Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not sure if I am too late but I would love to do this challenge with everyone!
    My name is Amanda and I am 20 years old. I have been overweight almost my entire life, though my weight has always been up and down. I stand at 4'11" and at my highest weight I was 173 pounds. Winter of 2008 I finally decided enough was enough and worked my butt off to lose 30 pounds. Since about May of 2008 I have weight 140, occasionally going down as much as 10 pounds but eventually I always get back up to 140, rarely going over that.

    I think that a challenge will keep me motivated to lose the rest of the weight, or at least some of the rest. Summer is ending and I seem to always have an easier time working out in the fall than the summer, I blame it on the summer heat here in Minnesota lol. I would love to lose 20 pounds, or even 10 pounds by halloween!

    My starting weight will be 140 pounds today and I will update next week :)
    If I lose 20 pounds by halloween I will weigh 120 pounds :))
  • dj_stevie_c
    Week one Weigh in.

    Starting: 292
    Today: 291
    Target: 272

    Slow. But refocusing today and hopefully next week will go better.
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi. My name is Kristie. I have been up and down over the years and as the years go by, it is getting harder to lose the weight so I need to do this once and for all. After all, what am I waiting for?

    My starting weight this morning is 195.5 pounds so 20 pounds by Halloween will put me at 175.5 - which would be great!! Here's wishing success to us all!
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Hi, my name is Carleen, if its not to late I would like to join the challenge. My starting weight, as of yesterday morning is 329, i have a personal of losing 30lbs by halloween and this challenge will help keep me motivated and on track. I've been over 300lbs for about 4 or 5yrs and I'm really tired of it. In '07 I got under 300 with LA Weight Loss before they went out of business and since then I gained it all back plus some. My ultimate goal is to weight 140 and when I look at ALL the weight I need to lose I get overwhelmed and a little discouraged that I won't be able to reach my goal.

    I've always been overweight but since being a SAHM i've gained soooo much weight. I want / need to change my eating habits and set a good example for my kids with choosing the right foods to eat and exercising. I worry that they'll be overweight also.

    I started the C2 5k challenge but fell back a little when we went away last week for a mini vaca., so my goal is to start from the beginning again, (I olny got thru the 1st wk b4 vaca) and be able to run 5k outside by the end. I have a treadmill that I am running on, don't feel comfortable about running outside.

    Last note, I am going to be a witch for halloween and want to be able to go out with my kids.
  • brendan05
    Hi! my name is angela and i live in ontario canada! I hope its not too late to join this group! I joined because i have had 5 kiddos in % years and the last 20 lbs is hanging on for dear life! I have recently joined a gym and try to get there 2 or 3 times a week but its hard...if i can't go i do 30 minutes of pilates or go for a 30 minute walk! I have been watching my food for about 2 weeks now and haven't lost anything yet!
    I should mention i am still breastfeeding so i have had to increase my calories because 1300 was just not enough!
    So i am looking forward to the halloween challenge and i would be happy if i could meet the goal of 20 lbs by then!
    currently 151.5
    goal 231lbs!
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    hello my name is Maggie.....I have never joined a challenge before.....I have been apart of MFP since May, but just got serious two days ago. So this challenge is perfect for me for two reasons.....first because I need to set my first goal...H20 is now it and secondly HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday of the year, however it has been verying frustrating for the past several years. Why you ask??? because they DO NOT MAKE VERY CUTE COSTUMES (in my opinion) for overweight people! Unless of course you want to pay over $125 :P
    Ok so my start weight as of this morning is 226.8....that would make my goal 206.8 (very sad I just did the math on the calculator because I wanted to make sure 206.8 was correct...not because I can't do math in my head but because I can't remember the last time I was out of the 220's)
    Well as I said I have never joined a challenge before, do I need to do anything other than reply to this post, and how do I get back to the challege post once I have gone> sorry like i said I just started navigating around this site.
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Today was my first Halloween Challenge weigh in. It is normally on Sundays but I wasn't feeling well so changed it to today. Will be Sundays from now on though. :smile:

    Starting Halloween Challenge: 216.8
    Current [31/08/10]: 215 = 1.8 Loss
    Goal: 196.8

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Christine, congrats on the loss! You too, DJ_stevie!

    Welcome to the new members! Just so you know, we've moved operations to a new thread. We've got our "Week 2" topic going on right now - you should jump on in there so you don't get left behind! We want to support you!
  • carcar63
    Okay, I've been looking for the wk 2 thread and can't find it. HELP
  • lovemepurple88
    lovemepurple88 Posts: 22 Member
    So it is about week two in the challenge for me!

    SW for challenge-239.5
    Weight Lost=6.5/20
  • pminjc
    I would love to lose 20 lbs. by holloween. I have been struggling with my weight for years and I need help! My weight battle has caused me to withdraw from life and social gatherings.

    I would love to feel normal again!! Maybe with the help of each other we can get well and healthy again! Thank's for the support!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome to the group pminjc! We've got new threads each week, so join us in our current thread - Week 3! Here's the link:
  • mom23kids
    Weighed in yesterday and had lost 3 lbs! So happy. For a total of 9lbs. only 11 more to go before Halloween! A confession to make also. I blew it yesterday! I really blew it. I had these things called gooey bars by Paula Dean. They should be outlawed! The good thing is that today is a new day and I will get back on track. I think that's whats different this time around. In the past I would blow it one day and I would feel like I couldn't get back on track. I would feel worthless and feel like I had no self control or will power. My attitude has changed. I know 1 day doesn't blow everything. I just need to start anew today. I will be victorious in my weight loss war!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    mom23kids - congrats on your loss!

    Don't forget, we're working on our Week 3 thread, so join us there!
  • dj_stevie_c
    Uh couple of weeks in and I've been on a plateau. I'm hoping that I've finally beaten it though, staying the same for a while and even went up a bit this week, thankfully the needle went down this time though :
  • dj_stevie_c
    No one going for this anymore?

    Anyway, this week I think my weigh in day should be thursday rather than Monday. I seem to do so much better during the week and checking in Monday after a hectic weekend often leaves me feeling a bit low.

    this monday I was 292lbs, I weighed in Thursday (same time of day) and I was 288. So looks like I'm off and running again.
  • KLaurean
    I'm a little bit late jumping on the bandwagon, but I'm looking at 11 pounds by Halloween :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome KLaurean! We start a new thread each's our current discussion, we're on Week 4: