are there certain drinks/food to avoid to get a flat belly?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    there are no bad foods..

    eat in a calorie deficit + work out = weight loss
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    It will be different for everyone. I find my belly bloats with sodium, and very occasionally if I eat dairy (but it depends what dairy it is). If you find some foods affect you then avoid them.

    In general, fat loss (achieved by eating at a calorie deficit) and working out (lifting weights + a little cardio) should improve the look.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    It will be different for everyone. I find my belly bloats with sodium, and very occasionally if I eat dairy (but it depends what dairy it is). If you find some foods affect you then avoid them.

    In general, fat loss (achieved by eating at a calorie deficit) and working out (lifting weights + a little cardio) should improve the look.

    Who cares... it's a bloat. It's temporary not permanent....
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Avoid wheat/gluten.

    No to OP's question and No to the above

    (Unless you've gone to a doctor and have been found to be legitimately gluten intolerant..then of course common sense would be to stay away from gluten.)

    100% this :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    The only "credible" source I have is my personal experience. My stomach, and my upper body (as well as my hands/feet and more) shrinks tremendously and rather quickly too (2 1/2 -3 months time I begin to see fabulous inches loss--the scale moves for me, but no where NEAR the drama loses in inches on my body--especially my tummy area and upper body) when I forsake eating junky/processed foods, greasy sugary and salt laddened foods & drinks, red meats, dairy (like fast foods/burgers & fries and delicious JUNK like that), when I avoid the S.A.D. ( Standard American Diet) and CONSISTENTLY eat fruits, veggies, grains, beans, rice--basically a plant based diet and only drinking water as my source of drinking, my stomach shrinks big time--ONLY if I avoid the S.A.D. diet consistently (at least 3 months straight). If/when I go back to the S.A.D. way of eating (eating out and fast foods more than home cooking, eating processed foods more than making them from scratch, drinking juices/sodas and creamy coffees, dairy, meats sugary and salt filled snacks and junk like that--that I LOVE, I gain all my weight back PLUS an extra ugly pound or two of flab & fat and it's mostly in the tummy and upper body. I have a rough time losing weight and keeping it off eating moderately the S.A.D. diet. It's only when I eat to live instead of live to eat and move my body with fat crying daily exercise that my stomach and every other area goes down and I look better and feel better too--but just my experience, "special snowflake" that I KNOW I am:wink: .
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    The only "credible" source I have is my personal experience. My stomach, and my upper body (as well as my hands/feet and more) shrinks tremendously and rather quickly too (2 1/2 -3 months time I begin to see fabulous inches loss--the scale moves for me, but no where NEAR the drama loses in inches on my body--especially my tummy area and upper body) when I forsake eating junky/processed foods, greasy sugary and salt laddened foods & drinks, red meats, dairy (like fast foods/burgers & fries and delicious JUNK like that), when I avoid the S.A.D. ( Standard American Diet) and CONSISTENTLY eat fruits, veggies, grains, beans, rice--basically a plant based diet and only drinking water as my source of drinking, my stomach shrinks big time--ONLY if I avoid the S.A.D. diet consistently (at least 3 months straight). If/when I go back to the S.A.D. way of eating (eating out and fast foods more than home cooking, eating processed foods more than making them from scratch, drinking juices/sodas and creamy coffees, dairy, meats sugary and salt filled snacks and junk like that--that I LOVE, I gain all my weight back PLUS an extra ugly pound or two of flab & fat and it's mostly in the tummy and upper body. I have a rough time losing weight and keeping it off eating moderately the S.A.D. diet. It's only when I eat to live instead of live to eat and move my body with fat crying daily exercise that my stomach and every other area goes down and I look better and feel better too--but just my experience, "special snowflake" that I KNOW I am:wink: .

    sounds so naughty carnal
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    its personal. I avoid carbonated drinks as they bloat me, but I am unable to burp.

    A life without beer? :(

    As long as I'm wearing my fat pants I'm all good. Some things are worth it.