You call this a Sexual Predator???



  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    If my 6 year old son came home suspended for kissing a girl...I'd laugh, give him a hug, and ask if she was cute! Seriously, times may change but wow...when I was a kid we played outside, got dirty, fought, made up, and kissed girlfriends. Todays kids are treated as subjects and taught to be emotionless. How is that for the better?
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member

    This... was all you had to say.:flowerforyou:

    I am familiar with the excessive bureacracy of an over-regulated industry, such as that one.

    Yea, the red tape we have to go through to do the tiniest things, such as changing a light bulb, are ridiculous. I know that not all places are like this, but I've noticed a trend of more places that are in the public eye, like schools and places like that, are leaning more towards proactive, let's not get sued, stance on a lot of things. Seems to the be the case here.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    This... was all you had to say.:flowerforyou:

    I am familiar with the excessive bureacracy of an over-regulated industry, such as that one.

    Yea, the red tape we have to go through to do the tiniest things, such as changing a light bulb, are ridiculous. I know that not all places are like this, but I've noticed a trend of more places that are in the public eye, like schools and places like that, are leaning more towards proactive, let's not get sued, stance on a lot of things. Seems to the be the case here.

    Yeah, but that doesn't mean the school's decision is correct, and I think a good lawyer could successfully argue the point.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member

    This... was all you had to say.:flowerforyou:

    I am familiar with the excessive bureacracy of an over-regulated industry, such as that one.

    Yea, the red tape we have to go through to do the tiniest things, such as changing a light bulb, are ridiculous. I know that not all places are like this, but I've noticed a trend of more places that are in the public eye, like schools and places like that, are leaning more towards proactive, let's not get sued, stance on a lot of things. Seems to the be the case here.

    Yeah, but that doesn't mean the school's decision is correct, and I think a good lawyer could successfully argue the point.

    A lot will depend on what kind of stuff is actually written down. If it's sexual harassment on paper, without a proper "investigation" or whatever you would do in a school, then yea. If it's just harassment, and he said sexual harassment to the parent without any sort of proof, then probably not.

    Sadly, this will probably lead to more regulations in the future, if it goes to court, and another case will come up like this, but even more extreme next time.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    1. Saying something is sexual harassment isn't the same as someone saying they are a sexual predator. Stop being sensationalist.

    2. There's this:
    Both mother and son told KRDO that Hunter isn't exactly an easy kid to have in class. He's been suspended before for "roughhousing" and for kissing the same first-grader on her cheek.

    Not saying that it's not all overkill, but maybe she should control her son a little. I mean, if they already suspended him for something the same lines, plus other things, at 6, don't you think the parent should step in and say, "Maybe I need to do a better job of parenting."
    Do you remember being that age?

    We used to chase each other around, kiss each other and the boys would try (and often succeed) to pull girls' skirt sup. And sometimes they succeeded because the girls let them do it.

    ^^I did this. That god sexual harassment didn't exist in the 70's. I remember girls showing me their panties at recess. I should have been locked up!

    Oddly enough, the people that grew up in the 70s when this wouldn't have meant much are the people running the system now and are the ones coming up with these rules....hmmmm....mind blown.

    Yeah. The women I know who were in the workforce in the 70's can be pretty graphic about the sexual harassment they experienced.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Suspension is a bit harsh but still, if it made the little girl uncomfortable, it shouldn't be overlooked.

    But she wasn't uncomfortable.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Suspension is a bit harsh but still, if it made the little girl uncomfortable, it shouldn't be overlooked.

    But she wasn't uncomfortable.

    Because you're that little girl, and you know this.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Unwanted touching is unwanted touching, regardless of your age. Rule #1 in first grade is keep your hands (and presumably your lips) to yourself.

    Did you miss the part where the girl gave him persmission to kiss her hand?

    Perhaps, a meeting with parents and administrators for both children should have occurred, but this is a serious knee-jerk reaction. If this were to happen in the workplace, no one would be charged with sexual harassment, but both participants would have been given at least a warning before corrective action took place.

    Nope. I read the part where THE BOY'S MOM said that the little girl gave him permission.
  • ZombieGeezUs
    I remember reading a story where a girl was handed some drugs by another student. She handed back the drugs, told a teacher what happened and got suspended along with the dealer for possession. How the hell....
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I saw something about this on the news. I don't know the full story, as no one except the kids and possibly the teacher do, but I think it depends on all the facts. I don't think a 6 year old is a sexual predator but I also think a 6 year old SHOULD know better than to repeatedly go around kissing girls, even if the girl is okay with it, if he's already gotten in trouble for it before. Being a girl that had gotten what I would call sexual harassment in elementary school(and middle school for that matter) and didn't ever say anything because I was embarrassed, I think that kids should be held accountable for their actions. Who's to know if that kid was just being harmless or if left unchecked he would end up being like the pervy kid who grabbed my butt when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade? Or the plenty of boys who started trying to cop a feel in middle school, or pulling back my bra strap when I'm just trying to get to class... OR the pervert GROWN *kitten* men that whistled at me when I was 12 because I had the misfortune of being completely developed with DD's by then even though I had a baby face that in no way gave off the impression I was anywhere close to being 18. I think situations like that particular story should be handled, there's a difference between just being a sweet kid and being a kid who doesn't listen and keeps doing what he wants even though he knows he's not supposed to.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I blame it on Obama. Obama would blame Bush, and most people would blame the Kardashians and Paris Hilton.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I saw something about this on the news. I don't know the full story, as no one except the kids and possibly the teacher do, but I think it depends on all the facts. I don't think a 6 year old is a sexual predator but I also think a 6 year old SHOULD know better than to repeatedly go around kissing girls, even if the girl is okay with it, if he's already gotten in trouble for it before. Being a girl that had gotten what I would call sexual harassment in elementary school(and middle school for that matter) and didn't ever say anything because I was embarrassed, I think that kids should be held accountable for their actions. Who's to know if that kid was just being harmless or if left unchecked he would end up being like the pervy kid who grabbed my butt when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade? Or the plenty of boys who started trying to cop a feel in middle school, or pulling back my bra strap when I'm just trying to get to class... OR the pervert GROWN *kitten* men that whistled at me when I was 12 because I had the misfortune of being completely developed with DD's by then even though I had a baby face that in no way gave off the impression I was anywhere close to being 18. I think situations like that particular story should be handled, there's a difference between just being a sweet kid and being a kid who doesn't listen and keeps doing what he wants even though he knows he's not supposed to.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    1. Saying something is sexual harassment isn't the same as someone saying they are a sexual predator. Stop being sensationalist.

    2. There's this:
    Both mother and son told KRDO that Hunter isn't exactly an easy kid to have in class. He's been suspended before for "roughhousing" and for kissing the same first-grader on her cheek.

    Not saying that it's not all overkill, but maybe she should control her son a little. I mean, if they already suspended him for something the same lines, plus other things, at 6, don't you think the parent should step in and say, "Maybe I need to do a better job of parenting."
    Do you remember being that age?

    We used to chase each other around, kiss each other and the boys would try (and often succeed) to pull girls' skirt sup. And sometimes they succeeded because the girls let them do it.

    ^^I did this. That god sexual harassment didn't exist in the 70's. I remember girls showing me their panties at recess. I should have been locked up!

    Oddly enough, the people that grew up in the 70s when this wouldn't have meant much are the people running the system now and are the ones coming up with these rules....hmmmm....mind blown.

    How do you figure? I grew up in the 70s and sure as hell don't approve of public school "no tolerance" B.S.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No wonder more and more parents are turning to home schooling.

    ^^ This too!

    We homeschooled ours until a year ago. Into their second year, our kids *totally* get why we made sure they were raised right before exposing them to the public school system.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    kids really cant be kids anymore ... kids do stupid things its part of growing up and learning.. too many adults g0 overboard now a days. schools are defiantly over reaching and overstepping their authority. insanity


    People say, "It's because they grow up so fast." But in reality, all this nonsense is part of the problem, not the solution.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Well of all the corporations that I have studied in pursuit of my MBA in Human Resource Management, that is the most extreme policy I have ever heard of, and can assure you that MOST companies allow the "offenders" a warning before taking disciplinary action.

    My company has a whole "corrective path" for any kind of discipline. It always starts with a verbal.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    1. Saying something is sexual harassment isn't the same as someone saying they are a sexual predator. Stop being sensationalist.

    2. There's this:
    Both mother and son told KRDO that Hunter isn't exactly an easy kid to have in class. He's been suspended before for "roughhousing" and for kissing the same first-grader on her cheek.

    Not saying that it's not all overkill, but maybe she should control her son a little. I mean, if they already suspended him for something the same lines, plus other things, at 6, don't you think the parent should step in and say, "Maybe I need to do a better job of parenting."
    Do you remember being that age?

    We used to chase each other around, kiss each other and the boys would try (and often succeed) to pull girls' skirt sup. And sometimes they succeeded because the girls let them do it.

    ^^I did this. That god sexual harassment didn't exist in the 70's. I remember girls showing me their panties at recess. I should have been locked up!

    Oddly enough, the people that grew up in the 70s when this wouldn't have meant much are the people running the system now and are the ones coming up with these rules....hmmmm....mind blown.

    How do you figure? I grew up in the 70s and sure as hell don't approve of public school "no tolerance" B.S.


    How do I figure that the folks that grew up in the 70s are the adult workers now? Pretty simple math really....;)

    As for your opinion....okay. Has nothing to do with what I said though.
  • smiley13000
    smiley13000 Posts: 142 Member
    1. Saying something is sexual harassment isn't the same as someone saying they are a sexual predator. Stop being sensationalist.

    2. There's this:
    Both mother and son told KRDO that Hunter isn't exactly an easy kid to have in class. He's been suspended before for "roughhousing" and for kissing the same first-grader on her cheek.

    Not saying that it's not all overkill, but maybe she should control her son a little. I mean, if they already suspended him for something the same lines, plus other things, at 6, don't you think the parent should step in and say, "Maybe I need to do a better job of parenting."

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    1. Saying something is sexual harassment isn't the same as someone saying they are a sexual predator. Stop being sensationalist.

    2. There's this:
    Both mother and son told KRDO that Hunter isn't exactly an easy kid to have in class. He's been suspended before for "roughhousing" and for kissing the same first-grader on her cheek.

    Not saying that it's not all overkill, but maybe she should control her son a little. I mean, if they already suspended him for something the same lines, plus other things, at 6, don't you think the parent should step in and say, "Maybe I need to do a better job of parenting."
    Do you remember being that age?

    We used to chase each other around, kiss each other and the boys would try (and often succeed) to pull girls' skirt sup. And sometimes they succeeded because the girls let them do it.

    ^^I did this. That god sexual harassment didn't exist in the 70's. I remember girls showing me their panties at recess. I should have been locked up!

    Oddly enough, the people that grew up in the 70s when this wouldn't have meant much are the people running the system now and are the ones coming up with these rules....hmmmm....mind blown.

    How do you figure? I grew up in the 70s and sure as hell don't approve of public school "no tolerance" B.S.


    How do I figure that the folks that grew up in the 70s are the adult workers now? Pretty simple math really....;)

    As for your opinion....okay. Has nothing to do with what I said though.

    It seems to me that this whole thing has come up with Gen-Y, not Gen-X.
  • just_Jennie1
    Suspension is a bit harsh but still, if it made the little girl uncomfortable, it shouldn't be overlooked.

    But she wasn't uncomfortable.

    Because you're that little girl, and you know this.

    No, because the article said she was ok with it.
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