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naturally thin people



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    In this environment, I'd envy it. In famine, I'll keep my efficiency. Not much chance of that in my lifetime.
  • EricRazorbacks
    EricRazorbacks Posts: 42 Member
    The people who are "naturally thin" are the ones that picked up good eating habits or eat less meals (consuming less calories overall). There really is no such thing as naturally thin as you can't be the law of thermodynamics. Now, genetics can determine BMR to a certain extend but it's not going to be much greater than few hundred points.

    I disagree. My roommate lives on party pizzas and other forms of junk food, and I've literally watched her eat 3 double cheeseburgers and an order of fries from BK in one sitting. Her only exercise is the walking she does at work. She's weighed 120 pounds (plus or minus 2 or 3 at any given time) for the past ten years. So yes, there are people whose metabolisms are just naturally quicker. She's not necessarily healthy, but she's thin.

    A typical BK double cheeseburger is 370 calories and an order of fries is 410. So, she ate around 1,520 calories. Not bad volume in one sitting for a small gal, but even if she is short, pretty inactive, and normal, then she'd still have left over calories to reach maintenance calories. If she did that everyday plus ate a ton of other food, then I'd be impressed.

    A Tony's pepperoni pizza is about 870 calories for the whole thing. She might be able to hammer out 2 of those a day and not gain even if she is not a genetic freak.

    Granted, I'm a labeled thin guy who weighs more and works out about 40 mins a day a few times a week. I could eat about 6 BK double cheeseburgers and 2 orders of fries a day and be around maintenance calories. Or about 3.5 Tony's pepperoni pizzas. Not that I'd want to. Of course if I did and you saw me do it and not gain, you'd probably think I was from outerspace. I've determined I have a few hundred extra calories than what the calculators predict. Nothing outrageous, though, which was the point of the first poster I quoted.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    So a remarkably inefficient metabolism...one that uses more fuel than necessary to accomplish the same work...is a thing to be envied now?

    I wouldn't call them inefficient in today's world. I would say the "remarkably efficient" metabolism is just as you stated. And yes, I wish I had one. lol
  • So a remarkably inefficient metabolism...one that uses more fuel than necessary to accomplish the same work...is a thing to be envied now?

    Whether it is to be envied or not is not the question here. Just whether it exists. It does.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So a remarkably inefficient metabolism...one that uses more fuel than necessary to accomplish the same work...is a thing to be envied now?

    Whether it is to be envied or not is not the question here. Just whether it exists. It does.

    But to what extent? 5%? 10%? 20%?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    No person of science will agree with that, and there is NO evidence that suggests that, There are testimonials, but they fall apart quickly when looked at closely.

    Reposting this one-


    Thus there are differences in BMR even when comparing two subjects with the same lean body mass. The top 5% of people are metabolizing energy 28-32% faster than individuals with the lowest 5% BMR.[10] For instance, one study reported an extreme case where two individuals with the same lean body mass of 43 kg had BMRs of 1075 kcal/day (4.5 MJ/day) and 1790 kcal/day (7.5 MJ/day). This difference of 715 kcal/day (67%) is equivalent to one of the individuals completing a 10 kilometer run every day.[10]
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So a remarkably inefficient metabolism...one that uses more fuel than necessary to accomplish the same work...is a thing to be envied now?

    Whether it is to be envied or not is not the question here. Just whether it exists. It does.

    But to what extent? 5%? 10%? 20%?

    The key to weight loss is to be honest with yourself.

    And people who persist in saying that there are naturally thin people with a different type of metabolism are close to being delusional.

    No person of science will agree with that, and there is NO evidence that suggests that, There are testimonials, but they fall apart quickly when looked at closely.

    And a lot of people who make a LOT of money off people who believe what you do are happy that you are on these boards making your points- such as they are.

    At whom is your post directed? What conclusion of mine did you deduce from my post asking another member to quantify her beliefs for purposes of further discussion?

    (I ask because it makes no sense (to me) in the context of my post...(and I should know since it was my post).)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Pretty much everyone at my college that is in the dance program. :mad: :explode: :grumble:

    Do I wish I was that way? Sure, but honestly, I know I have to work hard to get there if I ever want to get to that point.

    ETA: grammatical error
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ and here it is. I'm 1884 apparently.
    As mentioned, basically all "naturally thin" people are just not overeating calories vs what they burn.
    Right. But some people naturally burn more than others.

    They do burn more, but it's not their metabolic rate that is higher, it's their TDEE is higher. It's very common to under estimate your own calories and over estimate someone else.. it's part of human nature. If you saw my brother in law, you would think he is naturally skinny because he eats mcdonalds and cheesesteaks and drinks, but the fact is, he rarely eats breakfast, and when he does eat, it's generally a half of plate. Additionally, he walks a lot.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Pretty much everyone at my college that is in the dance program. :mad: :explode: :grumble:

    Well, if they are in the college dance program you see them eating a lot at meals, but they are also extremely active, exercising all day long. And they might not snack a lot between meals.

    But, if you mean they have a naturally small bone structure, then that can be true also.

    I'm just saying because I went to school for dance. And while I tried to make sure I ate nutritiously, I did eat as much as I needed and when I was hungry. But, I pretty much only ate in the dining halls and didn't snack between meals. And, I was dancing all day, walking everywhere, working at the fitness center and a child care center, working out at the fitness center, and at night I danced at parties for fun and didn't drink alcohol. But, I do also have a naturally small bone structure.
  • bebeXchyM
    bebeXchyM Posts: 32 Member
    I wasn't really eating much as a kid and I was obese but there was something worse i was into, i was eating wrongly, i had a romance with oil and calorie dense meals that weren't satisfactory. So in my mind i wasn't eating much but technically i was.
  • Pretty much.
    I used to be able to control my intake without thinking about it.
    And I don't generally gain weight as fast as other people.
  • NerwenAldarion
    NerwenAldarion Posts: 21 Member
    is there anybody who can eat a lot & still not gain weight?

    My brother

    We went on a caribbean cruise, you know the kind where everywhere you turn you find some tasty delight tempting to you eat too much of?

    He stopped by the soft serve icecream stand everytime he passed it (Which was at least 5 times a day) One time he went up to the deck to get ice cream, finished it before he made it back to the room, went up and got more. When he came back to the room the icecream was at least 8 inches high!

    He couldn't decide between two entrees one night so they gave him both. Another night he couldn't decide between three desserts so they gave him all three. He ate it all!!!

    And what happened when we got back? The skinny string bean had LOST weight! Lucky duck
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    The people who are "naturally thin" are the ones that picked up good eating habits or eat less meals (consuming less calories overall). There really is no such thing as naturally thin as you can't be the law of thermodynamics. Now, genetics can determine BMR to a certain extend but it's not going to be much greater than few hundred points.

    I disagree. My roommate lives on party pizzas and other forms of junk food, and I've literally watched her eat 3 double cheeseburgers and an order of fries from BK in one sitting. Her only exercise is the walking she does at work. She's weighed 120 pounds (plus or minus 2 or 3 at any given time) for the past ten years. So yes, there are people whose metabolisms are just naturally quicker. She's not necessarily healthy, but she's thin.

    Oh for goodness sake. Metabolism. That old excuse (although you have not suggested that you are currently losing weight). So your friend has a metabolism that allows her to eat around 2,000-3,000 calories extra a day and still stay slim? This is where as some people are forced to reduce to 1,200 calories in order to achieve the same results.

    Rubbish. Metabolism levels would never be so varied that she could do this. Am not buying this at all.

    Metabolism is one of the most overused excuses for being overweight, amongst all of the other external factors that make it so unfair as to why people continue to pile on the pounds (while their peers stay slim, supposedly).

    The reality is that overweight people need to be tough with themselves, however emotionally down they are about their weight, and need to stop bemoaning the fact that they have slim friends for whatever reason.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    The people who are "naturally thin" are the ones that picked up good eating habits or eat less meals (consuming less calories overall). There really is no such thing as naturally thin as you can't be the law of thermodynamics. Now, genetics can determine BMR to a certain extend but it's not going to be much greater than few hundred points.

    I disagree. My roommate lives on party pizzas and other forms of junk food, and I've literally watched her eat 3 double cheeseburgers and an order of fries from BK in one sitting. Her only exercise is the walking she does at work. She's weighed 120 pounds (plus or minus 2 or 3 at any given time) for the past ten years. So yes, there are people whose metabolisms are just naturally quicker. She's not necessarily healthy, but she's thin.

    Oh for goodness sake. Metabolism. That old excuse (although you have not suggested that you are currently losing weight). So your friend has a metabolism that allows her to eat around 2,000-3,000 calories extra a day and still stay slim? This is where as some people are forced to reduce to 1,200 calories in order to achieve the same results.

    Rubbish. Metabolism levels would never be so varied that she could do this. Am not buying this at all.

    Metabolism is one of the most overused excuses for being overweight, amongst all of the other external factors that make it so unfair as to why people continue to pile on the pounds (while their peers stay slim, supposedly).

    The reality is that overweight people need to be tough with themselves, however emotionally down they are about their weight, and need to stop bemoaning the fact that they have slim friends for whatever reason.

    If you are spending a lot of time contemplating your not fat friends, then deep down you are already tough on yourself.

    The best way to let it go and start liking yourself again is to lift heavy things to get stronger, and eat less food to become leaner. Something about the process itself is therapeutic when you do it in a balanced way.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    They are my genetic superiors. I hate them. Seriously.

    I refuse to welcome our naturally slim overlords. Fortunately there aren't many of them on sites like this!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    They are my genetic superiors. I hate them. Seriously.

    I refuse to welcome our naturally slim overlords. Fortunately there aren't many of them on sites like this!


    Instead of obsessing about "naturally thin overlords," why don't you BECOME a naturally thin overlord?

    Then you can walk around telling obese people it is useless to try to lose weight because of their genetics.

    When the appropriate therapy exists, I'll be first in line for it. It will happen eventually. But meanwhile, I have never been naturally thin. The only reason I was skinny as a kid is that Mom padlocked the treats and doled them out in portions much smaller than I approved of.

    Anyone who has never been able to polish off a quart of ice cream then head back to the kitchen for some cookies is meanwhile genetically superior, except possibly in time of famine. And anyone who has that kind of appetite and eats whatever they want on a regular basis and still stays thin is either a freak of nature or a pro athlete.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    They are my genetic superiors. I hate them. Seriously.

    I refuse to welcome our naturally slim overlords. Fortunately there aren't many of them on sites like this!


    Instead of obsessing about "naturally thin overlords," why don't you BECOME a naturally thin overlord?

    Then you can walk around telling obese people it is useless to try to lose weight because of their genetics.

    When the appropriate therapy exists, I'll be first in line for it. It will happen eventually. But meanwhile, I have never been naturally thin. The only reason I was skinny as a kid is that Mom padlocked the treats and doled them out in portions much smaller than I approved of.

    Anyone who has never been able to polish off a quart of ice cream then head back to the kitchen for some cookies is meanwhile genetically superior, except possibly in time of famine. And anyone who has that kind of appetite and eats whatever they want on a regular basis and still stays thin is either a freak of nature or a pro athlete.

    Oh for goodness sake listen to yourself.

    "It the fault of my genes". i.e. something else, out of my own self-control that gives you cravings and makes it physically unable for you to lose weight. The reason for your ice cream and cookie cravings is just as much bad habit as willpower to not go and eat such massive portions can be a good habit.

    Nobody who eats huge portions of fatty foods regularly without any form of compensation stays thin. Their body would not be able to physically cope with it.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    The people who are "naturally thin" are the ones that picked up good eating habits or eat less meals (consuming less calories overall). There really is no such thing as naturally thin as you can't be the law of thermodynamics. Now, genetics can determine BMR to a certain extend but it's not going to be much greater than few hundred points.

    I was one of those people and I ate A LOT and did not exercise. That changed when I was about 28-29, though.

    My fiance, though, eats a gallon of ice cream a day, plus tons and tons of other food, doesn't worry about calories, barely exercises and is stick skinny.

    Those people do actually exist.

    I can think of one person I knew like that. He was actually seeing a doctor because he was so thin. I spent a lot of time around him and he ate several thousand calories a day and did not gain. His doctor said it was hyperthyroidism. I know what you mean, he ate more than anyone I knew and could NOT gain weight.

    I knew two men like that as well.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    They are my genetic superiors. I hate them. Seriously.

    I refuse to welcome our naturally slim overlords. Fortunately there aren't many of them on sites like this!


    Instead of obsessing about "naturally thin overlords," why don't you BECOME a naturally thin overlord?

    Then you can walk around telling obese people it is useless to try to lose weight because of their genetics.

    When the appropriate therapy exists, I'll be first in line for it. It will happen eventually. But meanwhile, I have never been naturally thin. The only reason I was skinny as a kid is that Mom padlocked the treats and doled them out in portions much smaller than I approved of.

    Anyone who has never been able to polish off a quart of ice cream then head back to the kitchen for some cookies is meanwhile genetically superior, except possibly in time of famine. And anyone who has that kind of appetite and eats whatever they want on a regular basis and still stays thin is either a freak of nature or a pro athlete.

    Oh for goodness sake listen to yourself.

    "It the fault of my genes". i.e. something else, out of my own self-control that gives you cravings and makes it physically unable for you to lose weight. The reason for your ice cream and cookie cravings is just as much bad habit as willpower to not go and eat such massive portions can be a good habit.

    Nobody who eats huge portions of fatty foods regularly without any form of compensation stays thin. Their body would not be able to physically cope with it.

    Of course it's my fault and a matter of willpower. If I eat a breakfast that makes me crave junk all day, it's my fault. The point is, not everyone has this problem. I'm utterly sick of people who don't know what this is like downplaying it as an issue for those of us who do.