Touchy subject. Pornography. Need advice.



  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    So what if he watches porn? Doesn't hurt you, doesn't replace you, so what? No problem. I'd be offended and insulted if I were him and you tried to make him "promise" not to look at porn. Porn is, in my opinion, boring and uninteresting, but no harm to you.

    No doubt I'll get a bunch of backlash for this, but I'm surprised that so many here don't see pornography as harmful to relationships. My husband is a marriage counselor. The problems he sees couples for are 1. Infidelity (either partner, but most often the man). 2. Pornography addiction (the male is addicted).

    A lot of the comments I read on here were from men who seem to be somewhat defensive about the subject. Kind of 'A man will be a man' type of bullpucky. Men have every ability to control themselves if they want to.

    But if they don't have an addiction to porn, do they need to control themselves?

    Another big problem with couples is alcohol addiction in one partner. Does that mean that all couples should completely avoid alcohol? No. Only count something as a problem if it is a problem.
    Some have sex addictions. All couples should probably avoid sex, just to be safe.

  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    Where you stand with your guy on porn is completely up to you, and no one can make you feel comfortable with what makes you feel uncomfortable! I consider porn cheating and if my boyfriend wants to watch it, he needs to be outrageously sneaky and basically schedule time to *kitten* to porn, it would be ridiculously pathetic if he did so. If I ever caught him again (as I found him watching porn on his iPod when we first starting dating and I explained why I felt it still constituted as a form of cheating) he agreed he didn't need to watch it anyhow, we live together, and the sex is there whenever he wants it, so there is just no reason for it. Not to mention, porn gives men unrealistic expectations from women, which is exactly what causes cheating to happen. It's honestly YOUR comfort level and feelings on the subject, SCREW ANYONE WHO IS TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW TO FEEL! and do what feels right for you.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and men and youngsters are someone's children, someone's sons and daughters, someone's mother or father, someone's sister or brother, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise. Another LIE is that pornography is a "men" addiction" that's a lie--just as gambling, drugs and other serious addictions show NO discrimination in gender, neither does pornography--it's a wickedness that ensnares all who dare to indulge it's vice

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Porn is great.

    EDIT...originally, I came.......for pics....but now, just you
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I was you when I was 20. Then with more experience I realized it's just unrealistic to expect most guys not to watch it. As long as it's not interfering in your sex life I'd let it go. He should be a bit more discreet though. Does he not know how to delete history?
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    So what if he watches porn? Doesn't hurt you, doesn't replace you, so what? No problem. I'd be offended and insulted if I were him and you tried to make him "promise" not to look at porn. Porn is, in my opinion, boring and uninteresting, but no harm to you.

    No doubt I'll get a bunch of backlash for this, but I'm surprised that so many here don't see pornography as harmful to relationships. My husband is a marriage counselor. The problems he sees couples for are 1. Infidelity (either partner, but most often the man). 2. Pornography addiction (the male is addicted).

    A lot of the comments I read on here were from men who seem to be somewhat defensive about the subject. Kind of 'A man will be a man' type of bullpucky. Men have every ability to control themselves if they want to.

    Viewing/enjoying /= addiction.

    Yes, men are responsible for their actions, just like any other person would be. And yes, you can control yourself.

    But is your husband seeing true 'porn addicts' or are there actually deeper issues in the relationship for which porn is getting blamed (i.e. partner insecurity and misunderstanding that pornography /= cheating or wanting to cheat or having unrealistic expectations or any other negative thing associated with it). A porn addict is an addict and the problem is not with the porn but with the addict behaviour.

    Also - not seeing men being defensive here. Seeing men explaining that they like porn. Huge difference.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Where you stand with your guy on porn is completely up to you, and no one can make you feel comfortable with what makes you feel uncomfortable! I consider porn cheating and if my boyfriend wants to watch it, he needs to be outrageously sneaky and basically schedule time to *kitten* to porn, it would be ridiculously pathetic if he did so. If I ever caught him again (as I found him watching porn on his iPod when we first starting dating and I explained why I felt it still constituted as a form of cheating) he agreed he didn't need to watch it anyhow, we live together, and the sex is there whenever he wants it, so there is just no reason for it. Not to mention, porn gives men unrealistic expectations from women, which is exactly what causes cheating to happen. It's honestly YOUR comfort level and feelings on the subject, SCREW ANYONE WHO IS TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW TO FEEL! and do what feels right for you.

    Hold up.

    How is porn cheating?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and youngsters are someone's daughter, someone's mother, someone's sister, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise.

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:


    To each their own I guess.

    *flounces away to watch someone's mother, daughter, husband, son or any other relation have sex
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and youngsters are someone's daughter, someone's mother, someone's sister, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise.

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and men and youngsters are someone's children, someone's sons and daughters, someone's mother or father, someone's sister or brother, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise.

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and men and youngsters are someone's children, someone's sons and daughters, someone's mother or father, someone's sister or brother, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise.

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    *Picks up all of your judgmental stones and hands them back to you*

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I feel the only solution to this is to break up.

    A relationship with a girl who doesn't look at porn and doesn't let her man look at porn isn't going to be a success.

    Are you serious? I don't look at porn and neither does my husband (he doesn't believe in objectifying people) and we've been very happily married for 18 years. That's not what I call an unsuccessful relationship.

    THANK YOU! Believe it or not, there were more successful marriages before the internet porn came along. Magazines were for single guys. Once you found a wife, you didn't need to look at other naked women. Those who continued with it after marriage, usually ended up divorced.

    The need to frequently look at other women, when you have a real woman there for you in person, makes no sense to me. But I guess I may be old school. My ex had a severe addiction to magazines, before the internet, and it got to the point that he couldn't function normally without it. It is a self-centered act, whereas shared marital love is giving to each other, not only taking.

    I have been with my husband now for 16 years, and we don't need anyone else to be fulfilled. Still going strong!
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and men and youngsters are someone's children, someone's sons and daughters, someone's mother or father, someone's sister or brother, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise. Another LIE is that pornography is a "men" addiction" that's a lie--just as gambling, drugs and other serious addictions show NO discrimination in gender, neither does pornography--it's a wickedness that ensnares all who dare to indulge it's vice

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you aren't a guy you wouldn't understand.

    Pffft. Whatever.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Lot's of people, the greater majority in fact is going to tell you that pornography is no big deal, and as a matter of fact...they will tell you that if you DARE to be outraged, insulted and offended by it, that you're the one with the problem--because, as they rationalize that of course "everyone does it or should" type of mentally and paradigm.'s a "Voice from the Wilderness" to share with you (and who so ever will hear--let them hear), that pornography is not only vile and heinous character problem and habit, but it is also a sin against God and man to indulge in it, because what it does is sears your conscience from right and wrong and opens the doors of you mind and spirit to all kinds of wickedness, weaknesses and trouble--not just in your heart and mind, but in your character and choices too.

    Most people don't know or more important, don't care that untold thousands of innocent people (children and adults) are taken and used as sex slaves everyday in our country and thru-out the world. This wicked world doesn't call it sex slavery, but "human traffliking" instead (that doesn't sound as monsterous as sex slaves) and the greater majority of the people involved in the making of pornography are NOT "willing individuals", but are slaves--sex slaves and forced drug addicts, and are made to prostitute themselves and make these movies and live lives in the most horrible conditions imaginable. Like most of our culture and idols of our society--those people in those movies are NOT enjoying themselves (like the perverts who indulge in watching them think/believe) those people live lives as our movie stars do today, they are miserable and sick and mistreated in every conceivable way. Most people don't DARE to consider than many of these poor women and men and youngsters are someone's children, someone's sons and daughters, someone's mother or father, someone's sister or brother, someone's loved one, that are being abused in ways that are NOT portrayed in these films. To sit back and so call "enjoy" this type of UNNATURAL and ungodly mess is an utter sickness, no matter how many of the "herd" proclaim otherwise. Another LIE is that pornography is a "men" addiction" that's a lie--just as gambling, drugs and other serious addictions show NO discrimination in gender, neither does pornography--it's a wickedness that ensnares all who dare to indulge it's vice

    Pornography is a gateway to some of the most wicked and evil practices known to man. Just because our society is embracing the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah, before the flood today--doesn't mean EVERYONE has or is going to wink an eye at this wickedness and that's just what it is perversion/immoral and makes individuals and nations WEAK willed, WEAK minded and weak spirits...pornography is NOT normal and the "awww, comeone everyone does it"--that's a lie, perpetuated with and from the people who are sick mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's a kin of gambling, drugs and crime--these type of spirits run together. Take advantage of what your inner voice and intuition is shouting to you and FLEE from this situation, immediately if not sooner and then make sure when you get into relationships with others, that you make it CLEAR what you will stand for and what you won't stand for. You can forgive him, forgive yourself and turn tail and RUN from this mess!

    You can NOT change people. If your boyfriend is among the "many/the crowd/the masses" that considers pornography normal or "everyone does it or it's fun" crowd. That's on him...your job is to judge yourself firstly and not him...GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION IMMEDIATELY. Pornography is nothing to wink an eye at...just another DIFFERENT perspective. :flowerforyou:
    What if he watches a mother and daughter being boned by the pool boy? Surely he considered who they are, then?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I don't look at porn and neither does my husband

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    . It's the age of the internet, and I think finding a guy who doesn't look at it is going to be a hard task.

    This is incorrect. I know dozens (literally, dozens) of men who find it distasteful and don't watch porn. Not saying NONE of them have experimented or tried it once or twice, as I'm sure a fair number have, but as a whole they avoid it. It's a little silly to assume EVERYBODY watches it.

    How refreshing to hear that at least some of the younger generation have not bought into the lie that EVERY man watches it. Sounds like you found a good one.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I am not a huge porn fan... I just fast forward to a certain clip and 5 minutes later I have completed my porn watching for the day.
  • I feel your pain... I'm the same with porn. Another reason why I'm fine with being single for the rest of my life because EVERYONE but me and you seem to understand each other and apparently, we both need to "grow up" and stop being prude? Yeah, ok there, people. Whatever. If I don't like it, then I don't like it. But anyways, I know how you feel...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    hahahaha, is the op for real?

    It's porn, watch it with him and get laid. wtf is this, 17th century new england?
This discussion has been closed.