

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Rjadams: I notice you fill out your journal for the entire day, I've thought about doing that as that is exactly what my weight watchers leader does, how often do you stray from your food plans?
    I actually usually fill it out for the whole week M-F on Sunday evening. I was being lazy this week. I will probably have the rest planned out by the end of the day. I stick to it pretty well. I do make adjustments as leftovers appear and such. It works well for me so I don't have to think about food I just look up what I should eat for that meal. That way I only obsess about what I am going to eat one day a week. I hope that makes sense.
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Michele

    I am so happy for you that you spoke with your son before he left. It loolks like you had a good heart to heart and got to the root of some things. I can see that this is going to make it easier for both of you to communicate with each other in the future. I know what you mean about trying to set up a specific time to use skype or a webcam if he forgets to be at the computer at the specified time. Boys! Their heads are not always where they should be at times and then they wonder why we are worrying about taking up their times with their friends or if they even want to spend time with us, like you were thinking last night. I love my son, but there is a big difference between daughters and sons. Daughters usually always think about their family, where as sons are too busy enjoying whats out there. But I don't know about you, but I loved raising my son. I had experiences with him that I will cherish and never could have gotten from a daughter. Besides I know he will eventually grow up and begin thinking of others again like he used to. It's just another stage they are going through.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi

    New muscles I am using huh? Well the muscles are exhausted right now. I stayed up unitl 2:30 this morning researching appeals, my mom's insurance company and steps in doing appeals. Wrote out a few more questions to ask the facility before I called the insurance company. Then went to bed exhausted. Woke up this morning to a phone call from the original head nurse who had told me last Friday what the insurance was planning to do and she said that the doctor in charge of my mother spoke to the case manager and wrote a letter stating that if my mother was not allowed to stay a while longer she would never be able to do the things she was able to before entering the emergency room. That if she left now she would have to go to a nursing home permanently and never be able to take care of herself. Apparently, the letter stated other things and she was pretty strong in her wording, so the head nurse thinks the insurance company will change their mind after reading it and talking to the case manager so she told me to hold off calling unitl they heard back today from the insurance company.
    I am crossing my fingers that I don't have to talk to them, but I am prepared if necessary. I've got all my info and notes from the therapists and their progress notes too. Just hate dealing with confrontation, but if I have to I will. My mom is so sure I can handle this for her, I hope I am able to do it for her.

    :flowerforyou: rjadams

    I try to log in my food for the whole day also, so I don't have to think about it all the time. I can switch things around food wise to make the most of my carbs and calories this way too, instead of being hungry at the end of the day and seeing what I can eat then. Makes it easier. I haven't been able to do it that often lately, but when I do it sure helps. Don't think I can do a whole week though, only becasue what sounds good to me now may not later in the week, so I do it daily.

    OMG. Have you seen the adviertisement on this site that shows three pictures:
    A donkey, a caboose, and a pair of hamburger buns?
    Then it says afterwards," No matter what you call it, keep it clean naturally with fleet enemas??:laugh: :noway:

    I had just posted and saw it and it made me burst out laughing and had to edit my post to tell you all.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suzzeque, What is the latest on Sophie's possible new owner?


    Haven't heard any more from her so either she is REALLY sick or changed her mind and just didn't have the heart to tell me. So we are still loving on Sophie and trusting that IF we do indeed relocate we will be able to find a great place for her first. I have an ad for her at craigslist so hopefully the right person will eventually show up. She's such a sweetie she deserves to be someone's pride and joy.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone, welcome to the newbies.

    :frown: Well I have had my worst day ever calorie wise. I was doing quite well at work, although I did have a small piece of stollen - (before I realised how many calories are in it) with my cup of tea at 3pm. My evening meal was reasonably healthy, some stew with lots of veggies and some quorn in it. Then I went mad :noway: :grumble: I don't know what came over me :grumble: I ate a chocolate cup cake ( I don't even like this type of cake!!) 2 jammie dodgers and a small Dairy Milk chocolate bar, all after each other without thinking, no wonder I feel awfully full now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AAGGHH I could kick myself - why do I sabotage myself like this.

    :smile: Mimi I love to read your story, it gives me hope that I can eat healthier foods and kick the biscuits and chocolate for a (very) occasional treat rather than as part of my meals !!!!

    :smile: Amanda, you have reminded me that I have got out of the habit of using the ladies room on the 3rd floor at work, I shall start again tomorrow.

    Talking about work, we are moving offices soon, we are moving from a lovely modern building to one of the older buildings on site, and we'll be on the first floor (so a bit of exercise there) Not sure how it we'll all fit in, as the office we're moving into is about half the size of the one we are in now. I'm sure it will be okay once we get settled in. This will be our second move, a few years ago we moved from the 4th floor to the ground floor. It's a big upheaval getting all the medical files boxed and moved to it's new location. No doubt we will be busy in the next few weeks.

    Well it's getting late, I wonder if I have time to do a bit of exercise before going to bed? I have gone over big time on the calories so need to claw a few back.


    Viv :heart:
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I was thinking I joined this group a month ago, then noticed the thread was locked! Glad to see it up and running again. I turned 50 on Sept13, I was a bit depressed about at first, but I soon got over it. I have so much to be thankful for! I haven't read all the posts on here (there are so many!) but hope to get to know you soon.

    Laura, awesome job! I hope to be posting some before and after photos one of these days! I am consistant with exercise and I ride horses, its the eating the gets me. I often eat on the fly because I don't "plan"...whats that saying "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!"

    This past weekend I went camping and riding with my brother, had a great time, the weather was really nice. In spite of having a few beers I actually lost a couple of lbs that I had gained last week. Who says riding doesn't burn calories???lol My goal is to lose at least 30 more lbs. I lost 15 but gained back 5, and have lost 3 of that 5.

    I haven't been posting in my MFP diary because it drives me nuts some days but I always carry a journal in my bag to work everyday.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :frown: Well I have had my worst day ever calorie wise. I was doing quite well at work, although I did have a small piece of stollen - (before I realised how many calories are in it) with my cup of tea at 3pm. My evening meal was reasonably healthy, some stew with lots of veggies and some corn in it. Then I went mad :noway: :grumble: I don't know what came over me :grumble: I ate a chocolate cup cake ( I don't even like this type of cake!!) 2 jammie dodgers and a small Dairy Milk chocolate bar, all after each other without thinking, no wonder I feel awfully full now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AAGGHH I could kick myself - why do I sabotage myself like this.

    Viv :heart:

    I can tell you what happened. You teased the carb monster with the stollen and corn and once aroused it is HARD to say no to. Try apple cider vinegar for a few days to get things back under control.
  • chicletgirl
    GOOD NEWS EVERYONE:happy: :happy: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I received the call from the rehab faclity and it turned out that when the doctor called the case worker and reported on her condition and how she has been progressing, they decided to allow her to stay 9 more days!!:bigsmile: (Then of course they will review her case again, but that is 9 days from now and I am not going to worry about it until then!). When I spoke with the doctor this morning she told me that she didn't wait for them to contact her, she called them directly. (Last time they called her on a Saturday when she wasn't working and was on vacation!:noway: ) She said she was getting back at them for that! Well whatever she said to them it worked! But I was totally prepared and had written out what I was going to say to them and I was determined to fight. I am just so happy that she is being given more time. I called the doctor back this afternoon after finding out and thanked her profusely. I then called the physical therapist and asked what's the next stage for my mom so I can keep on her about doing as they say. When I called her she had been asleep and I don't think she totally understood what I was saying ( she is kind of out of it when she first wakes up) and she was a little depressed because they had tried to get her to stand up with a walker only now and she couldn't do it. I told her it was the first attempt and not to be so hard on herself and just keep trying. She just mumbled and I told her to just go back to sleep. I'll call her later.


    I was just curious, what do you find frustrating in logging in your diary on MFP? It helps me so much by figuring everything out for me ( carbs, calories, etc) that a written diary could never do for me. It keeps me more accountable. It's basically in my face so to say. I just find it a big help in my quest for thinness.:wink:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :frown: Well I have had my worst day ever calorie wise. I was doing quite well at work, although I did have a small piece of stollen - (before I realised how many calories are in it) with my cup of tea at 3pm. My evening meal was reasonably healthy, some stew with lots of veggies and some corn in it. Then I went mad :noway: :grumble: I don't know what came over me :grumble: I ate a chocolate cup cake ( I don't even like this type of cake!!) 2 jammie dodgers and a small Dairy Milk chocolate bar, all after each other without thinking, no wonder I feel awfully full now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AAGGHH I could kick myself - why do I sabotage myself like this.

    Viv :heart:

    I can tell you what happened. You teased the carb monster with the stollen and corn and once aroused it is HARD to say no to. Try apple cider vinegar for a few days to get things back under control.

    It was probably just the stollen. "Quorn" is not the same as "corn." I got curious about it when it was mentioned by Amanda a few days ago. Below is the Wikipedia info on it:

    "Quorn is the leading brand of mycoprotein food product in the UK and Ireland.[1] The mycoprotein used to produce Quorn is extracted from a fungus, Fusarium venenatum, which is grown in large vats.[2]

    Quorn is produced as both a cooking ingredient and a range of ready meals. It is sold (largely in Europe, but also in other parts of the world) as a health food and an alternative to meat, especially for vegetarians, earning the Vegetarian Society's seal of approval.[3] As it uses egg white as a binder, it is not a vegan food.

    When Quorn was introduced into the United States in 2002, the Center for Science in the Public Interest expressed concerns over what it called "dangerous allergic reactions." [2]"

    I had never heard of it until it was mentioned on here.

    Chiclet--Glad to hear your mom was given some more time to recover. :drinker: :drinker: Sounds like she has a good doctor.

    Hope everyone is doing well tonight.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    That brings up my next question? Do any of you have any experience with Thyroid problems. I have been googling and reading and I believe that I have several symptoms. They have checked my blood several times and it always came back fine but I am reading that the acceptable levels are not always good. I have many of the symptoms that they list and was just wondering how to go about getting it taken care of. Do I go to GP or OB/GYN or some other specialist. For those of you that have been on this journey with me you know how much I lost and how well I did. I had lost a little over 50 pounds in 11 months. I have gained back about 25 and I just cant seem to lose it. I am trying not to make excuses for myself but it just seems impossible unlike before. If any of you have any ideas I would appreciate them.
    Vicki M

    Vicki, I was diagnosed - after 17 years of being tired - with Hashimoto's thyroid disease. At the time it was found to be "borderline" by way of several types of tests. (I could not imagine what it would be like to have worse than borderline). I had not gained a lot of weight, but the fatigue and other symptoms basically made my life very difficult. That was 21 years ago and I started to truly experience life at 40!

    Send me a message if you want to talk.

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Forgot to mention that when a thread reaches 500 posts, it will automatically lock, and another thread will automatically open in its place. That is what happens each month, though this month, we are only at 390 posts right now, and usually we have reached 500 by now. You can access the locked thread, and go to the last post and there will be a link to click on that will allow you to go on to the thread that has been added to replace the prior one.

    Also, FYI, we always start a new thread at the beginning of each month, and whoever does it posts a link in the old thread so people can follow along.

    The only other time you might see a locked thread is if people on here don't play nice and Mike has to lock a thread to block further arguments. Hope this helps you keep up with us a little easier.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    "Quorn is the leading brand of mycoprotein food product in the UK and Ireland.[1] The mycoprotein used to produce Quorn is extracted from a fungus, Fusarium venenatum, which is grown in large vats.[2]

    Quorn is produced as both a cooking ingredient and a range of ready meals. It is sold (largely in Europe, but also in other parts of the world) as a health food and an alternative to meat, especially for vegetarians, earning the Vegetarian Society's seal of approval.[3] As it uses egg white as a binder, it is not a vegan food.

    When Quorn was introduced into the United States in 2002, the Center for Science in the Public Interest expressed concerns over what it called "dangerous allergic reactions." [2]"

    I had never heard of it until it was mentioned on here.


    Thanx for clearing that up.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, All!

    I am reading all the posts, which I find so inspiring, but still struggling, struggling, to get back totally on track. When I just read SuzyQ's advice to try apple cider vinegar, I thought that might help me too. I even roasted a HUGE pan of veggies this evening, Mimi, but still have the munchies for something more. I know that the extra bread, cheese and wine over the past few weeks have fed the carb monster! It is odd how, when in the middle of a good, healthy time, I can't remember how the "old, bad" self felt. But when I get off track and into that old rut, I can't remember how to get back that good, easy feeling with food either!

    I am doing my exercise, drinking my water and trying to stay on track, but am not there yet. You all help me, so thanks for being there. Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Just back from the GP. I've got bronchitis and a throat infection. She gave me some antibiotics, so with a bit of luck this won't drag on too long. The antibiotics are more for the throat - I don't normally take them for bronchitis as they are not much use. She also told me that I should rest as much as possible. Good job that I didn't tell her I was jogging up and down stairs all day yesterday! Anyway, I'm going to take it easy as far as exercise goes for the next day or so.

    Oh my goodness! I got sidetracked then. I'm looking out of the French windows and there is the most enormous spiders web with a spider the size of a small cat (ish) sat in the middle of it. I may take a photo of it and email it to my sister as she is scared of them. Mean aren't I! I have no fear of spiders.Birds and moths on the other hand .... shudder! My sister takes great delight in sending me pictures of birds the size of albatrosses - time for a little payback!

    I haven't lost any weight this week and I'm unlikely to if I have to slow down on my exercise. It's frustrating as I really want to see 100 pounds lost. How maddening it is to think that I've let go of 92 pounds and yet I'm being tormented by 8 more. Are we ever satisfied?

    My plan for today is to treat myself to a nice hot bath, manicure and pedicure. Wonder if that will burn any calories!! I'm a bit grumpy, so it may cheer me up.

    Oh no, there's a squirrel looking at me through my window now! Nature is trying to get in. I'm off to scare it away (they keep nesting in my roof!)

    Have fun my friends.

    Amanda x
  • dbsue
    Hi I'm new here. I'm 54 yrs old. I've lost 9 # so far. I've been going to the gym and do yoga at home. Love going to the farmers market to get fresh veggies. I live in Wisconsin. Where the trees are turning beautifull orange and reds. Talk to ya later, Deb.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I have learned to save my carbs for the meal closest to my workout so I have energy and stamina to give it all I've got. Last night I ate an apple with peanut butter about 30 minutes before zumba class. I'm melting those sugar walls one good choice at a time. :wink:

    Hubby wanted to go eat Mexican for lunch yesterday at our favorite hole in the wall and I was so proud of myself for not eating chips and salsa with him! :drinker: One upon a time I would have ordered a Dr Pepper, cheese dip and chips and Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas with all the trimmings.:blushing: Instead I got unsweeted tea with extra lemon and chicken fahitas. I ate the bean side but only one bite of rice and no tortilla. This is a major accomplishemt because they make everything from scratch and I just LOVE their tortillas and rice.

    Its cloudy out so I better go walk the girls before it rains.:flowerforyou: Lord KNOWS we sure need it!
  • pegstet
    Love reading all the posts here. As some others do, I post my foods early in the day. It's easy since I carry my lunch and dinner since I can't get home between jobs to eat, and I'm too cheap and pressed for time to stop for dinner. Also by logging the food, I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat; I've already figured it out and don't have to think about it anymore that day.

    I lost my nearly 16 year old dog yesterday. It was really hard. She had been through so many things with me.... She was with me through losing my mom, mother-in-law, and the my husband in 2001, all within 6 months of each other. This was at the time when my only child - a daughter, age 20 (then)- decided it was time to get into things she shouldn't and made some really bad choices. Anyway, my sweet Brittany Spaniel is buried out in back by the fence where she loved to run after the squirrels. I will miss her tremendously.

    Really trying to stay positive and focused on the goals set here for the month as it begins to wind down. Best to all of you on attaining your monthly goals.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I started off reading every post and ended up scanning to catch up. It is amazing how many posts we get everyday.

    But, now I am late for work and don't have time to respond.

    Know that I feet that all of you are long lost friends and even though we may never meet, I think of you all the time.

    Have a great day,

  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Peg, sorry your dog isn't doing well. We had to put down my dog a few yrs ago, I cried for days. She was my bud!

    Don't recall who asked why I find logging in food in MFP frustrating (maybe frustrating isn't the right word), I have carried a journal with me for a long time and I just write down food without having to log onto a web site. I do like MFP diary, it lets me see so much more than just calories! I do disagree with the calorie alotment for me, I think its too low. I don't always have time to visit the forum and journal on here, so I make sure my "carry around journal" is with me at all times. If I visit the forums, I don't have much time for journaling. Guess I should just add my food ASAP then whatever time is let visit the forums. In regards to exercise journaling, it doesn't cover enough variety IMO. But thats ok too

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Peg - so sorry about your spaniel! I lost my cocker a few years back, she was 18 and was my constant companion. She now lies beneath a shrub in our gardens - along with all our other passed pets.

    Your little Brittany can frolic away with my Poppycock - doing what they loved best, chasing squirrels!

    Amanda x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Peg - so sorry about your spaniel! I lost my cocker a few years back, she was 18 and was my constant companion. She now lies beneath a shrub in our gardens - along with all our other passed pets.

    Your little Brittany can frolic away with my Poppycock - doing what they loved best, chasing squirrels!

    Amanda x