Anyone from the UK?



  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm based near Glasgow. Feel free to add me! The more active friends, the better. Dietary wise I like to lean towards clean eating and high protein where possible but due to my life style it doesn't always work out that way. I'm also a fan of short HIIT workouts and I'm doing Zombies Run/C25K right now.
  • Antisis91
    Antisis91 Posts: 7 Member

    I'm from York, and 22 years of age. I'm looking for a challenge.
    Feel free to add me folks

  • EponineLove
    Hi I'm Claire! I'm from South London and I'm aiming to lose 30 too :)
  • arubababy
    arubababy Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I'm 27 from Wiltshire, starting properly today to lose the baby weight. Anyone feel free to add me, love hearing how other people are doing to keep me motivated.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hi I am from Ayrshire, I have between 17 and 30 to go. Lost 70 so far and think a might try maintain at 17lb off then concentrate on exercise. I am doing 30 day shred at moment and loving it. Feel free to add me.