Nerds who lift



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Space Australia!
    Go Space Broncos!
    Space dingos!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't know if I'm a nerd or not, or even what being a nerd is. But, I am a dancer, an artist, not a jock. I'm married to a nerd and he's fit. He's an experimental physicist, and at his job he set up the alert that lets everyone know they are running the machines to be the red alert from star trek. We don't play video games or go to comic con. But, when I first met my husband's boss he said, "How did a nerd like you end up with a hot dancer like her?" And later I said to my husband, "Your boss doesn't realize that you are the coolest nerd" (or something essentially meaning that). And he replied that his boss just doesn't know how much of a nerd I am too.

    Also this is kind of nerdy maybe. Early on in my relationship with my husband we were in the convenience store with a friend of mine. My husband picked up some Gatorade and I said, "Oh, I love Gatorade!" And then he said, "ME TOOO! I love Gatorade!" Then my friend said sarcastically, "Oh wow, you both like Gatorade, you should just get married." And my husband was having this big realization that we really were going to get married. Luckily liking Gatorade wasn't the actual reason because I don't like Gatorade anymore. Really the Gatorade incident happened after a long night at a dance improv jam (dancing together is always wonderful).

    And I do lift weights.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Do you have to play video games these days to be a nerd? Since when isn't just being smart and socially awkward enough??

    Why is socially awkward a requirement?

    "What do you mean you people!?"

    Social awkwardness is one of the hallmarks of nerddom. Not because social awkwardness is a prerquisite to nerdery, but rather one of the EFFECTS of nerdery.

    If you spend all of your time imaging amazing things and off in your own world, rendering an entirely accurate model of all you survey in your mind along with a functional wet-works physics engine, you don't tend to spend a lot of your time playing My Little Ponies with that ***** Sarah across the street. **** that *****, she always did think she was too good for me. WHO IS LAUGHING NOW SARAH?

    Replace Sarah with Tanya and MLP with Barbies and this may be a scene from my life.

    NO TANYA, I'm plotting how I'm gonna genetically mutate myself like SPIDERMAN but less of a WUSSY! I can't play goshdarn barbies with you right NOW! How am I going to bring about social reform and world peace without SUPERPOWERS! Humanity only responds to STRENGTH and POWER so I need to be the STRONGEST!

    Magneto taught me that. At age 6. Thanks Mom, for letting me read all your comics and developed an authoritarian personality.

    Still. Not socially awkward. People love me. Why? Cause power and confidence.

    Edit: This is very much a true story, btw. Wonder whatever happened to Tanya.

    Lol, "No, Bobbi (girl) I can't play with your tea set, me and David are being Batman and Robin right now and I am trying to figure out just how to become Batman in this scenario without having to kill David."

    ALso, JR high math club competitiion districtwide 2nd place champ!!! What what!!! [First place of the girls][ the WHOLE school district!]. Also, taking HS senior maths as the ONLY freshman in class. Survived the social awkwardness of THAT! Also, wry humor that had my Geometry teacher in stitches when pointing out there is no need to get all Pi up in this shiz to know how many feet the ant on the outside of the wheel travelled b/c the ant got smushed on the first half revolution, logic...duh! Also Lego store fangirl who thought it was not enough to take kiddo there to witness the building of a GIANT Yoda but HAD to spend hours there to make sure the foundation was sound, then return to see it's completion then spend enough money for him to get the "free" T shirt and then talk about said adventure to EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the way home.

    SOrry no gif guise. (btw I masquerade as a non nerd IRL. ONly my real friends know the truth. And now all of MFP.)
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    More nerdery: a drawing I made long ago (based on one that's in a book some of you might recognize)

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I'm a nerd who lifts but has no current gifs...Do I have to list out my qualifications besides my obsession with Star Wars, Firefly and Lord of the Rings and many other nerdly books/movies/tv shows, and the fact that I used to be in band and even teach it? Do you need more evidence to let me into the club?

  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Yup. Bodybuilding took the place of my nerd habits, 5 hours a day playing video games, messing around with computer hardware, etc. I've still retained my obsessive fantasy/sci-fi addictions though.

    I think you'll find most bodybuilding message board members are past/closet nerds. Or still nerds. It's all an illusion. Just think about the reasons people start lifting. Definitely appealing to nerds.

    I don't even know many former jocks/meatheads that still lift a few years out of school. It's the nerds who later get big and strong. And rich ;)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    In support of the original post: I work at a software company, and we have a gym at work (which is awesome). A bit ago they invited people to come to a focus group about how to improve the fitness classes and facilities so I went of course, there were probably about 8 of us there, about even mix of gender, all geeks obviously.

    Now, granted, there was a little bias because these were the 8 nerds who self-selected to come to a focus group about the fitness facilities, but it cracked me up as we went around the table on the "what could we improve" question and one after another all the guy and lady nerds said "Well, more squat racks." "Yeah, definitely more squat racks." "Yep, those are always filled up."

    If this isn't evidence that nerds like weight lifting, I don't know what is :) Well either that, or evidence that people hang out in the squat rack all day. Both?

    (I would post evidence of my own lifting cred and/or nerd cred, but I'm too embarrassed by my poor form, scantily loaded barbell, and chopped-off head in the one squats video I took months ago, and by my expansion-skipping mid-300s ilvl :( I'm planning on taking a better video soon.)

    (Happy ending: they put in a third squat rack a few months later ^_^)

    And yet No one asked for more Zumba classes? Despite their high number cal burns? Interesting....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    Cranq u are an effing MIND READER b/c I was gonna go steal that gif an use it as mine b/c :love: :heart: :flowerforyou: ty.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Space Australia!
    Go Space Broncos!
    Space dingos!
    WE GET IT! You're from Space Australia! :laugh:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Only started lifting again a couple of months ago so no pics or gifs. Still working with dumbbells, will probably make some once I switch to barbell and need to get a better look at my form.

    Nerd Cred:
    Biology based nerd - Evolutionary and behavioral studies, but lots of work in anatomy and environmental physiology as well.....
    Collector of innumerable shark based t-shirts
    Avid reader/viewer of all things Sci-fi
    Incredibly socially awkward
    AAAAAND - High school science teacher BAM!

    Can I claim husband's nerd cred? He does all the video games/comic books/D&D/Warmachine table top game stuff....
  • ukulelist
    ukulelist Posts: 33 Member
    And yet No one asked for more Zumba classes? Despite their high number cal burns? Interesting....

    Maybe Zumba fanatics do not go to focus groups? I will confess to being a treacherous cardio crossover junkie and asking if we can get more of the hawt new spin bikes, but that was not unanimous the way the squat rack was :) I think the modal nerd runs and lifts, and you don't need any gym equipment to run.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    my profile pic. In. I'm a chemical technologist.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    In late. 20 years in IT. A few months lifting. No gifs yet, will fix that.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Anyone else?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    In late. 20 years in IT. A few months lifting. No gifs yet, will fix that.

    Okay it's been 9 days. What have you got?

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I lift a little and have been called a nerd on a number of occasions

    In fact...mah lifting sox!

    I'm about to have to spend a young fortune on socks... :love:
    Plus ones that say F--- You down the side (not censored though)
    Plus all the Shwings I'm going to have to buy to trick out my all-stars

    I hate clothes, but I love shoes!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member

    MINE! :angry:

    No seriously, where did you find those I NEEDSES THEM!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm a patent attorney specializing in computer science, so there's really no arguing against the "nerd" label. I find lifting is a great contrast to sitting in the office all day in front my computer.
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    Well you gotta throw me in cool tries to win out but its no match for my nerderistic ways!