Evil Subway - Read this if you eat at there!



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    For the people whose tummies growl when they hear about a particular fast food restaurant using questionable ingredients or practices: what is a deal breaker for you? Is there a particular substance that would make you avoid the food or is anything short of food poisoning fair game?

    1 - I think your definition and mine of "questionable ingredients and practices" might be different. But then, I eat raw fish...

    2- Deal breakers would be things like rats/roaches in the kitchen, finding bugs or hair in my food (I understand hair sometimes happens despite best efforts, but if it's consistent), freezer/walk-in fridge not cold enough, not heating things to necessary safe temperatures. Also, if I walk in and the smell turns my stomach … which is why I don't do McDs (I worked there in high school and never recovered, lol)
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing. One more reason not to eat out.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Wow - So much hatred spewed out over all this! You people just LOVE telling someone they are an IDIOT don't you? What a lovely COMMUNITY we've become! 2 Years ago, I didn't see very much of this negativity here. MFP has grown up to be Facebook!


    You and I have very different memories of 2 years ago on MFP.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing. One more reason not to eat out.

    so all the food you buy to "eat in" is nitrate and preservative free?
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    For the people whose tummies growl when they hear about a particular fast food restaurant using questionable ingredients or practices: what is a deal breaker for you? Is there a particular substance that would make you avoid the food or is anything short of food poisoning fair game?

    To date I haven't heard of any of the places I like, having what I would consider having questionable ingredients or practices, so a non issue.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Wow - So much hatred spewed out over all this! You people just LOVE telling someone they are an IDIOT don't you? What a lovely COMMUNITY we've become! 2 Years ago, I didn't see very much of this negativity here. MFP has grown up to be Facebook!

    Now, on to my rebuttal to everyone who thinks I'm just a moron for posting an article like this!

    I guess Im just disappointed that they use so many preservatives and artificial stuff (in bread they bake right in the store) and feel the need to add so many chemicals.

    I fully knew that the meats and cheeses were processed and full of crap! But to put artificial colors in pickles or other chemicals in olives? Why? It's not needed?

  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    The bread at Subway is pretty much crap (as is much of their meat products), but getting a chicken breast sandwich there along with apple slices is still far healthier than a burger/fries combo.
  • Sharbear73
    Sharbear73 Posts: 96 Member
    Five dollar
    Five dollar footlong
    Five dollar
    Five dollar footlong
    It's ca-ca-ca-catching on
    At Subway

    Haha, exactly what was going on in my head.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member

    I LOVE my spicy Italian!
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    When I smell a subway it make me nauseous. Subway=Fast food and if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle, you should avoid it.
  • indignantgnome
    indignantgnome Posts: 60 Member
    From the article:

    "Somebody should inform Subway that to make real whole-wheat bread all you really need is whole-wheat flour, yeast, salt, water, and maybe some honey. But that doesn’t really do anything for shelf life or the fact that the stores do not bake their breads.

    While all the sandwiches contain chemical additives, refined bleached flour, preservatives, artificial colors, MSG, refined sugars, GMOs, and over 50 ingredients, only three contain nitrates. Yea! Far out! Only three!"

    I spent quite a bit of time working for Subway, including -BAKING- their bread... because yes, in fact, their stores DO bake their breads. Also, it's pretty uncommon for whole-wheat bread to not contain any white (or bleached) flour, because it turns out too dense and tends to not rise properly at all. To make "real" whole-wheat bread, you're also going to need sugar - which will most likely be refined - in order to proof your yeast. Subway's not out to kill you, not out to get you, and healthier than a lot of alternatives.
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    If you want to control everything you eat, grow it, mill it, butcher it, make it yourself. Simple.

    Everything in moderation. That's what I say. As natural as possible and raw is best, but I save Subway for cheat days if I even bother to eat there. I still try to avoid bread as much as possible. Period. I try to save flour products for cheat days. We can complain, complain, complain, but in the end it's our choice.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member

    I LOVE my spicy Italian!

    Baby! That was supposed to be OUR little secret!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Subway, one of the two fast food places I still go to in the past two years.
    Veggie sub with red wine vinegar no cheese.

    It seems to work for me so far.

    All things in moderation and better choices for using your daily calories.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I can only assume this person did their research. This is really scary for anyone who eats at Subway often. I used to eat there 1-2 times a week. Since I work from home now and don't eat out much, I don't eat there very often. Maybe once every 2 months. This is very sad news since I really like eating there.


    From the article:

    "Somebody should inform Subway that to make real whole-wheat bread all you really need is whole-wheat flour, yeast, salt, water, and maybe some honey. But that doesn’t really do anything for shelf life or the fact that the stores do not bake their breads.

    While all the sandwiches contain chemical additives, refined bleached flour, preservatives, artificial colors, MSG, refined sugars, GMOs, and over 50 ingredients, only three contain nitrates. Yea! Far out! Only three!"
    This person did no research at all. The author claimed that one of the preservatives used was banned in the UK, except that chemical ISN'T banned in the UK. Then the author claims they don't bake the bread. They do bake the bread in house.

    It's nothing more than baseless, uneducated ranting about something the author clearly doesn't understand.
  • parkchick
    it seemed to work for Jared...ha ha
    and no one is forcing anyone to eat there....beats the hell out of greasy fries in a clinch
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    When I smell a subway it make me nauseous. Subway=Fast food and if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle, you should avoid it.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    We're all going to die.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    When I smell a subway it make me nauseous. Subway=Fast food and if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle, you should avoid it.
