Mom's advice to son... Seriously?



  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    The mother is just looking out for her son. I think it's a great idea.

    Except it isn't. It will get nowhere in a rape case, since it presupposes that once the text message as been sent, consent can no longer be withdrawn. A prosecuting attorney would make short work of it.

    Quite aside from the fact that it is legendarily missing the point. It's hardly a moral dilemma - if there is reasonable doubt that the girl is able to give consent, then you should consider that consent is not given. If she really wants to sleep with you, then she still will tomorrow. If the only reason she wants to sleep with you is that she is drunk, then you are by definition taking advantage. You're treading a fine line between being an a**hole and being a rapist, and personally I'd not want to fall on either side of that line.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Umm... how about just teaching your son to not sleep with intoxicated girls? And not referring to girls who drink in college as "stupid girls?"

    but what if the son is also intoxicated ? why is there more of a onus on him to be more in control when he's intoxicated and know to not have sex with an intoxicated girl than it is for an intoxicated girl to know to not have sex if she's intoxicated?

    i never understand why women embrace this concept when it seems inherently sexist. A man is fully capable of giving consent while inebriated but a woman is not? or some times is, sometimes isn't?

    I mean, if a someone is so f-ed up they can barely walk or talk, your not really in a position to concent, but most of the time that doesn't seem to be the kind of state of drunkeness most people are talking about when they refer to this issue.

    Because a woman who is mildly intoxicated and knows what she is consenting to can then have the day after regret. Even though she consented she can turn around and say it wasn't consensual, that she was intoxicated and he raped her. It then becomes a "he said she said" situation and who do you think they're going to believe?
    Him, of course. The media isn't subtle about their bias, neither is law enforcement, most campus officials, or public opinion.

    That was my point.

    i'm extra confused now