Random acts of kindness - What have you done lately?



  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I carried and gave birth to a baby for another woman.


    I feel like a meanie

    :flowerforyou: Anything but. :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I carried and gave birth to a baby for another woman.


    I feel like a meanie

    :flowerforyou: Anything but. :)

    You're sweet, and seriously I'm awed by what you did. That takes a hell of a lot
  • Marshmaster
    Marshmaster Posts: 19 Member
    I applaud every one of you that have acted an act of kindness.

    Ringing bells for Salvation Army, opening doors, and sending thankful "I appreciate your service" note cards to stress-filled retail employees are some of my acts.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Most recently, I've gone through a toll road and chose to also pay for the car behind me. I don't know if it was entirely altruistic though... he was hot. He gave me a thumbs up when he overtook me further ahead.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Most recently, I've gone through a toll road and chose to also pay for the car behind me. I don't know if it was entirely altruistic though... he was hot. He gave me a thumbs up when he overtook me further ahead.

    I did that once -- well the car ahead paid for mine so I paid for the one behind me. It made me unreasonably happy.
  • fulleroaks
    I adopt a family for Christmas each year, providing groceries and gifts for the kids. This year's family is a 25 year old single mom with five kids. Their wish list includes diapers, socks, underwear, etc. It always makes me sad, but I'm a sucker for poor kids. I was one for so long.
  • nygiants1313
    saw a dog wandering around a few towns over from me the other day...I picked it up and brought it to a vet hospital where they scanned the chip inside the dog and it came up with an address in which I brought the dog back home to its rightful owners
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    Girl in back of me last night was short $2 for her cover charge to get into the bar. I gave her the money. While not a huge act of generosity, I did also cover my best friends ENTIRE bar tab. I'm just sweet like that. Or a push over. Huh. I'll have to think about this one.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    When my sister found a 12-hr old kitten in the gravel outside her house I took him and bottle-raised him instead of letting her take him to a shelter. They would have put him down, he was so helpless they wouldn't have had the resources to take care of him. Once he became viable we decided to keep him. :smile:
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Mostly recently, I stopped and purchased the newspaper that the homeless community in our city hand makes and sells on the side of the road. The gentleman was very nice.

    I volunteer to co-lead with the girl scout troop. This is for me as well, as my daughter has joined, and I want to help all the girls, but my little one is benefiting from it also.

    Next week at church all of our tithe money will be going to the typhoon recovery in the Philippines and I am planning to donate more than usual for that cause.

    I have a trip to an orphanage in Baja, Mexico coming up in February- just to help play, interactive, cook for, clean, and bond with the kiddos there. My 7 year old will be coming with me.

    Last year when I was walking through target a young man stopped me and asked me if I could help him purchase diapers and formula for his two young sons, he even showed me pictures. I didn't have any cash on me, only my debit card, so I told him I would go to the register with him and just swipe my card (he already had what he needed picked out). I haven't bought diapers/formula in a pretty long time- so I was thinking 30-40 dollars. It was 110. After I paid, I knew I didn't have enough left over to by the things I had come there for- but I felt pretty good about helping. Except for when, after browsing the store for a while, I saw him using the same story on someone else as I was walking out. I felt pretty used after that :frown:
  • ncast139
    I was at D&D and the pop warner team was asking for donations. I gave $10 going in, $10 coming out and bought the kids a box of munchkins. TIS THE SEASON PEOPLE!

  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Nice topic! Reading it made me smile. Keep it going!
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Last year when I was walking through target a young man stopped me and asked me if I could help him purchase diapers and formula for his two young sons, he even showed me pictures. I didn't have any cash on me, only my debit card, so I told him I would go to the register with him and just swipe my card (he already had what he needed picked out). I haven't bought diapers/formula in a pretty long time- so I was thinking 30-40 dollars. It was 110. After I paid, I knew I didn't have enough left over to by the things I had come there for- but I felt pretty good about helping. Except for when, after browsing the store for a while, I saw him using the same story on someone else as I was walking out. I felt pretty used after that :frown:

    That is just awful. That was a very nice thing you tried to do though.

    I like to pay for the order for the car behind me when I go through the drive through for a coffee.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    I :heart: all the kindness MFP are showing. A true inspiration.:drinker: It also gives me ideas for my December goal.

    One of my goals is to do an intentional act of kindness everyday in December. A few things I have done so far are. Today I sang in my church choir even though I overslept. I got up at 7:45 and was at church by 8:30. It was tempting to just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. I gave money to our church"s program that is helping in the Philippines. I volunteered in an inner city Kindergarten class for the morning.

    :heart: to you all.
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Found a gym card in the street quite far away from the actual gym and I brought it there for whoever had lost it - it costs $25 if you can't find it any more.

    Also, I've recently started a sort of challenge where I try to compliment at least one random person each day (for something I honestly like though). Sometimes it only takes a "love your nail polish" to make one smile and feel better about themselves.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Made cookies for my neighbors that are in the process of moving, placed on their doorstep with a note to enjoy and signed from Santa's helpers.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Bought a whole cart full of winter clothing, books, and toys for a child in a domestic violence shelter. My office does a program with our local domestic violence shelter each year where we can take the wish list of an anonymous child, purchase their wish list, get a little gift for their mom, and then it gets donated to the shelter anonymously for the kids. We include wrapping paper and tape so the moms get to wrap the gifts for their little ones. Makes me feel good to do this every Christmas :smile:
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Love reading these!
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    Decided to strip paint and carpeting and restore all of the original Hardwood underneath it all for mother after dad passed away - doesn't want to leave the house! Was a REAL pain in the a** but so much nicer now, esp. with a few nicely placed area rugs.
  • manny1991
    manny1991 Posts: 204 Member
    I adopt a family for Christmas each year, providing groceries and gifts for the kids. This year's family is a 25 year old single mom with five kids. Their wish list includes diapers, socks, underwear, etc. It always makes me sad, but I'm a sucker for poor kids. I was one for so long.
    I honestly need to let you know that I have tears in my eyes right now. I was a poor kid too and it's people like you that made Christmas possible for me. Thank you.