Random acts of kindness - What have you done lately?



  • ChristineMiller2
    Gave my hubby my last rolo.

    Whoa!!! So you REALLY like him?? :)
  • BDC44
    BDC44 Posts: 19
    My favorite was at Christmastime a couple of years ago. I went to the mall and there was a bell ringer at the front. He was an older gentleman and his appearance wasn't the most clean-cut, but he was so friendly and helpful to everyone who was coming and going. He would run back and forth to open the doors for people, etc. In the few brief seconds that I encountered him, he just touched my heart.

    So while I was doing my shopping, I decided to pick up a little gift for him, too. It was a box of wrapped Christmas cookies. I walked out of the mall where he was still working, handed him the gift and wished him a Merry Christmas. The look on his face was of shock. He was so thankful for such a small gesture. Then as I was walking away he said: "Did you include your phone number in here, too?" :laugh: :laugh:
  • ChristineMiller2
    The was a lady at Meijer asking people in the parking lot for money for gas, I told her to drive over to the gas station and I would fill her tank up as I was headed that way.....she said no, she didn't want to do that...... um then I guess you don't need gas???

    I don't care what she would have wanted the money for I may have given it to her anyways, but why lie? And how DUMB was it to pass up the free gas? Ugh, some people lol
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    The was a lady at Meijer asking people in the parking lot for money for gas, I told her to drive over to the gas station and I would fill her tank up as I was headed that way.....she said no, she didn't want to do that...... um then I guess you don't need gas???

    I don't care what she would have wanted the money for I may have given it to her anyways, but why lie? And how DUMB was it to pass up the free gas? Ugh, some people lol

    This is a scam I've noticed in my neck of the woods. I no longer hand over the cash but will buy the person food or gas.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I've refrained from beating my co-worker this morning.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Not eaten animals since 1990 :heart:
  • ChristineMiller2
    The was a lady at Meijer asking people in the parking lot for money for gas, I told her to drive over to the gas station and I would fill her tank up as I was headed that way.....she said no, she didn't want to do that...... um then I guess you don't need gas???

    I don't care what she would have wanted the money for I may have given it to her anyways, but why lie? And how DUMB was it to pass up the free gas? Ugh, some people lol

    This is a scam I've noticed in my neck of the woods. I no longer hand over the cash but will buy the person food or gas.

    At least those people are smart enough to accept your generosity, this gal just walked away mad at ME lol
  • LeahBelcastro
    LeahBelcastro Posts: 26 Member
    It was raining this past weekend and there was a very thin homeless man on the side of the road with no jacket on. My sister-in-law and I gave him all the cash and change we had in our wallets. It wasn’t much but the look on his face was priceless. I really hope he went inside of one of the casinos and got some food.
  • Badger618
    Badger618 Posts: 65 Member
    Loaded an older ladies groceries into her car in the rain
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I try to entice people think beyond what the news is reporting.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I was in receipt of one this morning. I was getting on my bus to get to work and found an empty seat. I took one of the side facing seats that are over the wheels, so I had to step up to the seat. There are four seat there in a row. I took the one to the far left and there was a guy sitting to the one on the far right. As I was going to sit down (after having stepped up), I dropped my bus pass. It was right under my feet on the floor of the bus so there was no problem for me to step back down and get it. This guy immediately jumps up, comes over and picks up my bus pass for me. You don't see things like that to often!

    (Also the bus driver was nice in letting me use my April bus pass this morning, either that or he just didn't really noticed I showed the April one and not the May one!)
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Sleepless nights being an available ear for a friend in crisis and I pay for the coffee behind me at the drive through.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Every time I go across the local toll bridge I pay for the person behind me... When my friend lost her life on 911, her parents asked that we do a roandom act of kindness in her honor. I contiue to do this and always will. It is something nice, and it reminds me of a friend and ensures that I don't forget the events of that day...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Wife couldn';t fall asleep the other night, so I banged her like a screen door in a hurricane. Slept like a baby.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    Every time I go across the local toll bridge I pay for the person behind me... When my friend lost her life on 911, her parents asked that we do a roandom act of kindness in her honor. I contiue to do this and always will. It is something nice, and it reminds me of a friend and ensures that I don't forget the events of that day...
    I need to drive behind you .. especially over the Verrazano. :)
    way nicer than me ! LOL
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    I offered one of my 9 year old football players the opportunity to talk about the divorce his parents are going through because I went through it when i was a young boy.
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    A lady dropped the entire contents of her purse on the street so I helped pick it all up....
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    A lady dropped the entire contents of her purse on the street so I helped pick it all up....

    Very nice of you. This happened to me when I was out with a girlfriend at a bar. A gentleman helped pick everything up and I set him up with my friend. He's a lucky man!

    Ha ha she was a little bit to old to have friends anywhere near my age :)
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    Today, a guy left his phone on the treadmill and i waited for him to come back for it so that no one would take it:bigsmile: