Distance runners: How to work past 90 minutes?



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I'm surprised to learn this about Houston...I thought they were far more "progressive" than that. I expected sidewalks everywhere and lush public parks for everyone. Hmph.

    Not sure if serious or sarcasm meter busted? :huh:

    I freely admit to skewing a bit to the left (degree in ecology/biology from UCLA), but even within Texas, Houston isn't usually considered to be among the most progressive areas.....some parts of Houston, but typically Austin is about the only major city in Texas that would regularly be described as progressive.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm surprised to learn this about Houston...I thought they were far more "progressive" than that. I expected sidewalks everywhere and lush public parks for everyone. Hmph.

    Not sure if serious or sarcasm meter busted? :huh:

    I freely admit to skewing a bit to the left (degree in ecology/biology from UCLA), but even within Texas, Houston isn't usually considered to be among the most progressive areas.....some parts of Houston, but typically Austin is about the only major city in Texas that would regularly be described as progressive.

    Ah, there's the confusion...it's Austin, not Houston. (Your sarcasmometer is working fine. It was a third alternative: I was serious, but I was wrong.)

    (Nonetheless, I'm still not doing any significant amount of running on a treadmill. I'm not wrong about that. :drinker:)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I run in Houston! I guess it depends on what side of town you're on (Houston is a huge city, physically) on how easy it is to find a good place to run.

    I run at Memorial Park, though I live in Friendswood (the suburbs). I run after work, which is a closer drive to Memorial. There is a nice 3 mile running loop, plus some AWESOME mountain bike trails I run on when there's daylight in the evenings (spring and summer).

    They've also built up the network of bike/run trails along Allen Parkway and the Heights. There's also a nice network in the I-10/Beltway 8 region (Terry Hershey Park, I believe). TC Jester area has a good running trail (might be what meets up with the Heights' trail) It's an ongoing long-term project to expand biking/running trails throughout the city and outside 610 loop.

    Anyway, PM or friend request me if you want ideas on where to run outside in Houston. I never run on a treadmill, and dislike running in my neighborhood (quite boring). :drinker:

    I know in theory there are some good places, but from what I have been able to find so far, all of them would be quite a commute just to get there. I'm in the NW Houston area, think 290/1960, I know there is a runners club for my general area, and I even know a few of the people in it, but I do think they just mostly run around the neighborhoods in the area and yea, I don't find that much more stimulating then staring out the window at the lake in the middle of my appartment complex....

    Definitely intersted if you know of any good distance running trails that would be closer to me though because I do need to start doing some work outdoors. I think the winter is starting to get to my mood, even with all the exercise....

    See if any of these parks or trails are near you: http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/hikeandbike.html There are 3 sections (existing, new, bike trails)

    Also try this link: http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/trails.html

    You can also check the PDF's they have of the "bikeways" also to see if any of those are runnable trails near you.

    One thing I've done in the past is to pull up my location on Google Maps and look for neighborhood parks near me. A lot of neighborhood parks will have running tracks, but as the parks aren't built by the city, it's not noted anywhere. It's how I found a nice track near my neighborhood that I run at on Sunday mornings when I don't want to drive to Memorial.

    A friend of mine who lives near 290/Beltway will drive down to the TC Jester park (more 290/610) to run sometimes, as it has a nice bike/run trail.

    Finally, are one of the major bayous near you? A lot of them have sidewalks along them you can run on.

    Good luck. I'm lucky enough to work near Memorial, so my half-marathon training was mostly there.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    How long do I need to rest between sessions for it not to count against my >90 minutes = knees fall off?

    For example, if I run 60 minutes, then rest for 30 minutes, and then run 40 minutes more, will they still fall off? Does the clock reset after a certain amount of rest or does this only happen at midnight each day?

    Regardless, the next time my wife drags me to the mall, I'm going to insist that we stop shopping before 90 minutes just to be safe. I don't want to lose my knees.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    How long do I need to rest between sessions for it not to count against my >90 minutes = knees fall off?

    For example, if I run 60 minutes, then rest for 30 minutes, and then run 40 minutes more, will they still fall off? Does the clock reset after a certain amount of rest or does this only happen at midnight each day?

    Regardless, the next time my wife drags me to the mall, I'm going to insist that we stop shopping before 90 minutes just to be safe. I don't want to lose my knees.

    They fell off when you starred thinking about running, its that dangerous. I think they are back there with my uterus. Now that running has made my uterus fall out my only hope is go get to the gym where lifting weights will turn me into a man.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    I know in theory there are some good places, but from what I have been able to find so far, all of them would be quite a commute just to get there. I'm in the NW Houston area, think 290/1960, I know there is a runners club for my general area, and I even know a few of the people in it, but I do think they just mostly run around the neighborhoods in the area and yea, I don't find that much more stimulating then staring out the window at the lake in the middle of my appartment complex....

    Definitely intersted if you know of any good distance running trails that would be closer to me though because I do need to start doing some work outdoors. I think the winter is starting to get to my mood, even with all the exercise....


    ^ Check out this website to find user-mapped routes in your area. I love the website, i used it to find some good routes in my area (and also mapped some of my own). BUT, i should say that I run in a city, in neighborhoods (sometimes down the coast by the beach too). My particular city is a complete mess (cars parked on sidewalks, broken sidewalks, low branches, etc) and it turns out that I NEED that to keep me from getting bored. I tried running a loop at a nice, clear running park and couldn't last 15 minutes. And a treadmill....psssh! forget about it. Also, I try to run straight out and come back by tram or bus to keep from getting bored by doing a big loop. There's something about moving forward to new territory (and not covering the same territory) that keeps me going. I honestly don't see how you can go as long as you do on a treadmill. You have got some serious dedication! Don't worry, just like anything, this is just a little bump and you 'll be over it soon enough. :) Let usknow how the fueling experiment goes. :)
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    An update for anyone who is interested. This weekend was one of the 4-5 times a year when we get absolutely gorgeous weather (upper 60's and sunny with a slight breeze) so I decided for my own sanity (I get SAD) that I needed to haul my butt outside for the run. I purchased two different types of fueling chews so I could see which ones I liked best, found an old little pouch/purse to use for carrying stuff, stole my husbands cell phone (I refuse to join the modern age and become attached to a social umbilical) and downloaded run keeper. I picked out a 10.23 mile run that I was familiar enough with the route that I thought I could manage.

    The start of the run was a disaster. The strap to my purse broke after 5 minutes and I had to try to tie the strap around myself in such a way that the pouch section wouldn't dump everything on the sidewalk since it was now dangling from one thread. While I was familiar with the route, I didn't know some of the areas that actually went in to the neighborhoods, but I thought the app would give me directions. If it does, I didn't figure out how to make it work so I was constantly having to check back with the route to make sure I was on the right track. Finally, even though I went before I left, I had to pee about 5 minutes in to the run but didn't want to stop because at this point I was so frustrated I was about to just walk back to my car and call the whole thing off.

    By about ten minutes in I had most of the issues worked out and was able to start concentrating on my run. I decided I liked the soft chews the best so at about 30 minutes I started eating those. I couldn't eat more then one at a time without it distracting me so I just had one every 15 minutes or so after that. I still had to check my route periodically, but I figured out how to do that without having to completely stop and if I decide to run this route again there should be no issues.

    Towards the end of the run there was about a 1/2 mile section where the sidewalk disappears and I was on grass for part of it and a gravel/dirt path for the other part. I wear vibrams when I'm running to help me focus on my gait, but I HATE the actual feeling of being barefoot. My feet are big babies and stepping on those stupid little pebbles HURTS and those unseen deathtrap pits covered by grass make me panic about twisting my ankles which has always been a problem for me. I know I know, wimp. It was also at about this time I figured out that I had somehow paused the tracking on run keeper, oohhh, about 30 minutes ago :explode: , so yea, there was that.....

    Anyways, finally made it back to my car. 10.23 mile run, about 2 hours and no dead legs. Very very tender feet from 10 miles on concrete, but legs felt fine (still had to pee though). No idea if it was the refueling or just getting distracted during the run by being outside and the various obstacles but......

    TL;DR Yay! I made it past 90 minutes on my run!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Great news! Way to go!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Great news! Way to go!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    An update for anyone who is interested. This weekend was one of the 4-5 times a year when we get absolutely gorgeous weather (upper 60's and sunny with a slight breeze) so I decided for my own sanity (I get SAD) that I needed to haul my butt outside for the run. I purchased two different types of fueling chews so I could see which ones I liked best, found an old little pouch/purse to use for carrying stuff, stole my husbands cell phone (I refuse to join the modern age and become attached to a social umbilical) and downloaded run keeper. I picked out a 10.23 mile run that I was familiar enough with the route that I thought I could manage.

    The start of the run was a disaster. The strap to my purse broke after 5 minutes and I had to try to tie the strap around myself in such a way that the pouch section wouldn't dump everything on the sidewalk since it was now dangling from one thread. While I was familiar with the route, I didn't know some of the areas that actually went in to the neighborhoods, but I thought the app would give me directions. If it does, I didn't figure out how to make it work so I was constantly having to check back with the route to make sure I was on the right track. Finally, even though I went before I left, I had to pee about 5 minutes in to the run but didn't want to stop because at this point I was so frustrated I was about to just walk back to my car and call the whole thing off.

    By about ten minutes in I had most of the issues worked out and was able to start concentrating on my run. I decided I liked the soft chews the best so at about 30 minutes I started eating those. I couldn't eat more then one at a time without it distracting me so I just had one every 15 minutes or so after that. I still had to check my route periodically, but I figured out how to do that without having to completely stop and if I decide to run this route again there should be no issues.

    Towards the end of the run there was about a 1/2 mile section where the sidewalk disappears and I was on grass for part of it and a gravel/dirt path for the other part. I wear vibrams when I'm running to help me focus on my gait, but I HATE the actual feeling of being barefoot. My feet are big babies and stepping on those stupid little pebbles HURTS and those unseen deathtrap pits covered by grass make me panic about twisting my ankles which has always been a problem for me. I know I know, wimp. It was also at about this time I figured out that I had somehow paused the tracking on run keeper, oohhh, about 30 minutes ago :explode: , so yea, there was that.....

    Anyways, finally made it back to my car. 10.23 mile run, about 2 hours and no dead legs. Very very tender feet from 10 miles on concrete, but legs felt fine (still had to pee though). No idea if it was the refueling or just getting distracted during the run by being outside and the various obstacles but......

    TL;DR Yay! I made it past 90 minutes on my run!

    Sometimes it just takes those distractions to get you over a hurdle.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    congrats :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    An update for anyone who is interested. This weekend was one of the 4-5 times a year when we get absolutely gorgeous weather (upper 60's and sunny with a slight breeze) so I decided for my own sanity (I get SAD) that I needed to haul my butt outside for the run. I purchased two different types of fueling chews so I could see which ones I liked best, found an old little pouch/purse to use for carrying stuff, stole my husbands cell phone (I refuse to join the modern age and become attached to a social umbilical) and downloaded run keeper. I picked out a 10.23 mile run that I was familiar enough with the route that I thought I could manage.

    The start of the run was a disaster. The strap to my purse broke after 5 minutes and I had to try to tie the strap around myself in such a way that the pouch section wouldn't dump everything on the sidewalk since it was now dangling from one thread. While I was familiar with the route, I didn't know some of the areas that actually went in to the neighborhoods, but I thought the app would give me directions. If it does, I didn't figure out how to make it work so I was constantly having to check back with the route to make sure I was on the right track. Finally, even though I went before I left, I had to pee about 5 minutes in to the run but didn't want to stop because at this point I was so frustrated I was about to just walk back to my car and call the whole thing off.

    By about ten minutes in I had most of the issues worked out and was able to start concentrating on my run. I decided I liked the soft chews the best so at about 30 minutes I started eating those. I couldn't eat more then one at a time without it distracting me so I just had one every 15 minutes or so after that. I still had to check my route periodically, but I figured out how to do that without having to completely stop and if I decide to run this route again there should be no issues.

    Towards the end of the run there was about a 1/2 mile section where the sidewalk disappears and I was on grass for part of it and a gravel/dirt path for the other part. I wear vibrams when I'm running to help me focus on my gait, but I HATE the actual feeling of being barefoot. My feet are big babies and stepping on those stupid little pebbles HURTS and those unseen deathtrap pits covered by grass make me panic about twisting my ankles which has always been a problem for me. I know I know, wimp. It was also at about this time I figured out that I had somehow paused the tracking on run keeper, oohhh, about 30 minutes ago :explode: , so yea, there was that.....

    Anyways, finally made it back to my car. 10.23 mile run, about 2 hours and no dead legs. Very very tender feet from 10 miles on concrete, but legs felt fine (still had to pee though). No idea if it was the refueling or just getting distracted during the run by being outside and the various obstacles but......

    TL;DR Yay! I made it past 90 minutes on my run!

    Congrats! I can pretty much guarantee you that the no dead legs was due to you fueling during the run. Hope you heal up soon!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Congrats! I can pretty much guarantee you that the no dead legs was due to you fueling during the run. Hope you heal up soon!


    I spent a good amount of time with a golf ball under my arches and a stick roller on my calves and was good for my weights the next day. I'm sure the feet will be fine, just have to build up my tolerance....
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The most important question is:

    Are your knees still there???
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    The most important question is:

    Are your knees still there???

    LOL! Last time I checked. Never had knee problems, lots of ankle problems (5'8" with size 6 feet = highly unstable platform), but knock on wood the knees have always been fine.

    I feel I should defend the poor poster in question though, he did PM me to apologize for the thread hijack and wish me luck with my running goals.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Awesome update! What fuel did you choose?
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Awesome update! What fuel did you choose?

    Cliff energy blocks? Would have to dig wrapper out of trash to find the exact name. Easy to eat and tasted good to me.

    ETA: Also, is it just me or are these things "in general" kind of expensive. Probably what I get for just finding something at my grocery store (I compared several different options though), but still seemed pretty steep on the price for what essentially seems like hyped up fruit chews....