Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I am running in my very first 5K next weekend but am having a crazy time finding time to jog at all since school started. I am lucky if I can go out once on the weekend!

    I know I was diehard last school year in the spring with walking every night. Now we have bears that are out and about (that stopped my jogging in the neighborhood really quick) and a mean dog down the street that has left its yard several times. (and attacked my dog once before)

    Now, even the one jog on the weekend is when I have to drive somewhere first b/c it's just not safe to do it at home.

    Any suggestions on how to prep for a 5K a week from today??? Last weekend I left the kids with hubby and did the 5K route in town. I felt great when I was finished and not too discouraged by the 29+min. time with all of the hills involved. The one I will be in next week will be flat but I don't know how much time I can shave off without working out b/f.

    I just ran my first one, so I won;t be too much for help. I would suggest only running/jogging maybe once or twice this week maybe Tus or Wed. And 29min is great!!! Good luck!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    So everything is calming down yay : ) was up all night last night from some stomach bug or something and by the time the night was over I weighed 165.2! I lost 2 pounds of water weight over night. thats crazy im really hoping this thing doesn't continue on to tonight. I barely scraped through work today.

    Weigh in is tomorrow we will see what happens.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Sept.1 - 147.5
    Sept. 6 - 145.5
    Sept. 13 - 144.8
    Sept. 18 - 142.4
    Sept.26 - 142

    I have only lost .4 this week so my hopes of the last 2lbs this month are shot :cry:

    Any ideas what I can do to mix it up? I haven't been out for my regular walk in a week or so but have replaced it with Slim in 6.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kickrz--there are still a few days left to SEPT> don't give up hope..and if not...you 'll get it next month...

    Morning all....and fall is definetly here in OHIO....hoping to get the kids out for either a walk again today or maybe a bike ride if I have enough time....hoping my husband can take some before pics tonight because I got P90x now and want to get started....going to get my BMK challange routine done that makes 7 days of the suggested exercises plus my extras...looking forward to next weeks challange also....have a great rest of the weekend everyone!!...:flowerforyou:
  • jesse14472
    Sunday weigh-in:

    8/29 193.5
    9/6 193.0
    9/12 191.8
    9/19 191.2
    9/26 190.4

    It's moving slow right now, but still moving down. Not going to make the 5 lb for the month, but I am so close to the 180's that it's really motivating me to make it in the next 4 days....1/2 lb, surely I can do that! Good luck to everyone! Only 4 more days to go!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Kickerz-- dont give up hope I never did lose the wole 5 pounds in july and i didn't even lose 1 pound in august and here i am at my 5 pound goal for sept. YOU CAN do Anything you set your mind to even if it is slower than hoped for.: )

    jesse-- Thats great what an awesome milestone I know you can do it. yay

    Well everyone Good morning its sunday weigh-in for me : ) and im really pleased with the resaults im .2 away from the 5 pound goal for the month.

    9-1 170.0
    9-5 169.0
    9-12 169.0
    9-19 167.0
    9-26 165.4

    I don't know if four days is enough time but im sure hoping to get down below 165 by the months end but my pattern says i tend to drop and then stay lol. We will see what happens : ) Have a great day everyone im off to work
  • crazymel
    I've managed to lose 2 lbs this month so far and I'm really happy with that.
    And more importantly, my goal of getting fit and doing a 10k came true today!!!!
    Good luck everyone for Friday, a new month for new beginnings!
    I know I'm hoping for a good start for October.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    BMK Challenge sneak peek for tomorrow: Squats, Jillian style ;-) See ya tomorrow for the full challenge :) Have a great rest of the weekend!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Haven't checked in since I posted that I'd join but on my weigh in on Friday. I'd lost 13lbs!!!!!!! Bargain! Granted I need to lose a lot but I'm not expecting it to be so brilliant each month. I'm going to stick with my swimming 4 times a week and walking when i can. When it starts to plateau, i'll up the exercise! Must remember to weigh in on 30th!!!!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I am home now from my trip, and can't wait to make great choices this week by incorporating more exercises and logging my foods.
  • AmandaB4588

    I feel myself doing the self sabotage thing. 153 pounds was my lowest weight before I skyrocketed back up to 175. Now that I am 153 again, am I excited? Yes. Am I freaking out? Yes. Am I afraid I will drop the ball here? Yes. Did I just eat a muffin? Yes.

    I have had such great control over my food choices lately. I am disappointed in letting myself slip but am going to shake it off. I fully believe that my inability to "shake it off" was what held me back for so long.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Alioth... Your progress is awesome! Way to go!!

    kickrz... You're doing great too! I love reading your monthly progress chart like that. So inspirational!

    looby1968... That's terrific! Congrats to you!

    AmandaB4588... That muffin won't define you! I'm so excited for you for getting back to your lowest weight! I'm really close to mine too!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member

    I feel myself doing the self sabotage thing. 153 pounds was my lowest weight before I skyrocketed back up to 175. Now that I am 153 again, am I excited? Yes. Am I freaking out? Yes. Am I afraid I will drop the ball here? Yes. Did I just eat a muffin? Yes.

    I have had such great control over my food choices lately. I am disappointed in letting myself slip but am going to shake it off. I fully believe that my inability to "shake it off" was what held me back for so long.

    Amanda - I feel exactly the same way! Reaching the goal is amazing but staying there is a yo-yo of emotions! My choices have not been perfect lately and workout time has fallen through the floor since summer ended. I have been blessed to stay at or around my final goal weight. Good luck to you...I agree that if you can't "shake it off" the downward spiral starts. Just keep going.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok all, I'm posting it a bit early, but it's just in case I don't make it to the forums right away tomorrow morning/afternoon :blushing: ...
    BMK Challenge starting tomorrow through next Sunday:

    There's been a lot of Jillian talk in general lately ( :grumble: )with people doing 30 day shred or watching the new season of Biggest Loser, so let's give everyone a small taste of Jillian....

    Squat Press with weights 20reps/day for 5days

    Side Lunge Anterior Raise 15reps (7ea side)/day 5days

    Both can be searched for on youtube so you understand them better, also, if you are already doing 30 day shred, that counts towards BMK, as long as you do the reps above :smile:

    AND since many people are having a hard time with sodium (again.. :grumble: ) this week, let's shoot for at least 3 days with sodium between 1600-2000..if your goal is already that or under, than you're good :drinker:

    Are you ready all? :flowerforyou: Let's do it!!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I was thrilled to report that I ran our 5K route (with multiple hills and long inclines) in 27.09! I tried to pick up the pace on any flat area to make up for just surviving the hills.

    That made me more confident and excited for the 5K this coming weekend in the beautiful flatland! I could actually surprise myself.

    Wish me luck on my first real race. I just want to say that I've got the first on behind me. :tongue:

    Bru - Well done on your first. Here's to many more!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Amanda and suckitup ...I too am afraid of the same thing...the dreaded "maintenance"...I had readjusted my goal to loose an additional 10lbs....leaving me to be at 165---a llittle wiggle room for trying to maintain around 170....it scares me to death...I have NEVER< EVER been able to maintain....but with you guys help here a MFP I am hoping I can do it this time.....

    Looby...just looked at your ticker MICHAEL BUBLE" I am sooooooooooooooooo jealous.....

    Bru--loving the challange..and I will still encorporate "my" challange routine ....thanks again week after week for doing these challanges for us....VERY appreciative to you BMK gals......oh, but you are gonna kill me with the sodium..you know that's my weakness but I AM going to get it down (even if I have to eat celery and water, HA!!) 3 days this week....I AM!!!!!

    Off to work everyone...going to be a rainy day today so hopefully get to the YMCA after work.....good day all....:flowerforyou:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    Had time this morning for a short workout so completed 20 minutes of the 30 day shred level 1. I'm off to work now. Will post later and catch up on posts.

    Take care all!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member

    I feel myself doing the self sabotage thing. 153 pounds was my lowest weight before I skyrocketed back up to 175. Now that I am 153 again, am I excited? Yes. Am I freaking out? Yes. Am I afraid I will drop the ball here? Yes. Did I just eat a muffin? Yes.

    I have had such great control over my food choices lately. I am disappointed in letting myself slip but am going to shake it off. I fully believe that my inability to "shake it off" was what held me back for so long.


    I am the sabotage queen! I've exercised maybe 3 times all month, and have been eating pretty much anything I want.

    Not that this is any excuse, but I am feeling so stressed - my oldest daughter started kindergarten and my youngest started daycare, and most mornings I leave both of them in tears... my husband's EI ran out a month ago, and I have no idea how we're going to survive on my salary alone - he had an interview last week and was supposed to hear by the end of the week but they haven't called yet... Please send positive thoughts our way - he really wants this job (it's actually the same job he left 10 years ago to move to another city to be with me and now that we've moved back, he would love to go back - it was kinda funny, at the interview he told them that he really liked working there, but that so far he got 7 years of marriage and two children from leaving, so he felt he had made the right choice, but would like to come back now that we're living here). I'm trying to figure out ways that I can reduce expenses / bring in more income - a second job, maybe?

    The 5k that I was training for is this coming Sunday. I don't know how to prepare myself anymore, since I stopped my C25k in the middle of Week 6 about a month ago. I guess I can just try to power through it and be sore the next few days, or try running intervals with walk breaks? I'm afraid I'll totally wimp out and walk the whole thing... Any suggestions? I'm really very mad at myself for not preparing myself as well as I wanted to.

    Oh, grrr... I feel like I could complain all morning, but I'll save you all from my grouch-ness. :grumble:

    I do miss all of you immensely, and haven't been posting, since I haven't been feeling worthy of your support... :frown:
  • tralalara

    I do miss all of you immensely, and haven't been posting, since I haven't been feeling worthy of your support... :frown:

    (handing you a hand up)....hey girl, you DEFINITELY are worthy. You're on here trying! Don't give up, you CAN make it. I know what it's like to have that amount of pressure at home and work too. My husband was basically out of work for a couple years! But he's got a couple of jobs going right now. The bad thing is (or really GOOD thing) I've been offered to manage a store in OKC where all our family are located so he'll be looking for something else there the first of the year. It's a great opportunity for me with a good pay increase and the chance to move back and spend time with my parents and other family members. We've lived away for around 25 yrs so the idea of being together for holidays, birthdays, etc. is sounding SO nice. It's been a struggle every year just to have time together and you never know how much time you've got to have those occasions. So hang in there and don't let life get ya down. Good things are ahead.

    My Monday morning check in figures....at least I went down some!
    Sept 1 SW 197.5
    Sept 6 wt 196
    Sept 13 wt 194
    Sept 20 wt 194.5
    Sept 27 wt 193
    Goal wt for Sept 192.5......Only .5 lbs to go! Surely I'll make that!
    Onward and upward..I mean, DOWNWARD! :wink:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    The 5k that I was training for is this coming Sunday. I don't know how to prepare myself anymore, since I stopped my C25k in the middle of Week 6 about a month ago. I guess I can just try to power through it and be sore the next few days, or try running intervals with walk breaks? I'm afraid I'll totally wimp out and walk the whole thing... Any suggestions? I'm really very mad at myself for not preparing myself as well as I wanted to.

    I run 6-7 minutes, walk 30-60 seconds, almost all the time. Since I'm a fairly new runner (and an asthmatic) it helps me feel like I'm going to survive the remaining miles.
    Just work to finish it and be proud of yourself for the accomplishment, there's always another race!