Death by candy...sabotage ?



  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    so if I put carrots in the bowl am I sabotaging the people that want candy?

    That doesn't even make sense?!! My co-worker KNOWS I LOST WEIGHT, SHE KNOWS I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SUGAR and SHE INTENTIONALLY MOVED THE CANDY DISH BACK ??? I consider that pretty mean spirited and question if yes, she's means to sabotage me...Misery loves company and she is always battling with her weight / diet...
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I am not going to comment on the self control part, but even after you requesting, if they kept it back- it was just rude!
    Is it for the co-workers or do you have customers? If its out there for visiting customers, it makes sense, but for co-workers, it does not make much sense where the dish is placed. But i would also like to give a benefit of doubt to your co-workers. Not all the people are on fitness bandwagon and most people love the holidays for the yummy cookies and candies. Maybe they just want the environment to be festive and candy makes them happy?
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    Don't they have "their space" in their office ? I don't have that unfortunately. No office walls, no cubicle, just a big open space...
    if you do not like your office space then go to management....I am not sure what else you want me to say..

    I am sorry that your office is in the public area where there is a Christmas tree and bowl of candy ...where would you like for them to move it? The basement?

    Well aren't you just an absolute troll...bad karma for you.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Don't they have "their space" in their office ? I don't have that unfortunately. No office walls, no cubicle, just a big open space...
    if you do not like your office space then go to management....I am not sure what else you want me to say..

    I am sorry that your office is in the public area where there is a Christmas tree and bowl of candy ...where would you like for them to move it? The basement?

    Actually, the OP said the lunch table, not the basement. It seems to me that food belongs in the food area.
  • dejamos
    dejamos Posts: 53 Member
    so if I put carrots in the bowl am I sabotaging the people that want candy?

    That doesn't even make sense?!! My co-worker KNOWS I LOST WEIGHT, SHE KNOWS I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SUGAR and SHE INTENTIONALLY MOVED THE CANDY DISH BACK ??? I consider that pretty mean spirited and question if yes, she's means to sabotage me...Misery loves company and she is always battling with her weight / diet...
    It seems to me that this is the real issue for you. My suggestion would be to stop worrying about your co-worker and her motives and just stay focused on what will work for you. If that means moving the candy dish back to the lunch room every time it appears on the table, then just move it back to the lunch room.

    No fuss, no muss, no drama. Just do what you need to do.
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    No customers at all, we are actually in a very remote location so we rarely even have visitors.
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    It's been fine the past few days. I just make sure to eat every couple of hours (not easy b/c I'm on two medications one you take with food, the other you can't take within 2 - 3 hrs after eating). I haven't had more than a piece or two since Monday :happy:
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    I like this a lot :happy:

    Don't get mad, get even!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't they have "their space" in their office ? I don't have that unfortunately. No office walls, no cubicle, just a big open space...

    We are in an open concept office. Even if we weren't, I just feel that I am the one who is in control of what I eat, and I wouldn't want them to move it. I think maybe blowing up the issue just makes it worse on you. Why can't you just make up your mind to not eat it? I am not being sarcastic, I just don't get it. I was 382 lbs in January, and I started realizing that everything I do, everything I eat is a choice, and I now choose not to let food drive my feelings and actions any more.

    Halleluiah, a reasonable answer. :flowerforyou:
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I am a total *kitten* when it comes to things like this, so I would probably just throw away all the candy and take the dish home where it can't be found again. If I had voiced my opposition to the dish being there and it STILL kept coming back, yeah it'd be toast. haha
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    If you sincerely think they are doing it to sabotage you, that stinks and you have awful coworkers.

    That being said, they can't make you eat it. I understand what a trigger it can be. But it's up to you to overcome it! You can do it! Don't give them the power, here. You are in control of yourself. This is about you; not them. I know how hard it is. People are constantly eating at my job- and horrible things that would blow my calories out of the water. But I want weight loss more than I want the candy, cakes, donuts, etc.

    Some people are jealous and passive aggressive, and just rotten. But you can only control how YOU react to it!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    just walked by candy bowl...ignored it...
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Ugh....I had a couple of really heavy coworkers last year who honestly, I think did not like seeing me lose weight while they stayed the same. One kept bringing doughnuts and would always include a coconut one because she knew it was my favorite. She'd then act hurt if I didn't eat it. If people can't be happy for you getting healthy and losing weight, then get "revenge" (lol not really) by proving your resolve to them through refusing to give in to temptation. Hard, I know, but we all have to toughen up when it comes to eating junk. It's always going to be right in front of us (commercials for junk food, driving by fast food places, snacks our family members bring home, etc.) and I think we all need to learn techniques to handle those temptations.

    As far as what techniques, I'm sure there are lots. One I know for sure is filling up on lots of vegetables and healthy, filling but low calorie foods so that you're not hungry all the time. Maybe also having a few dark chocolate Hershey's kisses at your desk will help. Dark chocolate is so rich, that 2 kisses satisfy my cravings. OR (just thought of this!) you could volunteer to refill the candy jar when it's empty, with candy you HATE....

    Hope that helps.
  • Scoobydoo1180
    Scoobydoo1180 Posts: 49 Member
    just walked by candy bowl...ignored it...

    You must be a candidate for sainthood by now, no ?

    Your dedication to healthy eating is an inspiration, thank you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    just walked by candy bowl...ignored it...
    I'm going to introduce you to an interesting concept you may not have considered: You and the OP are two completely different people.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    Put something healthy, such as clementines, under the tree so you will take that instead of the candy.
    If they moved the fruit away from the candy then put it on your desk, between you and the sweeties. Make it a pretty, tinselly bowl and offer your fruit, nuts etc to everyone else, including your potential saboteur! Be smiley about it, explain that the high sugar treats upset your blood glucose balance and you just need to avoid them - make it a health issue rather than a diet/vanity one, people rarely try to force things on you then.
    Keep strong, you can do this :flowerforyou:
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Fill the candy dish with baby carrots one day just for fun.

    Pretend someone sneezed all over the candy then you won't want it or that people sticking thier hands in there all day didn't wash thier hands after using the toliet...

    One of my work pals put a bowl of candy right by my desk and I moved to another spot where it promptly got eaten. took care of that. I have pretty good self control but when my blood sugar dips I am weak.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    just walked by candy bowl...ignored it...

    Ha, ha, so strong....:laugh:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    Well isn't weight loss a first world problem for us all ?? I highly doubt you are on MFP to gain weight. If you are on here to maintain, it's b/c you lost weight. There are people starving in other countries, just saying...

    i'm here to be supportive with a sarcastic delivery, bewbs, and cauliflower recipes.

    your reference to people starving in other countries helps drive home my point. thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    We had a cookie exchange yesterday, and I took a bite out of the several cookies and dumped the rest... its all about moderation...

    didnt wanna offer them back to the masses?

    what a waste of cookies. *hears taps playing faintly in the background*