Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!



  • Popsing
    Popsing Posts: 23 Member
    I'm open to being part of your group. I had hit my initial goal of a 35 pound weight loss in six months and then I had foot surgery In September. I put about five pounds back on, but had been maintaining pretty well. That is until about two weeks ago. For some reason, all my chickens have come home to roost and I've put on nearly 1 eight pounds--in TWO WEEKS. I know what's happening and the reason, but I'm having a hard time getting back in the groove. Any outside motivation would be helpful. I want to get back to where I was by Superbowl Sunday--that's only 13 days--but I figure easy on, easy off.
  • Billswife2011

    I am not 50 yet but I am close. I will like to be apart of this support group.

  • HomesteadHoney
    I am getting started (again) to finding how to use MFP as a help to my fitness.
    I am in the 50s, female and wanting to lose 50 # category, so I will Friend Request similar.

    However, this looks to be a 'thread' only. Has anyone set it up as an actual 'group' in the settings?
  • susieqq62
    Hello ladies..I am 52 and I just discovered this My Fitness Pal. I love it..I had weight loss surgery 7 yrs ago and have lost 235 lbs total..But i am strugglinjg to get off the rest to get to my goal..I would like a support group in my age range..Is this how you join? My name is Susie SMith and I live in PA.. I love cats00my husband and Jesus..I am diabetic with alot of health issues from it.. Anyway--if this is a support goup i want in..Ok.. Prayers to all.. SusieQ
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I am 52 and would be willing to support and connect with any of you lovely ladies. I am trying to lose 30 lbs. but it is not really happening. I have been stalled for awhile. up two pounds down two pounds etc. etc. So I need support too!
  • bunnyboocakes
    I would love to join! I am turning 50 this year and I am struggling!
  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    Please count me in as well. I've lost 40 lbs so far, looking to lose another 30 lbs. I'm almost 51 years old. Been struggling lately with exercise due to aggravatied hip joint and knee. Would love some additional support and can support you on your journey as well. Feel free to add me!
  • Kisspooh
    Hello. I am 50 and looking for support and laughs. Struggling with getting back on track. Gained 35 pounds since last summer. Moved to Oshkosh with my husband and dog. I travel to Milwaukee on Sundays and stay there thru Friday because I haven't found a job where we now live. Only home on weekends is taking a toll. My job is so stressful and I munch on junk all day. Where I'm staying I don't have access to be able to cook and skip dinner. My son has disowned me due to a rougj divorce when he was a child. He's going to be 25 and hasn't had any contact with me in four years. We also had to put our dog to sleep at the end of last uear. To top it off I suffer with chronic pain from my Fibromyalgia. The compilation has left me deflated and turning to food. I dohave a very loving and supporting huaband who makes me so happy. So, any ideas of how I can get back on my healthy eating plan? I've tried several times but end up slipping up. I'm so happy to have found this link and look forward to getting support as well as cheering all of you wonderful people on. So sorry this is a rant and so long. I am normally a very positive person.
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    What great success! I fit the 3F profile. Have lost about 47 pounds and am very near my goal. Staying here until I make it!