I dont want to eat twigs and berries



  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Don't make your diet feel like a punishment because if you feel miserable your setting yourself up to fail. Just keep track of your calories. Everything in moderation.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I just wanted to offer some real advice -- a lot of us don't like twigs and berries. Some of us are really into tossed salads. Others, taco eaters.

    It doesn't matter what you like to eat, as long as you log your food and stay within or close to your calorie/marco goals. Don't fall for the 1,200 calorie trap -- you can easily have 1,500-1,700 -- more if you work out. You will find that A LOT of the people who know things on this site are ALSO jokers. Learn to laugh when you inadvertently say something funny. Accept that is part of the the process. It totally is.

    I have been really low on my marco goals lately. Time to ramp it up...and pablo and guero and eugenio goals too!

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    OP, I just wanted to offer some real advice -- a lot of us don't like twigs and berries. Some of us are really into tossed salads. Others, taco eaters.

    It doesn't matter what you like to eat, as long as you log your food and stay within or close to your calorie/marco goals. Don't fall for the 1,200 calorie trap -- you can easily have 1,500-1,700 -- more if you work out. You will find that A LOT of the people who know things on this site are ALSO jokers. Learn to laugh when you inadvertently say something funny. Accept that is part of the the process. It totally is.

    I have been really low on my marco goals lately. Time to ramp it up...and pablo and guero and eugenio goals too!


    May I recommend a Deluxe Uno Thin Crust Supplement so you both can meet your Marco goals in 2014?

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, I just wanted to offer some real advice -- a lot of us don't like twigs and berries. Some of us are really into tossed salads. Others, taco eaters.

    It doesn't matter what you like to eat, as long as you log your food and stay within or close to your calorie/marco goals. Don't fall for the 1,200 calorie trap -- you can easily have 1,500-1,700 -- more if you work out. You will find that A LOT of the people who know things on this site are ALSO jokers. Learn to laugh when you inadvertently say something funny. Accept that is part of the the process. It totally is.

    I have been really low on my marco goals lately. Time to ramp it up...and pablo and guero and eugenio goals too!


    May I recommend a Deluxe Uno Thin Crust Supplement so you both can meet your Marco goals in 2014?


    :sad: :sad: :sad: Everyone is laughing at me! I just wanted to give my support!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok I just don't want argue anymore . Thank you for all the great advice and next time I will choose a title that is less likely to receive negative attention. I honestly was trying to start anything . For a site that is suppose to be motivating and supporting , I just felt very bullied .
    Folks tend to go overboard, no doubt.
    But I hope you've gotten the advice you need.
    Part of the way I think about this is: Do I get to eat like I did at 19? No. But then, I also don't get to spend my time like I did at 19. Part of being an adult, to me, is to be a healthy adult for the people I love. That requires some concessions on my part. Not eating what I crave, as much as I crave it, whenever I crave it is part of that. But, life is also about pleasure. I enjoy eating (and I enjoy wine). I find ways to balance my health with the pleasures of eating.

    Best of luck!
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Oops! Thought this was an Austin Powers reference???
  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    I love fruits and vegatables don't get me wrong. I just meant I don't want it to be ALL I get to eat. I was just ranting a little. I think I just get scared . Food is a comfort for me

    I think that "Food is a comfort for me" is what needs to be looked at.

    Maybe start by doing small things (besides food) that also bring comfort to you?
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I think sometimes people tell themselves the "But I'll have to starve on nothing but salad" story because the idea of restricting their eating causes major anxiety so they'd rather just make up an excuse and not even try. I know I'm guilty of it.

    OP, have you tried logging a week of normal eating just to see where you are calorie-wise? Have you calculated your TDEE (total calories used on an average day)?
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I eat good meals . I just eat to much and everytime I go on a diet or try to change my life style I HATE IT!!!! I feel hungry all the time and I can't eat something if it doesn't taste good. I love to cook and me and my bf love food . Everytime I try to change I get so depressed about food. I want to still be able to eat the foods I love ( I don't eat fast food) . Help !!!

    Of course you can lose weight while still eating the foods you enjoy (including fast food :smile: ). You have to figure out what's going to work for you for the rest of your life, after the 'excitement' of the weight loss phase is done and you transition into maintenance. Set yourself up for success right now and learn how to do this in a sustainable way.

    For me, I've tried changing the foods I eat, based on what the 'experts' say is the best/healthiest way to eat (of course they all disagree with each other on what that actually is...). What I've learned from all of that, is in order for me to be part of that very small percentage of people who succeed at long term weight loss (5%), then I need to eat the foods I enjoy and not box myself in with a bunch of meaningless rules and restrictions about certain foods. That only leads to frustration and failure. I eat the foods I like, keep an eye on portion sizes, and have learned that I control food-it doesn't control me anymore. This means no more mindless night time snacking, no more eating when I'm not hungry just because food is around, or eating out of boredom etc. By changing how I interact with food I can now eat what I like and still maintain a healthy weight.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Oh my..... I'm glad I checked back on this thread....
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I just read all 6 pages of this waiting for the OP hairflip.

    MFP, I am disappoint.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OP, I just wanted to offer some real advice -- a lot of us don't like twigs and berries. Some of us are really into tossed salads. Others, taco eaters.

    It doesn't matter what you like to eat, as long as you log your food and stay within or close to your calorie/marco goals. Don't fall for the 1,200 calorie trap -- you can easily have 1,500-1,700 -- more if you work out. You will find that A LOT of the people who know things on this site are ALSO jokers. Learn to laugh when you inadvertently say something funny. Accept that is part of the the process. It totally is.

    I have been really low on my marco goals lately. Time to ramp it up...and pablo and guero and eugeniogoals too!

    You called?