Day by Day Challenge



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Simone, I'm glad you got your water in. Don't worry about the pizza, you workout so hard, I'm sure you've burned it right off.

    Mom, your circuit does sound intense.

    Nicole, great job on saying no to soda!

    Becky, congrats on getting all meeting most of your goals.
    Tuesday's: (you're right Simone, they pretty much stay the same each day).
    1. try to shred, maybe just complete the circuit without holding weights.
    2. walk further than I did Monday.
    3. mop the floors (now that the sweeping is done)
    4. crunches, crunches and more crunches. 60 in morning, 60 at night, and any inbetween the day that I feel motivated to do.
    1. I still didn't shred :( I can't get passed the warm up of level 2. maybe I should go back to level 1. I just don't have the extra strength lately.
    2. I walked 50 minutes today so check plus!
    3. check...this one I didn't want to do, but I couldn't put it off any longer.
    4. double check!

    Wednesday's goals.
    1. Don't order popcorn from the concession at the movies. This one is going to be really hard. The smell hits you as soon as you walk in the door. If I can bypass the concession and go straight to our seats, I'll be ok.
    2. AM and PM crunches
    3. go to Zumba in the morning.
    4. try to eat more calories. I have been under lately and its effecting my energy level.
    1.Get another 30 min cardio (already have a 30 min walk in) I did housework all day didn't sit down except for lunch today. So I am counting it
    2. Stay in my calorie range As long as I can keep from snacking tonight I am good.
    3. Get the laundry completely done This is a unrealistic goal with 6 people in the house! I have it mostly done though.

    Tomorrows goals
    1. Get in a full hour of Cardio
    2. Work on baby shower cake without snacking!
    3. Eat healthy and stay within my calorie range.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Finally feeling better:) Still gonna be having trouble eating because of where the tooth is so I've had to stick to soft foods. But I was able to eat some beef and noodles last night and some mashed taters and a little stuffing. Right now I'm at a point where if it doesn't crunch I think I can at least try to eat it. I don't want to risk having something that crunches hitting me in the stitches. But I did hit all of the goals I had set for myself yesterday!!

    So goals for today(Wed)

    1. Laundry needs caught back up on. Hubby doesn't seem to want to do it for me when I'm sick...
    2. Drink lots of water!!! (daily goal for me since I'm not that great at drinking just water. I like flavor in my water.)
    3. Grocery shopping.

    Goals for Thursday, since I don't know when I'll get on here.

    1. walk the riverwalk with my friend early in the morning:) We both love doing this too bad the evil white stuff will be here sooner than we would like!!
    2. Drink lots of water!!
    3. Sweep the floors and maybe mop.

    Glad to see everyone doing so well on here!!

    Leela don't push yourself too hard to get the shred done. I know its good for you but I also know what its like to not have the energy to do it. Just don't want to see you hurt yourself.

    Well I'll see ya'll tomorrow:) Have a good day!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for Tomorrow, Tuesday 9/14

    1. Walk 5 miles, using music, add in some jogging
    2.Find recipe and make a low calorie pasta meal for supper( kids request)
    3. Laundry -Where does it all come from???:grumble:

    ALL done, that was great!

    Goals for Wednesday 9/15

    1. Walk
    2. low calorie dinner, for some reason I'm up 1.5 lbs today:grumble: , oh well, it won't stick around for long
    3. Staring Shred today, really excited

    Good luck everyone!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening ladies,

    How are you all doing today? I haven't been too bad today for a change....
    1. Stay within my calories every day
    2. Don't give into tempting foods at work or at home
    3. Keep my water intake up

    1. I have stayed within my calories and have still got about 300 cals left for supper if I want something.
    2. I picked up a small chocolate at work and then had second thoughts about it, so I put it back!
    3. I have definately been drinking loads of water today. I am not feeling very well so I am drinking water to soothe my throat.

    Same goals for tomorrow. Think I will keep these goals until the weekend then review them.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Woke up super late today and haven't had time to check in. So I will be posting my goals now. I'm not making it to the gym (again) I know. No excuses... honestly... I just don't feel like going. I'm exhausted. So... my goals for today are...

    1. Eat healthier!! (I'm doing really well on this so far so hopefully I'll be able to keep it up). No fried, mexican (my favorite) or greasy food.
    2. No soda.
    3. Get some homework done so I can go out tomorrow night.

    O and I met all of my goals yesterday! Yay! Back to the gym tomorrow!

    Have a good rest of the day everyone!
  • hepkitty
    1. drink 2 litres of water YES
    2. 50 crunches first and last thing NO
    3. write in my journal NO

    so not a very successful day but oh well, I got lots of exercise in!

    1. drink my water
    2. eat a healthy dinner
    3. 50 crunches first and last thing
    4. pack for wellington trip (going away for 6 days)
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for Wednesday 9/15

    1. Walk
    2. low calorie dinner, for some reason I'm up 1.5 lbs today:grumble: , oh well, it won't stick around for long
    3. Staring Shred today, really excited

    1. Walked just under 5 miles
    2.Down 0.7 lbs :smile: Had a great 500 cal dinner
    3. Did Shred for the first time-- Oh lord am I out of shape!!!! She burned be out, but afterwards I was glad to have done it.

    I like this challenge a lot, it really keeps me accountable.

    Goals for tomorrow Thursday 9/16

    1. Walk along a different path
    3. Go out and buy an exercise mat and some hand weights.

    Good luck with your goals guys !
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wednesday's goals.
    1. Don't order popcorn from the concession at the movies. This one is going to be really hard. The smell hits you as soon as you walk in the door. If I can bypass the concession and go straight to our seats, I'll be ok.
    2. AM and PM crunches
    3. go to Zumba in the morning.
    4. try to eat more calories. I have been under lately and its effecting my energy level.

    1. CHECK! Hubs was on my team and didn't order popcorn either!
    2. Double check.
    3. Didn't make it to zumba, having some family issues with my brother, but I did workout, just later in the day.
    4. I tried to eat more calories....

    Thursdays goals:
    1. Find time to workout before my day gets too busy.
    2. am and pm crunches
    3. get atleast 1 load of laundry done.

    sorry I don't have much time for more chatting, I have to get ready to get my daughter on the bus.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    1. Eat healthier!! (I'm doing really well on this so far so hopefully I'll be able to keep it up). No fried, mexican (my favorite) or greasy food. CHECK... and it was all soooo good.
    2. No soda. CHECK
    3. Get some homework done so I can go out tomorrow night. Nope... I started writing again instead which I haven't done for at least a year so I was happy with that.


    Today's goals:

    1. Eat healthy again.
    2. No soda.
    3. Ace my exam today.
    4. Get this paper due tomorrow done.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So goals for today(Wed)

    1. Laundry needs caught back up on. Hubby doesn't seem to want to do it for me when I'm sick...
    2. Drink lots of water!!! (daily goal for me since I'm not that great at drinking just water. I like flavor in my water.)
    3. Grocery shopping.

    Goals for Thursday, since I don't know when I'll get on here.

    1. walk the riverwalk with my friend early in the morning:) We both love doing this too bad the evil white stuff will be here sooner than we would like!!
    2. Drink lots of water!!
    3. Sweep the floors and maybe mop.

    So I got everything done on Wed:) YAY!!! So far today I've done well on getting the walk done this morning even though I wasn't sure if the weather was going to let us. It rained less than an hour after we got done!! Still working on the other two for the day just thought I'd check and see how everyone was doing.

    Keep up all the good work! I'll post again in the morning before me and my friend go on another walk:)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi everyone,

    I met my goals for today and I still have calories to spare......

    Goals for tomorrow.

    1. Exercise! I must do a workout. I haven't been feeling very well but I need to start working out again although I did walk to my local shopping mall today.
    2. Eat something different for my dinner. I have got stuck in a rut and need to vary my diet.
    3. Try not to get too stressed at work.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Yay, it's nearly Friday!!!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Everyone is doing such a great job meeting their goals, or at least trying hard to meet them. Even if we fall short, at least we are trying our best. And there's always tomorrow.
    Thursdays goals:
    1. Find time to workout before my day gets too busy.
    2. am and pm crunches
    3. get atleast 1 load of laundry done.
    1. yay! I was able to workout for 50 minutes this morning.
    2. I doubled my crunches, 100 in the am, 100 in the pm.
    3. I did get the laundry done, gonna put on the last load when I'm done posting.

    So for Friday:
    1. Take a walk in the neighborhood, even if its chilly. Ravyn, I know what you mean, the snowy days are right around the corner.
    2. Keep up with the crunch challenge.
    3. Ease my way into doing real push ups.
    4. Hold a plank pose for 30 seconds without falling.. (I borrowed that one from another poster, can't remember who, but thanks!)

    The last two goals are out of my comfort zone. I am trying to add activities that I wouldn't normally do on a daily basis to make it a true "challenge".

    Everyone have a great night, any big weekend plans?

    * Nicole, did you get a chance to go out? Did you ace your exam? I'm sure you did great.
    * Sim, any good deals at the mall?
    * Ravyn, did you get to mop the floors? That was one of my goals earlier in the week and I was glad to get it done.
    * Bee, don't you love to hate Jillian Michaels? Great job on the loss.
    * Sharon, come back when you can?
    * Mom- hope you're still keeping up with your goals.
    * hepkitty- are you drinking plenty of water?
    * mum- Hope you're having a great week.

    Sorry if I missed anyone. :(
    Have a good night.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for tomorrow Thursday 9/16

    1. Walk along a different path
    3. Go out and buy an exercise mat and some hand weights.

    Well, had a meeting with my attending nurse to followup on my doctors visit.
    I have been doing very well (I thought), but alas my cholesterol is actually up a bit, and my blood sugar has stayed stable but not decreased as I had hoped. My blood pressure on the other hand was great ( with medication).
    Perhaps I am expecting too much too fast, but it really got me down.:frown:

    I did do my walk, and found the weights and mats I needed for my Shred.
    I was just not motivated to do my shred though.
    I also ate pretty bad, so I am not pleased with myself at all.
    Not to worry, tomorrow is another day. I will not even think about today, just jump right back in!

    Goals for Friday :

    1. Do Shred first thing in the morning
    2.Walk- remember to take the pedometer this time
    3Chill, forgive myself, try harder to eat well for the rest of the week

    Good luck to us all
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    Goals for Thursday, since I don't know when I'll get on here.

    1. walk the riverwalk with my friend early in the morning:) We both love doing this too bad the evil white stuff will be here sooner than we would like!!
    2. Drink lots of water!!
    3. Sweep the floors and maybe mop.

    well I didn't get to mop but everything else was good:)

    Today's goals

    1. walk this morning(yesterday's was rough cause I was running on less than 3 hrs of sleep. Hoping todays is better.
    2. Mop the floors since I got them swept yesterday.
    3. Make an egg casserole for dinner. It has to sit in the fridge most of the day before we can cook it for dinner and I'm trying something different than we normally do. I picked up bread that had whole garlic cloves in it to use instead of just some white bread. Hoping it turns out really good.

    Bee, Stable means you are moving in the right direction. It takes time to get those numbers down. Cholesterol is a tricky one to deal with. I have to watch that with my husband and he's only 31.
    Leela, Not yeat but your the reason I even thought about doing it this week:)
    Nicole, how did everything work out for you?

    Hope you all have good Friday!!

    I'll be back on later today to check in on everything and probably post the goals for the weekend. I get to go to a concert on Sunday:)
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    So I'm pretty sure I aced my exam!!! Yay!! I got to go out. I got my paper done. And I hate fairly healthy ... I went to mcdonalds in my pretty drunk state though and had a mcgangbang. Probably ruined my whole day. But it was delicious at the time. I just typed in a really funny story from last night ... and then my computer did something dumb and logged me out. So maybe another time I will tell it. It was an excellent night! Got back at around... 5 am. I felt like a freshman because I went to visit some of my guy friends at a fraternity until 430ish. Haven't done that for awhile.

    So... goals for today:
    1. Clean my room before I have to leave for home.
    2. Take a nice long walk around the neighborhood tonight. (I don't have a gym membership at home and have no time to go before I leave unfortunately).
    3. Don't allow the draw of the kitchen (which I don't have in my dorm room) to ruin all my progress . ( I always do this when I go home).

    Baby shower for my soon to be niece tomorrow!!!!!!! yay!!!!!

    Have a good day!

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Happy Friday everyone,

    How is everyone doing today? I have been good .........
    1. Exercise! I must do a workout. I haven't been feeling very well but I need to start working out again although I did walk to my local shopping mall today.
    2. Eat something different for my dinner. I have got stuck in a rut and need to vary my diet.
    3. Try not to get too stressed at work.
    1. I did 25 mins on the exercise bike and then did a short dance workout and enjoyed it so much I did it again!
    2. I still had the same kind of food for my dinner. I really need some new ideas.
    3. I didn't get stressed at work. It was nice and quiet for a change.

    I'll post new goals on here for the weekend tomorrow.

    Leela - I got a few tops to wear for work. I wore one of them today.

    Glad to see everyone is doing so great.

    Yay for the weekend........ :tongue:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for Friday :

    1. Do Shred first thing in the morning
    2.Walk- remember to take the pedometer this time
    3Chill, forgive myself, try harder to eat well for the rest of the week

    Well, I am back on track! Walked over 5 miles total today, did my Shred - God I hate Jillian :tongue:
    Ate really really well and stayed under my calories. A great day all around.

    Goals for Saturday 9/18

    1.Walk while Hubby plays golf
    2.Shred if I have the time
    3.Eat well all day- avoid the snacks

    Hope everyone does great tomorrow.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Today's goals

    1. walk this morning(yesterday's was rough cause I was running on less than 3 hrs of sleep. Hoping todays is better.
    2. Mop the floors since I got them swept yesterday.
    3. Make an egg casserole for dinner. It has to sit in the fridge most of the day before we can cook it for dinner and I'm trying something different than we normally do. I picked up bread that had whole garlic cloves in it to use instead of just some white bread. Hoping it turns out really good.

    DONE! DONE! DONE! and it was yummy!! and just a little over 300 cals a serving:) Its a meal with everything all in one so nothing else to go with it.

    For the weekend goals.

    1. Get kids bookcase up stairs and put all the books in it.
    2. Drink lots of water all day.
    3. Stay within my calories .


    1. go to concert
    2 have fun:) hehe
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So for Friday:
    1. Take a walk in the neighborhood, even if its chilly. Ravyn, I know what you mean, the snowy days are right around the corner.
    2. Keep up with the crunch challenge.
    3. Ease my way into doing real push ups.
    4. Hold a plank pose for 30 seconds without falling.. (I borrowed that one from another poster, can't remember who, but thanks!)
    The last two goals are out of my comfort zone. I am trying to add activities that I wouldn't normally do on a daily basis to make it a true "challenge".
    1. I walked almost 3 miles yesterday! And it wasn't as chilly as I thought it would be, the sun came out in the afternoon.
    2. check
    3. I tried! but I'm still wimpy
    4. check...well almost, had to modify it for the last few seconds.

    1. Resist apple cinnamon donuts and get an apple instead (going to the apple orchard).
    2. atleast 45 minutes of cardio....headed to the gym after this post.
    3. abs challenge....its actually already done!
    4. continue working on push-ups.
    5. plan out my meals and stick to it.

    I should post Sunday's goals too, just in case I don't get back tomorrow morning.
    Im keeping 3,4, and 5 the same.
    1. rest, no workout.
    2. get my daughter ready for a new school week i.e wash and braid hair, wash her uniforms.
    3. abs challenge...even on my rest day, I want to make this a habit.
    4. continue working on push-ups.
    5. plan out my meals and stick to it

    I broke down and had not one, but two cans of soda yesterday. To wash down my 2 servings of gardettos....I know, bad. But I'm going to work it off now. The salty craving has passed, I hope, even if it hasn't, there's no more in the house. Hubs has really been on my team lately, so I know he's not going to bring anymore in.

    Everyone keep up the fantastic job on meeting your daily goals. We're past the half way point for the month, is everyone on task with their monthly goals, if they set one?? :heart: