TOPIC: 200+ (Week 45) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kandal: I think you'll be able to tell whether you like her or not just from the "getting to know you" conversation you'll be having with her. If you think you might want her to room with you then you could move on to ask questions like in this article:
    I think it's really important to know things like her policy on sharing things and splitting the bills as well as if she has any pet allergies (as you have Lexi) etc. I thought the article brought up all the questions I'd ask a potential roommate. I think if you get a feeling that you'd like her to room with you, then maybe you should show her the place. I think you'll know what to do based on what kind of feeling you get from talking to her.

    As for Starbucks: You can get a tall Iced Chai Latte with Nonfat milk for 107 calories (if you're looking for something not hot) or if you want something hot you can get a Tall Cappuccino (again, you have to specify made with nonfat milk) for 108 calories. If you're just looking for a plain jane drink, you can get an Americano (basically watered down espresso similar to regular coffee in taste) for 17 calories or just regular coffee. You could also order tea (they have lots of different kinds available - black, green, herbal, etc) and the calories would be negligible. I love me some Starbucks! Good luck with the meeting!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    SO not feeling it today...Sore throat, stuffy nose, swollen gland...blech! I am keeping to plan right now, but I may need to dive into some much needed chicken soup.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    1. Tell her the rent is due on X day, how is she planning to pay for it each month?
    2. References please?
    3. Does she generally always have friends over to her house, or a boyfriend? (and decide what you are comfortable with)
    Amys article looks good too

    I too have swollen glands and feel kindof blah. Its from the weather change I think. this happens to me a lot during the year.

    Hope you all are doing well! One more week and a half and then I will be back in full swing again.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    do you think its wrong to ask what her monthly income is?? Should I wait for that till Monday you think? That will give me the weekend to get paperwork together and figure out how to do a background check and all that stuff. I can get her to come by and sign something allowing me to do a background check and she can give me her references. I mean, I know I've had to answer that question when I was looking for apartments....I just don't know when a good time would be to ask it. Maybe I could create a rental "application" that she can fill out that askes that. I'm not sure what else to ask on the application...although I guess that would be where the references and the signature for the background check come in. Maybe I should just create something like that and email it to her if I choose her. I'm thinking I will as long as there's nothing major weird with her. The bff is going with me tonight, even though Natalie doesn't know it. I need a second opinion on things this big. Will I need her social to do a background check? many questions....
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    And by the way....

    THANKS SO MUCH for all the help and advice ladies!!!
  • shamrock677
    my husband insisted on pizza the other afternoon and I caved. I was proud of myself for only having one slice and then going to the pool to swim laps.
    I am back on track and keeping with in my calories.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    shamrock677 ~ I think a big success for me would be the fact that I only had one slice. I got what I wanted, but kept myself in control. For me, I want to be able to food function in everyday life with everyday challenges.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hahaha...that was funny. That girl was WAAAAYYY not a good match. Imagine all this in a valley girl/wannabe punk "My parents are both lawyers and they give me $1000 a month to spend on food or shopping or whatever I want" "I have a round king sized bed with a disco ball over it that i bought off of ebay cause my dad left his credit card out and my friends dared me and i was really drunk." "I need to know I can trust you cause I have a 55 inch tv and I need to know my stuff is safe." And then there was all the contradictions about her dating life (and if anyone would be spending the night). She's a virgin and been dating this guy for 5 years but he wants to become a doctor and thats 8 years of school and she's not waiting for that. And she's dating her 35 year old golf coach. And there's this other guy.

    ummm....definitely not a roommate match

    but the bff and I had a few good laughs after she left
  • pinbotchick
    Kendal - my heart goes out to you (and a few laughs)!!! Glad you had a plan in place to screen a canidate (?sp). Keep asking family, friends, and co-workers about potential roomies. Word of mouth referral is best. Good luck!!!

    Companies gone, DH is a pain and my tummy hurts. (*sighs*). I'm supposed to run 9 miles in the morning - I so do NOT want to do it. I'm tired from my company and I need a break.

    Kristina - don't worry about 1800 min. Just record your min for the month and see where you are. You may surprise yourself. You ex over an hour on long run days plus those walks to/fro work.
  • pinbotchick
    Oh yeah - after sharing another bottle of wine, told my friend about skirt try on. I thought she was gonna ROFL!!! We've been friends 18 years and I've always been the fat friend. She still only weighs 150 after 5 kids!!! She just kept telling me how great I looked. She offered to let me keep the skirt. I bet she burns it (*wink*).. just kidding.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning All! I don't know what the deal is but this seems like the never-ending week! How can it only be Thursday?!?! Well, I got a 40 minute walk in with the dog (2.2 miles) and then I did Insanity Cardio Recovery for 33 minutes so that's 73 minutes of exercise for me today and it's only 9 AM! (I am at 183 minutes for the month so far) Stepping things up in the exercise department is starting to show on the scale. I peeked at it this morning (ok, I mostly peek every morning) and I'm under 220! I will post tomorrow's weight as my weigh in for the week but my scale made me do the happy dance this morning. And I am soooo sore. I started doing the 100 pushups and 200 situps programs this week and I hurt from my chest all the way down to my abs.

    Victoria: I think it's cute that you told your friend about the skirt. What a sweet friend for offering to let you keep it! You aren't the fat friend anymore! Way to go!

    Kendal: OMG, I didn't really know people like that existed ('cept in comedies). Life will eventually smack that chick hard. It's a good thing you are meeting potential roomies somewhere other than your house so not every whack-job will know where you live. You'll find a good fit soon enough, I'm sure of it.

    Have a great day gals!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Victoria -- love that you told your friend about the skirt

    Kendall -- sorry the first girl didn't work out. But what a good story!

    As for me, ate way too much at dinner out with friends last night. Hoping it doesn't count too much against me at weigh in. Afterwards discovered I left my house keys at office so spent night in hotel. Grr.
  • pinbotchick
    Day 2 of challenge 142 min exercise with 9 mile run, warm up, cool down and stretches/ 202 total ex for the month... I have 10K race planned for Sat so I had to get the long run in today... I actually felt pretty good with distance today. Listened to music the last 2 miles and could feel myself picking up speed.

    Amy - I agree this week is dragging by... Come on weekend!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone...popping on for a minute here.

    This week too has been dragging for me. Only 9 more days of company...sigh. Then I can get back to the gym and life back to normal and all that.
    I haven't been tracking cals, but also haven't been gorging on food or eating too badly. My scale is all screwy and reading in Kg's so I stopped weighing myself about two weeks ago now. I think when I join a gym and get a few sessions in with a PT I will have them do the whole fat measuring test and weight test, but not show me. And then in a month I will have them do it again and have then just tell me the difference. The scale makes it maddening for me.

    Amy - pushing through the soreness is great! That tends to really get a body moving in the right direction I think. The push to the other side...

    Kendal - there are many girls like that at the U of O college here. It is Ridiculous! Glad you met her at the coffee shop first and brought your best friend.

    Victoria - feeling you on the company front. Once ours is gone we have to travel for a weekend. So I don't see the pace slowing down for us until late September which is a bummer.

    Okay...gotta get going here at work. Lots to do.

    Take care everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Kendal- sorry to hear that she wasn't a fit. Highly amused by your story though. haha.

    Victoria- you're a running machine! You should have no problems with the 10K this weekend. My 10K I'm planning on signing up for isn't until the beginning of next month, but I get to finish inside Michigan Stadium, which'll be pretty cool!

    Lacey- I'm sure you're looking forward to life getting back to normal.

    It's been a rainy and humid day today here. I thought I might be up for running this evening, but it isn't supposed to stop raining and it's supposed to rain through tomorrow morning, so my second run of the week might have to be tomorrow after I get back from work (the high is only going to be in the mid-70s, so I should be ok). Eating hasn't been the best today, with a bagel with (lite) cream cheese for breakfast, and we ordered thai (yum) for lunch, and had some tofu pad thai. Needless to say, a carb extravaganza. The scale was semi-cooperative this morning... being down from last week, but still up from my low. I doubt it will be so tomorrow morning for the week's weigh in. I'll need to do a dvd or something when I get home tonight. Maybe I'll try a Zumba one again.

    Glad that my gym is opening back up again after the Labor Day holiday, which will help me kick things up a notch for the last week of this challenge
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: