

  • HerbieSue
    Judexs: I do the Jillian Michaels DVD's and I love them. I am on level 2 of the 30 Day Shred, but I work and can't do them every day like some people, but really push myself when I do so I think I am getting benefits. I also purchased her kettlebell workout and enjoy it as well, and I alternate. She has two girls doing the exercises with her, one for beginners and one for experts. I alternate depending on the move. I prefer working out at home when I can instead of joining a gym, and find the the Jillian Michaels DVD's are doable for me and I look forward to working out, as opposed to a DVD called "Insanity", wonder if I could muster up the courage to even purchase it...................................naw, afraid I would break a limb! Good luck!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi Shirley, Welcome. There are a few of us here that belong to the Y. I do and I do spinning and use the gym.

    Vikkij12 – Welcome and Happy Birthday.

    Marilyn – I’m glad you had a nice visit with your Mom. Good luck in getting rid of the six pound gain. I’m sure you will do it.

    Viv – thanks for the support. Yes, the weights are to help with the arthritis. The orthopedic said I need to do upper body weight bearing exercises 3 x a week on non-consecutive days and the one exercise he said I HAD to do, I have to get up to a 10 lb weight with a total of 45 reps. I’m glad I get to pick the other exercises and he said the elliptical with the upper body turned on would count.

    Mary – Yes, do some curls with weight. That is exactly what I was told to do yesterday by a doctor for arthritis. Weight bearing exercises and pain killers seem to be the only treatment. Good luck.

    Welcome Judy!

    Off to work I go. I did my core GutNBut and my new arm exercise today. I started with 1 pound weights and I'm glad I did.

    Have a great day,

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Not sure if it's the antibiotics I'm on are just the infection, but I'm a bit knocked out today. Had a walk on the treadmill earlier but I've been resting since then. My cough is in full force so any more exercise is out of the question really. If I'm up to it this evening, I will go for a walk in the park with DH.

    Is anyone else having difficulty posting today? The site keeps crashing for me when I try to add anything. Maybe it's reacting to my bronchitis too!

    Have a good day everyone.

    Amanda x
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all.

    I am up early today and posting in spite of a Pepper in my lap, and Bradley in his customary spot next to me. Mai Li is snoring in the bedroom. I bought a new doggie bed and apparently it meets with her majesty's approval. Pepper and Bradley tried it out together yesterday afternoon.

    Amanda, I have posted twice in the last 20 minutes on other threads and had no problems. Knowing where you are in relation to the MFP servers, which are in San Francisco, it is possible there is an issue with connectivity between those locations that is resulting in server timeouts, which can cause what you describe. If it persists, try releasing and renewing your IP address. If you can pull a new one, it might change the route of your path to MFP and bypass whatever the problem might be...just a thought.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Taking it easy on physical activity should help you recover. Chicken soup with a chaser of whiskey can't hurt either!!:wink::laugh: :laugh:

    Michelle, Your description of what you are doing with local law enforcement reminded me of a time about 30 years ago, when as part of my job I was involved in HR functions. I ended up taking a tour of the Oregon State Penitentiary, which was very interesting, but I was relieved to be able to walk out when the tour was done!!!

    I am trying to complete the removal of all the clothing in my place that is now too big. Yesterday, I went through dresser drawers, and several boxes of clothing that used to be the "smaller sizes" and are now all too big!! That is a problem I never thought I would have!!! The women's shelter in our town is going to benefit from my efforts. I am planning to make a delivery there today or tomorrow.

    Have a good day, all.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome to our new members! And happy birthday Vlkkij! Glad to have you and best of luck on this journey!

    Judex: welcome too. I also do Julian michael's 30 day shred and found it was great for when I didn't have much time but also think it is great for helping get rid of some of that "middle" that seems to find us at a certain age!

    Peg: I am so sorry for your loss. I must have missed that post. Thinking of you.

    Jeannie: I am wondering if my persistent shoulder issues are not arthritis too. What kind of doctor confirmed this for you and how? I just keep plugging away but find that using weights, even lighter ones, for my upper body exercises aggravates it. When I do yoga and do too many "planks", that too sets it off. Can you explain the exercise that you were given?

    Mimi: Your rule is right I know. If I could just get myself past the 2 whole days. I am getting so much exercise in with our mountain hikes that it is ok, but I am not feeling at peace with myself and food yet. Thanks for the reminder and thoughts.

    Viv: Love your "stolen" cake!

    Amanda: take care of yourself! Do you have access to a steam room? I have found that so helpful in the past with a persistent bronchitis. All the best.

    MacMadame: You are awesome.

    Renny: Hope you are over your fainting spell, but good for you for donating!

    Tomorrow I head from MT to Chicago to see my sons, DIL and grand daughter. Am very excited to spend a couple of days with them...then back to SC to see what has happened to my garden and house in our long absence. DH is staying here to fish a bit more with a friend. I will use that time alone to get very motivated and re-committed for the fall. Hopefully, it will be cooler there!

    Take care, everyone! I appreciate the kind thoughts and you all continue to inspire me in so many ways. Kackie:heart:
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I was exhausted last night way before bed time! During my lunch hr yesterday I did 20 mn of low impact cardio and 20 mn of flexiblity training. Then after dinner I did my weight training and 25 mn of step aerobics........I was so tired and crabby!! I think my body was in shock! I didn't even clean up the ktichen before going to bed, forgot about clothes on the line......I slept good though! lol

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Viva, Las Vegas!:bigsmile:
    I’m back, it was wonderful playing in a place where reality is nonexistent…but now back to the real world where you have to work, playing means get some exercise, eating food that’s truly good for you and getting in at least 8 hrs of sleep at night when you are supposed to sleep!:yawn:

    We had a great time visiting #1 Son & DIL, stayed up till all hours, had lots of fun people watching and I will confess we did eat things that we don’t normally eat.

    We went and saw the Donny & Marie show, they were awesome, but since she’s been performing for 47 years and he has for 51 they better have it down now. Their interaction with the audience is so natural that you’d think it was the first time that they have done it…but we know better. Marie sang this Opera song that was off the charts and I'm not neccessarily a fan of Opera but boy was it good:smile:

    Went to an Italian Food festival, it was HOT:noway: and crowded but a lot of fun to see all the people and experience the sights and smells, then we left and went to a quiet restaurant for the air conditioning and more healthy food…one of our better times.

    Our DIL got us free tickets to see “the Lion King” what a show, the costumes were something else and of course the singing and acting were first rate.:smile:

    I will try reading the posts that I’ve missed but it will probably be this weekend before I’m able to be back in the swing of things, work is very busy and missing Friday and Monday just put me farther behind. Hope all of you are doing well and that you saw success in the form of losses.

    Keep drinking your water:drinker: , get in some exercise and log that food, we are in this battle together and we all want to win.

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    Yesterday I took dad to the VA for 3 rutine check-ups and a blood draw. We got there before 8:00am and went to the second floor for his eye appointment,but didn't get seen and out of there until 9:20!!:noway: ! then we went up one floor and to the other side of the building to get the blood draw done. then we went down one floor to dermitology for his 10:20 appointment. Done with that at 11:00 and down to the first floor for lunch. Then we left and delivered a pallet full of paving stones to his rental building downtown. When I say delivered that also means taking 7 layers if block off the pallet piece by piece. That would be me.:sad: After we went back to the VA for his final appointment with his primary Dr. After all of that I took dad to a seminar about VA benifits and home by 6:00.
    After all of that I hope I burned some additional calories.:bigsmile:

    Better buckle down and get some work done.
    Have a wonderful day.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jeannie: I am wondering if my persistent shoulder issues are not arthritis too. What kind of doctor confirmed this for you and how? I just keep plugging away but find that using weights, even lighter ones, for my upper body exercises aggravates it. When I do yoga and do too many "planks", that too sets it off. Can you explain the exercise that you were given?

    Kacky - I went to an orthopedic surgeon that does shoulders. He took lots of x-rays that confirmed the arthritis. I had been going around and around with PT over the years and decided to just go to a shoulder guy this time. The one exercise I have to do is lying on my side with my arm bent at the elbow. The upper arm is supported by my body. I just have to lift the weight up and down from against my body to as high as I can get it. I should be able to lift it all the way up so that my fist is pointing to the ceiling. He said the weight range should be between 5-10 pounds.

    Any other upper body stuff I do is up to me but I should do 15-20 minutes 3 times a week not on consecutive days.

    He wanted to refer me to PT, but I refused politely as if I do end up needing surgery, I'd not have any PT left. I just asked him to please just tell me what exercises to do and he did. lol

    Good luck!

    PS: I wanted all the x-rays done as I wanted to be sure there weren't any tears or other injuries that exercise would not have been good for.
  • lifeis2enjoy
    Thank you Mimi for the welcome note. It was nice to be noticed. Have a great day.
  • lifeis2enjoy
    Happy belated birthday Vicki. I hope you had a great day. I also hope you did something extra special just for you. We all certainly deserve to do something nice for ourselves now & then & when our birthday comes around I believe this is the best time to give ourselves a little pampering. I too just turned 52 on 9/5.

    Good luck to everyone in weight loss for the rest of the week. Doing my best to keep focused by reading all these blogs, it does help.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, and new ladies too, Good day today doc., appointment got cancelled however I will be called in as there may be a cancellation, before my new date in November.:indifferent:
    Thanks Jeanne, I will some how do it.:drinker:

    House is so quiet when the troops are fed, good time to do stuff on the comp, so no feet and tails get in the way.:laugh:

    Hope everyone had a good day today, I'll check in tomorrow again,

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'll read posts this weekend. No time now.

    :bigsmile: Does anyone know how to resist chocolate chip cookies? The soft kind?:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'll read posts this weekend. No time now.

    :bigsmile: Does anyone know how to resist chocolate chip cookies? The soft kind?:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    No, I've never hear of anything that works.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'll read posts this weekend. No time now.

    :bigsmile: Does anyone know how to resist chocolate chip cookies? The soft kind?:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Run the other way......FAST!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just say "NO"--easier said than done, I know.:ohwell:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    If they are homemade, it's harder. But if they are factory-made, just concentrate on how chemically they taste and how the texture just isn't quite right.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    If they are homemade, it's harder. But if they are factory-made, just concentrate on how chemically they taste and how the texture just isn't quite right.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Off to the hospital. Will report back later on x
  • chicletgirl
    Hi everyone!

    :smile: It's been overcast and cool here in Cali and I love it. I hate the heat and I have just been zooming around the house cleaning and reorganizing things. At night it is getting positviely cold. When Boo and I go out for our walk in the evening I am having to wear a hoodie now. Tonight I was cupping my hand over my nose and was breathing into it to warm my nose. i told Boo pretty soon she was going to have to wear her hoodie too. (Yes, she really has one, No hers and mine are not identical :wink: But she does have a pretty extensive winter wardrobe) She's stylin' in the winter. :glasses:
    But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, at least for the next week. The weather is supposed to jump 20 degrees tomorrow and by Saturday, here in the valley it will be around 103 degrees.:noway: It won't get down to normal until the endo fo next week !!! Rats!

    Mom got a good report in today from her physical therapist. She was able to stand up 75% on her own and use a walker and walked about 20 steps! Then she was feeling so proud of herself, she actually went into the dining room area and had lunch there with other patients! From in the dining room she can see through a large window, children playing in a park. She said it was really nice. All the nurses, aides, PT and OT were shocked that she went there. My mom has been depressed since she has been there and literally refused to socialize with any patients. She always eats in her room. But yesterday the PT took her outside in her wheelchair and they sat out in the sun talking for awhile. He told her, "Do you see what you are missing by not coming out of your shell?" I guess she did because that morning she couldn't get herself up at all and kept saying "I can't", but today she did it and socialized. I know she can do it. She is just so stubborn. I told her, "You better not get pissy with me if you are going to live here. I expect you to continue working on your exercise. Hell, if Florence Henderson, (who is 76 years old too) can dance on "Dancing with the Stars" than dammit, so will you!" She just laughed.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Msh

    I am working on the same thing as you. I remember the last time I lost weight (the 100 lbs) my arms were not tight. this time around I know if I don't try and do something now while I am losing it again, they will be even more jiggly. I have been doing 5 lb weights with curls, over the head curls, for the back of my arms and lifting them out to the sides to form a T for my shoulders. It also helps my back get stronger. My son gave me these weird looking squeezy things that are shaped like the capital A to squeeze with my hands to build up muscle in my forearms also. But suzzeque is right, swimming is the best exercise if you have access to a pool. It tones everything. If I had a car I would join a fitness club that had a pool and be there everyday. Someday.........

    :flowerforyou: Viv

    When i was growing up I owned cats. And they were "my animal of choice" then. Unfortunately, they either get urinary tract infections easily (at least back in the day they did) hairballs, or their teeth go bad. They are not like a dog, who can chew on things to help tartar build up. Plus I brush Boos teeth with doggy toothpaste. But cats wont let you do that, or at least mine wouldn't. I remember going to the vet and having teeth removed. You'd think they'd have something to help with that for them?

    :flowerforyou: Pegstet

    I am so sorry for your loss of your puppy. I had a cat that was 20 when she finally decided that was it. It's the hardest thing to do. But thankfully we can ease their pain. At least they don't have to suffer like humans do. I usually don't have good luck in keeping my pets that long. Sixteen years old for a dog is a good long life. But does the heart ever break.... I had one dog, a Boston terrier, who just loved me so much and I him. He developed a heart problem at age 10, young for a small dog, and in a matter of weeks he couldn't play anymore and was having a difficult time breathing so I had to put him to sleep. I cried as I held him in my arms and the vet let me stay with him afterwards for a 1/2 hour. I remember going home crying all the way and when I got home I had to go to the restroom. Binky, my dog, used to follow me in there and sit next to me as I read or did my thing. He was with me everytime I went in there and it felt so weird not to have him sitting at my feet. I started crying all over again and then suddenly something happened. The bathroom felt different all of a sudden and I didn't feel like I was alone in there anymore. Then a really powerful smell of roses took over the room. I didnt have roses at all around my house and neither did the neighbors next to our house. I suddenly felt calm inside and I know this sounds weird, but I knew Binky was there with me, one last time. A couple of minutes later the smell went away. I really do believe he was telling me it was okay and that he would always love me.:cry: So I am sending you many hugs and I know your puppy loved you very much.

    :flowerforyou: Connie48

    I know what you mean about not being able to stay at work during lunch hour. I HAD to leave, the stress I had at the office was really suffocating and I always left the building for lunch to unwind. There was a park around the corner that I would always go to and I would park under a tree and sit there and eat my lunch while listening to classical music. I"d watch the squirrels playing with each other or sometimes just watch the trees move in the breeze. I'd open the window and listen to the wind go through them. It was so peaceful. Later I would bring a CD that had someone talking me through meditation. It lasted about 45 minutes and when I would return to work I was so relaxed. I know some people use exercise to get rid of pent up stress, but it doesn't work that way for me unfortunately. The only thing that relaxes me is either doing the above, meditation, or sex:blushing: , but I couldn't do that every lunch hour, would have like to, but my husband wasn't there to accomodate. :ohwell: Shopping was no good either because I didn't have the money to do that, so it was the park. Besides I thought like you did, running around playing catch up in the evening had to burn calories, I couldn't sit down until after 10:00 pm!

    :flowerforyou: Peggy

    Did having a hypothyroid affect your weight? My mom has been diagnosed with it. She wasn't eating hardly anything but she stayed heavy. She now takes medicine to regulate it. I'm taking it that she will have to be on this for the rest of her life? Does having a hypotyroid slow down your metabolism? She dieted all her life and never lost weight like I would. She had to go on diet pills to lose weight. I'm wondering if now she will lose weight when she moves here and eats as I am?

    :flowerforyou: Suezzzque

    Someone bought up simple carbs vs complex carbs and that threw me for a loop. I am doing a low carb diet and when that was mentioned I was wondering if I was eating the right ones or not? When you listed noodles, sugar, and flour as simple carbs, I realized that I was doing okay as I don't eat those. ( However, if I do eat noodles, they are either wheat or multi grain and I only eat them once in a great while.) But what are complex carbs and why are they okay to eat?

    Finally, for all you smart women out there..... I hear you talk about this apple cider vinegar, and I know I had a carb attack a while back and didn't realize that after a couple of days things would go back to normal. But while I was fighting it, (which seemed impossible to do) I didn't realize you could drink that stuff? How much do you use and how do you use it?

    Well all this talk about food has me hungry and I have a few calories left to use up so I am going to have a carb smart fudgsicle. Yummy.

    Good night all!:yawn:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Woke up to serious chest pain and dizziness today so brought myself to a&e. Have been admitted and had ECGs, scans, X-ray and blood tests. Will be here overnight. I'll keep you informed thanks to my iPhone x