Random acts of kindness - What have you done lately?



  • rav52
    rav52 Posts: 495
    On a mission to achieve 27 acts of kindness.........if not more

    latest one ....at the store the other day and Mom with 3 kids in front of me at the checkout. She was short of money to pay for all the items and was about to put an item back. I hate seeing this especially being a mom of 2 myself...well I covered her for the rest of what she owed. It actually brought us both to tears. Nothing beats that feeling!!!!!!
  • Llamedos1960
    I brought up my daughter to care about others and I'm available as a taxi to take her to help out at our local Sailability. (For those that don't know, that's sailing for the disabled.)

    She's sailed with a blind girl, acting as her eyes.

    She's sailed with a partially paralysed man operating the right hand controls for him.

    She has done this once a week during the summer months (they only run Sailability in the summer) since she was 14 yo.

    She also has a dream of one day racing a yacht with a 100% autistic crew and she wants to call the yacht Ausome!

    She's only 17 and doesn't yet drive so I support her in this - I guess that's second hand kindness?

    Oh, yes, btw, my daughter is also disabled. She's autistic.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    My colleague brought a bag of Wispa bites into work and I let her have some, I know I'm too kind.
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    Took a load of blankets and food up to the local dog's home where we had our dog from
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Participated in today's theme
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Volunteer to help elderly Korea Vet. on call 24/7
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    On Thanksgiving me and the wife had all of the single Soldiers from my platoon, that couldnt go home, come to my place to eat. We cooked all the food for them which was a good amount of work for 20+ people. It's a tradition we started 2 years ago that we hope to keep going until I retire.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    agreed to share my talents with my auntie's church this Sunday, as violinist and art-project leader for kids' Sunday school. i'm an atheist. :embarassed:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Random acts of kindness.

    I totally love you more now.

    Anyway...I had an odd one recently. I was filling up at a gas station and saw a guy walking towards me. I am not happy with my first judgmental reaction, and I am working on myself for that. But I fully thought he was going to ask for money or something. He approached and I just gave him the eye with a stone cold expression. The first thing he says is, "Please, I am not asking for money or anything. I swear. I just need to get to XXXX Avenue and Glendale."

    I still looked at him without answering. I knew it was about 20 minutes the other way from heading home, and I just got off of working late.

    He continued that he and his wife had just fallen on some bad luck, but he was at the gas station getting a job and his wife was pregnant. He said they would walk, but it is too far and his wife was pregnant.

    At that point, my heart dropped to see he sitting with groceries and for him to have to beg me to get a ride. Yeah, I was pretty ashamed of myself for my first thoughts.

    Anyway, I finally just said, "Yeah, I can give you a ride."

    As I drove them over we started talking and I as amazed at the ambition of this young man and his wife. He was pounding the pavement looking for work and was ready to do whatever was needed to support their child. Note, I did not see a ring on either of their fingers. I could only assume he was doing the right thing anyway.

    I talked with him about his future and gave him some advice for reaching his goals and exploring opportunities out there for work and (of course) for school - finish his GED and then look at a local community college for some trade schooling.

    I dropped them off and I was mixed with a bit of pride fro helping, a nagging feeling that I wanted to help them more, and that continued shame fro being judgmental. But it was good.

    Also, this last week my wife came home with a stray doxie that was almost hit on a major road. We took care of him this last week and finally got fliers out yesterday. No sooner were they up when she immediately got a call from a very grateful owner. We got to reunite them and I felt amazing seeing how much the owner LOVED that dog. Some great tears of joy.

    Anywho, I try to open my heart as often as possible, even when my mind is closed. I never know what opportunities might come my way for random acts of kindness. And I never know how my help or positive words might effect those people for the better in the long run.


    Thanks for this thread.
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    Gave up my place in the queue to a woman at the supermarket.

    Hardly Mother Theresa level, but it still felt good.

    “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
    ― Mother Teresa
    Dont know, but it sounds like Mother Theresa to me!
  • Shauneexo
    Shauneexo Posts: 92 Member
    I saw a homeless man at the park and left to get him some food. When I came back, I sat and ate with him and listened to him talk.
  • bigbarnold
    bigbarnold Posts: 2,554 Member
    I saw a homeless man at the park and left to get him some food. When I came back, I sat and ate with him and listened to him talk.
    That is awesome! Most of the time these people just want to be acknowledged and treated just like anyone else. Spending time with him and talking with him might have given him a little hope that he needed to change his life.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    Yesterday; stopped and helped someone struggling with putting on a spare tire...

    A few weeks ago I shared my lunch with a panhandler

    A few weeks before that I bought a homeless guy a new jacket because his was barely worthy of being called a jacket and it was cold as all hell out...

    Back in January I bought groceries for a neighbor who ended up getting laid off while she was already struggling under a lack if WIC funds..

    And I make dinner's for another neighbor because if I don't the old drunk would probably starve to death. :(
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I allow you to live.
  • firfeous
    firfeous Posts: 196 Member
    I gave a lady $10 the other day (that I really needed!). She said she was from Boston (she didn't have an accent though), that she had gone to a funeral in Newport News, VA, and that on her way back home, her head gasket blew. The mechanic at the garage that her car was towed to told her the car wasn't even worth being fixed and to just leave it with them to pay for the tow. Someone from the garage then drove her and her two young children (who were nowhere to be found while she was standing in the middle of the street flagging down cars) to the train station to get back to Boston except that she had only had $20 for the train fare and needed $45 (it costs 14 bux to get to NYC, I would have thought 3 people going to Boston would cost more than $45?).

    So I gave her my last 10 bux because 1. if she was telling the truth, that's awful and she needed the money more than me, or 2. she really worked hard on that lie, had real tears in her eyes and at the very least she deserved it for the great acting job!
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    I gave a lady $10 the other day (that I really needed!). She said she was from Boston (she didn't have an accent though), that she had gone to a funeral in Newport News, VA, and that on her way back home, her head gasket blew. The garage that her car was towed to told her the car wasn't even worth being fixed and to just leave it with to pay for the tow. Someone from the garage then drove her and her two young children (who were nowhere to be found while she was standing in the middle of the street flagging down cars) to the train station to get back to Boston except that she had only had $40 for the train fare and needed $65.

    So I gave her my last 10 bux because 1. if she was telling the truth, that's awful and she could use the money more than me, or 2. she really worked hard on that lie, had real tears in her eyes and at the very least she deserved it for the great acting job!

    Bwahahaha! The really well crafted spins get a little extra love from my wallet too!
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Gave my hubby my last rolo.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Entered my youngest son (he's 22) into drug-rehab for the 3rd (and final) time. Total not covered by insurance to-date, about $15,000. Mathew 18:21-22 is about the only thing that kept me going with helping him.

    On the bright side, he is doing great...sober for 2 months as of tomorrow.
  • ChristineMiller2
    We paid for a veterans dinner, it was cute to watch him walk around the restaurant seeing if he "knew" anyone. I told our waitress to make sure he didn't find out. BUT guess what he did, he paid it forward INSTANTLY he gave his waitress all the money his bill totaled as a tip even though we had that covered too, she was estatic! Very cool.