Clean Eating



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    OP.. you're going to start a clean versus not clean war...

    but the *basics* of clean eating is:
    eat things from nature not things created in a lab, in other words, no processed foods.

    You'd also want to watch the meats and eggs you buy. Avoiding as much chemical laced meats and eggs as you can. Its' about not believing in "better living through chemicals". Lots of people also say avoid dairy, white foods and non-organic foods. that's an extension of it. You do want to watch out for the GMO foods, as they are chemically enhanced. A potato is not bad for you, but enriched white rice is. White bread is not good for you, but certain whole grain breads are. You have to start looking at labels, and cooking at home, There's no magic number of ingredients that makes something clean or not clean. It's about what those ingredients are. I make clean home-cooked recipes that have a ton of ingredients. That does not make them bad. It's when those ingredients consist of monoglucosimatiadditive (I made that name up fyi) that makes it not clean.

    If you want to eat clean that is great. Do it for yourself because you want to embrace it, not because you think it's a magical weight loss diet. You can over eat eating clean just as easily. It's still all about portion control and making the right choices.

    example: if you want peanut butter you'd get the one that is peanuts only.. no added sugar or salt.. just peanut.. or you'd buy peanuts and make it yourself.

    LMAO, where does one purchase meats and eggs that are not chemical laced? Enriched white rice is bad? Tell the continent of Asia that. And mmmm some good ole GMO fear mongering
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Here we go...

    In because this topic hasn't already been beat to death.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    OP.. you're going to start a clean versus not clean war...

    but the *basics* of clean eating is:
    eat things from nature not things created in a lab, in other words, no processed foods.

    You'd also want to watch the meats and eggs you buy. Avoiding as much chemical laced meats and eggs as you can. Its' about not believing in "better living through chemicals". Lots of people also say avoid dairy, white foods and non-organic foods. that's an extension of it. You do want to watch out for the GMO foods, as they are chemically enhanced. A potato is not bad for you, but enriched white rice is. White bread is not good for you, but certain whole grain breads are. You have to start looking at labels, and cooking at home, There's no magic number of ingredients that makes something clean or not clean. It's about what those ingredients are. I make clean home-cooked recipes that have a ton of ingredients. That does not make them bad. It's when those ingredients consist of monoglucosimatiadditive (I made that name up fyi) that makes it not clean.

    If you want to eat clean that is great. Do it for yourself because you want to embrace it, not because you think it's a magical weight loss diet. You can over eat eating clean just as easily. It's still all about portion control and making the right choices.

    example: if you want peanut butter you'd get the one that is peanuts only.. no added sugar or salt.. just peanut.. or you'd buy peanuts and make it yourself.

    what kind of chemicals are GMO foods enhanced with?
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Clean eating to me is rinsing my fruits, veggies, meats etc..before I eat them...or eating that piece of whatever food I dropped on the floor before the 5 second rule is up. So, I'm not much help here.

    However, here's a link to a clean eating group. Good luck!
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Here we go...

    In because this topic hasn't already been beat to death.

    and clearly there is no concrete answer... if there was it would have been solved by now.
  • nairedavis
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    this is a good place to start if you want a balanced look at it with several different definitions, but if you would like to know what foods are "clean" or "okay" I would suggest the clean eating group linked above. here on the main forums the general consensus is that there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" food.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    Yes. But that's the basics of it right there. Just ignore those who pick it apart and try to argue for the sake of argument. If clean eating is the diet you want to follow, then follow it. Basically it's eating whole raw foods from nature as much as you can and meat products that are not filled with antibiotics and growth hormones. It doesn't mean you can't eat a snack or goody, it means you choose the snack or goody that conforms to the clean diet you are choosing to follow. So no snickers.. but high percent dark chocolate might be ok.. just have to read the labels.
  • nairedavis
    And wow. Why all the hostility?

    I just wanted to gain a general idea of where to begin and see how you guys do it. There's really no need for smart *kitten* answers.
  • nairedavis
    And thanks!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP.. you're going to start a clean versus not clean war...

    but the *basics* of clean eating is:
    eat things from nature not things created in a lab, in other words, no processed foods.

    You'd also want to watch the meats and eggs you buy. Avoiding as much chemical laced meats and eggs as you can. Its' about not believing in "better living through chemicals". Lots of people also say avoid dairy, white foods and non-organic foods. that's an extension of it. You do want to watch out for the GMO foods, as they are chemically enhanced. A potato is not bad for you, but enriched white rice is. White bread is not good for you, but certain whole grain breads are. You have to start looking at labels, and cooking at home, There's no magic number of ingredients that makes something clean or not clean. It's about what those ingredients are. I make clean home-cooked recipes that have a ton of ingredients. That does not make them bad. It's when those ingredients consist of monoglucosimatiadditive (I made that name up fyi) that makes it not clean.

    If you want to eat clean that is great. Do it for yourself because you want to embrace it, not because you think it's a magical weight loss diet. You can over eat eating clean just as easily. It's still all about portion control and making the right choices.

    example: if you want peanut butter you'd get the one that is peanuts only.. no added sugar or salt.. just peanut.. or you'd buy peanuts and make it yourself.

    LMAO, where does one purchase meats and eggs that are not chemical laced? Enriched white rice is bad? Tell the continent of Asia that. And mmmm some good ole GMO fear mongering

  • nairedavis
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    Yes. But that's the basics of it right there. Just ignore those who pick it apart and try to argue for the sake of argument. If clean eating is the diet you want to follow, then follow it. Basically it's eating whole raw foods from nature as much as you can and meat products that are not filled with antibiotics and growth hormones. It doesn't mean you can't eat a snack or goody, it means you choose the snack or goody that conforms to the clean diet you are choosing to follow. So no snickers.. but high percent dark chocolate might be ok.. just have to read the labels.

  • nairedavis
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    this is a good place to start if you want a balanced look at it with several different definitions, but if you would like to know what foods are "clean" or "okay" I would suggest the clean eating group linked above. here on the main forums the general consensus is that there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" food.

    Thanks, girl!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    Unfortunately, there is no single definition of clean eating. It means something different to everyone. This makes it impossible to get a better understanding of what it is. Because it ISN'T actually anything.

    An earlier poster listed mustard as clean. You want a clean definition that involves no processed foods. Mustard is processed. These are at odds with each other, so you 2 will come to different understandings of what it means to eat clean.

    Vegans and Paleo eaters have vastly divergent definitions of "clean eating"

    Short answer is still:

    Pick a list of foods you deem bad. Don't eat them.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    And wow. Why all the hostility?

    I just wanted to gain a general idea of where to begin and see how you guys do it. There's really no need for smart *kitten* answers.

    Because as soon as someone mentions clean eating the IIFYM crowd comes out in full force to defend their diet.. it's silly really. No one has to agree with your choices. Just do what is right for you, what helps you reach your goals, in a healthy way and ignore the haters. :~)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    The problem is not with you. It's with the fact that "clean eating" has no definition, and even if there was, it is not required to lose weight.

    Oh, and I'd also like a better understanding of what it is. Been waiting for a while now...
  • nairedavis
    Hello friends! I hope you all are having a wonderful day.

    Anyway, I want to start eating clean but I have no idea what that entails. So, for those of you who are eating clean, do you mind giving me some tips please?

    I am not being judgmental, just wondering... If you don't even know what "eating clean" means, why are you doing it? What do you hope to gain? Good luck!

    I know what it means, I just wanted to clarify exactly what it is. Like certain foods I should avoid and such. And what I hope to gain is a better diet.

    Is that a reasonable excuse?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I have a general idea of what it means, like cutting out processed foods and such, I just want a better understanding of what it is.

    Is that okay?

    Unfortunately, there is no single definition of clean eating. It means something different to everyone. This makes it impossible to get a better understanding of what it is. Because it ISN'T actually anything.

    An earlier poster listed mustard as clean. You want a clean definition that involves no processed foods. Mustard is processed. These are at odds with each other, so you 2 will come to different understandings of what it means to eat clean.

    Vegans and Paleo eaters have vastly divergent definitions of "clean eating"

    Short answer is still:

    Pick a list of foods you deem bad. Don't eat them.

    I really disagree with this. There is no "bad" food and encouraging that mentality really isn't healthy (because "healthy" isn't just a physical thing, it's a mental thing as well)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And wow. Why all the hostility?

    I just wanted to gain a general idea of where to begin and see how you guys do it. There's really no need for smart *kitten* answers.

    Because as soon as someone mentions clean eating the IIFYM crowd comes out in full force to defend their diet.. it's silly really. No one has to agree with your choices. Just do what is right for you, what helps you reach your goals, in a healthy way and ignore the haters. :~)

    Do you know what IIFYM is? Because it sounds like you really don't.