Death by candy...sabotage ?

I joined MFP over a year ago and have lost of 20 lbs. (yay). I have come to realize that my problem time of yr. is surprise...the Fall / Winter! I'm less motivated to work out and want to eat more. When I do not work out, I always end up eating more throughout the day. In the past couple of months I've gained about 5 lbs., not too bad but still a bummer. What's worse is I've had a terrible time with cravings, mainly for sugar. When I stay clear of artificial sugar, I’m “on the wagon” so to speak and do pretty well

So my problem is this...of course it's the holiday season so we have candy in my office like many offices do. The office is small, less than 10 people. I am one of the few unlucky people that is actually without a physical office (aka four walls and privacy). or even a cubicle for that matter. I'm just in a big open room.
In front of my desk, less than 2’ away is a small table. On this table is a Christmas tree (so pretty) and eeeeeek, a CANDY DISH! Last year I actually ended up moving that lovely candy dish after two weeks had passed and many stolen calories. I relocated it to the lunch table in another room. I didn't think it would matter much or people would give it a second thought but guess what? The candy dish somehow magically reappearing in front of my desk overnight! I tried to ignore it and mentioned to no one in particular that I noticed someone had moved it back. A few more days past into the new yr. and all decorations and the wretched candy dish went back into the closest, phew!!

Well it’s back and I decided I would be honest about it with my co-workers this time around. When we received four bags of candy in the office, I kindly asked if we could move the (empty) candy dish to the lunch room or just put the candy back there on the lunch table, out of sight, out of mind. I didn’t think this was being unreasonable. This seemed fine at the time. Then we got more candy and my co-worker asks if I mind if it’s in the dish in front of my desk. It’s seemed innocent but why would you ask that ? I said I would rather it not be there). She honored my request but low and behold, there it sits (the next day) with candy!

Am I being unreasonable? Since this table is literally 2’ from my desk, I consider that my unofficial “office area” (remember – no walls). I would never leave a candy dish in someone’s office, wouldn’t that just seem bizarre? And if I did and they asked me to move it, I certainly wouldn’t have a problem with that or take it personally… That seems petty and immature. The simple fact is we have a common area already for food and I simply ask if we could have the candy located there instead. I don’t expect support from my colleagues but I certainly don’t expect sabotage and that’s what it feels like.



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.
  • Number_44
    Number_44 Posts: 97 Member


    If you spent as much time and effort into diet and exercise as you do in writing rants on MFP we both wouldnt be having this conversation now would we?

  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm sorry "rants" would imply plural as in more than one rant. What other rant do I have ?

    Clearly I have spent time in the past dieting / exercising, how else did I lose over 20 lbs. ?? Anyone with any experience will tell you maintenance is the harest part. We are all human and give in to temptation...

    I noticed you just joined this month. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Oh I love a good sabotage thread!
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    unless they are actually putting it in your mouth..
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Sounds like she's being a c___. I'd just move it back every time she puts it in your face. Or move it closer to HER desk. :devil:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.

    I'm a *****. If someone sat it near my desk, I moved it away and it came back, I'd dump the whole thing, dish and all into the nearest garbage can.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Is this person moving the candy dish in front of u overweight by chance or has a jealous side? Just throwing it out there but maybe they are doing this on purpose to sabatoge your achievement, perhaps they are jealous???
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Dear Scooby,

    Would it help if you bought in your own 'treats' that you have allotted into your daily calorie count, so at least that way you could enjoy something nice but not end up getting into the whole sugary thing????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    don't eat it ..

    we have a candy bowl and a tub of Christmas cookies in the break room..I just don't eat them ..or I have one cookie for the day and that is it ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.

    I'm a *****. If someone sat it near my desk, I moved it away and it came back, I'd dump the whole thing, dish and all into the nearest garbage can.

    well aren't you a gem?

    Punish the whole office because you can't control yourself...
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Either just tip them into a bin and 'confess' that you ate them all


    wee into a spray bottle and give them a spray - you won't be tempted then (I'm kidding, don't do this)

    I think it's disrespectful - you've been honest and let everyone know what you would prefer and why, they've been given the chance to listen and respect you and have decided not to - plain rude.

    I would be upset if it were me.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.

    I'm a *****. If someone sat it near my desk, I moved it away and it came back, I'd dump the whole thing, dish and all into the nearest garbage can.

    well aren't you a gem?

    Punish the whole office because you can't control yourself...

    Maybe punish the whole office because they aren't respecting her wishes to keep the candy in a different room because she ADMITS she is having a PROBLEM with it.

    She's doing her best - her workmates are in the wrong here - this is how I see it.

    If she didn't speak up and just threw them away then that is wrong.

    If this was people smoking in the office and she asked them to move to another room and they refused would that be different?

    Overeating lollies is not just a health issue but also a cosmetic one - sweets make you fat, ruin your skin, make you tired and contribute to diabetes and other assorted health problems. It also may or may not be addictive - but certainly some people have a huge problem saying NO to it.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.

    I'm a *****. If someone sat it near my desk, I moved it away and it came back, I'd dump the whole thing, dish and all into the nearest garbage can.

    well aren't you a gem?

    Punish the whole office because you can't control yourself...

    I don't think she's asking her colleagues not to have candy at all. She's just asking them to keep the candy dish somewhere else where she won't be as tempted to eat it. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Move it. Problem solved.

    I'll try that again and see how it goes and just continue to move it. It didn't work last yr. but I'll have to wait an see.

    I'm a *****. If someone sat it near my desk, I moved it away and it came back, I'd dump the whole thing, dish and all into the nearest garbage can.

    well aren't you a gem?

    Punish the whole office because you can't control yourself...

    Maybe punish the whole office because they aren't respecting her wishes to keep the candy in a different room because she ADMITS she is having a PROBLEM with it.

    She's doing her best - her workmates are in the wrong here - this is how I see it.

    If she didn't speak up and just threw them away then that is wrong.

    If this was people smoking in the office and she asked them to move to another room and they refused would that be different?

    Overeating lollies is not just a health issue but also a cosmetic one - sweets make you fat, ruin your skin, make you tired and contribute to diabetes and other assorted health problems. It also may or may not be addictive - but certainly some people have a huge problem saying NO to it.

    the workers are in the wrong for putting a candy bowl under a Christmas tree??? Bahahahaha that is hilarious ..

    and your smoking analogy is pretty extreme...
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    The thing is... it is not your "office" You don't have an office. The table with the tree and candy dish are actually "public" (as in all employees have access to it).

    Honestly, deal with it. Don't be a jerk and dump the dish into the trash or hide it. That will just make everyone else upset with you and dislike you. It is also childish.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Time to learn some self-control. We have a treat table in my office and we all have stockings on our cubicles that get filled with candy during the holidays. I don't need to eat every treat on the table or all the chocolate in my stocking.
  • ohthatzhott
    ohthatzhott Posts: 19 Member
    Time to learn some self-control. We have a treat table in my office and we all have stockings on our cubicles that get filled with candy during the holidays. I don't need to eat every treat on the table or all the chocolate in my stocking.

    I agree, there will always be temptation. Mind over matter. You can't hide all the candy dishes in the world!
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. There is a "common area" about a foot away from my desk. Honestly, I just live with it. I treat it like training for the rest of my life and as a symbol of how far I have come that I don't have to put every sweet thing in my mouth.

    Although it helps that I offered to buy the candy last time and brought in my least favorite type so I wouldn't be tempted. That really did help.

    My friend brought some in the time before that that was left over from Halloween- a year before. Knowing it was that old was another deterrent.