Day by Day Challenge



  • SharonsJetSet
    Welcome to the boards Inmyshoes and Sgirl29.

    I love this board. Simone created it and we all followed in. Its because of the friends I've met here that I've continued every day. Some days I don't meet all my challenges but I'm honest and it helps me see it in black and white!!

    Hope you love us too

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Evening all, my day is nearly done and I won't be able to get on here until tomorrow evening so here goes.....

    My goals for today.
    1. Get some work trousers - got some but they are a bit too small!
    2. Exercise for at least one hour - yep, exercise bike and dance!
    3. Eat healthily and say NO to anything that may tempt me to eat more of - I have tried to eat the best I can and have not given in to temptation.......

    My goals for tomorrow are:
    1. Stay within my calories. It's my first day back at work and they are putting a lunch on, don't know what it is but I am guessing it won't be healthy so i'll do my best to make the right choices.
    2. Keep my fluids up.
    3. Try and have more confidence for my first day back.

    I'm not quite sure what to expect on my first day back but I hope to be able to do some exercise when I get home.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I love this board. Simone created it and we all followed in. Its because of the friends I've met here that I've continued every day. Some days I don't meet all my challenges but I'm honest and it helps me see it in black and white!!

    Hope you love us too


    It's very kind of you to say so, but it wasn't me that started this group, it was Nicole!!!!!

    Just don't want to take credit for something I didn't do, although I wish I had!!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I missed the mark on doing the shred today. I started the video and couldn't get through the warm up. I was over heating. Tomorrow I do Zumba in the morning, so I won't be able to shred now until Thursday :( I hope to feel better by then. I have no appetite or energy right now. So I sorta completed goal three. I definitely knocked the second goal out the park. All I did was rest, but yet, I still feel tired and sluggish.

    Nicole, congrats are in order for meeting Monday's goals. you had quite a few of them.And double congrats on the THON interview. You sound so passion about the cause, I know you will knock their socks off in the interview. Your goals for today sound reasonable. I hope you get it all done.

    Inmyshoes, thanks for joining. I love your goals. I haven't been back to spin class since my surgery. Although I got the thumbs up from my doctor, I'm still a little relunctant. It's a great workout, have a good time.

    Sgirl, your daily goals sound attainable. Do you workout at the gym or at home? Hope you're able to stay within your calories and drink your water. Thanks for checking in.

    Sharon, don't beat yourself up about logging your water. At least you were drinking it. Its not like you logged water, but didn't drink any..that'd be a different story. I really have to fold and put away my laundry. I'm just feeling really icky today. I don't think you hate yourself. You are making a commitment to yourself and its about trial and error. You have to figure out how to intergrate eating right and working out into your busy schedule. Once you find a routine that works for you, you'll be able to do it in your sleep.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nicole, I see there's an edit function now. I don't know if you had anything to do with that or not! Maybe it was just a clitch in the programming or something. But anyway, glad its there now.

    Simone, how was your first day at work? Did you find the confidenece to make it a successful first day? Were you able to workout afterwards?
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Simone, how was your first day at work? Did you find the confidenece to make it a successful first day? Were you able to workout afterwards?

    Leela, thanks for asking but my first day back is tomorrow so I was posting my goals today because I will be out of the house early tomorrow.....
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    oh, that's right, its already 8:30 out there. You gotta love how the internet keeps us all connected all over the world! :tongue:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Yes, it's good isn't it? Bed in a couple of hours then up and out early. The first day back is full of meetings so not quite sure how i'm gonna stay awake........:tongue:
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member

    1) Take my vitamins...I hate them.
    2.)get all my water in
    3) Keep up with the really does help


    Ok well I got 2 and 3 done, and most of one...I forgot my vitamins last night all it was is another calcium but I got the majority of them down. I came home and was so exhausted I could barely hold my head up. I even for got a med that I should not forget...Uhh ohh, gonna have to ask my Dr how that works if I forget anighttime dose.

    Anyway goals for today
    1) do my C25K W1D2
    2)again get all my vits down
    3)again all my water
    4) and remember that the scale staying the same is not a bad thing and my body is just trying to catch up

    Congrats to all who met their goals. For those who didnt..rember that is why they are goals, we try and reach them and if we dont we just try again until we do. In a few weeks I may be able to remember everyone , please bear with me as I get more involved here.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Welcome new members! It's great to have you!!

    Thanks for all the congrats on the interview! I'm so nervous and it's not even until tomorrow! I'm hoping to hit up a few of my friends that have been captains before for interview tips.

    Sharon-- good luck on your interview search! Let us know how it goes! And I'm glad this board helps and that it does good for someone other than me!!

    Leelawatson-- good luck with your Zumba today and I hope you feel better. Try not to push yourself too much if your body is exhausted!!

    Good luck to everyone else with their goals! Have a good day.

    Yesterday I made it to the gym for 40 mins. It was an exhausting day where I left my room at 9:30 and didn't come back until 8:40pm but it was sooo worth it. I got a ton of reading done in between classes outside under a nice tree. It was so beautiful out. And I went to bed right after Covert Affairs, because of course I couldn't miss my weekly dose of Auggie. lol. (If you haven't watched that show yet and you have time, do it!)

    Todays goals:
    1. Hit the gym for at least an hour. (I won't be able to go tomorrow).
    2. Watch my sodium intake (worst weakness. I love salt and salty foods and am always thousands of mgs over).
    3. Get my room cleaned up and dishes done. (I've been slacking).
  • inmyshoes
    I'm joining :)

    Tuesday's Goals:
    1. Spin Class
    2. Finish grad course weekly readings
    3. Clean bathroom!

    Yesterday I went to spin class, cleaned the bathrooms, and finished 2/4 chapters for my grad weekly readings. So I didn't quite meet my goals 100%.

    Wednesday Goals:
    1. FINISH the last 2 chapters of grad weekly readings
    2. 60 min cardio at the gym
    3. Clean kitchen and vacuum
  • debieanne
    :drinker: lots of water' hi good morning i like this day by day i have a hard time to come back on. i love this site and it has help so much with everyone i meet but i am not good checking in everyday i don't give me any time outs. so here we are with a new month so i am going to remember day by day three goals for the day drink water so inportant i have learned smile walk and count my blessings nice to meet everyone debi
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Sorry I'm getting on so late. I haven't been feeling well.

    My Wednesday's goals are:

    1. eat more-- I know that sounds odd, but the last few days I have been eating under 1000 calories because I haven't been feeling well.

    2. exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes, lofty, but I need to get in some type of physical activity.

    3. stay hydrated. It hasn't been really hot lately and I haven't been drinking as much water or fluids that I need to being under the weather.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    crazybxrmom, how do you like that running program? where do you sign up? I was interested in just starting slow with the 5k. Any information you have to help get me started would be great!

    Nicole, glad you had a productive day yesterday. It would be good if you can get a head's up on the interview. Like what type of questions they will ask. I know you will be prepared. Just be honest and speak from the heart! Let your confidence shine!
    I didn't make it to Zumba this morning. I was feeling so light headed and dizzy. If I'm feeling better this evening, I will try to go to the gym, even if its just to do the treadmill or elliptical for 30 minutes.

    inmyshoes, great job on carrying over a goal from yesterday and getting most of them accomplished.

    debieanne- even if you can't come on the board everyday to list your 3 goals, maybe you can get a post-it note and put it on the fridge or on the bathroom mirror. Somewhere where you will definitely see it. Don't forget to recap your goal from the previous day and to write a new post it everyday!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening everyone....right, for today's goals.....
    1. Stay within my calories. It's my first day back at work and they are putting a lunch on, don't know what it is but I am guessing it won't be healthy so i'll do my best to make the right choices.
    2. Keep my fluids up.
    3. Try and have more confidence for my first day back.

    1. I stayed within my calories today. I didn't have any of the free lunch provided and ended up having a sandwich from a sandwich shop but it had the calories on it.
    2. I kept my fluids up by taking a bottle of water to work and filling it up regularly.
    3. I tried to have more confidence but I am still so shy! I don't know how to get more confidence.

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. Take a packed lunch to work so I am not tempted to eat anything not calorie counted.
    2. Do level 3 shred.
    3. Drink lots of water.

    Leela, I hope you are feeling better now?

    I am glad to see that everyone is doing so well! Keep up the good work!
  • chriscuts
    ohh count me in, thanks for showing me the way! my first day on this site today and my 3 goals for tomorrow are:-

    drink 2 litres of water

    log and stay within cals

    do a little exercise :smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Simone- I am feeling better, thanks for asking. Not 100 per cent yet, but I'm getting there.

    Chris- welcome! thanks for stopping by. Good luck on meeting your daily goals.
    My Wednesday's goals are:

    1. eat more-- I know that sounds odd, but the last few days I have been eating under 1000 calories because I haven't been feeling well.

    2. exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes, lofty, but I need to get in some type of physical activity.

    3. stay hydrated. It hasn't been really hot lately and I haven't been drinking as much water or fluids that I need to being under the weather.

    1. I only had 966 calories, I couldn't eat another bite. But it is more than I ate Tuesday, so I consider it as an accomplishment.

    2. I was able to workout for 36 minutes. I felt hot and stopped before it was accompanied by dizziness.

    3. I tried to drink more water. I know I filled up my (24 oz) water bottle atleast twice.

    I'll post tomorrow's goals now:

    Thursday's goals:
    1. No diet soda, I haven't had a diet soda all week. I'd like to continue this trend for the rest of the week.
    2. Get in my workout early before any distractions.
    3. Prepare a big salad for 2 or 3 servings, so I don't have to cut up each ingredient everytime I want a serving of salad.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome chriscuts! Good to have you!

    Good morning everyone!! I discovered I'm out of breakfast food so I'm short on time today so I can go to the commons for breakfast.

    Goals from yesterday:

    1. Make it to the gym! -- Did this. I always feel so good afterwards.
    2. Stay low on sodium-- tried to do this and did better than usual. Can't say I did amazing though.
    3. Clean room and do dishes-- didn't get to do this. For some reason I got home after dinner at 6 and my body just gave out on me. I felt so exhausted and week so I curled up in bed with Eat, Pray, Love and was asleep by 7. Feeling a little better today but not amazing. I'm just praying I make it through to my interview.

    Today's goals:

    1. Eat slightly more calories than my food diaries say... just to be sure the weakness isn't from not eating enough. It shouldn't be because I'm eating around 1200-1300 a day which is what my journal says to do but since I'm walking a little bit more now I can up it without putting weight back on so why not give it a shot.
    2. Vitamin C! I cannot afford to be sick right now.
    3. Be confident and ready for my THON interview tonight! My nervousness always gets the best of me.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • inmyshoes
    Yesterday's Goals:
    1. FINISH the last 2 chapters of grad weekly readings - DONE
    2. 60 min cardio at the gym - DONE (30min stepper, 20min elliptical, 45min run)
    3. Clean kitchen and vacuum - DONE

    Today's Goals:
    1. 30 min cardio + spin class
    2. Begin 20 page essay (1-2 pages.... it isn't due for a few weeks)
    3. Respond to weekly discussion board / post response for one of my grad classes
  • kaitthegr8t
    kaitthegr8t Posts: 28 Member
    I love this idea! I always do weekly/monthly goals.. but DxD is even better!

    1. I want to drink lots of water! 4-5 water bottles
    2. Stay up with my calories, so far I haven't gone over at all this week :)
    3. Do 200 crunches at the gym, after 30 mins of cardio. I'm up to around 175 total, I think I can manage 200.

    Good luck today everyone!