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The official nightshift thread....



  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    The problem with your job is that when you do very good, no one notices. When you make a mistake, everyone notices. I'll take mine with it's ups and downs. :wink:

    Yeah, well, in NYC gov't jobs, you truly are a number... so yeah that is an apt description... anyway... hope your night wasn't so bad. Hope you truly don't have to take on King Kong though.

    I bought a bike last year for the first time in twenty years, been taking it out and still learning how to make adjustments... I see you bike, how are you with the mechanical aspects? Can you recommend any good resources for learning?

    As a teen you just get on and ride leave the rest to the 'rents. Now... if I don't do it the chain slips and I bust my rear. ;)

    Buy a better bike you tight sod..........Depends if its a geared bike or not....but slippage you need to take a link out of chain.......if geared you need to adjust that springy thingy at the back to it keeps it tight........

    My next purchase......a bike.,.......been thinking of it for a bit now......but I went on a ride while in Portugal and loved it.....although the terrain was flat.........where I live its hills and valleys........deffo need geared.......lol
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    edited May 2015
    So if you are looking for free stuff, there is a lot out there on YouTube but if you are willing to pay for a course that will really teach you how to fix and adjust your bike, The Fluent Cyclist by Victor Jimenez has some great online courses.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited May 2015
    @fatjon73 yeah the derailleur needs adjustment I know that I just can't get it dialed in correctly.

    You get a bike? Can you ride all boozed up? ;)

    @sufferlandrian paid or free either is fine as long as it works. Thanks for the suggestions
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another night, another dollar. I am LOVING the paycheck I have coming but I find myself wondering, what is this 'day off' people around me are talking about?
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
    Here this thread is..i was wondering if I was the only one stuck at work for my Monday right now. HATE this day. Lots of coffee.
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    Night Owl in the house. Hour and a half into my first of 5. Ack. So what kind of work do all of you Night Owls do?

    Healthcare here.
  • TashaBfit
    TashaBfit Posts: 1 Member
    Hey people! I'm in healthcare too12hour shift
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I just got a new bike myself! A lime green beach cruiser. Rode it to the nanobrewery up the street today!
  • Rob_in_MI
    Rob_in_MI Posts: 393 Member
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I have a diabetic 80 lb Rottie in the clinic tonight that doesn't like his shots and has a glucose over 600. This is going to be a loooooonnnnnnggggg night.
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    Just finished up with the last "new" patient in the ER, so I am thinking it must be time to step it out or pedal it out, not sure which. I admit, I am only doing it for the 300 extra calories I will get to eat later today!!!
    Ok, and the feel good thing...

    Tasha - Straight 8s here. I wish I could do some 12s.. I'd love the have the extra recovery time off, but those 12 hour days would just kill me.

    So how do you guys handle the workouts? Do you work out at night or during the day? Do you follow the same sleep routine on your days off?

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @RedRockChic - I try to work out during the day but we have some exercise equipment here at work and if I need more sleep, I'll skip the daytime workout and just work out when we get slow around 3 AM. I used to try to keep the same schedule on my days off but anymore I find I can flip schedules fairly easy so I just take a couple short naps during the day but then sleep with the rest of the family at night. The nap during the day helps keep my body used to sleeping during the day.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    @RedRockChic I work 4 nights a week, Mon to Thu....9 Hrs a night 9pm to 6am......., and I sleep from 11am to 6pm work days....I find it east to flip back to normal at weekends, although my wife has started working nights too now, and she does not flip, so I may be changing my 7 yr routine to fit hers now......I work in a Chocolate Factory too....so snacking is my biggest problem when working........we make 12 different sweets selections, After Eight mints, Easter eggs and Peanut Butter cups........there everywhere round me all night....lol......so my will power needs to over take my stomach........not always successfully...lol.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited May 2015
    On my days off, I revert to a "normal" schedule. I get off at 7 a.m. on Tuesdays and then stay up all day until I go to bed with my fiance Tuesday night. Makes for a 24+ hour day. I try to take a nap but it usually just makes me cranky when I do wake up to hang out with the fam. As for exercise, I used to do yoga at my job (hotel auditor) but I have zero motivation to "work out" anymore. I seriously bring my mat/blocks/clothes to work every week and NEVER do it. :/ I just bought a bike the other day and I ride that when I get off work while my little one is in preschool. Once she is out of school for the summer, I'm sure I'll go back to doing jack nothin' until school resumes...unless I get a shred of motivation to do some yoga at work. Riding a bike is technically exercise but I just do it for fun and the activity is an added bonus in my extremely sedentary life.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Loving the new hair Frankie.....surely that gives you a good arm workout in a morning....;)
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Back in the saddle again! I wish my work days went as fast as my weekends off go.
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    Night Owl in the house. Hour and a half into my first of 5. Ack. So what kind of work do all of you Night Owls do?

    Healthcare here.

    911 Communications here. Welcome to the thread.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    So help the idiot that crosses me tonight. With the heat today I got no sleep, so already cranky. It's going to be a long night.

    Yardmaster for the NYC Subway here, making sure people have a train in the morning (or not, depending on my night).
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    Just finished up with the last "new" patient in the ER, so I am thinking it must be time to step it out or pedal it out, not sure which. I admit, I am only doing it for the 300 extra calories I will get to eat later today!!!
    Ok, and the feel good thing...

    Tasha - Straight 8s here. I wish I could do some 12s.. I'd love the have the extra recovery time off, but those 12 hour days would just kill me.

    So how do you guys handle the workouts? Do you work out at night or during the day? Do you follow the same sleep routine on your days off?

    My sleep routine changes every day as needed for work or home. I usually workout right before work. Or right after if I have the energy. Lately I've only been getting 4 days in instead of 5 but I'm reminding myself it's better than the 0 I used to do! Find a routine that works for you and keep rocking!
  • monstalosta
    monstalosta Posts: 2,248 Member
    You're now leaving society...welcome back to nights...yay me :(