Fit For Future Families 2



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    paldal - Iron doesn't interact with BCP at all, but what it does do is strengthen your blood supply, so that can cause more blood for your period, which can make it feel a bit worse, but doen't cause any harm of any kind.

    Iron also upsets the stomach and as a result, can cause constipation. If it's really bad and you can't stomach it (try having it with some toast - and make sure there's no dairy within an hour of taking it), then you could taking a mulitvitiman, folic acid and a low-grade iron supplement together, and give yourself a chance to build up a tolerance between now and December; you'd get the same benefits, but need to take more pills.

    Also, on the personal note :blushing: we've always used BCP or the barier method, but rarely both at the same time, and we've no babies yet! I think you'll be okay - I'm off BCP and only using the barrier method right now, as we'll be trying Dec 1st also! WHICH IS LESS THAN 3 MONTHS AWAY!!!!!

    Hmmm...maybe I should add a countdown to my computer......
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    We've been actively trying for 8 months (charting temps and timing intercourse accordingly) and I have yet to get pregnant... so it could be that even if you're off of BCP, you might not get pregnant right away. And it's best to let it get out of your system so your natural hormones can remember to do their jobs correctly. (Edited to add: Though since you're only 25, it probably won't take you as long as it's taking me at 31. I know entirely too many statistics on average lengths of time and chances per month based on age.)

    The only thing that I would think that could cause your period to get wacky is the B vitamins that could delay ovulation or increase the time between ovulation and when your period starts. But if you're on BCP, then you shouldn't be ovulating....
  • chelleim
    I also take the Target Brand Up and Up Prenatals that are comparable to Women's One A Day with the DHA. If I do not take them when I eat in the evening I also get the "fishy" burps, which I can't stand. Other than that I have had no problems. This last period was definitely much heavier though.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Again I have to say...I LOVE this board! It is SOOOOO nice to have people to talk to about this stuff! Personal experiance is everything to me! Everyone is affected differently but the more info you guys give me the more of a trend i see and i have a better idea of what to expect! You ladies are a LIFE saver! i fear the worst! :laugh: The reason i say that is i am planning on skipping AF completely this month (she's scheduled to arrive the day before my hub gets home from being gone for a month so i am asking her politly to just take a month off:flowerforyou: ) which in my mind means that october she's going to come with a vengence:grumble: ....i guess we can just wait and see!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    tahmed – thank you so much!!!! But I’m pretty sure that after you give birth you’re going to fly past me.

    Alisa – I’ve wanted to try that a few times, but I was afraid to.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Yay new board! A fresh beginning.....this month i hope to quit soda (i'm on the same page Alisa), up my H2o intake, and do Zumba or my Leslie Sansone walking dvds at least 5 times a week.

    As you might remember the hubby and i TTC last month so I'm still waiting. I have, however, experienced some light bleeding the last three days enough for one tampon but it was brown today and yesterday (Sry to be so detailed). Do you think this could be implantation bleeding? I've heard it's usually spotting just wondering and hoping. Any insight would be appreciated!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Do you think this could be implantation bleeding? I've heard it's usually spotting just wondering and hoping. Any insight would be appreciated!

    Do you have any idea when you ovulated? Implantation bleeding is pretty rare, but usually happens around 7-10 days past ovulation (dpo). And it usually only lasts for a few hours to a day.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    As you might remember the hubby and i TTC last month so I'm still waiting. I have, however, experienced some light bleeding the last three days enough for one tampon but it was brown today and yesterday (Sry to be so detailed). Do you think this could be implantation bleeding? I've heard it's usually spotting just wondering and hoping. Any insight would be appreciated!

    It could be! The only way to know for sure is in hindsight though.... once you get a BFP. My fingers are crossed for you!
  • Hopeful4757
    Well, I'm there with you with hearing people's experiences and having personal questions answered on here - yay our thread!

    So, I had my IUD removed beginning of Aug. My doctor said I should get AF within a week and nothing happened. I asked what was the deal and she said it could be a little wacky for 6-8 weeks. What gives? Any idea or experience with this one anybody? I am scared that she won't show and it's going to be a problem. I'm supposed to be ready to start TTC Sept. 6.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    ericaroo: according to my cycle i shouldve ovulated from the 23rd to the 28th and we got in plenty of baby dancing lol this is my first try.
    jalara: thanks girl i hope so too! :)
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    hopeful- I read on numerous websites that they advice not having sex a few days before getitn the iud out because the sperm is still alive and you are possible to get pregnant then. Just some interesting facts. I am curious to see how long it takes you to get pregnant though since I have an iud and im wanting to ttc in april. Im most likely going to get it taken out this month since our medicaid is up after this month and I dont want to pay the copay with the new insurance or have them say they wont pay for the removal since its a pre existing condition.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    pmaria, then that could be good timing for implantation bleeding. However, if you were on birth control before trying, it's completely normal to have a couple of weird cycles before you body gets back on track. P.S. I ovulated sometime between the 23 and 25, so I'm right there in that wait with you.

    hopeful, I've read about it taking some women a long time to get their period after having an IUD removed. If I were you, I'd probably wait until 8 weeks is up and then call your doctor if it hasn't shown up.

    Another great site for TTC is the Baby Center Community. I've learned so much about fertility from the women there.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Hey everyone

    Can I join this group?? My husband and I started TTC when we came home from our honeymoon on June 1, 2009. We got pregnant right away and were due on April 6, 2010. Sadly, I lost our angel on September 3, making today our angel-versary. Since then, we have not had any luck. I have been treating a luteal phase disorder with acupuncture, which seems to have been working wonders and we have scheduled our first RE visit on November 2. I am trying to lose weight in order to keep my mind off of the stress of TTC. If I can not control when I ovulate, at least I can control what I eat and when I exercise.

    If anyone is on fertilityfriend, I am active on their boards with the same name (kennedar).
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Kennedar, I'll look for you on FF. :-) I'm so sorry for your loss! ((hugs))
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    ericaroo: Oh that's exciting! Maybe we'll conceive around the same time. :) Unfortunately, i think i got my period a couple days early because there was more blood this morning and my breast are tender(which is normal for me during my period). Normally my cycle averages around 30 days but usually stays between 25-32 days each month i don't know if you would call this irregular or if most women's cycles vary from month to month....i need to research that. It's kind of a bummer though cause my husband was getting excited and liked the idea of being pregnant but realistically i know that it usually doesn't happen within the first try from what i've heard or that it's rare. How long have you been TTC? If you don't mind me asking....?

    kennedar: I'm so sorry for the loss of you little angel. Good luck with you current efforts!
  • brookesmommy720
    I'm pretty new to myfitnesspal, but I love it so far!

    I had my first baby in July 2009. I was overweight before her, but I haven't been able to lose weight since I had her - until I started using this website! We plan on starting to TTC baby #2 around the holidays.

    My mini-goal is to lose another 15 lbs by Halloween (I've lost almost 10 lbs in 3 weeks!) and to drink all my water everyday (I'm terrible about this).

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Apparently there is a rumor going around at work that the only reason I’m losing weight is because my husband is disgusted by me and threatened to leave me if I don’t. :noway: :grumble: Are you kidding me??? I have a pretty good idea who started it – for whatever reason this one person finds something wrong in everything I do. At first I was really upset, but I refuse to let it get to me. In fact, I feel really bad for her that her life is so miserable that she has to resort to being so immature. Aaahhhh – sorry, had to vent!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    ericaroo: Oh that's exciting! Maybe we'll conceive around the same time. :) Unfortunately, i think i got my period a couple days early because there was more blood this morning and my breast are tender(which is normal for me during my period). Normally my cycle averages around 30 days but usually stays between 25-32 days each month i don't know if you would call this irregular or if most women's cycles vary from month to month....i need to research that. It's kind of a bummer though cause my husband was getting excited and liked the idea of being pregnant but realistically i know that it usually doesn't happen within the first try from what i've heard or that it's rare. How long have you been TTC? If you don't mind me asking....?

    One thing I found really helpful was charting my temperatures. That will show you when you ovulate (which can change from month to month) and how long your luteal phase (the length of time from ovulation to your period) is. So then you can tell about when your period will show up based on when you ovulated each month. My cycle ranges from 27-30 days. I usually ovulated around cycle day 15. I use to keep track of my temps. It's free and they have some really great tutorials on figuring out your cycle. I probably wouldn't worry about temping for a few months and just have fun for awhile, but it's always there if you run into "problems" since not every woman ovulates on day 14. You can look at my charts here:

    We've been trying for 8 months. It hit frustrating at 6 months and downright depressing last month since my period showed up 2 days later than it should have. So I decided not to temp or worry this month (which I failed at miserably) and I'm just trying to focus on being healthy.

    A normal couple will usually get pregnant within a year of beginning to try. Your chances of conceiving each month are between 15% (for old people like me :wink:) and 20% for couples under 30. And there's your fertility lesson for the day. LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Apparently there is a rumor going around at work that the only reason I’m losing weight is because my husband is disgusted by me and threatened to leave me if I don’t. :noway: :grumble: Are you kidding me??? I have a pretty good idea who started it – for whatever reason this one person finds something wrong in everything I do. At first I was really upset, but I refuse to let it get to me. In fact, I feel really bad for her that her life is so miserable that she has to resort to being so immature. Aaahhhh – sorry, had to vent!!!

    Wow! What a horrible person... Sorry you're having to deal with that.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Welcome kennedar and brooksmommy7. This is a great group of ladies!! Having the support of this group has really helped me to stick to MFP.