Your Goal : Fitness or Looks ?



  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I started exercising because I was unhealthy and wanted to set a better example for my young child. I am relatively fit now. I can run 15 miles. I can do several chin ups, still working on pull ups. I can carry my 4 year old for 2 miles before I get grumpy. I still can't touch my toes (not flexible). I eat a decent diet. I've been able to control my asthma without medication due to exercise. I'm pretty strong, in useful ways too, and my cardiovascular health is great too.

    I keep exercising because I don't want to lose what I achieved but also because I want to look better. So what? I think at some point, retaining fitness becomes a hard goal to keep so you have to mix things up.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Sheer vanity at first...but that made me approach it the wrong way, personally. I wanted to burn as many calories as possible and just spent my days on the elliptical and treadmill (which I DETEST). When I got into lifting the lightbulb went on and I focused on reaching my fitness goals rather than focusing on the scale. And what do you know, I got the body I wanted in the first place, minus the extra stress and forms of exercise that I despise.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Sashoi said:
    I wanna look sexy, is that a crime?

    Heck no. I think a lot of us want to turn heads and be a cut above the rest. :wink:
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    When first got started I was all about looking good.. I was sick of feeling overweight and frumpy. Once I got a routine going and seeing progress I also started noticing how much better I felt. I go to the doctor so much less than before, things that bothered me dont anymore. I notice when I eat bad right away how it make my body feel. Now its all about being healthy.
  • 2dayirunforme
    2dayirunforme Posts: 171 Member
    Definitely both for me!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Health then feeling young.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I just want to be able to kick doors in with no problem. That's really it.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    If you wanted HONEST answers then why would you start with an introduction as loaded as this..."Answer honestly please..... I'm seeing far too many posts focusing on how people want to 'look' and the transporter to it is excercise/diet. It's almost as if they're abusing their fitness skills?"
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    For me it's about being healthy. I went on a bike ride about 18 months ago and it was about 10 miles. I thought I was going to collapse and never move again when I finally got home. But by not giving up it became easier and easier. Then it was 15 miles and occasionally 20 miles. My speed increased and the time it took me to ride those same miles decreased. All the while my waist was shrinking. I will confess that I like being thinner than I was before I started, but the fact that I have more energy, have an easier time breathing and can enjoy a long walk with a friend or by myself are the things I value most. Oh I will admit that I am vain enough to like how I look and I hope to look better, but that is a by product not a goal.
  • RickNeedzToGetShreaded
    To get hench.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    goal is not be the slowest person in the coming zombie apocalypse
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    i started just for the looks, STRICTLY for the looks, but now, i want to be fit too
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Both, but vanity takes up a bigger share of my motivation. It used to be my only motivation, but my hobbies require so much strength/flexibility that fitness now takes up a bigger share of that motivation. Age also plays a part. As I get older I realize how important it is to stay fit for health reasons. But it wasn't until I turned 35 a few years ago that I even thought about future me and health. I've been blessed with good health and would like to keep it that way.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Little bit of both, plus I didn't want to spend money on clothes the next size up because I really didn't have the money. It is one of those little things that really triggered it for me.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    I started because I was tired of feeling like I had lost control over my body and my weight. Feeling my quality of life being swallowed up by my mass and not understanding what I was doing so wrong frustrated me to a point of doing something. As the weight came off, the improvement in my appearance was a great reward and motivator. Being thought of as younger was the biggest surprise. In the end, the loss of weight and increased activity level has brought me a level of fitness which was never my focus in the beginning but by far the most rewarding now. Being able to move through the world with strength and endurance is an amazing ability and one that keeps me going. My life is bigger than I imagined it could be and more fulfilling and it is something I now protect and nourish.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    both. more for looks though. just being honest.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Ice cream.




  • just_Jennie1
    Both but I'd have to say that looks comes before fitness.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,731 Member
    both - more for fitness. used to be an aerobics instr. in my 30's so I knew what it took to get there. after the loss of my husband, things change, depression and just plain not giving a ****. after I decided to get back into the swing of life, started back up. I am probably more fit now than when I was in my 30's. I bike ride long distances, done a 1/2 marathon in hilly seattle, countless other runs, and people can't believe I am as old as I am and I run in vibrams which I love!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I would have to say fitness. I have always been judged on looks and that has made me so self conscious that I have no confidence in myself as a person. Fitness wise, my main reason: I have asthma and I know it will turn into COPD (doctors have already told me this thanks to genetics, but the longer I can push it from occurring the better) and I want to show my kiddo that you can live a long and healthy life by being fit.

    Right now, I consider myself far from it, though I have made progress, but still have a long way to go. My profile picture is my stomach and what it looks like right now. No one would ever guess by that that I am a dance minor and really good at dance (jazz, ballet and modern) all because I have a big gut. Thus why fitness again for me.