Are guys interested in tall , curvy girls?



  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    It's all the same when you get horizontal.......\m/
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm interested in people who have vaginas.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'm interested in people who have vaginas.

    Pulse optional
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    What is the definition of curvy? Curvy is an abused word. Curvy sometimes is used to mean fat.

    This is curvy in my opinion.



    And I am having a hard time choosing which one I like best so . . . I'll take them all.
    Please and thank you.

    I have no idea who those women are, but that's a whole lot of good looking in one shot.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Tall = ****s yeah
    Curvy =
    Men's definition of curvy = maybe depends on the girl
    Women's definition of curvy = nope, nope, nope

    I'm going with Elliot here, even though I'm short. ;)
    Curvy according to most women means fat.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm tall and curvy, so I hope guys like tall and curvy. :)

    Um...yes! :flowerforyou:
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    It's all the same when you get horizontal.......\m/

    Not really.;)
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    What red blooded functioning man doesn't? As long as she's not WNBA height, you damn skippy I do. :)
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Tall = ****s yeah
    Curvy =
    Men's definition of curvy = maybe depends on the girl
    Women's definition of curvy = nope, nope, nope

    I'm going with Elliot here, even though I'm short. ;)
    Curvy according to most women means fat.
  • Ninguneado77
    I'm tall and curvy, so I hope guys like tall and curvy. :)

    Yes and yes
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    You are an attractive member of the female population. Please be yourself and stop worrying about stupid people who say stupid stuff with stupid absolutes.

    If this is just a thinly veiled post to fish complements then you're welcome.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm interested in people who have vaginas.

    Like, a collection?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Great metaphor !
    I posted this topic because, I experienced the opposite .
    One of my friends told me that tall girls (like, let's say 5'8 to 6' ) are too tall for guys . Maybe he wanted to make me to feel bad or to be mad.
    I just wanted to see what do you think about this .
    I know a lot of women in that height range and they all have men chasing them in droves. If you're not getting attention, it's a lack ofcconfidence, not your appearance.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I'm interested in people who have vaginas.

    Like, a collection?
    tumblr_m8nmfzH19v1rvk0h5o1_500.gif \m/
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Tall = ****s yeah
    Curvy =
    Men's definition of curvy = maybe depends on the girl
    Women's definition of curvy = nope, nope, nope

    I'm going with Elliot here, even though I'm short. ;)
    Curvy according to most women means fat.

    Really? So I take that to mean, then, that you have surveyed the entire population of women, and after painstakingly careful tabulation of the results, ascertained that over 50% of them actually mean "fat" when they say "curvy."

  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Tall = ****s yeah
    Curvy =
    Men's definition of curvy = maybe depends on the girl
    Women's definition of curvy = nope, nope, nope

    I'm going with Elliot here, even though I'm short. ;)
    Curvy according to most women means fat.

    Really? So I take that to mean, then, that you have surveyed the entire population of women, and after painstakingly careful tabulation of the results, ascertained that over 50% of them actually mean "fat" when they say "curvy."


    Nope, just did worked with Limited,Inc. when I was still an undergrad. The majority surveyed preferred "real" over curvy. Once that was scrapped they went with curvy. It's just advertising, making $.
  • Krisydee103
    Krisydee103 Posts: 416 Member
    I just wanted to say that everyone seems to vary on this definition of "curvy". You need a little meat on your bones to be curvy, you cant be skinny or have close to no body fat and be curvy. That's my definition, you need to have a roll somewhere when you sit and be curvy, not a little fold of skin lol not that that's bad or good. But that is MY definition of curvy. Hally Berry isn't curvy. She is thin and fit but not curvy. Beyoncé is curvy!!! Or used to be now she's a bit on the skinny side. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up. I think curvy is beautiful and sexy. I find skinny to be ok and maybe just "hot" for some. But that's my two cents.
  • Iceberg_Simpson
    Iceberg_Simpson Posts: 737 Member
    I'm interested in people who have vaginas.

    Pulse optional

  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Tall = ****s yeah
    Curvy =
    Men's definition of curvy = maybe depends on the girl
    Women's definition of curvy = nope, nope, nope

    I'm going with Elliot here, even though I'm short. ;)
    Curvy according to most women means fat.

    Really? So I take that to mean, then, that you have surveyed the entire population of women, and after painstakingly careful tabulation of the results, ascertained that over 50% of them actually mean "fat" when they say "curvy."


    Well, it was a bit trickier than that. In doing my double blind study for the entire female population I realized how temperamental the female creature is.

    It would seem that her definition of curvy would change depending on how they felt about their pudgiest friend. If they were getting along that day then she would describe her as "cute and curvy." If however they were in a tiff then she would change her mind and categorize her as a fat explicit word. Interestingly enough if she was then tasked to introducing her to a possible male suitor then her status would magically change back to cute, curvy, and REALLY NICE. It lead to some very interesting results but the downside is that I could not poll the entire female population every hour on the hour to see how they felt at that exact moment.

    I then decided to take the only logical shortcut. I asked my mom. She's really the only female I trust anyway. She laid it out pretty clear. Men define curvy as curvy. Women define curvy as overweight. Pretty cut and dry.