you can't lose stomach fat if you don't eat "clean"?

A lot of people say "abs are made in the kitchen"

Does that mean, eating a deficit? Or does that mean I have to eat super clean in order to see any definition in my abs?

I relatively healthy, but I don't eat "clean".


  • teisha98
    I would love the answer to that as well....
  • webdevsoup
    webdevsoup Posts: 384 Member
    As with anything, muscle definition is made by exercise. Any loss is going to come from exercise and eating properly. Does this mean eating clean? I, personally, don't think so. If you can manage what you eat, and just eat healthy, workout and exercise the muscle groups you are going for, then you'll be fine. From my nutritionist: Higher Quality Foods are better than quantity of calories. Don't eat junk to achieve your calories, in other words. Eat 3 cups of lettuce and 5 oz of Chicken instead of a premade meal. You dig?

    Of course, if you cut out unhealthy fats, and complex carbs, etc, it'll happen quicker.

    (this is my personal feelings, and comes from no research done at the time of the question, only the knowledge I've been taught from the material I have read, classes I've attended, and nutritionists I've spoken with.)
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I've wondered the same. I've seen people eat tons of junk and have an 8-pack, and I've seen people eat nothing but the most natural foods and still have a flabby belly. Maybe it's genetic fortune/misfortune for those and the masses really do need to eat clean? I don't know.. looking forward to responses from others!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    A lot of people say "abs are made in the kitchen"

    Does that mean, eating a deficit? Or does that mean I have to eat super clean in order to see any definition in my abs?

    I relatively healthy, but I don't eat "clean".


    You can have as much muscle as you like, but can't reveal it if it's covered in fat.

    Do resistance training with progressive loading to build muscle.
    Cut bodyfat to let the muscle show.
    Repeat until fabulous.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Calorie deficit=weight loss (and this can be done with all types of foods)

    A medical reason is the only reason you should eliminate any items from your intake.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    uh oh
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It means you get them by eating at a deficit. Abs show up at lower bf%, which means you need to lose fat. However, there are different factors as well, such as how big your ab muscles are, genetics of where you lose/hold fat, etc. In theory, anyone could have visible abs, but you may not like the lifestyle you'd have to maintain to see them (for example, if your muscles are small and you retain fat in your stomach you may need very low bf% to see them).

    That said, a lot of people who eat "clean" (however they define it) tend to eat a lot of foods that are not calorie dense, and so find it easier to stay within a calorie deficit. It may help some people, but not required.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    it is two parts:

    1) no matter how much ab work you do, you won't be able to see them until your body fat % gets fairly low. That is done by maintaining a caloric deficit.

    2) Not as big of a deal as 1, but certain food can cause water retention which can make you appear a little pudgy. However, if your %BF is low, your abs will still show, they just won't be quite as defined.

    "clean" diet has very little to do with it, honestly. But it is easier to keep water under control and keep a caloric deficit when you aren't eating a lot of junk food.
  • rkquade
    rkquade Posts: 17
    I would say eating clean most of the time with the right workout program to build muscle while burning fat. I have never had a "six pack", but since I've been following a macro based diet the last 2 months, I now see definition in my abs that I haven't seen in years. I aim for 80%+ clean foods that fit into my macros. Good luck.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    A lot of people say "abs are made in the kitchen"

    Does that mean, eating a deficit? Or does that mean I have to eat super clean in order to see any definition in my abs?

    I relatively healthy, but I don't eat "clean".
    As long as you are eating at a calorie deficit, you will lose fat. And if you want definition in your abs, you will need to do some core work. Eating "clean" - if you mean not eating certain foods, it really doesn't matter for weight loss, as long as you are eating at a deficit.
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    I would say eating clean most of the time with the right workout program to build muscle while burning fat. I have never had a "six pack", but since I've been following a macro based diet the last 2 months, I now see definition in my abs that I haven't seen in years. I aim for 80%+ clean foods that fit into my macros. Good luck.
    same! i never saw definition in my abs until i changed my diet
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    MY PERSONAL experience is to cut back on carbs, not just eat clean. No alcohol, period and most all of my sugar came from fruit or vegetables when I took this picture. (I am 45 bu the way)

    I am a clean eater due to an auto immune disease I have, if I eat processed, refined or chemically laden foods, I have pain levels off the charts. But I think I look better now than I have for the last 15 years.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    They mean eating at a deficit. You don't need to eat "clean" to lose weight as long as you maintain a deficit.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    For many people, eating clean implies eating at a deficit. But no, the quality of your food is definitally going to take a back seat to your first and foremost (calories), second-most (carbs, fats, protein targets), and then maybe.... quality comes in.

    I'm not advocating IIFYM. I personally find it more satisfying to eat a lot of your stereotypical health foods while staying within calorie and macro limits. That said... I personally don't think it matters much. If you can eat poptarts and feel satisfied... and just occasionally get in some natural foods to get your vitamins... I think you'll be just fine :)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member

    Abs are made in the gym... they are revealed in the kitchen.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    Can someone look at my diary from yesterday and tell me if that looks good, food wise.

    And thanks for the answers!
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Only ab work will get you definition in your abs, and you still need to do your cardio and eat fewer calories in order to lose the fat. But you need to eat a good, healthy diet with protein and fruits and vegetables for optimal progress. Learn to cook and your weight loss will be so much easier.
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    Part of me would say 'a lot of people are' are wrong but that is an oversimplification. I'm in my mid 50's and my abs are really solid when they never have been before. I'm eating less, and have lost a good amount of weight but I believe this has come from planks. push ups, ab work and harder running. Getting more fit means i can workout longer and get more results.

    I don't even know exactly what eating 'clean' means but other than taking in less calories, I haven't really cut anything out of my diet. I still eat fries once or twice a month, rice several times a week, peanut butter when I have a craving etc..

    I'd say the exercise and hard work in the gym and on the road have been the keys personally.
    A lot of people say "abs are made in the kitchen"

    Does that mean, eating a deficit? Or does that mean I have to eat super clean in order to see any definition in my abs?

    I relatively healthy, but I don't eat "clean".
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    it is two parts:

    1) no matter how much ab work you do, you won't be able to see them until your body fat % gets fairly low. That is done by maintaining a caloric deficit.

    2) Not as big of a deal as 1, but certain food can cause water retention which can make you appear a little pudgy. However, if your %BF is low, your abs will still show, they just won't be quite as defined.

    "clean" diet has very little to do with it, honestly. But it is easier to keep water under control and keep a caloric deficit when you aren't eating a lot of junk food.


    1. Calorie deficit.
    2. Reducing water retention.
    3. It is easier to stick to an appropriate deficit when you eat cleaner because the foods will be more filling.