer and he can get into drivers rage pretty easy. So unless we fly we don't travel. It really causes him greif because that was one of his plans for retirement..

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    WOW - i missed so much since I last posted !

    snow , snow, snow , go away - come back another day … lol I was gonna go finish my holiday shopping but its not happening in this weather. I guess I should be putting up my tree !! I am just not motivated this year :(

    No baking this year for me - Have not done it in years - I used to start a month before Thanksgiving all the way till the day before xmas,but out of sight, out of mind - we surely do not need it in this house LOL If I don`t have it , I don`t miss it but if I am baking , the smell is not enough and I will eat a plate full with my eyes closed ! lol I have no control over portions which is why I prefer a low carb/high fat diet , Takes my cravings away and automatically eat less.

    Took my mom to the doctor and they put her on meds (antidepressants) - now if only she takes it as prescribed ! she has a tendancy to cut her pills in half to make the meds last longer !

    been good with my water intake :) and I keep adding little work out as I can squeeze them in my schedule - I noticed that my kickboxing is doing wonders on my thighs and waist !! scale hasn`t moved much this month but the inches lost are amazing !

    FLORIDA !!! Say hi for me :) lived there 11 years , so much to do and so many places to hide !! :)

    My goal right now is to TRYYYY VERY HARD NOT TO WEIGH A ZILLION TIMES A DAY !!! LOL I guess I was waiting for a miracle to happen and see 20 lbs off from my last weigh in just an hour ago??? lol That stupid scale just keeps calling my name! GRRRR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: I responded to the plank challenge and did a three minute plank----even better news is that my back didn't ache as much today as it did yesterday.....my back is still not healed enough to be completely pain/ache free and I'm not ready for my regular strength training
    all victories are welcome.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: my favorite walking friend is coming over soon to go for a walk....she's the one who came over to help me walk the dogs when Jake was away last month, but this will be our first walk since October.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you who are struggling with holiday preparations, uncooperative family members, weather challenges, and other bumps in the road.

    :bigsmile: there were three kinds of awesome homemade cookies at the meeting we went to this morning so Jake was ecstatic since I don't bake anything.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly, beautiful, non-snowy NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    hidee ho ladies~
    here we are at rainy South of the Border ,South Carolina, we left the house at 3am, and got here about 20 minutes ago.I have fanny fatique, and we are only half way there:grumble:
    I havent eaten to hot today ,but is all logged, havent had dinner yet, but not much up for it, might have a cup of soup...
    cant wait to get down there, I am not good on long car trips, but at least we missed the snow:laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    I am not the one with the talent for writing great MFP songs, but I am very good at saving things, so here is the accumulation of songs written last year by our very talented women ages 50+

    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    How steadfast are thy diaries.
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    We need our daily entries!

    Your member boards are full of fans,
    Full of facts, and diet plans
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    You've given us a road map.

    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    How lovely are thy scruples.
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    You have so many pupils!

    Your older gals are always here,
    Voicing triumphs, bringing cheer
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    You've given us our future.

    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    I HATE to drink the water!
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    I know I really OUGHTA.....
    To flush my bod of sodium,
    and extra carbs, and fats I've done,
    O Fitness Pal, My Fitness Pal,
    I wished I LIKED the water!

    O Janie, dear, release your fear
    Of plain old, stupid water.
    It's not so bad, just gulp it down
    I'm telling you, you oughter!

    It's good for you, never severe,
    It's free of fat, and everclear!
    O Janie, dear, O Janie, dear,
    I'm telling you, you oughter!

    Jingle Bells, fitness pals, losing all the way
    o what fun it is to log and see what others say
    Jingle Bells, kettle bells, muscles really pay
    For all the exercise we do each and every day – hey

    Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals,
    Losing all the way---,
    Oh, what fun it is to write
    Our food log every day---,
    Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals,
    Losing every day---,
    Drink your water, Janie, dear,
    Have a happy, leaner day--Hooray!
    Sing to the tune of Jingle bells (beginning verse and chorus)...

    Oh, I stubbed my toe
    Kettle bells were in my way
    When the rope I jumped
    For keeping fit to stay.
    Get my trainer in the ring
    Sock him with a right
    Left upper cut to the chin
    And he’s out for the night.

    Oh jingle bells, this shirt smells
    How much do I weigh???
    Oh what fun to lift those weights to keep those pounds at Baaa-aay!
    Jingle bells, this shirt smells
    I weigh how much you say???
    Oh, nuts! Oh, fudge! Hey that sounds good…no, no that’s—how—you—got—this—way!!

    Dashing to the pot,
    Then stepping on the scale,
    Hoping to be down,
    To kiss goodbye the whale!
    When numbers do decrease
    We shout and sing O my!
    What fun it is to finally see
    A normal BMI!

    Jiggle Buns, Jiggle Buns
    Jiggle all the way
    Shake the fannies, wave the arms
    Each and every day, hey!
    Jiggle Buns, Jiggle Buns
    Jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to see
    Our fat just melt away!

    sing slowly to the tune of We Three Kings...

    We Three Pounds of Holiday Pudge
    Gath'ring 'round from all of the fudge
    Holding on to thighs and ab-do-mens
    Now we can barely budge.

    Pounds of peanuts, pounds of fat
    Pounds of cookies, this and that
    We'll be brooding and protruding!
    Guide us from thy sweets at last.

    We three pounds of holiday pudge,
    Mama's dressing, yeast rolls and fudge,
    Spread the table, hardly able to resist each special treat.
    Oh,---- Here's the eggnog, spiked with rum,
    Christmas cookies, by the ton,
    Cakes and pies and special candies,
    That's why we weigh a ton!

    O little town of "eat too much", how big we see thee grow!
    Around our middles and our thighs, and places we do not know.
    Yet in the coming new year, we'll vow to make it right!
    The weight that's here from all the years, we'll finally kiss goodbye!

    Everyone ready to sing? Here we go!
    We Wish You a Merry Food Day - We Wish You a Very Good Day –
    We Wish You Would Find a New Way - to Lose Weight Next Year!!
    Good Tidings We Bring - to You and Your Kin –
    We Wish You'd Chew Slowly and Start Thinking Thin!

    Should all the calories we consumed at Christmas Party time,

    Those extra cookies, cakes, and pies, and that extra bottle of wine;

    Be on their way, they’re out of here, not sticking to my thighs---

    I’m back on track, I’m working out, and making choices WISE!

    For all my friends at 50+, I wish you all that’s fine,

    We’ll log our food, and chat and sing, drink our water, not the wine!

    For MFP and 50+, for health and exercise,

    We’ll drink a glass of water clear, and toast those pounds good-bye!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Christmas tree is up!!!!! Yeah, now have to wrap presents. Christmas is coming.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for reposting those songs, Barbie. I have to copy them so I can keep singing them to myself instead of chewing on something!

    It's been awhile since I posted, but I do read every day. Lots of times I wish there were a "like" or "love it" button like on facebook.

    Today I finally got my Christmas letter written and printed. I still have envelopes to address though. I love getting cards, so I still send them. Also got most of my shopping done...now to wrap.

    Tonight is an "Advent by Candlelight" thing at our church. It's just for the ladies. I'm one of the readers and singing something with a friend. It's always such a nice, peaceful evening to reflect without all the rushing around of getting ready for Christmas.

    No baking here either. But there never has been. My mom used to send cookies so my kids weren't deprived. She wrapped each one in waxed paper to keep it fresh and unbroken. One of my favorite memories of her...she died last April.

    A cousin went into hospice this week. She is my age (65) and has been battling cancer for several years. She is at peace and sleeping all the time...unresponsive to those who can visit her. (She's in Minnesota so I cannot.) I'm very glad that we got together a summer ago and had a wonderful visit then.

    Found out yesterday that I will have two new grandsons this spring! One in March and one in May...can't wait.

    Praying for comfort for all who are having difficult times...and cheering for those who are having wonderful times.

    Eileen in sunny, windy San Diego

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Oh, Barbie! Those songs are priceless.

    I'm still struggling, hoping to make it through the holidays without too much damage. I missed another day of logging in yesterday dealing with family stuff. My brother lost his house in a fire. They have two kids, ten and eleven. The eleven year old saved them all. The smoke woke her up, she got everybody else woken up and out then ran next door to call 911. Please keep them in your prayers.

    Because they are staying with mama, we will host my sister and family when they come for Christmas. More stress! But everyone is safe and life is good.
  • Nccreole
    Hi Ladies,
    My name is Lori . I am a "nubie" to the group. I work on the computer all day and thought the last thing I want to do is "go on the computer". Ha ha ha, ...I decided to join because I really think logging in my food calories and exercise will bring me closer to my goals. I used to think setting goals was useless. Then I read something that said most successful people who are successful in their endeavors set goals so . Now I will try to set goals. My main problem has been inconsistent exercise and movement. I know that sitting at the computer contributes to the whole lethargy and wt gain syndrome. However, I have the best intention to go to the gym which I actually like in the evening, but I allow something else to take over. I call her the "lazy one", especially since it has gotten cold. I live in NC a transplant from NY and still hate the cold. I do really well in the warmth, and in summer months. Then winter comes and I gain it all back, lose the motivation and forget that I am fat. Then the summer comes and I am reminded when I go to try on clothes that "I am fat". So I went to the gym twice today because I misjudged the time the first time and could only spend 12 minutes to be exact. I did return to finish an extra 25minutes. ..yeah I am so bad at going in the morning, no lie, I have been setting the clock to get up at 6:15am for a complete year. I get up go to the bathroom, re-se the clock and go back to bed. Now that is bad. I even had a friend call me when she went to the gym(a different one). I talked to her told her I was getting up..went back to bed. so I am still working on the am uprising.

    When I logged my food, water and exercise, it actually found it fun. I can even see that it will be critical in my weight loss endeavors.
    Okay, have to go to movies with my son. It was a pleasure meeting you all and seeing the support you've given to each other.
    I hope to continue this journey to Health with everyone.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Dr katiebug-sorry about your brother,will pray for them.
    barbie,love the songs,thanks
    Baked some cookies and ate none.Then the dryer went out.
    Have a good night,off to the laundramat.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome Lori

    :heart: Love the songs Barbie, thank you for keeping them, glad your back is improving, but take care.

    Dr. Katiebug prayers going out to you and your family, so glad they got out in time, smart little girl.

    Very cold night here so off to snuggle up and read no calories there....

    Goodnite juanita
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lori, you remind me so much of myself. I hate mornings. I hate it when my body wakes itself before 11 AM. I know that there are classes at the Y I need to be in but I just can't make myself do it. So I go in the afternoon and do the machines. I purposefully don't have an alarm clock in my room just so that I can't hit the snooze. I don't have the phone in my room so that I have to get up and go to the kitchen. I use my cell phone which I use very rarely as a phone so no one has the number except my family members. But I'm retired now and don't have to go to work anymore. I was never late and as an RN knew that I couldn't call in at the last moment and expect my patients to be taken care of properly. Stay with us and get to know us.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Rebel - how wonderful of you to help you daughter out! I hope her, the child and your husband get better (but her and the child first)

    Joyce - how scary for your husband to have witnessed that! I fully understand how shook up he must have been

    Viv - have fun shopping

    Pat - After a while, you do get to the point where you'd rather taste the FOOD than the extras. Like right now I don't care for sweet potatoes with sugar and honey and all that stuff on them. I'd rather taste just the sweet potato. I don't want meats with gravies, sauce, etc. , I want to taste the MEAT (not that I'm a big beef eater). I think everyone is different in when they get to this point. I know it took me a few years. Now I'm always asking if there's butter on vegetables because it seems like places put so much butter on them.

    I'm feeling blue today. Haven't heard a word from Bryan or Diana, don't have their Christmas/birthday lists or anything. I guess I'm just missing having any communication with them at all. I just know that if there ever are grandchildren, I'll never know about it. Or if anything (God forbid) bad happens to them (like an illness or something), I'll nevear know about it. Well, I'm thinking that I'll make the cookies for the bowling for Wed. Actually, I'll make quite a few since we're going to meet Jessica and Kris (who's moving into a new apt this weekend) Thurs so I'll give them some of the cookies, some for my bowling team, some for Vince's bowling team. Whatever is leftover, I know Vince will finish.

    Vicki - I think at this time of the year, we all (with the probable exception of barbie) are going over on calories. But I know you'll get back into the swing of things after the holidays. I'm trying, trying, trying to keep it down as to how much I go over. I also know that as soon as these holidays are over, it'll be back to a more normal routine for me. Plus...I'm feeling blue thinking about Bryan and that easily can lead to sympathy eating. Yet, I also know that if I let that happen, that's giving him even more power. Oh...the ones we love have the ability to hurt us the most. Prayers for your friend's gs

    katla - safe travels, have fun with DDIL

    Joyce - ONLY 48 lbs????? ONLY!!!!! I haven't lost anywhere near that amount. I'm with you on the blander to some but not to me feeling. I would much rather have my vegetables without any butter or spices. To some people that is so bland, but to me I want to taste the vegetable -- not the butter.

    barbie - WOW, 3 minute plank!!!! Congrats especially that your back didn't hurt. Thanks for the copies of the songs.

    Eileen - congrats on the grandsons. Sorry to hear about your cousin

    drkatiebug - so glad your brother and his family are safe.

    Lori - welcome! where in NC are you?

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some training on the Wii. Made the shrimp cornbread casserole for Christmas eve, made the crab cakes and now have them in the refrigerator (will probably fry them tomorrow), then made 2 batches of chocolate cookies for the bowling. We're going to pick up Jessica's cats Thurs so I'llo give some to her. Ken came here to watch some sort of 4 hr blueray about synthesizers (don't ask me about it, alls I know is that it took 4 hours). Put ornaments on the tree, now going to give it a few days and see if I need to add any more. Also, need to see it in the daylight.

    Tomorrow a friend is coming over. She didn't see episodes 1 and 2 of Downtown Abbey, so we're going to get her caught up. I'll go to WalMart and get some subs for us to eat. Got myself some grapes to munch on while I'm watching and bought some Skinny Pop (that stuff is gooood, thanks for telling me about it)

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Drkakiebug, I'm so sorry to hear about the fire at your brothers house. Thank goodness for that little girl! What a hero! Give her a big hug from all of us.
    :love: :love: :love:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle have you ever thought of adopting another person for Christmas as a proxy/substitute for your son. Or better yet a couple. You could have them come for dinner or send them a dinner. Get involved in their lives, give them all the love that you would your son. Oh sometimes I feel so bad for myself, I am really good at that, when I see the huge amounts of weight people have lost. Or I see these challenges on the regular board about losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date. I just can't do that. I'm with you about learning to love actual food tastes. I love the plain sweet potato. Sweet is part of it's name! Use it. But then on holidays I have to have my casserole with brown sugar, milk and marshmellows!

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Glad to share completed my 10k run in 1hr 6 mins, official time. It was the Pinkathon, for awareness of breast cancer.
    :love: It was such a festive affair, zumba warm up, music and cool temps, not like the ice n snow some of you r facing. Initially my mind kept saying, You have not prepared properly, I shot back I have been consistently doing 5ks on weekends and yoga and weights, I can do this....... It was nice running past some of the younger ladies. around the end of 8th km my legs reminded me I should stop and walk a while. I immediately thought of all of you my wonderful friends who keep going through thick and thin . Specially Barbie who has slowly walked herself back to good health and...... hold your breath I could hear all of you cheering me on :bigsmile:

    Thanks. have a great day all!
    Prayers for all in need. Michelle loved the idea Joyce shared, so u can channelize all your love. Sending love to Bryan and Diana, may they soon come Home.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Anamika - that is a wonderful achievement! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    You must be so proud. I wish I could run or dance, but my knee wouldn:flowerforyou: 't like it. Your 10k time was pretty good too. My fastest 5k very fast walk was 57 minutes so you were definitely running!

    Katie- so sorry to hear of your brother's house. It must be terrible to lose all your things, but I bet they are glad to have survived! Well done the daughter!:love::flowerforyou:

    My NSV yesterday was keeping my calories down to 1250 on a non-exercise day! For those of you who eat that normally I say kudos to you! It was hard. I ate a lot of celery and carrots!:laugh:
    I have been alcohol light or free for 6 days now and it's feeling good. I find my willpower is lowered by even one drink so, as I am making an extra push for my last lb, it is definitely helping.

    Nearly finished my wrapping. I seem to have got fixated on wrapping paper, ribbons and tags, so have been ordering extra on Amazon and other companies. I have waited for some really lovely paper and tags to come before I wrap my DDIL's presents because I know she will really appreciate a beautiful presentation. The new paper etc I bought I can use all year round, not just for Christmas. But I think I am becoming obsessed! ! ! ! :noway: :tongue: :bigsmile:

    Today I turned on the radio for my normal gymming programme snd it was Nelson Mandela's funeral. Much as I really admire and appreciate him it's not really gymming accompaniment. Especially on the radio. I put on my French café songs. During one of them I was so enjoying myself I went over my goal. I thought of you, Joyce, on your bike at the Y, watching your programmes. The song was "Boum", by Charles Trenet, which is one I would like played at my cremation. It's about the way love transforms everything. :heart: I only want jolly music at my funeral. Another one is "Enjoy Yourself it's Later than You Think" ! :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: My motto ever since I had breast cancer.:happy:

    Barbie - so happy for you being able to do a 3 min plank. That is my limit and it is HARD!:sad: You have made a great recovery with a lot of determination.

    My game stew was DELICIOUS yesterday and I kept enough back to have with noodles tonight. I may have real pasta if I have enough calories left, otherwise it will be shiritaki.:smile: As far as slimming food being bland, all I can say is, you want to come to my house. :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    If it's not delicious I'm not eating it! :love: :love: :drinker: Every day we finish our meal and say, "Wow, that was absolutely fabulous, I can't believe I'm on a diet!" Mind you, I have a kitchen full of herbs and spices and weird ingedients. I think those of us that love to cook have a great advantage. But, like you Michele, I also think there is nothing better than GOOD ingredients, simply cooked. But then I'm also a bit of a perfectionist about my ingredients, especially meat and fish. And eggs. I think I drive DH mad sometimes, looking for 'happy hen' eggs, when he would just buy the cheapest!:laugh: But we are lucky not to be limited in our food budget.

    Hope to get the tree up today. DH hasn't ventured up into the loft yet. I will have to kick him up there. I hate heights snd ladders so can't do it myself.:blushing:

    Love Heather in drizzly Hampshire UK.