Lets try this again. How long did it take YOU to lose 30lbs?



  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    I've only 30lbs to lose. Starting weight was around 150lbs and current weight is 132lbs - I'm 5'6". So 18-19lbs in 6 weeks - same time frame as what you have from now to valentine's day. I would presume that you could lose by the same amount.

    Are you saying you want to lose 19 lbs in 6 weeks? That would be about 3 lbs a week...How do you plan on doing that safely and healthy?

    I'm saying that I've already lost it so I've only about 11lbs more to lose.

    I can say that I'm perfectly healthy :)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I've only 30lbs to lose. Starting weight was around 150lbs and current weight is 132lbs - I'm 5'6". So 18-19lbs in 6 weeks - same time frame as what you have from now to valentine's day. I would presume that you could lose by the same amount.

    Are you saying you want to lose 19 lbs in 6 weeks? That would be about 3 lbs a week...How do you plan on doing that safely and healthy?

    I'm saying that I've already lost it so I've only about 11lbs more to lose.

    I can say that I'm perfectly healthy :)

    Oh ok well good for you :) and I was like well 3lbs a week at your weight is a very low unhealthy deficit...Glad to hear that you are healthy as well
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    My year date is Jan 30. I started this at 160 lbs, I now weigh 121 lbs. I am 4'11"

    I have lost 39 lbs to date. For a good few months, I averaged 5 lbs a month loss. There were also a few months in between where I did not lose at all. Then I would lose a pound here, half a pound there, nothing terribly consistent. Finally I made it into my last 10-15 lbs and since then (I have 6 lbs to go at this point) it has been very slow. I average about half a pound a week.

    But I know that this is the most healthy thing for my body and I am more likely to keep it off because I am developing more healthy habits. Don't be in such a rush.. you will get there.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    I've only 30lbs to lose. Starting weight was around 150lbs and current weight is 132lbs - I'm 5'6". So 18-19lbs in 6 weeks - same time frame as what you have from now to valentine's day. I would presume that you could lose by the same amount.

    Are you saying you want to lose 19 lbs in 6 weeks? That would be about 3 lbs a week...How do you plan on doing that safely and healthy?

    I'm saying that I've already lost it so I've only about 11lbs more to lose.

    I can say that I'm perfectly healthy :)

    Oh ok well good for you :) and I was like well 3lbs a week at your weight is a very low unhealthy deficit...Glad to hear that you are healthy as well

    Stuck to TDEE-15% as the general formula. Seemed to be working well though I did lose the most in the first week, then the size of the losses became smaller (as can be expected).
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Losing 30 lbs took me roughly 5 months, from Sept. 12, 2012 to Feb. 17, 2013. Here's what that pace looked like:

    I set my weight loss goal at a half-pound per week because I didn’t want to feel starved. I wanted my change in eating and exercise habits to be fun and sustainable over the long run. For me, sustainability is the bottom line and continues to be so, now that I'm in maintenance after a 51-pound loss. Actual weight loss averaged 1.3 pounds a week for the first 30, about three-quarters of a pound for the 51. Weight loss slowed as I got closer to goal; my longest plateau was 48 days:


    The Mayo Clinic has a good article on plateaus:

    When I started, my calorie goal as set by MFP was 1,650 calories a day plus any calories that I had burned from exercise. That was subsequently lowered to 1430 and then to 1360. My maintenance calorie goal is now 1600.

    My goal weight was 150, which barely drops me out of the "overweight" category for BMI. However, my body fat calipers give me a percentage of 27.6, which is in the middle of the "ideal" range for a woman my age (I'm 55). The right-hand side of my avatar photo is what I look like now.

    I exercise almost daily and eat the same way I had throughout my weight loss except for the higher calorie allowance. Mainly I ditched most processed foods and increased my consumption of fresh produce.
  • camperbc
    camperbc Posts: 15 Member
    It took me 10 weeks to lose 30 pounds. I am now into my 14th week and am down 40 lbs. I plan to lose another 10 lbs over the next few weeks. I will have dropped a total of 50 lbs. in almost exactly four months. (from September 25th to January 23rd) This will put me at my ideal weight of 168 pounds. Nothing to it!

    PS: Now, before anyone feels the need to start bashing me for losing my weight too quickly, I am happy to report that I am currently the healthiest I have been in many years.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    30lbs lost in 70 days :)

    WOW!That is quite impressive! As is your after picture. :blushing:
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    My first 30 pounds (when I started at 240) came off in about 3 months. The last 30 pounds took me more like 6-8 months. The closer you are to your ideal weight, the slower it gets.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    My top weight was 285 on 1/20/13 and a little less then 3 months later I was down 30 pounds but I was much larger then you. I have been at this for about 11 months now and have lost about 55 pounds. What I did is periods of exercising 5 days a week and some where I didn't exercise at all. I logged my food for the first 5 months or so and I just started doing that again.

    People say the last 20 pounds is the hardest and you don't have much more then that total. So I would say it could take some time but a good thing about being smaller to you lose 10 pounds and you can really tell. People couldn't tell on me until I was down 30-40 pounds.

    Best of luck to you!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It took me about three years, because I started out with unsustainable diet restrictions and workout demands on myself, which led to me stopping and restarting several times. :tongue:

    Eventually got it sorted, lost the rest slow and steady and have kept it off for most the part. Weight is higher than lowest recorded weight, but clothes still fit the same as they did at that weight, so it's all good.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    It took me about 2.5 months but I started at 252 lbs.
  • lizj0nes21
    You don't look like someone who has 30 pounds to lose...

    What's your height and weight?

    she said in her original post shes 5"3 and 149...Shes at a normal weight for her height. http://www.ask.com/question/if-im-5-3-how-much-should-i-weigh

    Actually, if you go by the BMI chart, (which many people think is bunk), she is in the overweight category at this height and weight. If she has a large frame, the healthy range goes up to 147, yet if she has a small frame, it could be as low as 111. This number would also vary, depending on how much muscle mass she has.

    To the OP, I lost my first 30 lbs on here in about 4 months. I had quite a bit more to lose than you do, but I was also 49 and partially disabled, so it is a bit harder to lose now than when I was 20. It took another year for me to lose the next 20 lbs. I have done it so far by mostly diet alone, but getting in extra activity as much as I can. I am insulin resistant, so lower carbs have worked well for me. I try to stay away from processed sugars and grains, and eat more protein, healthy fats, and fruits and non starch veggies. All the extra sugar and goodies during the Holidays have put a few lbs back on, but I am starting to get them off again.

    A 500 calorie deficit per day will give you 1 pound loss a week. A 1000 cal deficit will give you 2 lbs per week. After the initial first week extra water weight loss, you should be able to lose 1-2 lbs per week fairly easily. Consistency is the key. Log everything you eat, and stick with your calorie goal. No binging on the weekends after starving all week. That rarely works.
    Exercise consistently and do some lifting as well.
    Read the other good advice on here given by those who have succeeded long term. There are no easy quick fixes.

    Yes you are correct but in all actually shes only over weight by 2 lbs. Not that much compared to others. So her weight loss will more then likely slow

    I have a very small frame. 149 or even 147 is not a healthy weight for me at all. I understand what your saying but considering I have a small frame I should be nowhere near 147.

    I know. Im not picking on you either. And as I stated on your other post im the same height as you so I know how small you are.....May I ask where do you carry the weight the most? For me it was my thighs

    My weight is basically all in my stomach, hips, and my thighs.
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi OP. Just ignore the snark. There's a lot of it on MFP. LOL. Some people just can't resist showing how smart they are, That said, there was a lot of good advice in the last thread.

    As for timeline, well the last time I lost 30 lbs I did it in 2 months. Not good. I was always tired, hungry and lost a lot of hair. I also gained it all back. Eating next to nothing and exercising 2,5 hours per day was simply not sustainable.

    This time around I'm aiming for .5 to 1 lb per week which means it should take me anywhere from 6 months to a year to drop it all. I know it sounds like a long time, but each 5 lb loss makes a significant difference when there is not much to lose and on a 5'4 frame.

    Just eat at a reasonable deficit and exercise. It really does work as I can now say I'm 6 lbs down.

    And how much did you have to lose when you lost those 30lbs? Was it a lot more than 30 or was it JUST 30...there is a difference.

    I only had to lose 40. Crazy, I know.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    4 months from 280 --> 250.

    Looking back I could have lost more(40-50 lbs) if I didn't weight train and just ate less.

    I also had numerous cheat days and 'alcohol' month where I lost 0 weight so... not sure if that counts or not.
  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member
    2 1/2 months I went from 205-176 so almost 30 but that was intense diet /insanity workout:body building
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    December 2013 is the cleanest I've eaten with 0 alcohol...

    Lost about 4- 4.5kg while eating 2100 - 2200 cal /day (high protein) and doing intensive circuit training 1-2 hours 6 times/week.

    Had 2 - 3 5k + planned cheat days(binge) in December though.. so not sure if I would have lost more weight if I haven't binged.

    Needed it for my sanity.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    2 1/2 months I went from 205-176 so almost 30 but that was intense diet /insanity workout:body building

    calorie wise how many kcal did you eat to drop that much weight while doing insanity?(forget macros)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    It took me 3 months to lose 30 pounds. I just checked my stats under check-in the food dairy. I'm age 59, weighed 178 when I signed up for MFP in mid-April and by mid-July I weighed 150, which is 3 months exactly. It took several more months to lose the next 10 because I slacked off with exercise and upped my calories (I went back to school and was too busy to exercise at the same rate).

    I lost the weight because I drastically changed my diet and started to walk to work and local errands instead of using my car. I changed to a healthy diet that is not for everybody but it works for me (I cut out most junk food, dropped all dairy and bread, and went from an almost-vegetarian to an almost-vegan). I have about 8 pounds left to lose now. I have to exercise and resist the junk food at work or I don't lose. I really like my diet, am eating well as a far as nutrition goes, and know I can eat this way for years. Before, I was overweight, exhausted, and suffered from migraines, but now I feel great.
  • massromanticfool
    massromanticfool Posts: 34 Member
    It took about 7.5 months, but I only started doing MFP seriously about 4 months ago and lost 19 of the 31 I've lost so far in that period. Don't sweat the timeline, and focus on building healthy habits that you can sustain when you're done losing weight.
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    I averaged 1470 calories (1260 net) for three months and lost ~18 lbs of fat and gained ~2 lbs of FFM (fat-free mass). That's about a 700 calorie deficit every day. I did a fair amount of walking (30-45 minutes a day when possible) and strength training to make sure I didn't lose any FFM, and I was very mindful of getting enough protein and micronutrients on such a restricted caloric intake.

    If you are diligent in tracking your food intake and your exercise calories, you could lose the 30 lbs in 6-7 months. By 14 Feb, I would be happy to see 10 lbs off.

    That said, I think it's incredibly unwise to set a date by which you want/expect to lose a certain amount of weight. It seems destined to result in disappointment. Just make a goal to lose 10 lbs, and stick to the plan, then make a goal to lose another 10 lbs, then another. It's important to set reasonably achievable goals.