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The official nightshift thread....



  • nikkishea3
    nikkishea3 Posts: 906 Member
    I'm here for a few before I knock out
  • tmi_gang
    tmi_gang Posts: 781 Member
    I'm here being the same insomniac I've always been.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Not me lol but I'm back now. Who else here is hating Monday as much as I am?

    I had an awesome weekend and definitely wasn't ready to come back to my box.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    So I'm back at work. Not my regularly shift at all but I have to work tonight so I can work dayshift Saturday and Sunday. I loathe dayshift and I pretty much hate the Sgt over the officers.

    Vent time: Why did I have to rearrange my schedule for the second work weekend in a row you ask?? The vent I gave to my hubby was laced with a lot of the use of f@ck

    Bc I have a coworker who has zero self esteem and can't stand up for herself. I worked with her at my previous 911 center too. She came to the new department about a year and a half before I did. I actually applied for the same job she did; she got an interview, I didn't. (I secretly wonder if they regret it lol)

    But she got hooked up with a guy she met on a free dating site. He uses drugs, steals, and uses her. A couple weeks ago she left him again...told anyone and everyone here at work what he'd done. Now we work for a law enforcement agency, you may want to keep it under your hat that your hubby steals from work, does drugs, has gotten assault by his dealers, and has been in jail several times. Just sayin.

    Went so far as to say he was better off dead. Well, magically ( :expressionless: ) he's a changed man. And suddenly (on a work day no less) he had to be taken to the hospital (at the exact time she should've left for work) and she may or may not be able to come to work her days this weekend even though he's home now.

    So here I am. Working on my night off. Don't have to work tomorrow night so I can get up at 4am and drag my night shift *kitten* to work days on Saturday. Coworker may or may not be here. It's always a surprise as to whether she calls in or not.

    To further $hitty behavior, she signed up for a bunch of OT, meaning I couldn't. Then took herself the night before she was scheduled to work. So everyone in dispatch got a lovely (insert sarcasm here) email about OT. It ended up benefitting me bc I signed up for some days she got rid of.

  • xxsarahapril
    xxsarahapril Posts: 17 Member
    So I'm back at work. Not my regularly shift at all but I have to work tonight so I can work dayshift Saturday and Sunday. I loathe dayshift and I pretty much hate the Sgt over the officers.

    Vent time: Why did I have to rearrange my schedule for the second work weekend in a row you ask?? The vent I gave to my hubby was laced with a lot of the use of f@ck

    Bc I have a coworker who has zero self esteem and can't stand up for herself. I worked with her at my previous 911 center too. She came to the new department about a year and a half before I did. I actually applied for the same job she did; she got an interview, I didn't. (I secretly wonder if they regret it lol)

    But she got hooked up with a guy she met on a free dating site. He uses drugs, steals, and uses her. A couple weeks ago she left him again...told anyone and everyone here at work what he'd done. Now we work for a law enforcement agency, you may want to keep it under your hat that your hubby steals from work, does drugs, has gotten assault by his dealers, and has been in jail several times. Just sayin.

    Went so far as to say he was better off dead. Well, magically ( :expressionless: ) he's a changed man. And suddenly (on a work day no less) he had to be taken to the hospital (at the exact time she should've left for work) and she may or may not be able to come to work her days this weekend even though he's home now.

    So here I am. Working on my night off. Don't have to work tomorrow night so I can get up at 4am and drag my night shift *kitten* to work days on Saturday. Coworker may or may not be here. It's always a surprise as to whether she calls in or not.

    To further $hitty behavior, she signed up for a bunch of OT, meaning I couldn't. Then took herself the night before she was scheduled to work. So everyone in dispatch got a lovely (insert sarcasm here) email about OT. It ended up benefitting me bc I signed up for some days she got rid of.


    ugh i hate brats like that! why not just quit and stop wasting everyones time! those are the ones that you know are only still there because managment cant get rid of them hahah
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Allright, who's on the weekend shift with me?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Allright, who's on the weekend shift with me?

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sweet! I feel so groggy tonight, I slept almost 12 hours today, without taking any sleeping pills, which is almost unheard of for me! Finally feel a bit better after getting a bit of caffeine in!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sweet! I feel so groggy tonight, I slept almost 12 hours today, without taking any sleeping pills, which is almost unheard of for me! Finally feel a bit better after getting a bit of caffeine in!

    I feel tired still. I got about 9 hours-ish of sleep.
    I have to hit the gym in the morning and I know I feel like I don't wanna right now, but I know I will feel like I really accomplished something after.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Sweet! I feel so groggy tonight, I slept almost 12 hours today, without taking any sleeping pills, which is almost unheard of for me! Finally feel a bit better after getting a bit of caffeine in!

    I feel tired still. I got about 9 hours-ish of sleep.
    I have to hit the gym in the morning and I know I feel like I don't wanna right now, but I know I will feel like I really accomplished something after.

    struggling to stay awake right now......
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    D'awww bunny!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Awww!!! It's so fluffy!!!! I'm at work, standing up bc if I sit, I'll fall asleep.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Hi all! @bethanie0825 -hope you survived your shift!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Weekend Warriors UNITE!

    I went home and watched a movie with my mother this morning so I didn't work out until the evening but I got it done!
    I also ate a half a pizza.... :mrgreen:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Mmm pizza! My mom and I had breakfast with a friend of the family that we haven't seen since I was a little kid. She was living a pretty rough life then, but she's completely turned her life around and is doing amazing. We had a great time catching up!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Weekend Warriors UNITE!

    I went home and watched a movie with my mother this morning so I didn't work out until the evening but I got it done!
    I also ate a half a pizza.... :mrgreen:
    Mmm pizza...*looks at pb and j sandwich brought to work from home* /=

    I wonder if there's a place open at midnight here....*starts Googling for late night pizza joints*
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member

    I feel tired still. I got about 9 hours-ish of sleep.
    I have to hit the gym in the morning and I know I feel like I don't wanna right now, but I know I will feel like I really accomplished something after.

    Nine hours! That's my sleep for the week!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Hi all! @bethanie0825 -hope you survived your shift!

    I did and I'm 8 hrs into my 12 today. I think I've spoken to more people in the past two days than I did all of last week at work.
    belimawr wrote: »

    I feel tired still. I got about 9 hours-ish of sleep.
    I have to hit the gym in the morning and I know I feel like I don't wanna right now, but I know I will feel like I really accomplished something after.

    Nine hours! That's my sleep for the week!

    This is about what mine looks like, going from nights to days within a day. On the bright side, I got to hang out and have dinner with my hubs. It felt almost normal.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    It sure was quiet while I was gone...

    Following up from a previous rant about a stupid coworker who called out all weekend so I had to work days...she gave her two weeks notice. W.T.F.

    She's going to work at a car lot with her husband, probably more so so she can keep an eye on him and be with him 24/7. She's got to be making over $20/hour working here but will be making $10/hour.

    AND, she borrowed against her 401K and makes payments every paycheck (I know this bc I have a 401K loan out right now). Now if you move to a job where the company we have here, is the provider at your new job, you're cool. However, if they aren't (or your new job doesn't have retirement) you have to pay the loan back in full, within 90 days.

    And she borrowed the money to pay off a car for her hubby, who promptly sold the car for drugs. So she owes the money and has no car to show for it.

    He's a winner. And she walking away from a career of at least a decade, to basically babysit him. I truly hope she made the decision after thinking about it a lot but I'm pretty sure she made it bc she's pissed everyone is talking about her behind her back.

    Don't put your business out there if you don't want everyone talking about it. Just sayin...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Well hopefully she pulls her head out of her rear before he completely ruins her. It's bad enough when a person destroys their own life, why do they have to take others with them?

    In other news, it looks like I'm going to become a full- time daywalker soon. Can I still hang out with you guys?