Eat McDonald's, lose wight, set terrible example



  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    And I will probably die now because I had two meals of fast food yesterday!

    100% of people who eat fast food die.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    The only thing I learned from this thread is that most people don't realize the phrase is "couldn't care less," not "could care less."

    Unless they actually think they could care less. Maybe they haven't decided their level of caring yet. :wink:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    And I will probably die now because I had two meals of fast food yesterday!

    100% of people who eat fast food die.


    Oh great. I now need to go sit in the corner and cry over my impending death. Thanks, thanks a lot.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm confused as to why this is setting a terrible example? I think this could help hundreds of people succeed with their weight loss! The mind set of "i must not eat this, or this, or this because it is BAD" will lead a lot of people to failing. I have learned to incorporate all types of food into my day without feeling guilty. I enjoy all types of food too much to deprive myself of any of them.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm bothered by it.

    I'm tremendously bothered by it.

    I'm bothered by the fact he spent a lot of time and effort supporting an organization that as a corporate conglomeration supports anti-hand gun laws.

    What a waste- couldn't he have supported some other rubbish big fortune 500 with his money.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I think that it's totally possible to lose weight eating only McDonalds, it just depends on the caloric intake. You can choose to have a salad and water there for lunch, or you could choose the quarter pounder large meal with a large Coke. It just depends on the choices you make, showing that fast food restaurants are not as bad as they were made out to be, say, 10 years ago, because a lot of them switched to healthier menu choices, ex: no trans fat and no super sizing.
    However, I think it was a bad idea to bring into the classroom. Especially of teenagers, many of them susceptible to eating disorders, and teaching them a "diet" at that age, making them plan meals for him, shouldn't be happening: it's his own business to lose weight.

    So teenagers shouldn't learn how to moderate intake? It's a shame then that this is something taught in elementary...

    Children SHOULD be taught about portion control and nutrient content. The earlier the better. "Diet" actually refers to the food people eat, not to a phase of calorie restriction. My children are 7, 5, and 3 and I already try to teach them what is "healthy" food, what are "good" snacks, what are "sometimes" foods and that eating too much is very "unhealthy". I don't ever mention a desire for them or myself to be "skinny". I don't ever warn them not to be fat. It's all about health, energy, etc.

    Calorie restriction is a reality at any age. Eating within your calories is important for staying healthy. It doesn't have to be about being skinny. The teacher lost weight, improving at least one of his health markers. How is that not a valid lesson?

    Given that being obese increases chances of all kinds of negative health effects, it might be something you want to consider mentioning to them. How you present the message so that it doesn't also give them an unhealthy relationship with food matters, and is not an easy task, but I don't think that means you shouldn't mention weight as a concern at all. It is a concern.

    Oh, I also think that the teacher's lesson is valid. I eat fast food several times a week and am not overweight or unhealthy. I worked at McDonalds for 5 years through high school and college and was also never overweight (maybe a few pounds but that was beer not McDonalds).

    And if the need ever arose for me to explain to my children that being "fat" does equal being "unhealthy" I would, but for now I"m okay with "unhealthy" and "healthy". It's hard to try to establish healthy food relationships with kids, but in my opinion the "obesity epidemic" is much bigger problem then teenagers with eating disorders. I think if we can establish health food relationships early, it will prevent both problems though. Food is energy. Food is nutrients. And yes, food is even enjoyable. But you have to have balance and pay attention to how much you eat.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    ]That wasn't the point I was making. Person claims that eating low quality food will cause health problems which usually ends up with a higher mortality rate. For some reason it doesn't happen in prison. Why? Because they don't have a way to really overeat.
    Obesity and health issues are due more to over consumption rather than the quality of food that people are eating. That's not to say that it's not important to eat nutritiously, but again eating fast food isn't causing lean people to have the same issues as obese and overweight people.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Your point is based on false assumptions. Prison (but not short term facilities like jails, which often serve McDonald's, actually) food generally meets standards that exceed those set for school lunches and you very much can overeat to obesity.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    "Satiety" is more of a convenience thing than essential for success. *Real* hunger from too large of a calorie deficit can (and honestly should) derail adherence, but lack of satiety is something that can be conditioned and "willpowered" through.

    I would rather not have to rely on determining the difference between *real* hunger and satiety. I'm just curious about how that played out in the experiment. And that's beside the point - weren't we arguing about what was offensive in the article?

    Interesting. learning the difference between *real* hunger and satiety has been my main goal over the last year. It's the key to how I've maintained my weight without logging my intake since August.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member

    No because he proved that if you watch your calories and exercise regularly your still doing better for yourself. Think what he could've done with good, fresh food though!!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    The only thing I learned from this thread is that most people don't realize the phrase is "couldn't care less," not "could care less."

    Unless they actually think they could care less. Maybe they haven't decided their level of caring yet. :wink:

    Unless they are being sarcastic, but whatever. I _could_ care less but I'm not going to waste my precious McDonald's calories doing it. I need those to fuel my efforts to prove my opinion is actually FACT.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I find the nutritionist in this video to be slightly annoying.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    And I will probably die now because I had two meals of fast food yesterday!

    100% of people who eat fast food die.


    Oh great. I now need to go sit in the corner and cry over my impending death. Thanks, thanks a lot.

    And now for the killer argument...100% of the people who do not eat fast food will die too. :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why should someone be bothered by this?

    And this:
    This only proves that you don't have to know very much about nutrition and get published.

    Personally, I would have chosen Taco Bell or Sonic. I hate McDonald's.
    Back in the days when I could even eat at those places, I think I would have gone with Wendy's.

    Yeah, Wendy's too. But I like Taco Bell best. Because...tacos.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why should someone be bothered by this?

    And this:
    This only proves that you don't have to know very much about nutrition and get published.

    Personally, I would have chosen Taco Bell or Sonic. I hate McDonald's.
    Back in the days when I could even eat at those places, I think I would have gone with Wendy's.

    Yeah, Wendy's too. But I like Taco Bell best. Because...tacos.
    Taco Bell is crap next to Mighty Taco.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    To me all this thing proves it that it isn't the fast food chains that should be so many people seem to do. It is the choices people make when they get to said fast food chains that is the problem. Just mho, which will probably be picked apart.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    He did it to teach a lesson that many MANY people still need to learn. It is not the source of the food that makes you fat. It is eating too many calories.

    People like having a Boogey Man to blame for their problems whether its fat, carbs, sugar, fast food, corporations, advertisers or what have you.

    I think his experiment has great value and he should be thanked not condemned.

    The people that are the most upset are the ones that lost one of their excuses.
    It shows that it actually *is* possible to eat even the "crappiest of crap food" and not eat to excess...and it highlights that the excuse of "once I start eating 'crap' food I just can't stop" is just that: an excuse.

    Both of these absolutely! For some reason it seems people are missing the point.. The man lost weight the right way, through a combination of creating a caloric deficit and exercise. For MOST people it doesn't matter WHAT you eat (apart from those who have an actual medical issue with things like gluten and the like) You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your calories and 'try' to be close to your macros. 90% of people who have lost weight and kept it off will tell you the same thing.

    Kudos for him for trying to teach the kids that they don't have to go on some fad diet and starve themselves to lose weight. Kudos to him for teaching kids about caloric intake and macros and all those things their parents probably never taught them
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I'm bothered by it.

    I'm tremendously bothered by it.

    I'm bothered by the fact he spent a lot of time and effort supporting an organization that as a corporate conglomeration supports anti-hand gun laws.

    What a waste- couldn't he have supported some other rubbish big fortune 500 with his money.

    *kitten* yeah! We needed to turn this into a gun debate. Why did it take 9 pages to do so?!?

    I understand McDonalds though. They need those poor minority laborers to work for minimum wage. They can't have them killing each other. You think white folks are going to do the work for less than $15/hr!?!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why should someone be bothered by this?

    And this:
    This only proves that you don't have to know very much about nutrition and get published.

    Personally, I would have chosen Taco Bell or Sonic. I hate McDonald's.
    Back in the days when I could even eat at those places, I think I would have gone with Wendy's.

    Yeah, Wendy's too. But I like Taco Bell best. Because...tacos.

    You mean "tacos", right? Not tacos.

    Because Taco Bell "tacos" aren't *real* tacos.

  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    It sets a great example if people spent time going beyond the headlines and thought for themselves. The added bonus is all the butthurt across the internet from the cleaning eating brigades and minions of "insert whatever faddy type diet or *cough* lifestyle (oxygenarian, etc) in here* thumpers.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    So this dude lost weight by proving he could make choices at a fast food restaurant, three times every day? Imagine that... then wouldn't that prove that everyone else who doesn't eat fast food three times a day can eat there once in a while and still make choices that will help them lose weight? And by catering to the corporate ego and mass media, he was able to do it for free? Kudos, big guy!
    And I'm pretty sure it is food. You can live by eating it (as opposed to you cannot live if you do not eat).
    It's not the greatest, healthiest food in the world, so then don't eat it if you don't like it, and also don't eat it three times a day, every day.
    People like it because it tastes good.
    Because, saturated fat.