Why do people complain the healthy food tastes bland?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Because most people suck at cooking.

    If they suck at cooking then it isn't really going to matter what they try making - "healthy or not so healthy" food. I think this was a fail.

    Disagree. It's nearly impossible to screw up bacon to the point where it doesn't taste great. Lentils on the other hand...not so much.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Because most people suck at cooking.

    If they suck at cooking then it isn't really going to matter what they try making - "healthy or not so healthy" food. I think this was a fail.
    If they suck at cooking, their attempts at cooking whole foods will likely not be very good. Doesn't mean they can't order dominos and enjoy it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think it's because they have killed their taste buds by eating so much salty, fatty, sugary junk that they do not know or remember what real food is suppose to taste like.

    IMO that is exactly backwards. Fatty and salty and sugary is exactly what our bodies are programmed to crave - so it is by definition "healthy".

    What makes it unhealthy is, in our affluent society, eating it too excess.
    And then there's HFCS.
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    the amount of calories in food (or lack thereof) =/= healthy or unhealthy

    I really dislike this train of thought.

    ^ This

    I think that eating "healthy" is actually tastier and with more opportunity for variety.

    I think some (but not all of course) organic vegetables and fruits taste better than non-organic. I think that grass fed organically fed cows taste far better than those coming from the industrial feed lots.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sodium goals are in my opinion almost impossible to achieve, period.

    Food is fuel, eat clean, but eat appropriate for your activity and that is "healthy food", the rest is a gimmick.

    I'll give you an example:

    You plan to sit behind a desk all day. Do you A.) eat a chicken breast and asparagus for lunch or do you B.) eat 2-3 slices of pizza?

    The healthy answer is A. You are eating proper for your activity. Pizza is carbs and fat, which has it's place. B might be appropriate if you planned to go for a jog or weight train.

    Healthy food, I can't even think of what that might be? I eat very clean, so I assume this is what is meant, it surely is not what most packages label "healthy".

    Eating clean looks like this: (all fresh, organic where possible)

    Egg whites, steel cut oats, chicken breast (no seasoning), brown rice, beans, peanut butter/almonds, apples, asparagus, cottage cheese, whey protein isolate, and about a gallon of water per day. Repeat.

    repeat? as in eat that bland crap every day? dry, unseasoned chicken breast? egg whites and asparagus? i choose death.

    and can someone explain to me how whey protein isolate passes the "unprocessed" test?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    My food is DELICIOUS and full of nutrients. Low calorie, low nutrient food is indeed often bland (for instance, rice cakes). Low calorie and low nutrient foods are not healthy foods. Fat tastes delicious AND our body needs it. Go figure.
  • shaneamckinney
    shaneamckinney Posts: 22 Member
    Sodium goals are in my opinion almost impossible to achieve, period.

    Food is fuel, eat clean, but eat appropriate for your activity and that is "healthy food", the rest is a gimmick.

    I'll give you an example:

    You plan to sit behind a desk all day. Do you A.) eat a chicken breast and asparagus for lunch or do you B.) eat 2-3 slices of pizza?

    The healthy answer is A. You are eating proper for your activity. Pizza is carbs and fat, which has it's place. B might be appropriate if you planned to go for a jog or weight train.

    Healthy food, I can't even think of what that might be? I eat very clean, so I assume this is what is meant, it surely is not what most packages label "healthy".

    Eating clean looks like this: (all fresh, organic where possible)

    Egg whites, steel cut oats, chicken breast (no seasoning), brown rice, beans, peanut butter/almonds, apples, asparagus, cottage cheese, whey protein isolate, and about a gallon of water per day. Repeat.
    Uhh, no. Eating healthy means eating good healthy fat, like whole eggs. And no seasoning on chicken breast? This is exactly the opposite of eating healthy. This is deprivation for the sake of deprivation.

    Opposite? That's a bit exaggerated, don't you think? That is pretty much a body builders primary goto (substitute veggies and fruits, and other lean proteins). Anyway. I can agree whole eggs are ok in moderation, there are better ways to get that healthy fat, I'll defer to the peanut butter/almond previously mentioned. Yes, sadly those seasonings are pretty much all bad news simply due to excessive sodium. When you take into account the amount of sodium we consume without seasonings just from the food itself, well like I said it's almost impossible to be proper, add seasoning and I'm fairly confident it's game over --- again in respect to "clean" and well "healthy" too. Not exactly my favorite reality check either. I have no need to argue with you however, so please consume whatever you feel is right for you, it's after all your life, your body. I do wish you the very best.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sodium goals are in my opinion almost impossible to achieve, period.

    Food is fuel, eat clean, but eat appropriate for your activity and that is "healthy food", the rest is a gimmick.

    I'll give you an example:

    You plan to sit behind a desk all day. Do you A.) eat a chicken breast and asparagus for lunch or do you B.) eat 2-3 slices of pizza?

    The healthy answer is A. You are eating proper for your activity. Pizza is carbs and fat, which has it's place. B might be appropriate if you planned to go for a jog or weight train.

    Healthy food, I can't even think of what that might be? I eat very clean, so I assume this is what is meant, it surely is not what most packages label "healthy".

    Eating clean looks like this: (all fresh, organic where possible)

    Egg whites, steel cut oats, chicken breast (no seasoning), brown rice, beans, peanut butter/almonds, apples, asparagus, cottage cheese, whey protein isolate, and about a gallon of water per day. Repeat.
    Uhh, no. Eating healthy means eating good healthy fat, like whole eggs. And no seasoning on chicken breast? This is exactly the opposite of eating healthy. This is deprivation for the sake of deprivation.

    Opposite? That's a bit exaggerated, don't you think? That is pretty much a body builders primary goto (substitute veggies and fruits, and other lean proteins). Anyway. I can agree whole eggs are ok in moderation, there are better ways to get that healthy fat, I'll defer to the peanut butter/almond previously mentioned. Yes, sadly those seasonings are pretty much all bad news simply due to excessive sodium. When you take into account the amount of sodium we consume without seasonings just from the food itself, well like I said it's almost impossible to be proper, add seasoning and I'm fairly confident it's game over --- again in respect to "clean" and well "healthy" too. Not exactly my favorite reality check either. I have no need to argue with you however, so please consume whatever you feel is right for you, it's after all your life, your body. I do wish you the very best.
    Again, what's wrong with sodium? Keeping in mind that it's never been shown to cause ANY health issues, and you would in fact, die without it.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Because most people suck at cooking.

    If they suck at cooking then it isn't really going to matter what they try making - "healthy or not so healthy" food. I think this was a fail.
    If they suck at cooking, their attempts at cooking whole foods will likely not be very good. Doesn't mean they can't order dominos and enjoy it.

    ^^ I think this was more my point. But more than that, if you know how to cook and season properly you can make some badass food regardless of whatever other factors. I think plain green beans and brussel sprouts taste gross, but season em a bit, cook them right - delish!
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Sodium goals are in my opinion almost impossible to achieve, period.

    Food is fuel, eat clean, but eat appropriate for your activity and that is "healthy food", the rest is a gimmick.

    I'll give you an example:

    You plan to sit behind a desk all day. Do you A.) eat a chicken breast and asparagus for lunch or do you B.) eat 2-3 slices of pizza?

    The healthy answer is A. You are eating proper for your activity. Pizza is carbs and fat, which has it's place. B might be appropriate if you planned to go for a jog or weight train.

    Healthy food, I can't even think of what that might be? I eat very clean, so I assume this is what is meant, it surely is not what most packages label "healthy".

    Eating clean looks like this: (all fresh, organic where possible)

    Egg whites, steel cut oats, chicken breast (no seasoning), brown rice, beans, peanut butter/almonds, apples, asparagus, cottage cheese, whey protein isolate, and about a gallon of water per day. Repeat.
    Uhh, no. Eating healthy means eating good healthy fat, like whole eggs. And no seasoning on chicken breast? This is exactly the opposite of eating healthy. This is deprivation for the sake of deprivation.

    Opposite? That's a bit exaggerated, don't you think? That is pretty much a body builders primary goto (substitute veggies and fruits, and other lean proteins). Anyway. I can agree whole eggs are ok in moderation, there are better ways to get that healthy fat, I'll defer to the peanut butter/almond previously mentioned. Yes, sadly those seasonings are pretty much all bad news simply due to excessive sodium. When you take into account the amount of sodium we consume without seasonings just from the food itself, well like I said it's almost impossible to be proper, add seasoning and I'm fairly confident it's game over --- again in respect to "clean" and well "healthy" too. Not exactly my favorite reality check either. I have no need to argue with you however, so please consume whatever you feel is right for you, it's after all your life, your body. I do wish you the very best.
    You really don't know how to cook, do you?
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have recently changed to a paleo lifestyle and this has forced me to completely rethink the way I eat especially breakfast. I had got into a food rut eating the same thing all the time lots if pasta/rice it was wholegrain but didn't make me feel good. I am now eating lots of fruit/veg and delicious fresh meat/fish. I am clever with my use of herbs, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and I really enjoy all my food. Initially it felt weird to eat casserole for breakfast and my colleagues think it hilarious but I feel so much better (and I have never cared what people think, never quite been on the same page as everyone else) It's all about being creative and imaginative, I love food but some foods don't love me . I love to experiment but don't have a lot of time, my diary is open if you want to take a look. My lifestyle works for me and has totally changed my life.
  • shaneamckinney
    shaneamckinney Posts: 22 Member
    You know, on the topic of "sodium", I just don't know. I've heard so many conflicting points of view. From power lifters looking to bulk (specifically in a bulking phase) I've heard as high as 6000 mg daily. I think I recall a video where Dave Palumbo said that. Then there is the daily recommended count 2500 mg which is more or less what I am referring to when I say proper, and difficult to achieve.

    Empirically what's wrong, I'd say bloating. So that's the cosmetic answer.

    Then there is CDC's answer, which goes something like " Most Americans should consume less sodium. Most of the sodium we consume is in the form of salt. Too much sodium is bad for your health. It can increase your blood pressure and your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Heart disease and stroke are the first and fourth killers of men and women in the United States each year."

    Again, not my favorite thought either. I had sashimi last night, and of course that goes great with soy sauce, you don't even want to read that bottle.

    I laughed as someone said they choose death, that's a good thing they do, considering the quote above. :/
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    seriously, all of you people who are only cooking with salt (even if it's himalayan blessed by the pink buddha of sodium) have you really never heard of parsley, curry, cumin, harissa, star anise, cinnamon, cilantro, tumeric, saffron, peppercorns, chives, dill, fennel, sage, thyme, rosemary, cardamom, lemongrass, ginger, etc?

  • Project_Jodie
    I think its because they don't know how to cook or make healthy options of meals.

    Using fresh herbs, spices etc and knowing how to substitute the unhealthy with the healthy makes a world of difference

    Healthy does not mean tasteless and bland!
  • shaneamckinney
    shaneamckinney Posts: 22 Member
    @TheMOC ;) thanks for making me smile. Im guessing you would say I don't.

    When I was saying unseasoned, I should clarify, I meant sodium specifically. I was more or less thinking of a comment before I posted which was on sodium, I wasn't speaking on spices, or herbs. I use rosemary, oregano, mint, etc. it was a bad choice of wording on my part, please forgive my blunder.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I am happy with steamed veggies, nothing on them ! I love the taste , I do not need salt to cover the delicious flavor of the vegetables. There are times when I spend time in the kitchen cooking gourmet meals and add plenty of spices but when i cook for myself I tend to enjoy everything plain.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    seriously, all of you people who are only cooking with salt (even if it's himalayan blessed by the pink buddha of sodium) have you really never heard of parsley, curry, cumin, harissa, star anise, cinnamon, cilantro, tumeric, saffron, peppercorns, chives, dill, fennel, sage, thyme, rosemary, cardamom, lemongrass, ginger, etc?

    Those are herbs and spices. Salt and pepper are the base seasonings. You don't need all the herbs and spices, but you absolutely need salt and pepper when cooking. Whatever herbs you use when cooking, and whatever spices you use, salt is a necessity. In fact, it's so important that cooking schools devote entire courses just on properly seasoning food with salt.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Can someone let me know too what are the magical properties of Himalayan Salt.....I've seen in the shop it's hideously expensive ..But IT'S PINK.....does that mean it's magical????

    It just contains different minerals apart from sodium chloride, and I guess some of those minerals make it pink.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Some people have never eaten non-processed foods in their whole lives. This makes natural and healthy foods seem very foreign and strange to them, hence the reason why they don't like it.

    Also, a vast majority of people under 30 don't know how to cook. If you cook your food wrong, it will taste bland (or worse).
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Sodium goals are in my opinion almost impossible to achieve, period.

    It's easier if you cook your own food, and season on the plate. Cooking with salt seems to dilute it's flavor potential, but the body doesn't know that. Add salt at the table, not the stove and you get all the flavor and none of negative side effects.