

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    Corporate big-wigs are here and I am buried! They permanently laid off 12 people and since I am the IT department, I have to deal with moves, phones, accounts, computer access, and all that stuff. Besides this issue, we have had 3 laptops come in that don't work, 1 with a bad motherboard, one with a bad virus, and another that was 'fried' by electricity!

    Too busy!! Just checking in to hold my place.
    Rita in Crazy CT
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cynthia, about a year ago I was so happy to finally see my blood sugar under 100. It stayed that way for pretty much the whole year. Then it was 103, 104, 110, 118 and then this week 114. My doctor had decreased my medicine to 1/day instead of 2. So I fear when I get my HgbA1C done next month it won't be as good as my last one.

    Vicki, yes I agree. I have a wonderful family practice doctor. As I have said, the hospital I worked at was affiliated with the IU School of Medicine satellite school, USI, here in Evansvile. So we all met him when he was in his 1st year of family practice residency. The staff fell in love with him. So after 4 years when he finished his residency and was ready to open his own practice the hospital just happened to be changing insurance which meant that a lot of us would have to change doctors. So a lot of us just followed Dr. C. My girls were at the age they no longer needed a pediatrician and I liked the fact that we all could go to the same doctor. When my oldest daughter was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue, he scheduled her for the last appointment of the day so that we could stay there as long as we needed to. I'm sure we were there for 90 minutes. He has a big picture board and you can tell he now is taking care of his first patients grandchildren. He still does simple little 'surgeries' like removing little lesions off a hand, etc or doing a cortisone injection. This is why my husbands insurance dropped him as a provider. He won't send patients to specialists when it's something he can do. He still makes hospital visits and nursing home visits. As far as I know he does not do house calls:laugh: I don't know anyone who does that. So my husband just pays the nonprovider fee to see him. He will have to see a specialist to get a cortisone injection he needs in his shoulder. Now I wouldn't on my insurance.

    Welcome back from MIA land Suzy in De.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Bitter cold with blowing and more snow.Did get my walk in,taking Violet to school.
    Going to see my friend Thelma tomorrow,can`t wait.She can`t talk cos of the stroke.
    Thanks for the prayers,keep them coming for a good recovery.
  • Kayzoola
    Just going to zip in and out to affirm that I am still plugging along. Bodypump two times this week, and Bodycombat plus cxworx, a core workout, yesterday. Logging, and attempting to drink water. Not a fan of water drinking.

    DD is starting online high school this week. The social aspect of her local school was too stressful, and grades were suffering. I'm so thankful to have options. Teenage years can be challenging!

    Grey, cold and dismal outside. I think a mug of tea sounds nice. I'll make it herbal, and count it as water.

    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Drats, I forgot how almonds can mess with fat and calories when tracking. I grabbed a handful to munch on while waiting for Aaron to get out of school and they took me over a little bit on both for the day.

    Other than that I balanced nicely, got an "average" workout in.

    Stinking on drinking water, unless I'm working out or eating because it's just too cold. Have been getting my daily herbal tea in the afternoon so that sort of counts. I can feel that I need more BECAUSE of this weather so I will try harder.

    Made a lovely Valentine's gift basket for a benefit with all of my products that I'm pretty proud of.

    I AM going to get something done with this nest that sits on my head tomorrow after I drop my boy off at school. Highlights and cut at the Douglas J Aveda school so I'll pack a lunch and my Ipad....they are not fast because they're students:ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another drizzly day perfect for dog walking, going to line dance class, working on income tax related chores, practicing dances for the Friday class, and watching some TV with Jake by the fire.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: I am especially grateful for my health today as I read about the health challenges faced by many of you and your loved ones. I have such admiration for the courage that you show.

    :flowerforyou: Between restaurant meals over the weekend and two days of Jake’s favorite packaged hot and sour soup, the scale is not my friend. I know it’s water weight but the numbers have inspired me to be extra vigilant about my eating and seek extra opportunities to be active. This weight loss journey is a lifetime commitment for me and each day marks a new beginning and a new focus. Even as I was enjoying a grilled cheese sandwich on Friday, I knew that it was a rare treat and didn’t fit into my usual eating plan.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington home of the awesome Seahawks

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 24,000 steps today ----

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    January Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *dance at least three dances a day for extra practice (often but not every day)
    *yoga twice a week (three times would be better)—(some stretches but no formal practice for the last two weeks)
    *play with Bernie the cat at least 5 minutes a day (not every day, but often)
    *don’t take things personally (so far, so good)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “Enough is abundance to the wise." - Euripide
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Popping in to mark my spot.

    I think I'm getting sick. My glands are swollen and I just feel icky. I'm drinking lots. DD feels the same way.

    Going to get my hair cut tomorrow, it will be nice to get it back manageable again. I did go to the gym and walked and rode the bike...maybe I could sweat the germs out :laugh:

    It's downright frigid here so I'm all snuggled in with a cat by my side. Stay warm & safe esp those that are getting the wicked snow.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    posting to mark my spot... now I'll go back and start reading!! :happy:

    10,000 steps in today, too!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Heather - when we were in London and Paris 3 years ago, Vince was having knee problems. They only seem to have steps in the metro

    Tina - get better fast!

    DeeDee - we didn't get any snow thank goodness but it is bitterly cold. Sounds like a cup of hot chocolate is in order after that golf cart ride

    Linda - good for you on that test

    Liz from Halifax - I hope you're feeling better real soon and not in any more pain

    Sylvia - love your post about how your husband does pay you to lose weight. Glad you had fun at your painting party. Doesn't it feel good when someone gives you such a great compliment? Have fun at lunch. At one point Jessica was talking about going to vet school in the Caribbean. She asked if we would take care of her cats while she was in school. I just don't know how she'd like it, tho. If (god forbid) something were to happen to one of her cats and she wasn't here, that would probably really hurt her. But now she hasn't talked about that in a while.

    yanniejannie - so sorry to hear about your friend Linda

    Lucy - the first cat we had would NOT go out in the snow, he'd hold it in. Have fun on your vacation. Hope your hubby gets better fast and this doesn't affect your vacation

    Plano Teral - congrats on reaching your goals

    Vicki - good luck to your dad

    Joyce - your MD sounds wonderful!

    Sandy - hope you feel better fast and don't get too sick

    Welcome everyone new. Sorry this is so short and I apologize to anyone that I may have missed.

    Started the day by going to yoga and then took the deep water class. Went to Bi-Lo to get a few things on sale, then senior bowling. They apologized for last week by giving everyone a drink, beer, mixed drink, soda , whatever. I usually take my tea with me so I got an extra beer and gave it to Vince. Then home for a bit of dinner and then back for Newcomers bowling. They gave us a free drink again, I honestly didn't think they'd do that. They say that this is to say "thank you" for being in a league.

    The vet called about Lexi. He asked for permission to run a T4 blood test. From PJ and Sadie having the radioactive isotope treatment, we know that the vet only orders this when he has a strong suspicion from the previous bloodwork that there might be hyperthydroidism. Well, there's nothing we can do about it, just getting prepared for the surgery because it'll probably be necessary. We know they keep the cat for a week until the radioactivity is down to a certain level and then for a week or two you can hold the cat a bit but not for extended periods of time. Trying to figure out how to keep her not on our bed at night. And I know that when I clean the litter box, I'll need to hold onto the litter for about 2 weeks before I can throw it in the garbage. It's a good thing we didn't have room in the recycling container for the litter container because I think I put the litter-box refuse in there so another animal didn't rip open the bag.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a "10 Pounds Down" DVD that I got for Christmas. Then a friend is supposed to come here and we'll watch the final episodes of Downton Abbey.

    Vince said he needs to go to WalMart tomorrow and I'd like to go with him so maybe we'll go later in the day.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi all. I had an exhausting day and am going to bed. DD#2 is finally better. Wind chill will be -30 in the morning. I read your posts and am sending high fives and hugs.

    Michele: all my cats have ended up with hyperthyroidism, but none of our vets have a nuclear medicine license, so we've always just given the meds. I'll be interested in hearing how kitty comes out.

    Well it's nighty=night for me. I was going to say "marking my spot" but that made me feel like a dog peeing up a tree! :laugh:

    Sweet dreams to my friends. Meg from frigid OMaha
  • AnswerintheSky
    Hello wonderful women!

    How was the day? :flowerforyou:

    I'm thinking of taking up smoking to reduce my appetite. :smokin: (Kidding! Don't worry - never have, never will!)

    I'm scheduled with a new personal trainer on Saturday afternoon for a first session. :indifferent: He's talking about every Saturday. I'd hoped for three times per week. I'll see what he has in mind... :ohwell:

    I haven't heard from Visa since my last post. I need to respond to BBB re: the business's response to my complaint.

    Time to look at my new Vegan Baker cookbook. :bigsmile: I'm having the friend who gave it to me, with her husband, along with one of my daughters here for a dessert and games evening on Sunday. :laugh: :happy: :bigsmile:

    Talk to you all again soon. It's almost time to pill Morris, my cat, for his hyperthyroidism!

    Anne, Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    How sweet of you guys to mention me so soon when I haven't even done anything memorable yet...yet! Thnx.
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Regarding the trainer, do you have any info on what that could cost, how many sessions, etc? Interesting!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Still trying to catch up with you all :wink:

    Sorry no time to say much (again :embarassed: ) this morning, Our team got a "telling off" yesterday because the boss turned it at 8.30 a.m. and she was the only one there! I was a late and so was the other girl who's normally in early. Just one of those things I guess but I need to get myself organised today to be there on time :ohwell:

    :drinker: I'm not doing too bad on the exercise, managed to do most days even if for only 10 mins. A few nights I've even felt energetic enough to do 10 mins whilst waiting for the tea to cook. Now if I can only get myself mindful of the food I put into my mouth I think I will have cracked it :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Must dash - why does the time go so quickly when I am on MFP ?? :noway: :noway:

    Have a good day

    Viv (still wet York UK)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a soaking wet London.

    I hate getting on the tube when everyone is wet and packed closely together. I felt like getting off and going home.

    Saw the doctor yesterday and she said I should get a date for my surgery by Monday. At least I'll know more about what is going on then. I really want it over and done with now so that I can start mending and focus on my DD#2 and our new granddaughter which is due four weeks today. Wow, time flies!

    One thing that I'm really not liking at present is not being able to do much in the way of exercise. It always makes me feel leaden and lumpish. Just think, all those years of inactivity and now I can't get enough movement!

    I'm on my own at the gallery today, so I guess the world, his wife and his dog will drop by! Still, that means that six o'clock will roll round faster. I'm itching to catch up with some more of my Latin translation. DH is writing another book at present, so I've got a heap of translation to do for that too.

    My love to you all and wishes for a good or better day for you all.

    Amanda x
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    I have had such a strange work week. Off Monday for Martin Luther King Day, students for only half day Tuesday (morning meeting), off Wednesday due to windchill, off Thursday for medical appointments. Can I make it through a full workday Friday? :ohwell: They are again predicting very low temperature, so maybe not.:happy:

    I read posts everyday and really appreciate everyone's wisdom, encouragement, and humor! You are all the best!!

    I rarely get time to reply due to a very challenging school year. (Teaching geometry, trig, and precalc for the first time after years of 7th and 8th grade math). Love what I am doing, but wish **** Tracey's "Hold everything" watch really worked so I could stop the world long enough to get caught up!! This morning I am going to take time to reply to as many as I can in since I am not going in to work.

    Michele- Hope your cat is okay! We would have a very difficult time keeping Maxwell Clinger off our laps and bed. He yells at us to sit down when he wants laptime. DH always falls for it! You are such a busy person!! Wish I had as much energy!!

    Liz- Hope you feel better fast!!

    1234terri- Welcome!! I have never met a group of women like these!! Keep coming back and tell us more about yourself.

    Sylvia- Great NSV!! Doesn't it feel wonderful? I am so glad to hear that you are painting again. I miss the time I used to spend on creative endeavors. I need to get back to it. I took a one day workshop on watercolors last year and loved it. I am really NOT artistic but love to play with color. I have two quilts started as well.Need to make it a goal to get back to it.

    Amanda- Hope you are able to get the surgery done and are healed before your new GD arrives. I took Latin in high school, but remember very little. I envy your ability to do translations. I loved doing them in school.

    Sandy- You are so dedicated to your healthier lifestyle!! Hope you don't get sick.

    Barbie- I have also gotten to the point of not wanting to eat out. I never feel good afterward - even when I make the best choice possible and take leftovers home. I love that you get to spend so much time walking your dogs. I am looking forward to retirement and the time it will give me to be more active . Meanwhile- I keep trying different activities and find sitting on the couch to be less and less appealing.

    gmom- I am struggling with plain water as well. I used to drink a lot of flavored water, but really don't like using that much artificial sweetener. I do add fresh lemon. It helps some.

    Viv- I seem to always be late. Time is my biggest enemy. It just flies by!! I am always run late for everything except doctor's appointments and work. Everyone there thinks I am always early!!

    Suzy- Just the opposite is true for me. I have the food under control, but am not being as consistent with exercise. Am working harder on it!!

    Rita- Sounds like work is very stressful right now. Take care of yourself!! I know just enough to do what I need to. I am in awe of anyone who can handle computer problems.

    Lucy- Good to see you posting again. Hope your DH's knee is okay for your vacation.

    JaneM- You are such a thoughtful and caring person! :flowerforyou:

    Vicki- Hope your dad continues to do well. Good luck on your celebration with family. Keep smiling. Been through that also.

    Katla- Love your thoughtful and informative posts!

    DeeDee- You are always so positive!! It sounds like you had a great time with your GD. I would also love a pair of light up shoes. Maybe we should design some!!

    LinC- I am glad to hear that you got some better news. I am right there with you in needing to get back at it, especially with the exercise. Maybe we can "nag" each other.:ohwell:

    Meg- Always love your posts! I am glad to hear DD#2 is feeling better. I don't know haw you accomplish all you do!! A while ago you asked what I wear to cross-country ski. I just dress in layers as I get very warm even in the coldest temps. I usually wear a layer of cuddleduds, a tutrleneck, and if really cold, a wool sweater under a windproof shell. I also wear cuddleduds under a pair of windproof pants. You can get gators to wear over you pant legs to keep them dry. I used to have some, but don't anymore. If the snow is really wet, they help. It is great exercise and really is not that difficult to learn. I will go out in any temps. Love the crisp, fresh air!!

    Okay- now I really need to get up and get something done before my appointments. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!

    Deb in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    morning ladies,
    Boy Oh Boy what a day yesterday was, I went into work at 10:30 yesterday all was well. until I got a call at 5 pm from the DH, that my poor SIL 's car was stolen, she works about a hour and a half away from here,she like I has been under a tad bit of stress,She had her car in the parking garage at the hospital ,she has locked her keys in the car 3 times in the last few weeks, and the only way to get out of the garage is either with your badge or pay,but because of the snow they had left the gate open.she left the keys on wiper stick,
    the only thing that was of any value in the car was her CPAP machine,
    the car wasn't insured because she had it registered in New Hampshire and you dont need insurance up there.
    So i stop home and get the other car and have to wait about 20 minutes because the DH was ordering my phone and needed some info, I really do not like driving at night and on busy highways,but had to go pick her up.
    I got there and the Police hadnt even got there,it took them 2 hrs to get to the hospital, really? anyway,by the time we left and got back up here, visiting hours were over so I dropped her off at home and came home, slept like a rock today ,a couple of loads of laundry,go over to see my brother and maybe make some soup
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Deb:smile: I will go out in any temp. too, yesterday it was brutal here:noway: (at least for a little southern girl:blushing: ), I walked for 30 minutes at the track by myself, none of my buddies showed up, I felt like a popsicle by the time I got to my car. I do seem to walk faster when it`s cold out! I could use a few more hours in the day too:ohwell: !

    1234Terri:smile: Welcome to the greatest group of women on MFP, everyone is so kind and supportive!!! Pop in often and chat away with us!

    Alison:smile: How horrible about SIL`s car!!!

    Amanda:smile: At least you will soon have the date for your surgery! Does it normally take that long to get a date? Only 4 weeks until the little ones arrives:love: , that`s so exciting!!!

    Michele:smile: I don`t like this cold:noway: ! I am so ready for winter to be over!!!! February is the worst month for me, I`m itching for lighter longer days and warmer temps! Sounds like a fun time at bowling yesterday!

    Meg:smile: So glad DD is feeling better!!!

    Katla:smile: Glad you`re starting to feel better:flowerforyou: !!!! I feel like I`m trying to get a cold now:sick: :grumble: !

    My time is up and I must get myself out the door:grumble: ! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still cold NC and windy...brrrrr
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Good morning to everyone,
    Deedee drinking water now.:drinker:

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Alison sorry about DIL’s car.

    Amanda please let us know when the surgery will be.

    Anne hope you like your new trainer.

    Meg glad daughter is better.

    Michele hope they can pinpoint what is wrong and help Lexi your cat.

    Sandy hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie the same thing often happens to me when I eat out.:grumble:

    Gmom316 almonds make a great snack. I like them because I find them so satisfying and then I don’t reach for the crackers and cheese.

    Kay (PNW) glad DD found an alternative for high school.

    Jane continued prayers for Thelma.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce sounds like you have a great Dr. I like my Dr. too. Is the c-Pap latex free?

    Rita breathe. What a tough day. Thinking of you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Suzy good to see you logging again.

    Vicki prayers for your dad.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia congrats on smaller jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heather are you just staying in NY for your visit or other cities too.

    Linda soup sounds lovely.

    Plano Teral I am with you about being careful what I read. When I start a book I look at best and worst review. It helps me keep things in perspective. No one has all the answers.

    Anamika you are not the only one this happens to with sugar. Someone posted that topic yesterday and the response was overwhelming. My response was if you have problems with yeast infections (Candia) that is a possible place to start.

    Lucy you get credit for shoveling snow under cardio, so I know you got your share of exercise. We seem to need to shovel almost everyday here too. For me this extreme cold is making the winter a hard one.

    Home today. They called off school because of the cold. I agree when in five to ten minutes you can get frostbite. I like the quote from the book I am reading now What Are You Hungry For. “Losing weight is a marathon not a sprint.”

    Limit TV/computer
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Going to visit Thelma with the ladies today.:flowerforyou:
    Got news my friend with cancer,they stopped the chemo,it`s not working.The tumors are gettting bigger.She could use some prayers too.