Day by Day Challenge



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    crazybxrmom-- Welcome! We are so happy to have you!

    Sharon-- Thank you! I'm glad you checked it out. It's a philanthropy very near and dear to my heart... since I get to see and play with the kids once a year and they are always so happy to be there.

    sim247-- Of course that's ok! I just have to do it daily because if I don't... when I mess up I'm like well that's it for this week or this month or whatever it is... if I do day by day it works out much better.

    As for my three goals from yesterday... I did get to the gym! I did drink as much water as possible... but the food wasn't all that healthy. And I definitely did not take it easy last night ... feel like crap today.

    3 Goals for Today...
    1. Get to the gym and do just a little more time than usual. I want to push myself a little bit today.
    2. Get some reading done for class.
    3. Rehydrate

    Good luck everyone!!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Morning all, well for yesterday's goals.......

    1. Stay within my calories because dieting is always so much harder for me at the weekend, failed but gained lots of execise cals the day before!

    2. Drink 3 mugs of green tea, yep I did this!

    3. Maybe try the 'smiling' thing again? Or maybe just stay positive...... I tried my best! /quote]

    Well for today's goals.
    1. I have already done one of my goals for today and that was to do at least an hour's exercise.
    2. Going shopping for some new work trousers. It is normally hard for me to find trousers that fit because I am a pear shape!
    3. Drink lots of water and stay within my cals.

    Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their goals :smile:
  • Saturday's Challenges:
    1) Drink 64oz of water (or more)
    totally achieved this goal and even surpassed it.

    2) RESIST all temptations at the party this afternoon.
    I was amazing!! The only tempation I had was a scoop of potato salad but I followed it with a bowl of fresh fruit salad. I did have a couple of wine coolers but no cake, no brownies, no cookies. And there were platefuls of all of that

    3) Remain positive (sometimes I get frustrated at work with being overlooked by management)
    I did pretty good throughout the day but then this woman who tattled on me to management - did it again and it did get me down

    My cold/cough seems to have reared its ugly head again. I thought I was getting better but last night when I came home from the party I felt horrible. I may be losing my voice but its too early in the morning to tell.

    Today is my last day of a 12 day working streak. I picked up a few extra shifts this week and ended up working 12 days straight. While my shifts are no longer than 5 to 6 hours (some days only 4), its still draining working so many days without a day off. The extra money in my check this week will really help A LOT. However, I don't know if I'll ever work that many days in a row again LOL

    Sunday's Goals:
    1) Continue to be positive and don't let the ugly people in the world effect my happy personality.
    2) drink 64oz (or more) of water or crystal light
    3) Make a plan for tomorrow. I need to apply for work at other restaurants as a Server so I can make better tips.

    Have a great Sunday everyone

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good afternoon! Man I fell off the horse this weekend... not so much with eating and water and all that good stuff but I didn't make it to the gym yesterday and I am not feeling well enough to go today. Syllabus week is over so... it'll be back to reality/seriousness tomorrow. This was probably one of my favorite Penn State weekends... not ready for it to be over. :(

    So I got some reading done yesterday and drank my water. So goals for today are...

    1. No munching. I'm hanging out in my room today and that tends to be the worst time for munching for me.
    2. Drink double the water ... and no soda! I broke down and had a soda yesterday... I don't know why I'm so addicted to them... maybe the carbonation? Because they are so sugary.
    3. Not let chapter tonight bring me down. (I'm in an honors fraternity and I was supposed to be Vice President this year... however due to some incidents in the spring I can no longer hold office... neither can half the exec board. So... re-elections are tonight. I don't want to see my position being handed over.)

    On a good note... I lost 4 pounds this week! Don't know how after this weekend but... I'll take it!

    Have a good day!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Well for today's goals.
    1. I have already done one of my goals for today and that was to do at least an hour's exercise.
    2. Going shopping for some new work trousers. It is normally hard for me to find trousers that fit because I am a pear shape!
    3. Drink lots of water and stay within my calories.

    Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their goals :smile:

    I achieved 2 out of 3 goals today. I didn't get any work trousers but hopefully i'll get some on Tuesday.

    Psugrl921, what a great weight loss! Well done. I wish I was doing as well as you! :smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Happy Monday!

    Wow Nicole! wtg on the loss! I guess this thread really is making a difference to help you stay accountable!

    Simone, good job meeting your workout and calorie intake goals. Where do you normally shop for work pants?

    Sorry I didn't get on yesterday. The day was half way over before I realized that I hadn't set any daily goals. The weekend was rough for me too (movie popcorn and fajitas from Chili's just to name a few!) but I'm ready to hit the ground running today.

    Monday's goals:

    1. Complete Day 5 of Level 2 shred. (I'm half way through level 2, should be ready to move on to level 3 around Labor Day).

    2. Go to the fruit market to restock fruit and veggies. Having a variety will help me reach my goal of 4-6 veggies today.

    3. Keep a positive attitude. Sometimes life gets you don't, but dont let it keep you down.

    I can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
  • Sunday's Goals:
    1) Continue to be positive and don't let the ugly people in the world effect my happy personality.
    I have to say I did really well with this until the bartender at work snapped at me because she wanted to get out of work. Anyway, that too passed and my positive attitude came back.

    2) drink 64oz (or more) of water or crystal light----I drank over 100oz of water and crystal light. I went out with a few girls from work last night and had 1 appletini and 4 large glasses of water. Prior to that I had my bottle at work so I continued to fill it with water and mix in my CL.

    3) Make a plan for tomorrow. I need to apply for work at other restaurants as a Server so I can make better tips.----this changed after I found out I'm working today again because YET AGAIN one of the young girls cannot fulfill her scheduled obligation and asked me to work it. I of course said yes because I need more hours

    I was up half of last night with a stomach bug. Not sure if it was a bug or just the soup my guy had made me. All I know is it was painful. I finally got some rest around 4a but of course the alarm clock went off at 7:15 because I had physical therapy today at 8:30. Needless to say, I canceled it LOL. Just going to visit you girls then go back to sleep for a bit.

    Nicole SO happy to hear about your 4lb loss. ME on the other hand had a 2lb gain and I think its because the food I ate last night was really salty. Also due to my colds, I haven't been to the gym.

    Monday's Challenges:
    1) make sure I journal everything - even water
    2) do laundry - its really piled up since I've been working for 13 straight days
    3) keep active at work, even when its slow with not a lot to do.

    I'll try to get on later but I'm tired and need to be ready for work by noon.

    Love being on this board and thank you all for helping me stay more focused than if I did this on my own

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Happy Monday everyone! Sad face because i'm back to work in 2 days :sad:

    Leela, I'll buy any trousers that fit me, I don't really have a favourite shop. I'm such an odd shape that jeans and trousers will fit me on the hips but be too big on the waist! I can never win. Even when I had lost weight before, I still had difficulty in buying clothes for my bottom half.

    I haven't really given any thought to my goals for today and the day is almost half way through. I have been busy cleaning because I have a house inspection tomorrow. I'll have a good long think about tomorrows goals and come back on here later.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far and look forward to reading how you are all doing.
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    I love this kind of thing.

    I want to read the whole thread before I post my stuff, so I am bookmarking it for later in the day.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    3. Keep a positive attitude. Sometimes life gets you down, but dont let it keep you down.

    There was a typo in my number 3. There is no edit tool on the thread. Nicole, do you know if its a way to change the settings so there is an edit key? I think the creator of the thread is the only one who can change the settings.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I know... it's super late ... I made it to class just in time... Thank God because that teacher really hates it when people are late.

    Leelawatson-- I do not know how. I can look into it later today though and if anyone else does shoot me a message and let me know!

    Thanks everyone! I think most of it was water weight because I was doing horrible with water because I started this thread ... but that's ok with me.

    I did well with my goals yesterday. Chapter did bring me down a little bit... but mainly made me angry since the person sent to help our chapter understand what was going on had no clue what was happening and couldn't answer our questions.

    So... goals for today!

    1. Get back to the gym! And workout for at least a full hour! That's 10 min more than my workouts last week.
    2. Make the long hike to CVS to fill my prescriptions.
    3. Get some laundry and some studying done.
    4. Be in bed by a reasonable hour so that I can get back into my usual routine.
    5. Get some Vitamin C in me... my throat is starting to feel a little sore... and it'd be nice if I could nip it in the bud early.

    Lots of goals. Here we go!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Mission accomplished! I'm so happy that I got through this day without wanting to bash someone's head in! LOL J/K
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    OK so am home form work and figured it might be easier to get here before bed rather than in the morning. So my goals for tomarrow,

    1) Take my vitamins...I hate them.
    2.)get all my water in
    3) Keep up with the really does help

    Thansk to everyone for the welcome. I am hoping this will add to the support I already have , hope everyone haas a great night and a better tomarrow.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's goals:

    1. Complete Day 5 of Level 2 shred. (I'm half way through level 2, should be ready to move on to level 3 around Labor Day).

    2. Go to the fruit market to restock fruit and veggies. Having a variety will help me reach my goal of 4-6 veggies today.

    3. Keep a positive attitude. Sometimes life gets you down, but don't let it keep you down.

    I did the shred plus 40 minutes at the gym. Super happy about that. I made it to the market, so now I have a good selection to choose from. I kept a positive attitude all day. I didn't let the little things bother me.

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Complete day 6 of level 2. I'm not feeling really well this morning, so this will be a challenge.

    2. Get some rest. I was sound asleep by 8pm last night, but I was tossing and turning most of the night.

    3. Keep my eating in check. I was successful at this yesterday, so I just have to take baby steps, one day at a time.

    Have a Terrific day!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Leela I love your great attitude! I hope everyone is doing well today.

    My goals for today.
    1. Get some work trousers.
    2. Exercise for at least one hour.
    3. Eat healthily and so NO to anything that may tempt me to eat more of.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone! I made it on before noon! Yay!

    Yesterday's goals:
    Gym... check
    Laundry and studying ... check
    CVS... check
    Vitamin C... check
    Bed early... check (was going to go to bed early before my neighbors distracted me... but I did excuse myself at 11)


    Today's Goals...

    1. Get a workout in somewhere. I'm in class ALL day... but even a walk sometime like over my short break would be good.
    2. Get some reading done. I keep putting off all my reading and I am going to get soooo behind.
    3. Once again, be in bed by a reasonable hour. While I"m up early today. It's not the time I wanted to be up at.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • I'm joining :)

    Tuesday's Goals:
    1. Spin Class
    2. Finish grad course weekly readings
    3. Clean bathroom!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    I'd like to join in also.....

    Today's Goals:
    1. Stay within my daily calories
    2. At least 30 minutes of exercise
    3. Drink at least 64 oz of water
  • Monday's Challenges:
    1) make sure I journal everything - even water----I completely suck!!! I am not sure what is wrong with me but I just haven't conformed. While I had well over 100oz of water but didn't journal an ounce of it.

    2) do laundry - its really piled up since I've been working for 13 straight days---Totally did the laundry and I am wicked proud I did this.

    3) keep active at work, even when its slow with not a lot to do.----I'd say this is half/half It was so slow at work yesterday. I would have looked ridiculous doing laps around the restaurant.

    I'm so done with slacking off. Done with this stupid pity party I'm on right now. I even gained weight. I'm so angry at myself. I have all the tools and support right here yet I continue to sabotage myself. Do I really hate myself that much that I dont want to live a long healthy life?

    Today I am learning to love me!! Today I am making a promise to myself that I will eat healthy, exercise and make good choices so that my children and grand children will have me in their life for a very long time. Today is the FIRST day of my awakening!!!

    Tuesday Challenges:
    1) Journal ALL your food, water and exercising
    2) Do the 6pm spinning class
    3) Go shopping for a possible interview at a company (NOT A RESTAURANT). cross your fingers

    Thank you everyone on this Day by Day Challenge thread. If it were not for all of you, I would have AGAIN thrown in the towel and continued to gain weight. I feel so committed to you all who have been committed to this board. Not sure you realize how powerful you are. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :smile:


    Morning Nicole - YAY for you and the THON Interview!! After the intervview, if you don't mind, would you share that with us? I'm really interested in how that works.

    BTW, great job on yesterday's challenges

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