Holding the handrails on treadmill?



  • sydneybeachgirl

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.


    Not everyone who goes to the gym, goes to exercise at 100% efficiency every time they go to the gym.

    "Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, as well as for the purpose of enjoyment."
  • Senneth12
    So you're telling me that if you are unable to walk down the street because there are no hand rails? If you are having balance issues, you need to reduce speed/elevation. It's WALKING one of the most basic human motor functions known to man. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, simply asserting that the hand rails are not made to be held throughout an entire exercise, that they are there for safety (I.E. you feel dizzy, need something to hold onto while the machine winds down, or want to check your HR/BPM).

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    Did you miss the part where I said I use crutches when walking? They're not handrails, but yeah- they serve the same purpose. My balance issues have nothing to do with speed or elevation.

    Walking isn't so basic. I have more partially torn ligaments in my right leg than I can count, I have nerve damage in my right quadricepts so they don't fire correctly, arthritis in my right knee and ankle, both knees and ankles are permanently braced because my ankles subluxate and my knees dislocate, my toes and some of the bones in my feet subluxate, and my hips are a wreck. That's just some of what happens when your collagen is defective.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    So you're telling me that if you are unable to walk down the street because there are no hand rails? If you are having balance issues, you need to reduce speed/elevation. It's WALKING one of the most basic human motor functions known to man. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, simply asserting that the hand rails are not made to be held throughout an entire exercise, that they are there for safety (I.E. you feel dizzy, need something to hold onto while the machine winds down, or want to check your HR/BPM).

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    Did you miss the part where I said I use crutches when walking? They're not handrails, but yeah- they serve the same purpose. My balance issues have nothing to do with speed or elevation.

    Walking isn't so basic. I have more partially torn ligaments in my right leg than I can count, I have nerve damage in my right quadricepts so they don't fire correctly, arthritis in my right knee and ankle, both knees and ankles are permanently braced because my ankles subluxate and my knees dislocate, my toes and some of the bones in my feet subluxate, and my hips are a wreck. That's just some of what happens when your collagen is defective.

    I was referring to the people without disabilities who are holding onto it because it's "easier"
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)

    I just got up to go to the fridge for a bottle of water. I exercised.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)

    I just got up to go to the fridge for a bottle of water. I exercised.

    Judge Judy??
  • Princess71117
    Princess71117 Posts: 91 Member
    I do it because I don't trust myself on it. For some reason, treadmills make me dizzy (regardless of what speed I'm going at). I think its because my body is moving but my surroundings are not. I've had it where I've literally felt super faint before-so I guess it's like a safety blanket. I do not use it with a death grip those-most of the times my hands just rest on it for peace of mind.

    Often what I will do is have one hand on the rail, and the other arm at my side (like how you would have them when you're running or walking ^_^)
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    So, I've noticed a few runners / walkers at the gym who constantly hold the handrails or the "handlebars" on the treadmill as they workout. Some of them seem to be hanging on with almost a death grip. Others seem to be bearing weight using the handrails. I'm talking about doing this constantly for a 20-30 minute workout.

    Honest question: Why would you do this?

    I have big feet and holding the rail helps me keep my distance so my feet don't smack the front of the treadmill and annoy the people nearby. Apparently, somebody will be annoyed no matter what I do! :sad:
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    So, I've noticed a few runners / walkers at the gym who constantly hold the handrails or the "handlebars" on the treadmill as they workout. Some of them seem to be hanging on with almost a death grip. Others seem to be bearing weight using the handrails. I'm talking about doing this constantly for a 20-30 minute workout.

    Honest question: Why would you do this?

    i hold on to the HRM part infront... to check my HR (duh) but since im watching tv while i walk i tend to trip from time to time(happens if im chewing gum and walking to)....
    but yeah ive seen folks on them that are going HFL on it but have a grip on the monitor so tight that they are pulling it apart as they run/walk
  • Lindabummy1
    Lindabummy1 Posts: 73 Member
    I do this because I have some balance issues along with weakness on left side. I don't do a death grip but I do hold lightly on the rails to keep steady
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I only use treadmills for intervals usually, sprint then walk.........during the walk i hold continuously for the heart rate, when i drop to a certain level, i sprint again. I would think that holdingconinuously while running is difficult to do, but i dont think doing it while walking is a big deal. I also use a pretty steep incline. If i am not holding the rails, i usually am screwing with my phone. Usually goes like this, walk at 3.0, incline at 7-8, screw with phone. Put phone down, sprint for a minute.............walk until heart rate drops almost out of fat burn level while screwing with phone............sprint again. Repeat...........repeat............repeat.........
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Why wouldn't you? Really helpful for balance.
  • sydneybeachgirl

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)

    I just got up to go to the fridge for a bottle of water. I exercised.

    Judge Judy??

    no he/she just craves attention :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Depends on the person; I'd like to think most do it for balance. Although others seem to do it because they're going too fast/too steep of incline so instead of slowing down or decreasing the incline they hang on for dear life. It really annoys me... especially since people walk/run in their every day lives without holding onto something... so.. yeah.

    Why would this annoy you??? Doesn't affect YOU if people hold the handrails. I don't use a treadmill, prefer the elliptical, and I always hold the rails, it's better for balance. Mind your own business and let other people do it however they want to. Jeez.
  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member
    I can't believe this is an issue? Those folks who hold the rail while on a treadmill are at least out there moving. I'm not sure why you would be noticing someone else's "form" while at the gym. You should be concentrating on your own form! That's why some people don't like going to a gym in the first place....for fear or being judged by others!! (You know who you are).
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    The treadmill I use after I weighlift (closest proximity) is super weird and has like...cracks in it? The conveyer belt is made up of separate slats of material with about a half-inch of space between each slat. If I don't hold on I'll trip, every time, no matter what speed I'm going. I make sure to be aware of how hard I am gripping and how much weight I am bearing, and monitor my heart rate. If my heart rate is where it needs to be then I am fine holding on to the rails. If my heart rate is a little lower than I'd like I'll change my grip to make myself work harder. If I don't hold on though, I'll fall on my face. Guaranteed.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)

    I just got up to go to the fridge for a bottle of water. I exercised.

    Judge Judy??

    no he/she just craves attention :)

    Riiiight I crave attention because I state facts. You're sitting there saying that ANYTHING involving movement is considered "exercise". It's you're body do what you want. If you want to get by with the bare minimum that's fine. I know when I go to the gym, I'm going with purpose. Purpose to change and evolve my physique, purpose to become more disciplined in the way I view exercise, nutrition and overall health. What is life without purpose? Why would anyone want to get by with the minimum?

    Anyhow, let me know how that works out for you..I'm sure you'll have the physique you want in no time doing the minimum.

    Good Luck
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I hold 'em for balance. I can run normally but for some reason as soon as I step on a treadmill or elliptical I have no sense of balance.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member

    Either way do what you want, you're cheating yourself and not receiving the full benefit of the exercise. It's supposed to be CHALLENGING hence why it's called EXERCISE.

    I sooooo dont agree with you..
    In my humble opinion Exercise is about movement - doesnt have to be challenging.
    I think challenging exercise is called training

    The word challenging has a different meaning to everyone - a 25KM cycle might be challenging for someone for someone else it is their warm up for a 95KM cycle..

    As long as someone is moving they are challenging themselves and that is what matters doesnt it - not everyone is out there to train...some "just" want to exercise :)

    live and let live :)

    I just got up to go to the fridge for a bottle of water. I exercised.

    Judge Judy??

    no he/she just craves attention :)

    Riiiight I crave attention because I state facts. You're sitting there saying that ANYTHING involving movement is considered "exercise". It's you're body do what you want. If you want to get by with the bare minimum that's fine. I know when I go to the gym, I'm going with purpose. Purpose to change and evolve my physique, purpose to become more disciplined in the way I view exercise, nutrition and overall health. What is life without purpose? Why would anyone want to get by with the minimum?

    Anyhow, let me know how that works out for you..I'm sure you'll have the physique you want in no time doing the minimum.

    Good Luck

    Is it possible that somebody is trying to deal with a mental health issue such as depression by getting out of the house and doing SOMETHING? Or perhaps somebody is working on some kind of after-injury physical therapy and it's difficult for them to maintain balance? I was severely depressed in college and my therapist suggested going to the gym and just walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes to get some kind of exercise. It's Super-duper-uber-great that you push yourself so hard, but it's possible that other people, who you perceive to be doing the bare minimum, are pushing themselves as best they can. I'm sure it's not everybody or even most people, but you never know which ones are doing their best (which happens to be your minimal effort). I'm recovering from a broken foot right now. I would LOVE to join a gym (if I hadn't been out of work and $$$ for the past 2 months) just to walk slowly on a treadmill WHILE HOLDING THE RAILS FOR BALANCE. Why? Because I'm back at work and still favoring my good foot. My doctor wants me to walk more on my bad foot. It's super icy on the sidewalks and walking around my apartment pisses off my neighbors because the floor squeaks too much.

    I am so flabbergasted as to why anybody else's gym time is even an issue to anybody else. I NEVER noticed anybody else at the gym when I would go except for the heavy-weight lifters who grunted loudly. THAT was genuinely irritating because I could hear it. BUT instead of letting somebody else's routine bother me, I brought my iPod to drown out the noise. I didn't complain about it or criticize them because it wasn't my business.
  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member
    Hey Adambro.....good for you for being soooo into your own physical well being (said with tongue in cheek). Now if I were you I'd start working on your compassion and sensitivity. I think your down a "pint."