Looking to add people on 1200 calories a day



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    ^This! My issue isn't that some do need only 1200 calories. Because every person is different. But if someone is so knowledgeable on this, they would also know that is not the case for the majority and would have that disclaimer in a thread like this to help others who are not so knowledgeable. Many others posted useful links that gave good information to help people and that is what I find useful.

    I can't speak for her, but she may not have put that disclaimer in because the people who said they'd put all 1200 calorie eaters on ignore didn't put the disclaimer either. It's one thing when people work with someone to determine whether 1200 is necessary, but there are those on here who will mock those who eat 1200 and proclaim it too little for anyone not 3 feet tall. When someone makes statements that they'll go through and put everyone on ignore, there is some indication they might be one of those folks who assumes.

    Tempted to get preachy but I'll keep it short. Your friend needs a disclaimer because she is NOT the norm. Anyone who is knowledgeable in health and nutrition knows that 1200 calories is not the ideal and if they care even a bit about the others on this forum they would want to make sure all these ladies following this false ideal knew that. Provide them with information to find out if they truly need 1200 calories or if they are with the majority of the populace that needs more. The rest of the folks here were posting helpful links and articles to back up what they were saying, to help others make more informed decisions, and to encourage healthy living instead of just trying to drop pounds. So yeah, my issue is with those who encourage a false ideal...even without intending to...who know better.

    Oh come one! You are making the assumption that everyone here is 40 or younger and significantly overweight. While I think a LOT of women can lose weight on more, there are some of us who are older and not terribly overweight. My Scooby BMI is not a whole lot higher than 1200, and I am 5'6". If I were any shorter I would definitely be under 1200.

    While I think it is admirable that people are worried, I also get annoyed with all the smirking 'I eat 2500 calories - for LUNCH' type of responses. Because while some of you very well may be able to eat significantly more food and still lose weight, we are not all in the same boat. Calories in calories out still holds, but there are a lot of assumptions going on when someone says NO ONE should eat less than 1200 per day.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OK smarty pants, I typed too fast. I mean my BMR is 1065. And by the way, you can block me too because today my net was 1185.:bigsmile:

    Just curious. How old are you?

    Maybe this would help me resolve my question for her that I asked earlier.

    Ely is one of my friends here, and her circumstances justify the 1200 calories. She's really knowledgeable on health and fitness and very inspiring. She's a good example of why 1200 calories is not always the misinformed decision.

    This makes sense to me. I'm still surprised at it, but will acknowledge that there are circumstances that would make it plausible.

    (Of course, none of this changes my position that 1200 calories is not the optimal answer for at least 95% of adults.)

    Agreed. Sometimes age and medical conditions warrant 1200. But I think putting it out there without including these things is a bit misleading.
  • You can add me! I'm set at 1,270 a day. I'm not sure how to add people :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You can add me! I'm set at 1,270 a day. I'm not sure how to add people :)

    There are a few ways. The easiest (or at least the first that comes to mind) is to click on their name and then click the big green "add friend" button.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Oh come one! You are making the assumption that everyone here is 40 or younger and significantly overweight. While I think a LOT of women can lose weight on more, there are some of us who are older and not terribly overweight. My Scooby BMI is not a whole lot higher than 1200, and I am 5'6". If I were any shorter I would definitely be under 1200.

    While I think it is admirable that people are worried, I also get annoyed with all the smirking 'I eat 2500 calories - for LUNCH' type of responses. Because while some of you very well may be able to eat significantly more food and still lose weight, we are not all in the same boat. Calories in calories out still holds, but there are a lot of assumptions going on when someone says NO ONE should eat less than 1200 per day.

    Agreed. I've seen people on here post about how much they eat despite being short and light. They don't include a "results not typical" disclaimer to cover that their workouts or TDEE justify it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Oh come one! You are making the assumption that everyone here is 40 or younger and significantly overweight. While I think a LOT of women can lose weight on more, there are some of us who are older and not terribly overweight. My Scooby BMI is not a whole lot higher than 1200, and I am 5'6". If I were any shorter I would definitely be under 1200.

    While I think it is admirable that people are worried, I also get annoyed with all the smirking 'I eat 2500 calories - for LUNCH' type of responses. Because while some of you very well may be able to eat significantly more food and still lose weight, we are not all in the same boat. Calories in calories out still holds, but there are a lot of assumptions going on when someone says NO ONE should eat less than 1200 per day.

    Agreed. I've seen people on here post about how much they eat despite being short and light. They don't include a "results not typical" disclaimer to cover that their workouts or TDEE justify it.

    A lot of folks don't seem to realize the impact that age or current weight have on your BMR. I see a lot of posts where people of approximately the same height are all to'ing and fro'ing about how *I* eat THIS much and still lose weight. LOL
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    OK smarty pants, I typed too fast. I mean my BMR is 1065. And by the way, you can block me too because today my net was 1185.:bigsmile:

    Just curious. How old are you?

    Maybe this would help me resolve my question for her that I asked earlier.

    Ely is one of my friends here, and her circumstances justify the 1200 calories. She's really knowledgeable on health and fitness and very inspiring. She's a good example of why 1200 calories is not always the misinformed decision.

    This makes sense to me. I'm still surprised at it, but will acknowledge that there are circumstances that would make it plausible.

    (Of course, none of this changes my position that 1200 calories is not the optimal answer for at least 95% of adults.)

    Agreed. Sometimes age and medical conditions warrant 1200. But I think putting it out there without including these things is a bit misleading.

    Very much! Especially when there are so many new people who are overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I was that person and I was lucky enough to have the drive to stick it out and learn. It was tough and it still is! Some people will give up because they are hungry. That makes me sad! When people come here with drive and intentions, then give up because they don't realize that though 1200 is ok for some people, for the majority it isn't going to work.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member

    Oh come one! You are making the assumption that everyone here is 40 or younger and significantly overweight. While I think a LOT of women can lose weight on more, there are some of us who are older and not terribly overweight. My Scooby BMI is not a whole lot higher than 1200, and I am 5'6". If I were any shorter I would definitely be under 1200.

    While I think it is admirable that people are worried, I also get annoyed with all the smirking 'I eat 2500 calories - for LUNCH' type of responses. Because while some of you very well may be able to eat significantly more food and still lose weight, we are not all in the same boat. Calories in calories out still holds, but there are a lot of assumptions going on when someone says NO ONE should eat less than 1200 per day.

    Agreed. I've seen people on here post about how much they eat despite being short and light. They don't include a "results not typical" disclaimer to cover that their workouts or TDEE justify it.

    First, I made no assumptions. I clearly have stated multiple times that 1200 could very well be what she needs but that it's not the NORM. I think there has been ample smirking on both sides as weight loss can be a touchy subject. I also never said that no one should eat 1200 calories but that the MAJORITY need more. Which all of us have posted multiple times several articles to help people determine what their calorie count should actually be.

    So basically, I have seen plenty of articles and links about how to determine what you should eat and why 1200 calories is not the ideal...but no one has posted clear evidence showing why 1200 calories should be the norm instead. That is where I take issue. Information is power so those providing actual information are the ones truly giving everyone else the power they need to succeed.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I lost most of my weight on 1550 NET calories (ie 1750 or so total a day). I was never hungry, never fell off the wagon, didn't lose a bunch of muscle mass, and didn't regain the weight like so many do.

    Read the sexy-pants link as well as this one:
    or the short n sweet version here:

    1200 calories is not enough for 95% of you guys. It's unhealthy and hard to maintain. Damaging your metabolisms by losing muscle is NOT a good thing, and you will be unhappy to boot! Do it the right way once, rather than the fast way over and over and over...and over...

    Here are some links that have been posted multiple times before...
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    This is the third or fourth time I've linked this article:


    These articles give good information. Take the time to see what is best for your body!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    but no one has posted clear evidence showing why 1200 calories should be the norm instead. That is where I take issue. Information is power so those providing actual information are the ones truly giving everyone else the power they need to succeed.

    I don't think anyone (informed) believes that 1200 should be the norm. There isn't one norm because of individual circumstances. I agree that information is empowering. It's not bad anymore, but when I joined, this forum used to be filled with "starvation mode" and "undereating" being the automatic answer-even for women eating at 1700 calories. In my opinion, that's just as misguided as promoting 1200 be the norm. I agree with you that giving information is power, so people can figure out their own #'s.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I lost most of my weight on 1550 NET calories (ie 1750 or so total a day). I was never hungry, never fell off the wagon, didn't lose a bunch of muscle mass, and didn't regain the weight like so many do.

    Read the sexy-pants link as well as this one:
    or the short n sweet version here:

    1200 calories is not enough for 95% of you guys. It's unhealthy and hard to maintain. Damaging your metabolisms by losing muscle is NOT a good thing, and you will be unhappy to boot! Do it the right way once, rather than the fast way over and over and over...and over...

    Here are some links that have been posted multiple times before...

    Yes. And going by those links, the same still holds true for those of us who are older and slimmer. I have posted those links plenty of times myself. And I really don't think that the number of people for whom the 'must be above 1200' rule applies is 95% or greater. Where does that number come from?

    ETA: Oh, I see it came from jof, not you. I've been joffed.
  • onlyevita
    onlyevita Posts: 18 Member
    add me :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    This is the third or fourth time I've linked this article:


    These articles give good information. Take the time to see what is best for your body!

    That link doesn't work. And when I searched the site I see it is saying that 1200 is a 'dangerous' number. lol
  • Went pretty well today on 1200 Calories. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I lost most of my weight on 1550 NET calories (ie 1750 or so total a day). I was never hungry, never fell off the wagon, didn't lose a bunch of muscle mass, and didn't regain the weight like so many do.

    Read the sexy-pants link as well as this one:
    or the short n sweet version here:

    1200 calories is not enough for 95% of you guys. It's unhealthy and hard to maintain. Damaging your metabolisms by losing muscle is NOT a good thing, and you will be unhappy to boot! Do it the right way once, rather than the fast way over and over and over...and over...

    Here are some links that have been posted multiple times before...

    Yes. And going by those links, the same still holds true for those of us who are older and slimmer. I have posted those links plenty of times myself. And I really don't think that the number of people for whom the 'must be above 1200' rule applies is 95% or greater. Where does that number come from?

    ETA: Oh, I see it came from jof, not you. I've been joffed.

    Yeah, that was me...and was based on nothing more than my best guess (which I think I disclosed when I first offered it). I'm standing by it, but it's still not based on any real science.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    This is the third or fourth time I've linked this article:


    These articles give good information. Take the time to see what is best for your body!

    That link doesn't work. And when I searched the site I see it is saying that 1200 is a 'dangerous' number. lol

    Not sure why the link won't work. But the articles isn't about 1200 being a dangerous number. Basic points would be:
    - this idea that 1200 calories and cardio is the way to lose weight is outdated and potentially dangerous. (and there are still a lot of people who do believe it should be 1200 calories)
    -that eating only 1200 calories and then adding cardio is dangerous
    -this psychological tendency to view calories as somehow evil is also a wrong perspective
    - thinking that the amount of calories is what makes something bad for you instead of the type of calories is also wrong
    -a fear of bulking up or lifting needs to be addressed.
    - lifting is one of the better ways to lose weight.

    The author tends to rant about calorie counting which makes me roll my eyes a bit. Counting calories has it's uses but as information. What's in those calories is more important and something I'm still trying to put into practice. (I'm a processed food junkie). They give some good information and at the very least promotes some deeper thought into my health and how I approach it. Which is more useful then just throwing out some arbitrary number (high or low) and blindly following it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I lost most of my weight on 1550 NET calories (ie 1750 or so total a day). I was never hungry, never fell off the wagon, didn't lose a bunch of muscle mass, and didn't regain the weight like so many do.

    Read the sexy-pants link as well as this one:
    or the short n sweet version here:

    1200 calories is not enough for 95% of you guys. It's unhealthy and hard to maintain. Damaging your metabolisms by losing muscle is NOT a good thing, and you will be unhappy to boot! Do it the right way once, rather than the fast way over and over and over...and over...

    Here are some links that have been posted multiple times before...

    Yes. And going by those links, the same still holds true for those of us who are older and slimmer. I have posted those links plenty of times myself. And I really don't think that the number of people for whom the 'must be above 1200' rule applies is 95% or greater. Where does that number come from?

    ETA: Oh, I see it came from jof, not you. I've been joffed.

    Yeah, that was me...and was based on nothing more than my best guess (which I think I disclosed when I first offered it). I'm standing by it, but it's still not based on any real science.

    No, actually it did come from the post I quoted! Sorry jof. Time for me to go to bed.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    This is the third or fourth time I've linked this article:


    These articles give good information. Take the time to see what is best for your body!

    That link doesn't work. And when I searched the site I see it is saying that 1200 is a 'dangerous' number. lol

    Not sure why the link won't work. But the articles isn't about 1200 being a dangerous number. Basic points would be:
    - this idea that 1200 calories and cardio is the way to lose weight is outdated and potentially dangerous. (and there are still a lot of people who do believe it should be 1200 calories)
    -that eating only 1200 calories and then adding cardio is dangerous
    -this psychological tendency to view calories as somehow evil is also a wrong perspective
    - thinking that the amount of calories is what makes something bad for you instead of the type of calories is also wrong
    -a fear of bulking up or lifting needs to be addressed.
    - lifting is one of the better ways to lose weight.

    The author tends to rant about calorie counting which makes me roll my eyes a bit. Counting calories has it's uses but as information. What's in those calories is more important and something I'm still trying to put into practice. (I'm a processed food junkie). They give some good information and at the very least promotes some deeper thought into my health and how I approach it. Which is more useful then just throwing out some arbitrary number (high or low) and blindly following it.

    We rant about calorie counting here too. Because IT IS important. Just wait until you have been here awhile and seen all of those 'Why am I not losing weight' threads. I agree with all the points of the article. But I found the title alarmist.