Gym Snobbery - are you unashamedly guilty



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I think that there are certain pieces of equipment gyms should have if they want to be taken seriously. Things like a squat rack or power rack/cage, a bench, and a selection of free weights that go fairly heavy are musts. I could make due with less, but at that point I might as well work out at home. If it doesn't have those pieces of equipment, then it's not worth the membership fee and yes, it is a lesser, inferior gym.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    If there are two things I hate, it's gym snobs and planet fitness.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    The lack of equipment and rules about how you are allowed to use what equipment they DO have basically put a brick wall on the progress it's possible for you to achieve. They basically encourage mediocrity by it.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    Either that, or you have a weird and unreasonable view of what a "real gym" is like (probably the silly caricature they push in their ads, come to think of it).

    But you can get a good workout there as well, I'm sure. Squatting isn't the end-all, be-all of weights, and I rarely grunt while lifting even though I can. :P
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    They seem to think that lifting big heavy weights makes you an idiot and a meat head- they have a very judgy lunk alarm- and will kick you out for grunting. I dislike the fact they supply pizza and doughnuts once a month- my gym does member appreciateion day- but they bring in wraps- and other local 'health' foods. I'm not about demonizing food- but for a gym to openly push 'problamatic' food at people to me is annoying and insulting.

    If you actually take lifting seriously- you cant' be there- they don't have the equipment and they have rules against doing some of the most basic compound fundamental lifts (deadlifting)

    its great because it's cheap and it's open 24/7... so I would absolutely be a member so I could go work out at 2 AM... but as a whole- I cant' stand the idea of the gym. It premise of all their commercials is insulting to anyone who seriously trains.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I work out in my office gym - I love that free quality it has - I will love it even more in the new year once it is refitted with all new equipment including the squat rack I have been begging for for the months; and in my spare room with equipment I have put together long as a gym has the equipment I want to use and is clean I'm happy
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    The lack of equipment and rules about how you are allowed to use what equipment they DO have basically put a brick wall on the progress it's possible for you to achieve. They basically encourage mediocrity by it.

    For me, it's the above. Plus the "no-judgment zone." Or whatever they call it, although PF seems to be (corporately, anyway) the biggest judgers I've seen from the chain gyms.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    but...they use planet fitness of the biggest loser. how could it be bad?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Even among chains, there are good and bad individual entities. But I do hate the entire concept of some gyms, Planet Fitness being one. There is a huge PF on my way to work, so I stopped in once because I thought "hey, it's convenient, it's cheap, I'll check it out." One of the first things they said to me was "Basically, we're a gym for average people." If I wanted to be average, I could do that at home on my couch for free.

    PF and gyms like it make their money off people who pay their membership fees and stop coming after a few weeks. These hard core, garage/warehouse-style gyms that are more selective about who gets to train there ... they don't make money from membership fees. They make it either from PT fees or the gym is owned by someone with some extra cash lying around who doesn't mind paying rent and utilities for his/her friends to have a legit place to work out. Honestly, I'd love to do something like that someday.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I'm not even sure if we have a Planet Fitness near me.... Now I'm intrigued.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    Are you all aware that Planet Fitness locations are independently owned and operated? Meaning not all are the same.

    I go there because that is simply what I can afford, not because I am not serious about my routine.. I see 'meatheads' doing deadlifts in there everyday. They have more free weights than any other local gym and very muscular people are the majority there.

    IN the past 12 months, I have only heard the lunk alarm ONE time that at was set off because of some lady who comes in and breaks the weight machines all the time and lets the weights crash down. No one has ever said a thing to anyone using free weights.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    It's not being a gym snob really. For instance my gym is a smaller 24/7 commercial gym that caters to the casual, on the go fitness enthusiast. I'm at a point now where I'm starting to outgrow most of the equipment and sadly may have to search out a gym that is more suited to my goals/needs as a bodybuilder.

    It all boils down to your goals, if you are casual then that's fine, basically any gym will do, however if you pursue anything further than "casual" or "just getting in shape", then a basic gym just isn't going to cut the mustard from a progression standpoint. Just my 2c.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    I don't get caught up in this crap...I just go to my Gold's...
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I don't get caught up in this crap...I just go to my Gold's...

  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    They seem to think that lifting big heavy weights makes you an idiot and a meat head- they have a very judgy lunk alarm- and will kick you out for grunting. I dislike the fact they supply pizza and doughnuts once a month- my gym does member appreciateion day- but they bring in wraps- and other local 'health' foods. I'm not about demonizing food- but for a gym to openly push 'problamatic' food at people to me is annoying and insulting.

    If you actually take lifting seriously- you cant' be there- they don't have the equipment and they have rules against doing some of the most basic compound fundamental lifts (deadlifting)

    its great because it's cheap and it's open 24/7... so I would absolutely be a member so I could go work out at 2 AM... but as a whole- I cant' stand the idea of the gym. It premise of all their commercials is insulting to anyone who seriously trains.

    I can definitely respect that. I deadlift there they haven't told me anything .... yet. I completely understand the food thing. Last night I actually asked the guy at the front counter why they had tootsies roll in 3 huge bowl at the front desk seems counterproductive. I definitely go for the price plus it's not near as crowded as the bigger name gyms and it's the closest gym to me. It meets my needs as of right now. I don't think I will ever out lift the available weights, but I definitely grunt on those last couple reps. The lunking alarm is ridiculous in my opinion but I've never heard it go off lol that would be interesting.
  • ZombieGeezUs
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    They seem to think that lifting big heavy weights makes you an idiot and a meat head- they have a very judgy lunk alarm- and will kick you out for grunting. I dislike the fact they supply pizza and doughnuts once a month- my gym does member appreciateion day- but they bring in wraps- and other local 'health' foods. I'm not about demonizing food- but for a gym to openly push 'problamatic' food at people to me is annoying and insulting.

    If you actually take lifting seriously- you cant' be there- they don't have the equipment and they have rules against doing some of the most basic compound fundamental lifts (deadlifting)

    its great because it's cheap and it's open 24/7... so I would absolutely be a member so I could go work out at 2 AM... but as a whole- I cant' stand the idea of the gym. It premise of all their commercials is insulting to anyone who seriously trains.

    Exactly this. I should have elaborated, but I am using my phone and didn't feel like typing that much.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    The lack of equipment and rules about how you are allowed to use what equipment they DO have basically put a brick wall on the progress it's possible for you to achieve. They basically encourage mediocrity by it.

    For me, it's the above. Plus the "no-judgment zone." Or whatever they call it, although PF seems to be (corporately, anyway) the biggest judgers I've seen from the chain gyms.

    Makes sense like I said I was just curious. I haven't had a problem there and definitely feel the pain of the workouts I do there. So I guess I'm one of the exceptions :-) Thanks for biting my head off for asking.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    If it is planet fitness I can't help but think you aren't serious about working out.

    I have that same gut reaction.

    I go to Planet Fitness. I'm a gym newbie. Why would you think someone isnt serious about working out just cos they go there? Not offended just curious.

    Planet Fitness is cheap, which makes it an easy and sometimes only choice for people. However, the issue with Planet Fitness is that little of their campaign and goals actually have much to do with fitness. I went to one briefly- they are one of those "no lunking, no grunting, no effort" places. I got yelled at for doing clean & jerks and snatches in the limited "free weight" area with the only "barbell" they had. It's a place to start, and if it's all you have, it'd be wise to get maximum benefit from it, but I feel it's limited. They also have bagel days and pizza days and feel more like a hangout than a fitness center.

    Most people who get serious about fitness (you'll understand as you get further into your journey) know that max results come from max effort, and often, that involves pushing your boundries. This involves lifting weights that may be heavier than you can lift comfortably, or it may involve grunting, or even having to bail out if you go too heavy... I want to be at a place where I can get ugly, sweaty, loud and drop a load if I need to- because my body craves the next level and PF just isnt the place to get to that next level.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    City (55k) where my business is, there are several decent gyms. The town I live in (2k) there is just one. it cost a little more, is 24/7, and is 1.2 miles from my house. No brainer except for the fact it just has Smith instead of squat rack. I've pleaded with the owner but, it's an insurance thing since the gym isn't manned by employees 24/7. Has everything else I need though.
  • devodev44
    devodev44 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a gym snob.

    No Power cage no squat rack- no visit.

    I can't be bothered.

    No dead lifting? GTFO.

    The more "meat head" of a gym it is- the happier I'll be.

    Exactly. I'm just snobby about what I'm pushing and pulling and whether a gym has what I need to do so.
    If someone can't get down like that and need special classes, multi-station units, and no DB's over be it and good for them.
    You get out what you put in.