Your weird food eating habits



  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    Who has time to even think about stupid **** like this. Just eat your fricken food people!
    You are a tool, and not a helpful one at that.
    Ice cream must be Just out of the freezer.
    Water - at a restaurant - must have a slice of lemon with it - otherwise i bug the waiter/waitress until they remember
    french fries are not worthy unless they are perfect - in my mind - crispy on the outside - soft on the inside
    Any chocolate - must be cold - otherwise it goes in the fridge or freezer - until later
    Totally agree with these! If I can't get the "perfect" ice cream ball/scoop, I won't have ice cream!
    I ALWAYS ask for lemon at restuarants (for both the water and the Diet Coke) - and I tip better if the waitress just brings a small dish of lemons. This way, when I get a refill on my water, I have a fresh lemon slice, too!
    Eww, soggy french fries (chips) are horrid. If I pick it up, and it bends, I don't want it. But on the other hand, if I bite into it, and there is no potato inside, it is TOO crispy! I often dip my fries into Ranch dressing, too.
    And chocolate, MUST be cold. Not frozen - that hurts my teeth. But a Milky Way or Rolo or 3 Musketeers MUST be cold. MMs can be room temp, but that's about it.

    - I always use a Dinner Fork (big guy with 4 tines) for every meal. Salad forks are for dessert.
    - I only use a Table Spoon / Soup Spoon for cereal or soup. The bigger the spoon, the easier I can shovel cereal into my face before it gets soggy! Ironically, when I eat soup with a big spoon, I still only fill the spoon maybe 1/4 full, so I feel dainty.
    - I cut up my meat in the kitchen before putting on my plate. It's easier to eat that way.
    - I put my side dishes (noodles, potatoes, etc) in a separate small bowl that sits on my plate so that my protein and side do not touch (no steak juice running into my macaroni & cheese..... eww)
    - I eat the big flat chips first.
    - I like to eat a "No Salad Salad" when I get my Fat Girl cravings.... It's croutons, bacon bits, shredded cheese and dressing. Usually bleu cheese dressing.
    - I love the feel of sugar on my cereal, so I put granulated sugar on ALL my cereals (even something as evil as Frosted Flakes)!
    - I always drink with a straw. All beverages must be icy cold. (I bring a container of ice with me to work every day and keep in the work fridge. 2 trays of ice will last me most of the day). I cannot stand room temp beverages.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Some interesting folks here. Nothing too crazy here.

    I prefer using a big spoon for eating soup
    chocolate must be refrigerated or frozen. I can't stand when it gets melty anywhere but in my mouth
    I'm very particular about the container my beer comes in. I'll take in this order of availability - bottle, pint glass and last and very much least, aluminum.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I love to eat peanut butter with a spoon!
    If I am alone I will eat my salad with my hands shh
    I have to clean after my cooking before I eat.. I can't enjoy my food in a messy kitchen.
    I drink coffee about three times a day!
    I love the taste of pickles ketchup and mustard in burgers.
    I eat ketchup with my eggs .
    I refuse to eat any cheese with a smell( it's nasty to me)
    Refuse to eat any organ meats ( liver kidney heart etc)
    If I could, I would binge on snack cakes and rice crispy squares!
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Oh yeah, I hate milk! If there is milk in my coffee I will throw it out! So gross!!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I eat one thing at a time from my plate, starting with what I like the least and ending with what I like most.
    I love cream of mushroom soup in a casserole, but cannot eat it as soup.
    I cannot stand the feel of oatmeal in my mouth. Same with soggy cereal or crackers in my soup or chili.
    I don't like mini marshmallows because they squeak on my teeth.
    I eat M&Ms in layers. Shell, chocolate, peanut/almond. I don't eat the plain ones.
  • jennibear8504
    I'm not a big egg fan, when I do eat them, they have to be completely cooked hard, no soft or running anything

    I don't like raw onion, but I loved them cooked

    I hate cooked bell pepper but will eat them raw

    I don't eat organ meat, it just grosses me out.

    sushi is to be eaten with chops sticks or with your fingers NOT a fork!

    I wont eat sweet pickles/relish, sweet mustard, sweet butter

    I will only eat oatmeal if its thick, it grosses me out when its running or soup like

    I have to have lemon on my seafood (fish, shrimp, etc...) doesn't matter how its cooked, it needs lemon.

    I always eat the half popped kernels of popcorn

    I like blue cheese but HATE blue cheese dressing

    all red meat has to be cooked medium-well/well-done (no blood or hot pink or anything that may seem raw) or I wont eat it

    When I first go to a new restaurant, I will try out many different dishes til I find my favs, then from then on that's the only thing I will ever order

    I could keep listing, but that mine go on forever
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I always eat bananas with a spoon by removing one section of peel and using the rest as a bowl.

    I also eat continental style (knife in right hand, fork in left throughout entire meal) and that comes off as strange to people that aren't used to it.

    Nice :)
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    I like most of my veggies without any dressing or seasoning. And usually burnt.
  • soistartagain
    I like eating lettuce plain. Or, if it's in a salad with dressings or other things, I prefer the lettuce to be warm. Now that I type it out, it sounds even stranger.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    sushi is to be eaten with chops sticks or with your fingers NOT a fork!

    I will only eat oatmeal if its thick, it grosses me out when its running or soup like

    When I first go to a new restaurant, I will try out many different dishes til I find my favs, then from then on that's the only thing I will ever order

    I never even thought of eating sushi with a fork. It seems so weird and I've never seen it done

    Totally agree with the oatmeal! My dad used to make it when I was a kid and I eventually realized I hated it because it was all bland, cold and soppy from the milk he added after it was cooked. Definitely nicer with no milk and generous amount of brown sugar on top

    I am the same with restaurants. I've had every single Thai dish and now will only ever order Pad Thai lol
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    when i eat chips i look for the little pieces that have potato skin on one side and save them for last. still have no idea why i do it but i do
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    im thinking about my sister's habits:

    when eating a cool ranch dorito, she inspects both sides of the chip, the and side with more ranch goes on her tongue.

    she hates soggy cereal- so she pours the milk first, and only a small amount, so only the bottom of the bowl is in danger of sogginess ;-)

    Haha! I'm just like your sister on both of those - but I take the cereal thing to the next extreme. I'll pour a cup of milk and a cup of cereal. I'll add a spoonfull or two of cereal to the milk and eat it before it even remotely has the chance of getting soggy. Repeat until all of the cereal is gone.

    My other weird 'quirk' - I hate vinegar. Hate, hate, hate it! I'll eat my salads dry before putting vinaigrette on top. I don't like most condiments for this reason. Mayo is just gross!!

    Oh, and lemon on fish? NEVER!! It masks the flavor!!
  • jd201424
    jd201424 Posts: 3
    Does anyone on here have an eating habit that they do for dieting/ maintaining ideal weight reasons?

    e.g. grapefruits for breakfast to lose weight or eating eggs for lunch and dinner.

    You know how you hear about alternative ways celebrities use to lose weight or keep shape but i've never heard of anyone doing any of these things in real life. I'm doing some research into it and it'd be really good to hear if anyone on here has any stories!


  • Carross1018
    I will either eat my food on my plate one at a time or I will mix it all together.

    When I eat chicken wings I prefer the long thin ones.

    I like my food to be so spicy and hot that it hurts to eat.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Unless I'm at the gym chugging on my water bottle, I cannot drink my water unless it's in a glass and with a straw!!
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    While I don't particularly care for vegetables, I can't STAND chunky vegetables in anything. Ick. I like my veggies to be diced. Yeah, I know it's weird, but I think it's because then I don't have to have a HUGE nasty flavor in my mouth. (I do like stir-fried broccoli and broiled asparagus though.)