Christmas Weight Gain - be honest!



  • annaang30
    Okay let me be the first to say that everyone I know is having this problem please know your not alone. To be perfectly honest I'm afraid of the scale right now but then again I always am. I'm not quite sure how many lbs. I gained but most likely it's probably somewhere in the ball park of 3-7lbs.

    My momma is one of the best cooks out their. I love my momma's cooking but I think I let her over feed me. Also there is the fact that everywhere I go see candy. Even at work.

    Also during the day I crave snacks that are sweet & salty, but also healthy or at least I try to make snacking healthy. The problem I'm having is that if I snack it makes it harder to losses weight. My days always entail me going from work to a sport activity at least 2x a week with no real down time in between.

    I try to pack at least 2 to 3 snacks on the days that I won't be able to come home in between work & a sport activity. The other challenge I have is I'm on so many meds for different health conditions I have like Asthma, allergies, and not to mentation a seizure disorder. One of my meds in particular makes me gain weight and I can't get off the med because if I do I will have seizures which aren't fun.

    please anybody that has advice or suggestions please reply.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Lost about 2 pounds since Thanksgiving. Considering the holidays, the 10 day family vacation, the parties..... it's a Christmas miracle.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    I gained about 8 lbs from thanksgiving to New Years. I lost all sense of discipline visiting my parents and such. :sad: :angry: :embarassed: :frown: :sick:
  • 1971jamie
    1971jamie Posts: 34 Member
    Well I'm 1lb down since yesterday morning - strict day of 1200 calories and low carbs / high proteins - so heading in the right direction again!
  • jamais14
    jamais14 Posts: 8 Member
    I put on 7lbs in a fortnight, weighed in this morning. How so easily it all goes on, and it will be a battle to get it off. So unfair.

    I do this every year, cant stop myself. Have enjoyed bread, chocolate, mince pies with cream, biscuits, all of which I have been able to resist leading up to Christmas and quite frankly I will resist again.

    I have been very bad about the exercise, but have walked the dog this morning - 2 miles to slowly getting back on track.

    The cupboard is almost bare of all the wonderful goodies, I have felt like a pig at the trough!!!! I havent even touched the cheese, biscuits and the Christmas nuts!!!!

    Anyone want to come round for tea??? lol
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Well i aren't getting weighed untill Monday morning (that's when the strict regime starts) but i lost 9.5lbs before Christmas and i'm expecting to have gained it all back :( But we shall see!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I put on 7lbs in a fortnight, weighed in this morning. How so easily it all goes on, and it will be a battle to get it off. So unfair.

    So so true! I lost 9.5lbs before Christmas, took me about 8 weeks and i can guarantee i've gained it all back in the past 2 weeks and maybe then some (i gain big amounts so easy) but i know for a fact what i gain in a week or 2 will take at least 4 weeks so get off, so unfair as you say :(
  • ladyeofani
    ladyeofani Posts: 42 Member
    I've actually lost 10lbs between a week before Thanksgiving and New Years. Although my family was up here with a ton of fatty delicious food and I was cooking and we did go out a few times... I managed to make better choices with heavy on the protein, less on the carbs! I didn't log much either but from years of plugging away on mfp and learning what works for my body; I have total control. (That doesn't mean I didn't have a cookie or two.)
  • 1971jamie
    1971jamie Posts: 34 Member
    I agree - it is totally unfair it takes 2 or 3 times as long to lose the weight as it takes to put on! - human bodies are just too damned effecient at storing energy!
  • meinheuser
    I'm a 4 ponder as well. How could that happen so quickly?
  • skidlock
    6lbs, but straight after was more like 9lbs,...amazing how much is water.

    We need some time to just say "yes" when always being committed so I won't feel bad and work twice as hard in Jan!

    Good luck y'all!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I didn't gain any. I still ate clean and exercised as much as I could fit in. Didn't lose but I'm only 3.8 pounds away from my goal weight so it is coming off slow now.
  • missashleigh92
    missashleigh92 Posts: 37 Member
    ive been slacking since a little before xmas, a bit scared to step on the scales. my eating habits and exercise has went to pot. i plan on getting my *kitten* back to the gym soon and starting to log my diet again, its just the inital step which is hard to make after a bad month.
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    I put on 1.5lbs, which isn't too bad considering the amount of crap i ate :tongue:
    Won't take me too long to lose it. Thank God Christmas comes but once a year :smile:
  • kezzola
    kezzola Posts: 65 Member
    I'm very happy to say that after eating whatever I've liked since the beginning of November I've only put on 2lbs.

    We had house guests early November and ate out everyday. Then we went to Hawaii for a holiday and experienced our first Thanksgiving dinner and of course ate what we liked every other day. Arrived back home in Australia to commence our round of Christmas functions (we belong to a lot of social groups and clubs). Then had parties on both New Years Eve and also New Years Day. Still have lots of left over food in the pantry which I've been eating each day but in much smaller quantities than before.

    Therefore I'm very pleased with only a 2 lb gain and I've already lost half of that. Now it's time to get back into it and get rid of the last 28lbs (13kilos for us Aussies).

    I hope everyone gets back on track and we all have a great New Year and lose lots of weight.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I have been eating a lot of crap whole month.. but other days I was trying to stay low.. so, I am proud to say, I just plateaud for this month.. I didnt gain anything.. but I didnt lose either.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    1 and a half pound I guess!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    So, who else is going to admit to putting on a few lbs over Christmas??

    Lost 2lbs, but I've spent the last two weeks off work and smashing out lots of phys.
  • sophiauoa
    I gained 3kgs. But to be perfectly honest, it wasn't just the holidays that "helped" me gaining weight. At the beginning of December my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I've decided (...) to stop trying to loose weight, and eat my emotions instead thus resulting to gaining back the 3 point something kgs I've lost. Seemed like a good plan at the time....
    Now that the initial shock has passed, and we've settled in to our Chemo-routine and all the "joys" it brings, I'm starting over again.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    3lbs, although I'm not sure how much of that is from actual Christmas as I've been slacking ever since I started my new job in August.