

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Saturday my friends!

    We actually have blue skies with little fluffy white clouds here today - but it is cold. I've resorted to my hot water bottle, so comforting. I'm not leaving the house today (apart from to go into the garden) to try to get over this dratted cold. My cough kept me awake most of the night. I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow as I'm having some portrait photos done of myself and my three babies (yeah, babies - ages 33, 32 and 27!) We wanted to have some taken while DD#1 is pregnant as she looks so beautiful (always beautiful, but this is something special). Once the twins come along we will get some more portraits done.

    I probably won't get as much exercise done today either although I intend to go on the treadmill again later if I've got the energy.

    DH is going to do the nursing home visits today. I'd hate to give his mum my germs. Speaking of DH, why is that he looks so young?? He's only a couple of years younger than I am, but he barely looks 40! I'm starting to think that people will see me as a 'cougar'. I really think I need to get up into the attics and see if he's hidden a painting of himself up there - I'll change his name from Miles to Dorian soon!

    My enthusiasm for food is not high today, so I'm going to make some thick onion soup later on. My great-grandmother always used to say it was good for colds and throats. Not sure how true that is, but it reminds me of her looking after me when I was a sickly child. Added bonus is that it is low in the calorie department.

    I'm going to go boil the kettle so I can heat up my hot water bottle now.

    Have a grand weekend everyone.

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Good morning ladies. SO EXCITED to be able to say that 4 pound I gained over the summer is GONE and another one besides. This is officially the least I have weighed in over 15 years.. maybe more. Size 8 here I come!

    I still have Sophie. The grad student messaged me yesterday that she was sick and would have to postpone. Have to wonder if she really is or just doesn't want to tell me she changed her mind....

    Its peas soup fog this morning so walking the girls will have to wait for safety's sake.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Chicklet – Good luck fighting with the insurance company. I’ve been there and done that with my Dad after he broke his hip. You need to look up your rights and use everyone one of them.

    Suezzzque – Good for you on getting rid of the summer weight gain plus 1.

    To all those chatting about Farmer's Market - Now that we finally went to ours we don't know how we got along without it. We are going there tomorrow but will bring a cooler as we will still need to go to a regular grocery store for many items. They have natural chickens on sale and we hope to get the full limit of 4.

    I'm holding my own with no weight gain or weight loss. I need to get back on track with exercise today and going forward. I did GutNBut already and going to get on the bike now before soccer starts. The kids have 3 games today, so it will be a long day.

    I have chicken breasts thawing for DD and I and two steaks for hubby and DS for dinner tonight. Planning is so key to staying on track.

    The 'fat' cat is Blue. The other cat is Hazel. So far they are ignoring each other. The dogs are Rosie, Peggy-NO! and Chipper. The lizards are Sandy and Dusty. The guinea pig is Jena. The horses are Missy and Moab. <- that is a lot of animals, but not enough to open a zoo and charge admission. Still live would be empty without them.

    Have a great Saturday,

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone. It has been so busy here but should get back to normal after the weekend.

    We've been painting my DD Jenny's old bedroom (she's the one who moved to Texas this past summer). DD Mary, BF Matt and baby Isaac will be moving from the master bedroom to the 2 bedrooms at the other end of the hallway--Jenny's and my DS current room. My son will move into the master bedroom. Isaac will now have his own room and everyone will sleep better. He has been sleeping 5-6 hours at night but does not nap well in the same room as daddy working on the computer.

    The refrigerator has decided to go so my DS is picking up a newer one today. That is good as we are now having to keep blocks of ice in this one to keep things cold. Also, since we didn't want to shop for food until we have a better one, my eating hasn't been the best. We are using up things that have started defrosting and that includes things the others buy that I don't normally eat. I feel rather icky today and am going to do my best to stick to fresh foods.

    I need to go to the vet that treated Shadie when she was rescued to pick up her medical records and flea treatment. She has gained 2.5 pounds, which is good as she only weighed 5 pounds when we got her. They would like her to weigh around 9-10 pounds so she has a bit more to gain. She's good at not getting into 'people' food--she just doesn't seem to care for it. She does love her treat ball, though!

    Welcome to our new members.

    Chicklet--you are doing so good! I NEVER lose and almost always gain when stressed.

    Michelle--I'm going to try the teriyaki chicken recipe. It sounds good and HAS to be better than the stuff my DD buys!

    Amanda--I hope you are feeling better.

    Susan--I also try to stay away from simple carbs. I made bread yesterday using wholegrain oat flour and some butternut squash that had thawed and needed to be used up. It is SO good! I am going to have a slice for breakfast (according to the recipe it comes out to 92 calories a slice but I used all water instead of milk so mine is actually a bit less than that).

    Hugs and prayers for everyone--especially those dealing with illnesses, etc. Take care of yourselves.

    I'm going to get my workout in now because it is going to get very busy around here in a few hours! Have a good weekend!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning ladies, just stopped by to let you know yes I am alive, maintaining weight, while trying not to lose my mind. To make a long story not so long. My MIL stubbed her toe about 3 week ago and it turned black, blue and maroon and she was in excruciating pain.We tried to get her to go to hospital but she said "if its broke they ain't gonna do nothin anyway." She went to her regular doctors appointment on September 8 and the doctor examined the foot and told her to go directly to the ER because she had no pulse in her foot. The doctor at the hospital did test and told her they did find a faint pulse and started her on Heprin. (blood thinner) They tried to do an Angio Gram but because the narrowing in the arteries was so extreme they were unable to do stints or balloons. If they were to try to to the stints or balloons it would only worsen her condition because the plaque would break off and create more clots. Because of her COPD, Cancer and heart condition she is not a candidate for bypass surgery. If they were to try to do bypass chances are she would die on the operating table. Her course of treatment is 1. QUIT SMOKING 2. blood thinners and when her strength returns they want her to start walking a few minutes a day and increase gradually uintil she is walking at least 30 minutes a day. To make matters worse she had broken out in what we thought were some kind of rashes on her back, sides, stomach and in her, shall we say, hoo hoo. Her primary doctor told her it was dry skin and fungal infection but no matter what she used it itched and burned. At the hospiotal the doctor told her it was radiation burns from her cancer treatment and the reason it took so long to show up was because it was burning from the inside out. He presribed a concoction for her body and gave her a prescription for her nether region, so to speak. which is helping. She came home from the hospital yesterday and my SIL came up from Baltimore and spent the night with MIL last night but she had to go home today. I am going to be staying with her for a few days and won't have access to a computer. I hope to catch up on post next week. Hugs and prayers for all, Rose
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, just back from visiting my mom. She was up and eating a bit today, good colour and spirits. She can not talk to well but is understandable,. My eldest sis said she was slipping a bit tonight, but also mom has had a big day with visitors, so it could be she is very tired.
    So am I driving most of the day is hard, and the rain tonight with fog, blackness, hard to see at the best of moments. I give thanks to God for getting me home and safe.

    Catch you all tomorrow

  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Marilyn

    I'm sorry to hear about your mother. It is a very difficult thing to go through. You are in my thoughts.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We have joined the 20th century! We all have cell phones with texting. lol For 3 years my kids have been telling me they are the only teenagers without their own cell.

    We had 1 for both of them to share and last Tuesday DD had the phone and I lost DS. No one on his soccer team would let him use their cell phone to call and tell me where they were. I went to the wrong school for his game and had no idea what the right school was.

    He had an anxiety attack over it as he is adopted and thought we had abandoned him as his birth mother did when he was 2. That was it. We went and added a line, upgraded our contract and now they are like all the other teenagers with their own cells.

    No choice but for me to learn how to text now.

    Both kids lost their games today. I got an hour in on the bike and am well under calories for the day.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Mimi - that's wonderful that you can lose and NOT journal. Wish I could do that. Now that I think of it, I've never actually tried.

    chicklet - I'll have to get back to you with that whiskey recipe. When I first tried it, it was from an OLD, and I do mean OLD recipe -- the paper was yellow with age. The first time I made it, it called for 1/2 whiskey (in the icing). Well, 1/2 of what? I found out, it wasn't 1/2 a cup....lol I made it for Bryan when he turned 21. His comment was "the cake was good, but after eating the icing I felt I should wait an hour before driving....lol" I will get that recipe for you, I promise.

    BEWARE: I'm about to cry on your shoulders.

    OK, Bryan leaves tomorrow. At first it was at 7a.m., now he wants to leave at 6. Tonight he said "for the last 3 days no one has wanted to spend time with me". Not true, to be honest, I didn't know when he had time for US, between his packing and all. My heart almost shattered. Not only will I not see him until January (you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be going to Paris, even if I have to go alone), but how my heart is breaking! I don't think he realized how much that affected me. Yes, today has been a real stressful day. I'm certainly trying (key word) to keep things in some sort of perspective. But I'm hurting so much. We (Vince, me, and Bryan) went out for ice cream. Vince commented on how I ate the real stuff -- I didn't have the fat free or whatever. Oh, I'd better stop, I don't know if my keyboard is waterproof. Even as I type this, I'm crying my eyes out. Honestly, I feel a bit bloated from the ice cream, but I think it meant more that I went with them and had ice cream. I think I may go downstairs and just hug Bryan. Not that I won't do that LOTS tomorrow. Thank goodness I bought boxes of tissues!

  • chicletgirl

    By all means tell him the reason why you didn't spend all time you could with him. You were just being thoughtful of his time. It's no ones fault. Go down there and explain it to him so that he wont go on that plane thinking you didn't want to spend the time with him. It's just a lack of communication, get it cleared up now. Hug him tight and tell him how much he means to you. Be thankful that you have a son that wanted to spend time with you. Then hit Paris!!

    Think of it as an adventure, and ride it with him. It's just another phase of his life and you can be part of it too! Ask him to send postcards or send pictures of things he sees on his cell. Communicate through email, if you have a webcam and he does too, you can still see each other. :happy:

    Hang in there and be strong.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You are an exceptional person. With all you have going on in your life, you still can put yourself in another's shoes and give excellent advice to Michelle.:flowerforyou: Your mom is lucky to have you, and so are all of us.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: There's no place like home......everybody was glad to see me and I was glad to see them. the workshop ended at noon on Friday after three hours of practicing our favorite dances of the week......on the way to the ferry my two friends and I stopped for lunch at an authentic Korean restaurants (one of my friends is Korean) and had tofu soup, kimchee, fish, vegetables, rice, and many things I've never had before.....then we shopped at a Chinese grocery store with great veggies and interesting things like octopus and jelly fish...I bought bok choy, snow peas, and tea....I had a nice walk on the ferry and then I got to drive the Lexus Hybrid the last 50 miles.....we got home in time for supper.....Jake had fixed baked chicken with tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, and onion and steamed green beans that he got from a friend's garden. the day was so busy that I didn't even try to log my calories ( how can you log calories for food you can't identify?)

    :flowerforyou: on the subject of not posting food......that only works after you've been posting for a long time and have a reasonably good idea of what to eat and what to avoid........I've had some times of not posting but they are few and far between........today we went out to lunch and had Thai chicken curry and brown rice and spring rolls
    high sodium.....so even though I've weighed and will weigh as usual, i won't take the weight seriously until I've been away from the high sodium meals for two to three days.

    :flowerforyou: its late, no time for personal replies
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • missjo113
    Good Sunday morning everyone... another crisp day... we've had frost every morning since Thursday. Definately time to get out the cool weather clothes. And along with the cool weather, both hubby and I have come down with colds (drat). Oh well, push on... We worked on the kitchen all day yesterday. Got all the lino off the floor and all the glue that held it on. All of the appliances are un-usable except the fridge so eating out is becoming the norm. Today we will put the 2nd coat of paint on the walls so hopefully I'll have my stove back. This morning I decided to use the crock pot to make a stew for dinner but I'll have to plug it in in another room... my living room will smell wonderful!

    Chicklet - your mom is right... you are a very strong person. Good things are on the horizon for you! 'The kindness you show comes back to you 10 fold' :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - Men seem to have it easier in all departments... they seem to loose weight easier, their hair greys slower (that is if they don't loose it), and instead of looking older they look 'distinguished'! :laugh:

    Suszzque - WOO! HOO! - good for you on the loss of your summer pounds +1! :drinker:

    Jeannie - I've been texting with my kids for a few years now... takes a little bit of practice but you'll be a pro in no time. :smile:

    Michele - I've got tears in my eyes... It's always tough no matter how many times our 'babies' leave home, but Michele is right, with all the technology today, the world is a much smaller place. A lady I work with has her son in Afganistan with the Canadain Armed Forces. She keeps in touch with him using Skype, and his babies get to actually see their daddy often.

    To all those I didn't mention, have a wonderful day!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    First off - a big hug to Michele. I'm totally hopeless at goodbyes of any type and I know how you must be feeling. Four years ago, my son had to spend a year in hospital and I could only get to see him once every six weeks or so. A lot of the time he wasn't even strong enough to talk on the phone, or send texts - that was possibly the hardest year of my life. Go to Paris!!

    I also use skype a lot to communicate with my friends in Australia. Apart from my DH (who is my best friend), my closest (ironically) friends are all in Australia. Skype means we can sit with the netbook and chat (and see each other). It makes such a difference.

    My daughters and I went for our photo shoot today. Son was supposed to come too, but he had to run a Kadampa meditation class for somebody who was sick today (he lives in the Buddhist Bodhisattva Centre in Brighton. Up until just over a year ago, he was training to be ordained as a Buddhist monk), so we made it just about us girls. The photos are really lovely, it's just a shame that we couldn't get to bring them home today and will have to wait about six weeks for them. Crazy!

    We also went to a wedding fair this morning. Both my daughters used to do modelling and they would do a lot of wedding dress modelling at wedding fairs as a sideline. DD#1 wanted to show off her baby bump before the twins come along as a lot of her friends were there. A suitable fuss was made! Her friends know about all the problems my girls have had conceiving and how they have had to go along the IVF route. It is heartwarming to see my daughter looking so 'blooming'.

    DH should not leave me alone for the day! I am not sure how pleased he's going to be with me, but I've booked us both in to do abseiling (rappelling) down a 100ft church tower next weekend. It's for charity, so I'm sure he will be fine. We've both done abseiling before (many years ago and never together) but I could never get him to come along when I did my skydiving - he's scared of heights. To be fair though, I used to be terrified of heights - which is why I went skydiving in the first place. I'm now absolutely fine.

    I've decided that I need to increase my protein levels somewhat. Just recently I've been dropping below my targets most days. Being a vegetarian (for the last 35 years), I eat lots of quorn and pulses etc, but any suggestions would be welcomed.

    Anyway ladies, I hope you are all having a healthy and happy weekend.

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening Everyone......I've been a bit pre- occupied for a few days but now ...thanks to a little nudge from Viv (Thanks Viv!)...I feel I must get back into the swing of things!

    I hope you're all Ok and mastering all those trials and tribulations that are sent to try us!!

    We're back to normal here after our cruise. Washings done etc. and now it's doldrum time! You know...the time when you realise that the time you've looked forward to has been and gone. Still we have great memories and lovely photos to show for it all. Some new friendships too.

    :angry: As for the photos...DH and I nearly ended up divorced when we thought the Tallin photos had been lost forever!! Lo and behold....:laugh: we found them...tucked into a file of other photos on the computer. A little...and I mean very little ...knowledge is dangerous to say the least!! I can try and get some more photos on my profile ..but don't hold your breath!
    Our garden's quite glad we're home ...the leylandii trees especially! They were in dire need of a haircut....DH chose last weekend to scale the ladder .....and now at least we know we should have no complaints from the neighbours about them being too high. Unruly maybe as one has sprouted a central sprig in defiance!!

    I did get to Zumba last Monday but will give it a miss tomorrow as my partner is on holidays...and there's a relief instructor. If it's the girl that came last time...she nearly killed us!!

    Great to say ...my shoulder is much better now. Who'd have thought it would have taken soooo long!!
    I was quite lucky on holiday though...I went over on my ankle on a rough pavement and it swelled a little. All I wanted, when I had walking and more important...dancing to do. With a cold compress and massage help from a fellow cruiser all was well. Dancing didn' t suffer!!! What I should perhaps say, is that when I hurt my ankle it was after a canal trip in St Petersburg...we ended up sampling different vodkas.....we decided the third sample out of ....mmmm?? .... quite few more than that!!! was the best. !!!!:bigsmile: Needless to say ...a great trip:laugh: ...LOL ...had by all!!
    Anyway ...not to bore you any more.... I'll say..Hope you've all had a great weekend.
    Oh and I knew there was something I should have been doing today ...The Great North Run.... Ooops! forgot about that!! .Did any of our UK MFP's enter ? .....if you did ...well done.
    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Jackie, Glad to have you back with us.

    Amanda, Glad the pics turned out, but sorry your son couldn't be part of them, and that you have to wait so long to get them.

    Michelle, I hope you had a chance to talk to your son before he left this morning. Thinking of you.:flowerforyou:

    I want to share something I did for breakfast today that turned out well.

    Today I made an asparagus frittata for brunch, as follows:

    .25 grams sweet onion
    .25 grams green pepper
    .50 grams fresh asparagus ( 2 spears)
    a little water
    a shake or two of Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb on the veggies.
    1 whole egg and
    3 egg whites
    1 tablespoon of fat free cottage cheese.
    a couple of shakes of Mrs. Dash regular seasoning in the egg mixture

    Cut up the veggies, place them in a nonstick pan on about medium heat. Shake on the Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb. When they have sizzled for a couple of minutes, add just enough water to cover the bottom of the pan, and put a lid on them.

    While the water is cooking away, combine the eggs, cottage cheese and the other Mrs. Dash seasoning, and whisk everything well. By now the water is pretty well cooked out of your pan. Pour the egg mixture in, and move the pan around, if needed, to evening distribute the egg mixture all over the bottom. Kick the heat up a couple of notches to about medium high, and when you can see the bubbles starting to pop up to the top in your eggs, reduce the heat back to a little below medium, and cover your pan.

    My cookware has glass lids, so it is easy to watch the progress. Thanks to the cottage cheese, you will get some big "poofy" air bubbles as it cooks, and when you can see the egg mixture no longer has any runny spots in it, removed the pan from the heat, and let it sit for a minute or two. The "poofs" will sink down, which is fine. You should be able to use a flat turner, such as for pancakes, and flip the egg "pancake" to fold it over halfway. Then you can lift the entire thing off the pan and on to your plate. I logged the ingredients in the quantities described, and it came to 20 grams of protein, 158 calories, 7 carbs, and 5 grams of fat.

    I was thinking this is a good "go to" meal for dinner, if you realize you don't have many calories left. I was going to have it with a Flatout flat bread, which would add another 100 calories, but I was full enough from the frittata alone, so I will save it for later as a snack.

    I am lazing with the doggies watching Minnesota try to pull a rabbit out of the hat:noway: and beat Miami.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Chicklet, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. I'm praying FAVOR as you talk to the insurance company on her behalf. You may not FEEL strong, but even when you are venting here to us that strength shines through. I believe all of life is a series of seasons and I am confident than when you get to your next season you will be a much stronger person because of how you've handled this one. :love: YOU ARE AMAZING! :flowerforyou:

    Closely watching my calories today as it is my day of rest. Heading out now for that most wonderful of weekly traditions... the Sunday Afternoon Nap. :yawn:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Just dropping in for a quick Sunday greeting! Michelle :cry: & Chiclet and everyone else who is struggling:frown: .....sending hugs through cyber space!:love:
    Jackie, it is always good to come home, but a real WOW to think that the trip we were planning ...for so long...has come an gone! :noway: That's what happened to us when we planned a cruise and land tour in Alaska (for 2 weeks)! Sometimes, I think half the fun and excitement is in the planning! :wink: But there's no place like home and after 2 weeks of being away.:love: ..we were happy to sleep in our own beds and get back into a regular routine!:happy:
    Suzzie, congrats on the weight loss:flowerforyou: Everyone else, hope you're having a nice weekend!
    Will check in tomorrow!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I did a swim race this morning. For the first race, the 2 miler, I was the only one in my age group so I won! Tee hee. It was fun even though I won by default. I got some kickass goggles and 30% off any race put on by that group for next year. Oh, and a ribbon.

    For the second race, the 1 miler, I had competition so I came in 4th. But I swam at a faster pace than for the first race, which was my goal, so I was happy.
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Macmadame


    So what if you were the only one in the first race, what an accomplishment! Two miles, OMG, you must have been so happy and proud of yourself. And then to beat your time in the second race ....another accomplishment. How long have you been doing this? My son was a swimmer and he loved it. Did it all his life up through high school. He said when he wasn't swimming he just didn't feel good.
    KUDOS to you!:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Suezzzque

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am dreading calling the company tomorrow. Scared is more like it. The one thing my SIL actually did well for my mom was the appeal (plus the fact that she actually works for the insurance company) and now she refuses to help me with it. I hope I am able to convince them.

    Going to read up on patients rights when it comes to insurance companies.

    I'll check in later.
