P90X3 - Who's with me?!



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    @larsfromars: I also just did Eccentric Upper yesterday at the first time, and it really killed me. Now I can barely move my arms.
    I am happy that the 2nd block already started out so strong.

    @Roadie2000: I hear you, the Isometrix was kind of boring and too much of the same thing . The only new and refreshing thing was the Pilates during the transition week.
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member

    I'll be finishing T25 soon and Im trying to decide if i want to purchase P90x3 or not. my wrists turn to bother me if I am in pushup position for too long and I'm curious if I would have to buy the push up stands, is there a lot of moves in plank position? also I'm curious if I would have to buy a heavier weights. I'm 5'3 and a woman and right now the highest weight I have is 8 pounds, would I have to buy 10 pounds or even 12 and 15? What's everybody else been using? I know I'm going to have to buy the pullup assist, so if I buy P90X3 know it's going to be a very big investments and I want to make sure that it is worth my money.

    If your wrists bother you then you can either get the push-up stands or just use a pair of dumbbells. If they're hex-style dumbbells they'll work find as push-up stands. The main advantages to the stands are that they allow you to keep your wrists straight and to get a deeper range of motion in the push-ups.

    You will find yourself in the plank position fairly often though in the mobility programs, like X3 Yoga and Dynamix.

    Unless you've got a structural problem with your wrists though, you may just have weak wrists, and actually doing push-ups and planks will make them stronger.

  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    Finished the first week of the Lean program. It sorta kicked my behind. 2 months of not working out really showed during this first week. Some of the exercise I did not even finish. Hopefully next week will be a different story. Like the post before the Isometrix was not my favorite as well but I got some workout of it as well. I was breathing hard during Isometrix. I might have to replace it with something later on. 1 week done here I go 2nd week.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Accelerator kicked my *kitten* yesterday, I think that was the most I've sweat since I started the program. Donkey kicks were kind of fun though.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Beginning week 8 today - thought I'd check in. 7.7lbs lost so far and 6.3 inches. Really enjoying the program. Already dreaming up some kind of hybrid of X and X3 - one more block to go!

    P.S. If you look at my profile pic that is the progress in my back from when I started to now.
  • amina_a10
    amina_a10 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey all! I'm starting X3 next Sunday! Feel free to shoot me a friend request (females only), goodness knows I will need all the support I can get! A few questions - what weights do you all use? I have a pair of 12 lb dumbbells that I'm guessing will be sufficient, and also a few dumbbells that you can add weight to, I think up to a total of 40 lbs; I was thinking about using these for lower body. Also, those of you who don't have access to a pullup bar/pullup stand, what do you all do? I've seen a few suggestons on this thread, but any more would be great. I think I'll try the chairs with a weight in between them idea until I can find a place for my pullup bar.

    I'm super excited for this program!
  • emilym173
    Finished my transition week.
    I sort of hated isometrix, but I think it was just because I was really bad at it! I was falling all over the place. But I also did it at night after a 10 hour work day. I think I would have done a much better job if I had started my day out with it.
    Dynamix is a solid workout. I was familiar with it already since I try to do it on Sundays instead of resting. It's a good stretch routine. I do get kind of annoyed by Tony in it. He is kind of a **** to the Asian guy (I forget his name.)
    The Accelerator was hard as hell, but I loved it. Tony sure loves his plank moves.
    I hate to say it, but I really disliked Pilates. It just didn't appeal to me. I was surprised too considering that so many people seem to like it. I am much more of a yoga person. But hey, I only have to do it during the transitions weeks!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    finishing up week 3, not sure if i am seeing any changes as of yet.... i seen changes in t25 and clx by this time...not sure if i made the right decision doing lean but i wanted to lean out and lose body fat.
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Week 7, day 43 - nearly half way!

    Switched triometrics with Eccentric Upper to recover from a hard (but utterly fantastic) weekend with my friends.
    Legs are jelly now, Time for an ab ripper session tonight!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    finishing up week 3, not sure if i am seeing any changes as of yet.... i seen changes in t25 and clx by this time...not sure if i made the right decision doing lean but i wanted to lean out and lose body fat.

    Same! I started week 5 this morning, and I'm pretty disappointed I didn't have weight loss in the first block. I have some GREAT muscle definition in my arms and legs, so I've built muscle (measurements are pretty close to the same - no big loss anywhere), but in T25 I lost serious pounds in the first few weeks.

    I'm not doing Lean - I'm in the Classic.

    Crossing my fingers that there are more significant changes in this next phase.
  • Acemillion77
    Hello, on my third week now, would have been in my second month but an injury postponed me a month. Not seeing any changes, but enjoying the workouts and looking forward to the next one every day.

    I'm hoping that block 2 will be more intense though. I like the challenge, warrior workouts but, I think as someone else stated, some of the cardio programs are not enough for me. I'm also prepping for a half-marathon so I add my cardio into that.

    One thing that I'm not getting is the lack of the isolated ab routine. I want to follow the program but I can insert Ab-RipperX Mon-Wed-Fri?

    I don't have any connections here on MFP but would appreciate any insights, suggestions on my food tracker, or just general motivation.
  • WholeyMoley
    I'm on day 4. I've never exercised like this or been on a program. I'm more sore than I've ever been, but I'm excited!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm hoping that block 2 will be more intense though. I like the challenge, warrior workouts but, I think as someone else stated, some of the cardio programs are not enough for me. I'm also prepping for a half-marathon so I add my cardio into that.

    One thing that I'm not getting is the lack of the isolated ab routine. I want to follow the program but I can insert Ab-RipperX Mon-Wed-Fri?
    It gets tougher, if you want more cardio and core work I'd suggest switching to the lean schedule. Doing Ab-ripperX 3 times a week for 3 months will lose it's effectiveness after a while.

    PilatesX and Isometrix are both great core workouts, but you won't do them as much on the classic schedule as you will on the lean.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I wonder how much weight people use for different moves, and how much do you improved over the course of the program?

    I have a pair powerblock selectable dumbbell from 6 to 24 lb, with 3 lb increment.
    The lowest weight I used for any strength training moves is 9 lb for 1 or 2 the isolated triceps moves in the Incinerator. For non isolated triceps I used 12 lb, biceps/shoulders I used mostly 15 lb. Anywhere the move involved chest or back muscles I used 18 lb like in floor fly or any types of rows . One of the squat moves on eccentric lower needed a single dumbbell held by both hand, and I already used my 24 lb, which is the max I have.

    I very non-athletic female , so I am not sure what to expect as improvement. I am finishing off the 5th week, and only did the block 2 strength training days once. Everywhere I used the max I could at the moment, but I assume that will increase somewhat. Should I start looking into buying bigger weight maybe? Or i am just overoptimistic on how much I'll will improve, lol ;)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Anybody who may interested beach body finally upgraded their iPhone P90x app and now it includes p90x3. Too bad I am 5 week in the program already, but I still may copy my progress into it, because I like charts :)
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member

    Using 9 as the lowest for rocker launcher flies in eccentric upper, 13 (up from 9) for triceps extensions, 18 (up from 13) for shoulders, 22 (up from 18) for biceps and 33 (max I have) for chest. and squat.

    I currently use resistance bands for pull-ups and have moved from 51 to 69 there, although I've run out of bands now, so am looking for a next purchase.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Anybody who may interested beach body finally upgraded their iPhone P90x app and now it includes p90x3. Too bad I am 5 week in the program already, but I still may copy my progress into it, because I like charts :)
    I'm a little bitter they want to charge $3 for the Android app. I thought I paid enough for the DVDs, the least they could do is make the app free.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Anybody who may interested beach body finally upgraded their iPhone P90x app and now it includes p90x3. Too bad I am 5 week in the program already, but I still may copy my progress into it, because I like charts :)
    I'm a little bitter they want to charge $3 for the Android app. I thought I paid enough for the DVDs, the least they could do is make the app free.
    The IPhone app is $6, and it didn't had P90x3 until 2 days ago, while the Android app was updated with P90x3 from the day they released P90x3. But yeah, it is a ripoff. At least they didn't make a new app for each program, but added the P90X2 and now the P90x3 for the original P90X, so you do not have to buy new app for each workout.
    It doesn't include other beach-body programs though, which is kind of a downer.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    Using 9 as the lowest for rocker launcher flies in eccentric upper, 13 (up from 9) for triceps extensions, 18 (up from 13) for shoulders, 22 (up from 18) for biceps and 33 (max I have) for chest. and squat.

    I currently use resistance bands for pull-ups and have moved from 51 to 69 there, although I've run out of bands now, so am looking for a next purchase.
    Where are you at the program right now? How fast you needed to go up in weights?Do you think you are going to buy new weights or just bands? I only did the eccentric upper/lower and incinerator once, so I have 6 lifting weeks to go(8 weeks to finish the program). I do not really want to go and spend the money on buying large dumbbells, because they have limited use and not cheap: a single 30 lb dumbbell is $40, a 35 lb is $45 a 40 lb is $50 , yikes. As a women I probably won't use that size for triceps/biceps ever. I only need that big one for squats/chest , but I do not see the point to buy dumbbells for squats and chest ( barbells and plates yes, but not dumbbells). Now , I am thinking the $40 gym membership across the street doesn't even sounds that expensive anymore.
    I wonder if sounds stupid to finish the last month of P90x3 in a gym?
  • jamesseay1
    jamesseay1 Posts: 9 Member
    Just started my third week of block 1 and I can already notice a huge difference. I remember the first time I did total synergistics I had to push pause quite a few times and could barely balance on one leg for more than a few seconds. This week I only had to push pause a couple times for much shorter periods and I could keep my balance for almost the whole time. What a difference a ancouple weeks make.

    I also switched to my minimalist shoes instead of my running shoes because Tony kept yelling at me. A shoe with less cushion seems to help tremendously on the balance exercises.
    Maybe I should just bite the bullet and buy a pr of cross trainers. I generally have balance issues due to recurrent ear infection in childhood, and I guess my running shoes not helping either.

    I purchased Body Glove shoes from ****s and they work great