

  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in!!!!

    570/2000 28%

    12min 45sec/90min 21%

    I am getting there but it is taking everything I have to get planks in!
  • jesse14472
    Laid low for a couple of days, but now I'm back. Added 120 more crunches. Need 210 on Tuesday and 211 on Wednesday to get caught up with the halfway point for the month. UGH!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'll join. So far this month I have done the following (ish):

    0/2000 crunches (do some ab ripper X will change that real quick!)

    11m 40s plank.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Finally got on the floor and got some c-n-p time in! 100 crunches and 3 minutes of planks. I can tell I'm gaining strength since instead of doing three one-minute planks, I was able to do two 1.5-minute planks. Need to step it up though if I'm going to make the 90 minute goal!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hi gang! Sounds like everyone's doing great!

    I seem to have run into a backslide with my planks, and was wondering if anyone else has run into this. I was grooving along for the first 10 days or so - my strength and time were improving like I couldn't believe, I was really pleased with myself :smile: . Then a few days ago they got extremely difficult - almost like I was suddenly back to square one. I can get through a 45 minute hold, but after that can barely hold for 15 seconds at a time.

    I always start with the planks first so it's not that my muscles are exhausted from teh crunches or another workout aspect. I figure I probably had some sort of technique problem and maybe wasn't doing them properly at first. Now that my body is getting stronger and I'm demanding better form from it (see Gerkenstein's fabulous tips), the real difficulty is rearing its head.

    Just wanted to share ~ Still plugging on! :ohwell:

    Keep rockin', guys!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Thought I'd update, not that I'm making much progress, but at least a little bit, and that's what counts is that I'm trying. I know I need to push myself much harder, but I've had obstacles that have kept my mind occupied the last few days, and hopefully I can get back on track.

    Plank: 15/90 min
    Crunch: 415/2000

    My goal today is to do some major crunches and planks after I get my routine done. I know I need to do it. I am still planning on trying to be to the goal by the end of the month, lets see how it goes from here.
  • nursee67
    Not a good girl at all regarding my challenge. I am in catch up mode....I WILL DO THIS. I need to complete my challenges and not let laziness take me over. I work 12 hr shifts so I get tired and make excuses. I am doing ok on the crunches..just a little behind...but the planks..those are my challenge. But I am getting a little better...hard to hold up 200 lbs on my forearms and!
    Thanks for your constant inspiration fellow crunchers and plankers...if you can do it...there is no reason I cannot!
    Off to plank now!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm rocking the crunches, but a bit behind on planks. Need to catch up! my abs are SORE (or at least the flab where my abs should be)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi gang! Sounds like everyone's doing great!

    I seem to have run into a backslide with my planks, and was wondering if anyone else has run into this. I was grooving along for the first 10 days or so - my strength and time were improving like I couldn't believe, I was really pleased with myself :smile: . Then a few days ago they got extremely difficult - almost like I was suddenly back to square one. I can get through a 45 minute hold, but after that can barely hold for 15 seconds at a time....

    I just had the same thing! The other day did two 1:30 planks and felt good. Tonight did 1:10, :50, and then 1:00. The :50 felt like it was taking f-o-r-e-v-e-rrrrrrr. Wassup, abs?!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've been having a very stressful week with my Grandpa in law falling 5-6times a day and refusing to go to the hospital, we finally got him to go yesterday, now it's a waiting game til they run a bunch of tests to find out why he has been falling so much..
    so I've been not doing much for exercise, including crunches and planks, gonna finaly get back to normal back soon with an updated siggy...

    officially at the halfway point on the crunches :) Planks...not so much..only at 16, and if I do them everyday for the rest of the month, I'm looking at roughly 5 a day...not sure I'll get that, we'll see what happens ;)
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I need to kick it up a notch! Doing ok, but not doing great. Tonight we are planning to watch a movie and relax after I work out, so I'll have to do lots with my workout and maybe challenge myself that every half hr of the movie to do a few of each. We'll see... At least I'm working out and doing my best.

    Plank: 20/90 min
    Crunch: 715/2000
  • jrsmithne
    I had to go the ticker way, lol!! That way when i do them i can just put them in right away, either on my phone or on computer. I just like to make things easy for myself.
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    oh no! is it too late to start? its never too late right? I'll get on it!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    oh no! is it too late to start? its never too late right? I'll get on it!!

    Never too late to start!! And BTW, nice tracker picture! Grrrrowwll!

    I've been doing my c-n-p only once a day, usually at the end of my day before bed. Now I'm realizing I need to do this more than once a day. Sooooo I'm planning on doing my exercises multiple times in a day. Just knocked out 200 crunches and 5 mins of planks, and since I'm a night owl I know I'm going to have time later on tonight to do even more. I know I'll make the crunches minimum, but dammit, I want to make the planks goal too!!
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    oh no! is it too late to start? its never too late right? I'll get on it!!

    Never too late to start!! And BTW, nice tracker picture! Grrrrowwll!
    yeah too bad none of the guys in my fire department look like that!! LOL
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    oh no! is it too late to start? its never too late right? I'll get on it!!

    Never too late to start!! And BTW, nice tracker picture! Grrrrowwll!
    yeah too bad none of the guys in my fire department look like that!! LOL

    I know! At least we have our imaginations. :devil:

    Woooooot busted out my second set of c-n-p for the day. Total of 400 crunches and 8 minutes of planks today. And now I know - Adam Lambert songs are good to keep your mind in a happy place while you're pushing yourself to go longer on plank time. "If I Had You" did what I needed. Thanks, Adam!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last night after my workout I got in the tub and was relaxing, not wanting to do any more working out for the day. I sat and thought about it, and decided that I better get my butt out of the tub and do some planks, but no crunches, cuz I was sore and I don't want to over work my abs. So, while my husband played his PS3 for about 20 min, I did 10 min worth of plank. I did 4-60 sec, 4-45 sec, and 6-30 sec planks. It was hard and my arms were just as sore as my abs by the end of it. Today I will try to get some crunches in but not sure how much time I'll have to exercise.

    Plank: 30/90 min
    Crunch: 715/2000
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Last night after my workout I got in the tub and was relaxing, not wanting to do any more working out for the day. I sat and thought about it, and decided that I better get my butt out of the tub and do some planks, but no crunches, cuz I was sore and I don't want to over work my abs. So, while my husband played his PS3 for about 20 min, I did 10 min worth of plank. I did 4-60 sec, 4-45 sec, and 6-30 sec planks. It was hard and my arms were just as sore as my abs by the end of it. Today I will try to get some crunches in but not sure how much time I'll have to exercise.

    Plank: 30/90 min
    Crunch: 715/2000

    My arms get sore, too! I bet hubby enjoyed the view. :tongue:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    12 more days of September! That means I've got to do 5 minutes of planks every day to make the 90 minute goal. I can do this. WE can do this! :drinker:

    Y'know what I was thinking...we should keep this up for next month. For October, keep the same 2000crunch/90min. plank goals, but add something else to the mix. Bulk it up a little. Like...1500 squats or lunges. Since we're working on getting our tummies all sexy, we should work on our booties too!