

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I went swimming this morning!!!!!! First time in two months. It felt SO good! I took it a little easy, but didn't have even the slightest twinge on angina. I think I may be back on the horse! Fun fact...Do you know that when you are in the water your flabby arms don't waggle?

    I had lunch with my son yesterday and he updated me on his progress. They rushed him through the Medicare process on an "emergency" application, and are coordinating with some local agencies to cover the out of pocket costs and meds. They are planning to install a permanent iv port in his chest for the iv meds, and he was worried about that. He talked to a lady who has one of those ports for some other reason, and she told him it was no big deal and didn't hurt, so he felt better about that. He told me not to worry, as he plans to stick around long enough to get old and gray. The nurse at cardiac rehab told me about a pulminologist who specializes in A1-AT and even did a big research study on it, so we are going to try to get him an appointment. That doc is about an hour away. Not bad.

    Marnie, welcome! I love your term blabber fingers. That so often describes me. Lots of us are animal lovers here, so be sure to tell us about your pets. Mine are a 7 year old whippet and a 7 month old whippet/Jack Russell mix.

    Meg, I'm glad to see your post. Continued good wishes for your dad and now for your kitty. I had no idea they could be too low in sodium.

    Bye for now.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Alison - we have android smart phones - Samsung II, we bought from direct from Straight Talk. We also did the unlimited everything plan, month-to-month service from them for $45/mo. Now WM has even less expensive TracFone plans.

    After my vent I ended up going to bed extra early last to get over my grumpiness... Friday nights are hard for me -- just so tired from the work week and I let it get the better of me. Much better in a new day.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Like canookie, I am also approaching 50. I did set a 50 pound loss goal last year but my birthday is only 2 months away so it's simple not going to happen.

    I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and while I was eating mindfully and working out regularly, I was unable to lose weight, even with the help of my physician. Last summer my mother was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and it turned life upside down. I stopped working out when she was hospitalized in October and just started again this month. I also turned to some stress eating, thankfully not enough to cause any major damage.

    I've reminded myself that I am an only parent to my 7 year old son (yes you read that correctly) and despite what's happening with my mother and all the bumps that life presents us, I need to take care of myself and I just have to find a way to make it all work.

    I have started my little 50 to 50 challenge (50 minutes of cardio per day and other various 50 type health and fitness challenges) and am hoping my efforts will show in some significant loss by my 50th but even more, that I will healthy and strong enough to face the challenges of this year.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    What an impressive and motivated group.. so glad i stumbled across you.

    I'm working Vhard to drop 50 lbs by my 50th birthday in one year and am highly motivated to make permanent lifestyle changes to lead a healthy and happy 2nd half of my life. I need to lose 92 to reach my final goal.

    Working from home in Canada for a few months while doing EHR for 11 specialists (gastro, endo, pulm) and caring for my elderly mother - home is Alaska with my hubby, dogs & a very chatty parrot.

    Following the DASH plan in combo with the Mayo Clinic diabetes study recommendations. I'm down 35 overall since last September but really need to kick things in gear to shed the rest of my "insulation"!

    I'm a bit of a blabber-fingers but feel free to ADD ME , I still have a lot to learn and I see that you all are making the WOE (way of eating) work for you.

    Marni (Canookie)

    Marni (Canookie),

    The very best things you can do to reach your goal are to log every bite and swallow, and move more. The form of exercise you choose should be something you enjoy so you'll actually do it, and something that doesn't depend on weather. You 'll probably want more than one option.

    This group of women has been a huge blessing in my life, and checking in regularly has helped me keep my motivation high.

    Good luck.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!:flowerforyou: As you will see, it is possible to make substantial improvements to your health, fitness and weight at any age. I am 64 and have had a hysterectomy, gallbladder removal, breast cancer, but have lost a substantial amount of weight by eating well and exercising regularly. Unfortunately my left knee is currently not playing ball, but I have had intermittent trouble with it since I was 16.
    Today it was very stiff, but we managed the Columbian gold exhibition at the British Museum. Fascinating! I didn't realise that what looks like pure gold was very much an alloy with the top layer of copper dissoved and rubbed off. Wonderful artefacts, but I wouldn't like to be a leader and have to wear those heavy nose decorations and huge ear plugs!
    Then we caught the bus up to John Lewis, my favourite shop in Oxford Street and had lunch. DH had fish annd chips and I had smoked mackerel salad. Then I bought an outfit each for the DGC and in the food hall we bought some stuff to have for tea because the party food isn't until 9pm! I bought sushi and have just eaten it.:bigsmile:
    Soon we will be getting reafy for the party, which is, thankfully, just around the corner. My poor old knee, it makes life so difficult.

    Last night's meal more than lived up to expectations. Lovely place and the waiters were very friendly. The wine waiter had just arrived from Toronto 11 days ago. We had the nine course 'taster' menu with the wines to accompany each course! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! You only got a little, thank goodness, but we were able to try wines from all over the place that we would not normally buy.
    The food was exquisite with flavour sensations. Very small portions. We had a great time and felt very relaxed although I was nervous before we went to this temple of gastronomy. I think it's my old problem of wanting it to be perfect, especially as it was all my idea. But most importantly it was fun! Of course it was very expensive, but we told ourselves that it was instead of our usual February holiday, which we didn't book becsuse DH was going through his travel phobia. So really we have saved ourselves a lot of money! :laugh: As most of you know, food is my passion, but a bit of me feels guilty for spending thst amount of money on a meal.

    Sylvia - I hope everything goes well for your DS. What a worry for you, but I know what miracles they can work these dsys.:flowerforyou:

    Katla - glad you seem to beating that horrible cold. And Juanita.:flowerforyou:

    My DS is having a try out today with someone they hope will be the DGC's live in nanny. It all sounds way out of my comfort zone, but if that's what they want!:noway: They are having their loft converted to make enough space. Oh the stress! DDIL is the one who wrote THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY and the others in the set, so she knows how to sort out her priorities and how to ask for what she wants. I take my hat off to her and admire her. I found her CALM one really good. DH has used it and found it helped him so he has made great strides. He says he now realises he has to work at training his mind every day and not just do it when he hits the buffers.

    See you all after the party!
    Love Heather in London UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome to all the new ladies, you will enjoy this group of very active and smart ladies, someone always knows the answer to our questions!

    Thank you for all the well wishes, think I am on the mend last couple of days I can breathe again, still kind if tired.
    Katla don't overdo I did that and think its what made me take longer to get over that crud....
    Alison glad your brother is doing better, I guess he will have some hard days ahead.
    Didn't take many notes and know their are lots of things happening that need some special prayers for, so just know you are all very special to me and those prayers are said for you everyday.

    Have a great weekend

    Heather you live the most amazing life!

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Marni, welcome to our group here and you sound like you have a very exciting but busy life.

    Heather, your meals sounds wonderful. I don't think I could ever spend that much money even if it was budgeted.

    Viv, I love my tortie. I never realized a cat could talk to you in so many different ways. She mostly talks to my husband. She is very insistent in her discussions with him. I sometimes have to remind him that she is talking to him. If the TV is on he has a one track mind. But if he comes in the room, she MUST be paid attention to by him. They play a game on the couch. If he gets up, she immediately goes over as quick as she can and sits in his seat. So he sits beside her, next time he gets up, and it may be immediate, she gets that seat. Sometimes he tries to get his seat back and attempts to sit and she will not move, His butt is touching her back, good way to do crunches, and she just sits there looking at him and talking.

    Weather report said it was going to be sunny today. Was looking forward to going shopping. But since I have to go I may as well just go!

    Charlie is driving me crazy today. He had told me earlier in the week that I needed to message our oldest daughter and see when a convenient time would be in their busy lives for us to go and see them. So we set up a weekend and what does he say. That's to soon after Christmas. So I ask him if driving halfway and meeting them for lunch would be better. Sure, see if other daughter wants to go. So I work with other daughter and set up a Sunday afternoon. Nope, that's still to soon. I sure wish he would learn how to text since that's the only way I can contact oldest daughter. They have a no contract phone to use, it will ring, her their phone doesn't ring, but it is to only be used in an emergency. I couldn't get a hold of them after Charlie's heart attack in the middle of the night, thus the need for a phone that rings. I guess what I need to do is to agree to set up the text and them have him actually do the typing and send.

    Well, time to get off my butt and go shopping. I checked Target's resistance bands and they have to be ordered online

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Kayzoola
    Yesterday was my day to recuperate, so no exercise. Today, DH and I did our walk to the coffee shop and back - a two-hour stroll.

    I went with DH to Five Guys to get hamburgers for dinner. Shocking when you log all that greasiness! That was the first day I went into the red. Bleah. Haven't done much better today, even with the walk, since we stop and get a beverage along the way. Darn green tea latte is loaded with sugar even if I tell them not to add more. Next week I will have a cup of plain green tea instead.

    Heather, I have enjoyed your trip into London vicariously. The whole visit sounds like a dream, but I especially love Paul Klee's work. It always makes me smile. I hope your knee holds out for all the fun.

    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kay PNW USA, (Home of Starbucks & Competitors)

    I couldn't resist posting this because I "earned" a few of my excess pounds this way. :grumble: :wink:

    Coffee & Chai
    K-Calories can

    (They do have plain coffee and chai tea, but the temptation to indulge is intense for some of us. I speak from experience. :blushing: )

    Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • marfeez
    marfeez Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I love MFP, but the friends I have on here do not talk much, and I need a lot more motivation and support than I'm getting. What do I do to join this group? Anything in particular?
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to all my fitness buddies! Wow what a week, but I think it is better now and I hope it stays that way for a while! Dad is finally back in the nursing home. He seems to be perkier than he has been in a while, which is good.

    The old man (my old, old, old kitty) had to be euthanized yesterday. He too had been in the ICU for much of the week. He had several rare and complicated problems (the vet said “of course these are rare…he’s one of your animals! You can’t have a normal animal!”) and the only fix was a huge, huge surgery risky on even young, healthy pets. He had a tumor of the adrenal gland that was wrapped around a major blood vessel and often these cats bleed to death in surgery. He couldn’t come home without risking a very miserable and painful death. So yesterday when I went to see him, he was perkier too…could hold his head up for the first time in days…and was interested in what was going on. I took him to a room and let him wobble around a bit exploring. So I felt better than the end was on a good day and so he went. I promoted Rex to chief cat when I got home and he rewarded me by sleeping with me the same way Smokey did for almost 19 years. I have tears in my eyes writing this but am at peace with my decision.

    DD#1 and her boyfriend and her best friend from high school all came over today for pizza. The boyfriend and DH are now working on the jeep and having fun. Of course the girls got into a fight that led to tears. They were both supposed to go together to see grandpa, and DD#1 was threatening to not take the other one. Brother. Those two have no idea how to communicate and every single little slight gets blown up way out of proportion.

    Well I am just taking a break from the test bank; I didn’t work on it all week. I think I told you I lost all my holiday poundage…hooray, hooray. I have read the posts but there is no way to catch up so I will just wish you all the best this weekend and plan to be here more going forward. Take care all, Meg from very windy Omaha (up to 50 miles an hour!)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I love MFP, but the friends I have on here do not talk much, and I need a lot more motivation and support than I'm getting. What do I do to join this group? Anything in particular?

    Hi marfeez. You have joined by posting. Feel free to add me as your friend. We are a chatty bunch and very supportive.

  • marfeez
    marfeez Posts: 17 Member
    Awesome. Thanks a lot Renny. I need all the support I can get, so if any of you would like to be my friend, please request my friendship.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    50 Ladies

    Sylvia molliewhippet- thanks for the welcome.. would love to start swimming again but suffer from psoriasis. Nice thing about the diet plan I am following is that it seems to be clearing up somewhat, so perhaps in a couple of weeks I could start swimming without frightening everyone in the pool :-) your fur-kids sound terrific! I have a most loving 14 yr old black lab named Dingleberry Fungus (long story) who has Addison’s disease and is going blind.. a 14 yr old long haired extremely short Daschund named Edward (we call Eddy-spaghetti) who was deaf and blind from birth, and a total cuddle bug.. then there’s Wyatt Earp, my 25 yr old Congo African gray parrot who never ever shuts up, even when his cage is covered - he makes me laugh all day and loves to give kisses and hump couch (tmi!). LOL

    gmom316 - sounds like we are facing a similar challenge. I hear you about the hysterectomy - me too! I am also caring for my 80 yr old mother - she’s had 3 heart attacks, 2 strokes, lost her right leg and is on course now to lose the left - so sad. I’ve decided to be strong and overcome my emotional eating, and talking on MFP is a great way to seek like minded motivational people

    katla49 - thanks for the great advice and I am doing just as you suggest :-) So far I am doing at home walking workouts from YouTube, using a weighted hula hoop and my inversion table. I am getting stronger slowly and hope to be doing hour long power walks around the neighborhood as soon as the snow melts :-) Congrat’s on your 70lb weight loss - fantastic!!

    Heather cityjanelondon - your trip and the meal sounds wonderful.. only been to Liverpool and Blackpool in England to bring my grandpa’s ashes home. Sorry to hear about your knee. I lost my gallbladder years ago and wound up with a fatty liver due to the terrible infection. Since then I went on to develop metabolic syndrome so the weight loss has been a real struggle - but one I’m definitely one I’m willing to challenge! congrats on your 57lb weight loss - wonderful!

    Juanita - thanks for the welcome - looking forward to picking all of the brains here ;-) congrats on your 4lb weight loss

    Joyce - thanks for the welcome - your kitty sounds very fun and personable. congrats on your 53lb weight loss - very motivating

    marfeez - welcome, i’m new too

    megblair - so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty, he’s crossed the rainbow bridge - congrats on your 30lb weight loss - i’m right there too

    Good stuff - have a great saturday evening all .. see what i mean by “blabber-fingers!!!” LOL
    add me

    Marni (canookie)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Ah, Meg, so sorry about your cat. :flowerforyou: Even when you know it's the right decision: it hurts. :brokenheart:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I'm so sorry about your kitty. It's a shame that he had so many health problems, but I can tell you love him a lot. It's cute that the other cat took over his sleeping spot. When my old dog Cutty passed, Molly slept in his spot next to me for about a week, which I believe was her attempt to make me feel better. It worked. At least a little. Animals are so sensitive to our feelings.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :brokenheart: Meg so sorry about your cat, bet you have a lot of treasured memories of him, glad to hear your Dad is better

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Meg,so sorry about your cat.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Meg- So sorry about your kitty. It is so hard. I am glad to hear your dad is doing better. Take care of yourself! Sending hugs!!

    Deb A in CNY