Day by Day Challenge



  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Really pushed the running today!

    so 1. done
    2. laundry, done
    3. 30 min wii fit run - 25 minutes done -close enough

    Goals for tomorrow - Friday Sept 10th:

    1.Increase walk from 4 miles to 5 miles ( no running, starting to over-train the legs a bit)
    2.Clean front part of house - would be nice if everything was nice and tidy for the week-end
    3.Explore wii fit plus and get 30 minutes in doing whatever looks like fun ( again, no running )

    I must say, this group is really keeping me accountable, I was going to forget about the wii but then I didn't like the idea of missing a goal. So, I forced myself and now I feel great!:happy:
  • hepkitty
    Hi again

    1. 30 min run or 100 reps of crunches, squats, lunges, pushups. DONE - 45 minute run
    2. Log my food today - done! Shocking how fast I've fallen into bad habits again with my eating
    3. Drink 2 litres of water. - DONE

    Today's goals:
    1. Log my food.
    2. Drink my water
    3. Do 50 reps of the above stuff.

    Good luck everyone!
  • chriscuts
    week 2 for me..

    daily goals today

    log all food
    do my exercise
    and try really hard to drink all my water! (struggling with that)
    thursday completed :wink:
    even drank 2 litres of water!!
    fridays goals,

    log all food
    mmmmmm? dont know about no booze, been off it 5 days and really fancy a few tonight, with a lie in tomorrow....mmmmm?:drinker:
    no exercise today, wii shape has friday and mondays down for rest day.
    drink 2 litres of something :wink:
    happy friday everyone
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning All! It's nice and sunny here in London which makes a change to the pouring rain that we've been having!

    Managed to keep within my calories yesterday and got to the gym which I was pleased about. Could probably have done with some more water but will work on that today. So my goals for today are:

    1. Gym tonight - 60 mins of Cardio.
    2. Water and lots of it!
    3. Don't get tempted into going out tonight which would only result in booze and potentially going over my calories!

    Happy Friday! So glad it's the weekend tomorrow! Hope you all have a good day. x:flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's goals:
    1. Try a new recipe. I'm tired of eating the same boring things.
    2. Becky, I love the smaller portions, so I'm going to piggie back off your goal! :)
    3. Eat later in the morning. I'll have cereal at 7am and hungry again by 11 and I usually eat lunch around 12. I will try to wait to eat around 8.

    1. I found a new recipe, but haven't tried it.
    2. I did eat smaller portions, and didn't go back for seconds.
    3. I did eat closer to 8, so that worked out great.

    Friday's goals:
    1. Manage my calories. I know I am going to eat a great deal of them for breakfast since I am going out with my husband.
    2. Start cleaning the basement. Section by section, it may take me all weekend to do.
    3. Drink plenty of water. The last few days I've been slacking on water.
    4. Shred. I'm a little sore from basketball and rowing yesterday, but I have to shred.
  • inmyshoes
    Thursday Goals:
    1. 60 min cardio
    2. 2L+ of water
    3. Work on paper (3 pages)

    1. DONE - 90 min total
    2. DONE
    3. DONE

    Friday Goals:
    1. Cook an actual dinner
    2. Gym - including 20min abs
    3. 4 servings of veggies
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning!

    Goals from yesterday:
    1. Gym for a half hour: done.
    2. Save some calories: Definitely failed miserably here AND I drank way more than I planned last night. Birthdays get me every time. Needless to say I feel like crap today.
    3. Water-- did this... but I'm sure I'm dehydrated because of the alcohol.

    1. Gym... hardcore.
    2. Water!
    3. Get some work done.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Thursday goals:

    1. Drink lots of water.

    2. Finish what little bit is left of the laundry.

    3. Catch up on a show I haven't been able to watch since my hubby has been off of work all week.

    Glad to see everyone has been doing so well! Keep up the good work!

    Did better on the water:) Didn't finish laundry but have been working on it. Caught up on my show!!:)

    Friday is almost over but have done the one big thing I planned on doing today. I went for a walk with a friend and it was a 2.5 mile walk. Finished it in under an hour.

    Don't know if I'll make it on here all weekend so I'll post goals for the weekend.

    1. Drink plenty of water.

    2. Work on cleaning bedroom.

    3. Clean livingroom.

    4. DUST, I didn't realize how dusty this house was until little hands moved it around.

    5. Go for a walk at the riverwalk again. It felt good to walk the whole 2.5 miles and I wanna keep that up.

    Think that's reall all there is. Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for tomorrow - Friday Sept 10th:

    1.Increase walk from 4 miles to 5 miles ( no running, starting to over-train the legs a bit)
    2.Clean front part of house - would be nice if everything was nice and tidy for the week-end
    3.Explore wii fit plus and get 30 minutes in doing whatever looks like fun ( again, no running )


    1.Walked 5.9 miles :happy:
    2.not finished at all:ohwell:
    3.nope, too tired after walk:yawn:

    So, lets rethink tomorrows goals!(Saturday, 9/11)

    1. Call my goddaughter, its her birthday
    2.Wake up early and go for my walk while DH is off playing golf
    3.Vacuum whole house
  • hepkitty
    Hi again

    1. Log my food. Mostly done, I hope to finish this today
    2. Drink my water. DONE
    3. Do 50 reps of the above stuff. NOPE

    Today's goals:
    1. Go for a run (done)
    2. Clear off my dining room table
    3. Log my food

    While I'm here, Sunday's goals:
    1. Log my food
    2. Drink 2 litres of water
    3. Do 2 loads of laundry
  • inmyshoes
    Friday Goals:
    1. Cook an actual dinner
    2. Gym - including 20min abs
    3. 4 servings of veggies

    1. DONE
    2. DONE
    3. DONE

    Saturday Goals:
    1. 60min cardio
    2. Complete grad course readings
    3. Deep clean kitchen, eating area, and bedroom
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    So yesterday I failed at going to the gym. I was sleeping/sick all day so I stayed in last night. But I did drink tons of water and got work done which was good.

    Goals for today:

    1. Gym.
    2. Homework.
    3. Not eat too much during the PSU vs Bama game. Go Penn State!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Everyone is doing such a great job of completing their daily goals. I'm proud of all of you. You are making a committment to yourself and its very inspirational.

    Friday's goals:
    1. Manage my calories. I know I am going to eat a great deal of them for breakfast since I am going out with my husband.
    2. Start cleaning the basement. Section by section, it may take me all weekend to do.
    3. Drink plenty of water. The last few days I've been slacking on water.
    4. Shred. I'm a little sore from basketball and rowing yesterday, but I have to shred.
    1. I actually did very well with this. Burned some extra calories at the gym helped balance things out
    2. I didn't get as much as the basement done as I wanted to. It's one of those tasks that's going to get messier before it gets cleaner. We did take 4 big bags of clothes to the local church to give to the homeless. So I felt good about that.

    3. I did drink more water. I have to have it cold. As soon as it starts to get warm, I'm not interested in drinking it anymore.

    4. I shredded and felt good afterwards.

    I'm a little late getting my Saturday's goals posted. I actually already accomplished most of them.
    1. Hit the gym hard, since I'm taking the day off tomorrow.
    2. Eat the rainbow...lots of colors of fruits and veggies.
    3. Organize my closets and dressers.
    4. I want to start doing 50 crunches as soon as I wake up and 50 crunches before bed. I have set this goal in my head before, but now that I'm actually typing it out, maybe I can remember to do it.

    Sharon, I hope you're ok! We miss you.

    Nicole, I hope you feel better soon.

    inmyshoes, what did you cook for dinner? Whats your name so we can stop calling you by your screen name. Unless you prefer to use your screenname only.

    Becky, how was your run?

    beesareyellow, excellent walk! how old is your granddaughter? are you guys doing anything special. same question, do u go by your screen name only.

    Ravyn, I love walking by the river with my husband! What show were you guys watching if you don't mind me asking.

    Everyone have a great weekend. I will probably be on late tomorrow too, but I will definitely post.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    So, lets rethink tomorrows goals!(Saturday, 9/11)

    1. Call my goddaughter, its her birthday
    2.Wake up early and go for my walk while DH is off playing golf
    3.Vacuum whole house

    That's GODdaughter, not quite ready for granddaughters yet:laugh:
    She is twenty today and lives in the States.
    She tells me that people are always asking her if her birthday really lands on 9/11.

    She loves coming up to Canada (where she was born ) because my daughters take her out to our local pubs/bars where she can drink legally.( Legal drinking age is 18 here ). She always takes tons of picture for her facebook page to make her friends jealous and annoy her parents. Her father (my husbands brother) apparently just sighs and shakes his head, but that hasn't stopped him from sending her to us several times a year!:laugh:

    Anyways, today was a partial success, call turned into online chat, walk turned into 4o minutes of walking while shopping, and vacuuming turned to dust ( ha ha)

    Goals for tomorrow Sunday 9/12

    1. 5 mile walk- no excuses
    2.Find then make a chicken curry recipe from scratch
    3.go to bed early for a change

    As to your question, my friends call me Bee ( long story )
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Goals from yesterday:
    Gym: Yes. And I pushed myself... because I was ready to get off after a half hour and I didn't!
    Homework: Yep. All day. And I still have toooons to do.
    Not eat during the psu 'bama game: I didn't but then went to McDonald's after. Not good. And we lost. And it was ugly. Not good. lol

    So goals for today:
    1. No soda! I got back on the soda wagon.
    2. Gym!
    3. Homework! I want to finish the reading in my 497E book and watch a Psych video with the study guide. At least.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    great challenge idea...can i join in? pretty please:)

    so, my 3 for today are:

    1. drink 8c of water
    2. exercise for 30 minutes, try out new workout dvd
    3. burn home videos to dvd's
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Bee, sry I miss read about your goddaughter. Let me know how your chicken curry turns out. Good luck on meeting your goals for today.

    Nicole, glad you were able to meet 2 out of the 3 of your goals. My husband and daughter had mcdonald's yesterday and the fries smelled so good, but I didn't give in! Hope you're able to meet all your goals today.

    Maroon, welcome aboard. What new workout dvd did you get? I'm always looking for new ones to switch things up. I get bored easily.
    I'm a little late getting my Saturday's goals posted. I actually already accomplished most of them.
    1. Hit the gym hard, since I'm taking the day off tomorrow.
    2. Eat the rainbow...lots of colors of fruits and veggies.
    3. Organize my closets and dressers.
    4. I want to start doing 50 crunches as soon as I wake up and 50 crunches before bed. I have set this goal in my head before, but now that I'm actually typing it out, maybe I can remember to do it.

    Saturday's recap:
    1. I did get to the gym for 50 minutes of cardio. Would have liked to do more, but I got a late start and had to stay on my timetable.
    2. I definitely ate plenty of fruits and veggies.
    3. I got the bathroom closet and my daughter's closet organized.
    4. :( I didn't do this one, but its going to be my daily goal until I get into the habit.

    Sunday's goals:
    1. finish up the laundry.
    2. cook meals for the next two days.
    3. drink plenty of water.
    4. 50 crunches in the morning, 50 crunches at night.
  • hepkitty
    hi all

    My run this weekend was good, I got invited along to a soccer tournament so went and played 9 20-minute games against mostly mens teams, so was lots of running and I'm still really sore today!

    Goals for the weekend:
    1. Go for a run (done)
    2. Clear off my dining room table (sort of done. my husband has a 'project' strewn across the table that I'm not allowed to touch, but I cleared off everything else!)
    3. Log my food (done, though the truth of my bad habits is a little painful to admit!)

    1. Log my food (done)
    2. Drink 2 litres of water (fail)
    3. Do 2 loads of laundry (did one, then did one this morning so done)

    today's goals:
    1. Log my food
    2. Don't eat dessert tonight
    3. journal about my eating habits. I'm trying to make myself more aware of what I eat and why, and I think journalling about what I'm eating, how I'm feeling when I am eating, and so on might help me become better at not eating for emotional reasons / habit.
    4. Leela, I really like your idea of doing crunches first and last thing, so I'm going to try and add that as a goal too...but I suspect it may take a few days before I achieve it! For today the goal is just to do them before bed, cos I'm already at work!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning all! Hope the weekend treated you well. Didn't get time to post over the weekend but managed (just about) to stick to the goals I set myself - do as much exercise as possible, lots of water and keep within my calories. Had my weight in and lost just under 2lbs so I'm happy!

    Goals for today:
    1. Don't cancel training session at 6am - pleased to say I didn't so this is already completed)!
    2. More water! Still not drinking enough.
    3. Feel starving today so have to keep within my calories!

    Have a good day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey everyone! I was super excited to get on the scale this morning and see that I've lost 2 pounds. Well it took me 10 days and not a week, but I am grateful for the loss. I think setting up my daily goals has really made all the difference. So thanks everyone for being an influential and inspirational part of my success.
    Sunday's goals:
    1. finish up the laundry.
    2. cook meals for the next two days.
    3. drink plenty of water.
    4. 50 crunches in the morning, 50 crunches at night.

    So the laundry is done (1), food cooked (2), drank more water than ever (3), and did my morning and evening crunches (4).
    I saw on thintervention where they blew up a beach ball and did crunches on it. It reminds me of the bender ball that they used to advertise on tv. Its different from a regular stability ball, but you use it basically the same way. I ended up doing 60 each session because the trainer on the show says don't run from the burn, embrace the burn, that's how you know its working. usually around 50, it just starts to burn, so I pump out an extra 10.

    So moving on Monday's goals:
    1.crunches in the morning and evening.
    2. Shred and walk atleast 30 minutes.
    3. Sweep the floors.
    4. Keep my calories at bay.