Day by Day Challenge



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    Congrats leela on the weight loss! That's great!

    Good job everyone else meeting their goals!

    Goals from yesterday...

    1. No Soda. Fail... but I only had 1 cup when I would usually sit and drink like 5 so... while I failed ... it could have been worse.
    2. Gym. Did this! Yay for the first time I've ever been to the gym on the weekend!
    3. Homework. Did this ... didn't quite get done all that I wanted to. Football took over my life yesterday BUT I did homework all weekend... so it's ok. I have a few hours today to sit and do it.

    Goals for today:
    1. To bed at a reasonable time. I'm dead tired today.
    2. Gym.
    3. No soda.
    4. Continue to get homework done.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Thank you for starting this thread. I am looking forward to this!

    Today's Goals:

    1. Exercise at least 1 hour.
    2. Stay within my calorie range.
    3. Put away 1 box of stuff (We just moved and still have some boxes stacked up in the garage).
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for tomorrow Sunday 9/12

    1. 5 mile walk- no excuses
    2.Find then make a chicken curry recipe from scratch
    3.go to bed early for a change

    So, 5 mile walk done in two sessions, 3.5 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon.
    Chicken curry necessities assembled but husband wanted BBQ,:grumble: So making it today.
    Went to bed early and feel great today. All in all Sunday was pretty good.

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Taking my Mp3 player on my walk, I want to see if this helps me to walk longer
    2. Wii fit 30 minutes, whatever looks good
    3. Make that curry, but, be careful of of my portion, the recipe is hardly low fat!:tongue:
  • I like this challenge! Count me in.

    1. Don't eat my exercise calories
    2. Get in 60 min of cardio, 100 crunches, and 5 min of planks
    3. Help my daughter make a friendship bracelet. (promised a week ago and still have not found time)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just had an extra minute so I decided to drop by to see what's going on.

    Nicole, I haven't had a soda since Friday. I can't believe I went all weekend without even. Even on Friday, it was just a sip of my hubs. Congrats on making it to the gym on the weekend. It's great that you're finding a balance between your social life (incl. football), your classes and homework and your health. I really hope you get some rest. So I was just wondering are you still going to be apart of THON even if its not as captain? Did you attend the memorial of your friend?

    Hi Adrienne, thx for stopping by. your goals sound realistic, good luck achieving them today. We look forward to you coming on
    tomorrow to see if you met them.

    Bees, great job getting some extra rest. Sometimes, it makes all the difference. Amazing walk, that'll motivate me to get my walk in today. Carrying your mp3 player is a great idea to keep you pumped up during the walk.

    Mom, thanks for joining the challenge. most days, I find it hard not to eat atleast half of my workout calories. I know that's always a big debate around here, to eat or not to eat them. I just say whatever works for you. Everybody is different. What type of cardio do you do? I am already trying the 100 crunch challenge, planks are killer. Luckily there's some plank moves in level 2 of shred, that's more than I can handle right now. How old is your daughter? My daughter is almost 7 and she loves making beaded necklaces and braclets too.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey Leela,

    I am still planning on being a part of THON. Committee applications are due on Friday and if I don't get that then my fraternity is involved and has a THON child as well. Maybe I"ll even try to dance even though I'm scared to death of it.

    I did not go to my friend's memorial service. I just couldn't get home three weekends in a row and I didn't know him that well... and it was a small service.

    Great job on the soda! I can't imagine doing a whole weekend either! Hopefully I'll get there someday. It would take discipline that I find hard to come by. lol.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    MOM4CHRIST-- please be careful not eating your exercise calories. This can push your body into starvation mode and not only will you not lose anything you won't feel good either. I'm not sure what they are recommending on here for you but for me they recommend 1200 ... and I usually go a hundred or so over because I think even that is too low.

  • i will not eat fast food today or at a restaurant.
    i will drink all my water
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. Drink plenty of water.

    2. Work on cleaning bedroom.

    3. Clean livingroom.

    4. DUST, I didn't realize how dusty this house was until little hands moved it around.

    5. Go for a walk at the riverwalk again. It felt good to walk the whole 2.5 miles and I wanna keep that up.

    Think that's reall all there is. Hope you all have a good weekend.

    Didn't get everything done this weekend but first the weather hindered anything on Saturday cause it was raining all day, Then my daughter was sick on sunday so i was taking care of her all day... I did what I could inbetween things to get started on cleaning but never got to the dusting.

    Today I don't have any goals cause I had my tooth pulled this morning. Pain killers all kick my butt but I'd rather feel like I do right now then be in pain.

    Leela, the show I was catching up on was The Young & The Restless. I can't watch it when my hubby is home cause he doesn't like to watch soaps. Congrats on the weight loss!!

    Now I'm off to finish reading all the new posts so I can see what all of you have been up too:)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't posted on here for a while but I read everyone's posts every day! I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoyed the weekend.

    I would like to post 3 goals for the next few days if that's ok......

    1. Stay within my calories every day
    2. Don't give into tempting foods at work or at home
    3. Keep my water intake up

    I try and do these in everyday life anyway but I am getting very stressed at work and at home at the moment and it is very easy to lose my way and forget what is important for me and my weight loss.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday !
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 132 Member
    1. Log my food DONE
    2. Don't eat dessert tonight DONE
    3. journal about my eating habits. DONE
    4. 50 crunches before bed. FAIL

    1. go for a run
    2. 50 crunches first and last thing
    3. drink 2 litres of water
    4. log my food

    this daily goals thing is such a good idea, thanks heaps for starting it. I find it much easier to be accountable for small, single-day goals than large, long-term goals. If my goal is 'drink lots of water every day', it's easy to skip a day and plan to do better tomorrow. but if my whole goal is 'drink 2 litres of water today', then I have to do it today or I don't make my goal!

    This is still not translating into weight loss for me but I suspect it may take a while, it's nice to feel motivated and like I'm achieving things even if the scale isn't moving for me :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So moving on Monday's goals:
    1.crunches in the morning and evening.
    2. Shred and walk atleast 30 minutes.
    3. Sweep the floors.
    4. Keep my calories at bay.
    1. double check.
    2. I didn't do the shred, but I walked for 45 minutes. I haven't been eating enough calories or protein to do the circuit training..
    3. check. just finished, that's what made me think to post.
    4. Calories at bay. I'm eating more fiber, so I'm staying full longer.

    Tuesday's: (you're right Simone, they pretty much stay the same each day).
    1. try to shred, maybe just complete the circuit without holding weights.
    2. walk further than I did Monday.
    3. mop the floors (now that the sweeping is done)
    4. crunches, crunches and more crunches. 60 in morning, 60 at night, and any inbetween the day that I feel motivated to do.
  • mumonmission
    mumonmission Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone my goals are:

    1. Crunched and sit ups 100 morning and 100 evening
    2. Eat wihin my calorie range
    3. 1hr cardio exercise
    4. Good sleep
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Taking my Mp3 player on my walk, I want to see if this helps me to walk longer
    2. Wii fit 30 minutes, whatever looks good
    3. Make that curry, but, be careful of of my portion, the recipe is hardly low fat!:tongue:

    My hubby loaded some old Anthony Robbins CDs onto my Mp3, I listened to them while walking, lost track of time and ended up walking over 6 miles (two walks total) today!!!!
    My curry turned out amazing, I entered the recipe into MFP, and was able to judge my portion using this great tool.
    I seem to have some sort of blockage as far as wii fit goes, so new plan- I ordered 30 Day Shred for less than 10 bucks on Amazon.
    I see so many people doing it on these boards, so I will give it a try. I should be in by Thursday, I'll let you guys know how it goes.

    Goals for Tomorrow, Tuesday 9/14

    1. Walk 5 miles, using music, add in some jogging
    2.Find recipe and make a low calorie pasta meal for supper( kids request)
    3. Laundry -Where does it all come from???:grumble:
  • 1. Don't eat my exercise calories
    2. Get in 60 min of cardio, 100 crunches, and 5 min of planks
    3. Help my daughter make a friendship bracelet. (promised a week ago and still have not found time)

    1. Didn't eat them all, so did ok
    2. nope, ended up going to dh's great grandma's to visit and do some housework she needed done. I plan to double up on planks tomorrow and add some extra crunches as well. I did walk for 30-40 min this morning though.
    3. Got her started on it, I don't know if she finished after I left or not though.
  • Leela, I have 3 daughters ages 9, 8, and almost 3 and a son that is 1 1/2. I do a routine that a friend put together. I do ten sets of ten different exercises. Each round the sets decrease by 1. So I start with 10 jumping jacks, 10 speed skaters... then the next round I do 9 jumping jacks, 9 speed skaters...and so on until I finish with 1 of each. It sounded easy when she gave me the plan but it kicks my butt every time!

    Nicole, Thanks for the concern, I usually do eat at least some of my exercise calories and don't really stress about staying at 1200 calories. I had a family reunion yesterday though and ate way more than I should have so the plan was to make up for the extra this week by being careful for about what I eat this week. I agree with you though in general.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member

    Goals for today:
    1. To bed at a reasonable time. I'm dead tired today. Done! Right after Gossip Girl.
    2. Gym. Fail... took a 5 hour nap yesterday. I was beat.
    3. No soda. Done!!
    4. Continue to get homework done. Done!!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Goals for today!
    1. No soda!!
    2. Find a little me time in my ridiculous schedule.
    3. To bed at a reasonable hour. (I expect I'll be dead tired anyway after this day)
  • 1.Get another 30 min cardio (already have a 30 min walk in)
    2. Stay in my calorie range
    3. Get the laundry completely done
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Day 2 of me not having the energy to do anything. I've been sick today though. Ate breakfast and it didn't stay with me. I have the greatest little girl in the world too:) She has been making sure mommy is taken care of today. She's only 4 so its really cute that she's trying so hard. I've slept most of the day today so far and its midday for me.

    So goals since I'm sick

    1. Drink lots of water.
    2. relax and not worry about everyhting.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hope everyone is having a fab Tuesday.

    As for today's goals.....
    1. Stay within my calories every day - bf and I had pizza for dinner so I went over.
    2. Don't give into tempting foods at work or at home - Well, I had pizza.........
    3. Keep my water intake up - finally, one that I can do!

    I will try and stick to these same goals tomorrow. It should be easier as my bf will be at work at dinner time.
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 132 Member
    1. go for a run DONE
    2. 50 crunches first and last thing HALF DONE (forgot the night ones)
    3. drink 2 litres of water DONE
    4. log my food MOSTLY DONE

    1. drink 2 litres of water
    2. 50 crunches first and last thing
    3. write in my journal
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