Christmas Weight Gain - be honest!



  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    Not a Lb.... NOT 1!!!! but i worked very hard to make sure that it was to be that way!!!!
  • veggiebuckeye
    veggiebuckeye Posts: 115 Member
    I actually lost weight over the Christmas holiday.
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Since the week before Christmas, I have been avoiding my scale. I stepped on it a few days ago and i had gained 4 lbs. I blame both food and my monthly "gift". :/
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    2 lbs. *shrugs* It could have been better and it could have been worse. Either way, I stayed committed all through the holidays and exercised regularly and logged every dang thing that went in my mouth. That kicks those 2 lbs in the teeth!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    From December 2 until December 27, I gained 5 pounds, not good, but it was the fact that I gained a little before that has me working harder again now. I know what I need to do and will get it off. My workouts are good, I so wish I could out train a bad diet.
  • SheridanLT
    SheridanLT Posts: 47 Member
    10 pounds in 10 days. But, back on track today. The one thing I am really proud of...kept exercising.

    I've never done that before!!
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    I gained ~9 Lbs. between Thanksgiving and yesterday, but man, oh man, did I enjoy myself! We drank and ate our faces off, all through a huge series of events and gatherings. Now that I know how relatively easy it can be for me to lose 10 Lbs, I'm really not worried and pleased that I was able to really enjoy this holiday season (not that shoveling food in my face is what makes it enjoyable - but it is a part of it :)
  • moylek
    moylek Posts: 27
    I peaked at about 6 lbs over my mid-December weight. At this point, I'm about 4 lbs up.

    I liked what someone suggested in another thread some weeks ago: rather than look at this as a binge-and-atonement cycle, I considered all these extra calories to be extra fuel, so I lifted a little harder to make use of it.

    I'm pretty sure that some of the weight is just water ... it seems that when I go back to cakes, cookies, and white-bread for even a day or two, I just spike, and then some days later ... *whoosh*.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    I'm 7.5 kg heaver than the 21st of December, the heaviest I've been since July.

    Hoping some of it is water weight, my arms and legs look quite lean but my stomach is bloated - ate what I wanted yesterday and NYE.

    Still seems loads considering I've not had any alcohol and exercised every day from the 23rd to the 31st.
  • mdiaz0188
    mdiaz0188 Posts: 20 Member
    About 3-5 lbs....I always over-estimate myself. I suppose it wasn't too bad considering that I enjoyed myself and did not feel uncomfortable NOT eating what everyone else was eating at the dining table. I also had plenty of sweets and a few drinks of course!

    I should be able to burn this off in the next week or so. I usually keep a descent diet and have my (reasonable) cheat days and do lots of yoga every day for the most part. I also just recently started doing Bikram Yoga so I'm highly motivated, so I'm not TOO worried about the little bit of weight that was gained. I understand my body and know what I need to do.

    We all fall off here and there, just have to keep it up and not give up. :)
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    Up 7 pound from Thanksgiving to New Years day. It will be mostly gone in a couple of weeks since I know some of it is due to sodium and sugar... bleh... refocused, new start next week!
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    Food always tastes better at christmas...thats my excuse and im sticking to it lol......:tongue:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I am up five pounds, I blame it on the hot cocoa and cookies...and cap n crunch.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    About 2 lbs.
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    I put on 5 between Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas... but I have worked hard and it is back off. most of it was water retention from eating a lot of sodium and things I hadn't eaten in a while. Feeling pretty good about it!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I stopped logging consistently around Halloween and started mega-power-binge eating after Thanksgiving.... all total, I put on about 7 lbs. and a good bit of that (about half) was water weight from eating poorly, not exercising at all, and going into sodium overload by nearly triple the amount of sodium I normally would consume just about every single day. I'm still up about 3 lbs. from that gain and working my way back to more healthy eating and healthy habits. It sure did a number on my attitude, skin, sleep habits, emotions and hydration levels. I was barely drinking any water and only cases and cases of diet soda. I feel much better now!
  • mcodeyhill
    mcodeyhill Posts: 2 Member
    Well here is honest for you. Over the last few years using fitness pal and some great friends I was able to lose 110 lbs total. Over the last 6 months I have been trying to occaisionally indulge, maintain the loss and I must confess to falling off the healthy eating bandwagon entirely over the last 45 days or so. So the confession is this...I have put back on 35 lbs. :-0 Back on track as of the new year and ready to get back to the real life healthy eating lifestyle. So as of today I have 40 lbs to make my goal weight...always strive for more.
  • LVCeltGirl
    I gained maybe 1/2 lb. That was a feat in itself so I'm proud of it!
  • 86myHeadache
    86myHeadache Posts: 44 Member
    Lost .6lbs the week of Xmas, as part of 12lbs for December. :bigsmile: